
"Dance, Leo!"

Though he was keeping his hands busy, Justin was listening to Beth, too. He remains quiet, just letting her talk and say what she needed to without interrupting or pressing her.

Taking another cast, he nods at her mention of memories. "It was a different life. But that's okay, don't you think?" He straightens his line and slowly reels, jerking once when he felt a bite but fails to hook the fish.

"Memories are funny things. Some fade and some seem to get even stronger. Too often though, we think that a memory has to be something we can see or hear or touch in our mind... but it's always here." He touches over his heart. "The memories we hold, good and bad, never really leave."

As his lure comes up out of the water, he brings it close to take off some moss. "Sometimes I have trouble remembering my dad's face or the sound of his voice. But I know that inside me is a treasure trove of memories, tucked away that may or may not ever be brought to the forefront. But that's okay - it's not my fault and it doesn't make my dad any less real than he was. It just means that I'm moving on and not living in the past."

Going to Nikki's house, Pete felt a little strange. It had been years since he'd been here. So much was happening all in one day, it did still feel like a dream. The house still felt familiar though, once he was inside. Not much had changed and even the smell was familiar to him. It was like an old friend, welcoming him back again. The atmosphere here had always been peaceful... something that spoke of God... something that had led Pete and Lewis both to Jesus.

Heading to the kitchen with Nikki, Pete can't help his smile as he is greeted by her mother. "Long time, no see." Maybe the phrase was lame, but it was all he could think of.

He laughs at her comment of him growing. "Well, maybe my waist slimmed down, but my ego grew for sure." Still smiling, he reaches down to shake her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Your daughter has been escorting me down memory lane today. She's become quite the lovely young woman."

Heading to the finish line, there are enough people around that not too much conversation goes on. Eli keeps close to Scarlet, Alec wanders off somewhere and Leo sticks around but tries to mingle some.

The race is closer than Eli would have liked, with money on his sister, but as predicted, she pulled through at the last moment to take the victory once again. Those that knew her were as thrilled as always - and a little richer, too. Those that didn't left the mob to go gripe amongst themselves.

Coming to the car as Ryan parks and gets out, Eli's smile goes from ear to ear. He never tired of seeing his sister win. "You did it again, Speedy." He gives her a thumbs up and a wink.

Alec slides over the hood of her car to land next to her, pulling her into a passionate kiss before even saying anything. Drawing back, his eyes spark. "Congratulations."

The crowd is a might noisy and there were plenty who hollered Ryan's way to let her know they were pleased. Alec slings his arm around her shoulders, not just to be in the spotlight with her but because truth be known, he felt a little lost in a crowd that he hadn't really checked out yet.

Off to the side, Leo watches everything from Ryan to Eli and Scarlet, to Alec, to the other people there. With Alec around though, Leo couldn't even get close to Ryan. All he wanted to do was congratulate her, but it seemed everywhere he stepped, there was Alec again. Was it just him, or was Alec purposely getting in his way? Either way, it ticked Leo off. Alec had stolen Ryan from him already - wasn't that bad enough without him constantly flaunting it in his face?

Alec keeps his arm around Ryan and eyes Leo, unsure what the other man was thinking. Why did he always feel like Leo was constantly trying to get back closer with Ryan? He didn't like it and it made him bristle every time Leo came around. Alec wasn't used to feeling jealousy so he wasn't even sure if that's what it was or not, but even if it was, he had a right, didn't he? Ryan was his girl now and Leo needed to go find himself another.

"Time to celebrate!" Eli announces, swinging Scarlet around with him as he aims back for his bike. "Who wants to go to Jimmy's for a late night steak and a beer?"

"Don't say beer," Leo warns, finding some humor. "I'll take a coke though."

Eli grins. "Good enough. Come on."

Alec sighs and looks to Ryan. "Can we just go back to your place?"

Leo stops in his tracks. He'd had enough. Spinning around, he glares at Alec. "Ya know, if you don't want me along, just say so, alright?"

Alec straightens and tenses up, leaving Ryan's side to take a step towards Leo. "Okay, fine. I don't want you along."

Leo's blood races with anger. Eli stops and turns around, hearing the flippant words and feeling the tension rise. Letting his arm drop from Scarlet, he heads the few steps back to the others. "Hey, come on, guys. Cut the crap and lets go just enjoy ourselves, alright?"

Leo grits his teeth. "Apparently to be enjoyable, I can't be there."

"You finally got it." Alec claps his hands, taunting him. "Maybe you got brains after all."

Or maybe he didn't. Maybe that was why Leo took the first swing. Any other time he would have been smart enough to never take that chance, but tonight... tonight he'd had enough. His fist flies towards Alec's face.

Alec, though, was quicker and sidesteps, blocking Leo's fist then grabbing his wrist to twist his arm around. Having his arm yanked and twisted, Leo is brought to one knee before he's kicked in the gut. Doubling over, he swings blindly, managing to get Alec off just long enough that he can stand again.

Realizing what was happening, Eli takes a quick glance at his sister and puts out an arm to keep her from trying to break them up. "Let them fight it out," he warns. If those two didn't get this out of their system, it would be war the rest of their lives.

Alec maintains the upper hand, getting in several punches to Leo's face and blocking every swing that came at him. Spinning around, he gives Leo a swift kick to the side of his head, sending Leo sprawling on the ground.

By now, a small group was gathering, forming a circle around the two fighting men.

Leo growls and gets up again, blinking away sweat and a bit of blood. He already hurt, but he wasn't through yet. Lunging at Alec, he's again thwarted, only receiving the brunt of everything and getting nowhere.

Though Eli wanted to see them fight it out, he knew that Alec was more than capable of taking Leo out... permanently. And Leo had no fighting skills at all - that had already been proven when he'd tried to take on Roth, and Alec was an assassin. Seeing Leo caught in a chokehold and struggling to get away, Eli calls out to him. "Dance, Leo!"

Grappling at Alec's arm that was around his neck, Leo barely hears Eli. But something clicks. Dance. Instead of continuing to fight a hold he couldn't manhandle, he twists and ducks, taking a step back and manages to pull free of the hold. Though Alec takes a swing, Leo spins on his toe and sidesteps low. Dropping to the ground, he sweeps a circle with his leg, taking Alec's feet right out from under him.

Eli tries to hide his smile.

Alec is quick to get back on his feet and the fists swing again. But this time, Leo was paying more attention to his own body's movements and easily sidesteps, ducks and spins to avoid the blows, finally able to throw some of his own.

The gawkers start hollering and whooping, cheering who on, nobody knew, but nobody cared. A fight was a good enough reason to be loud and obnoxious as anything.

Blood and sweat fly as both men continue their battle. Alec is knocked off balance once and falls back towards Eli who gives him a swift boot to the behind, sending him right back into Leo's fury.

First Leo, then Alec, then Alec then Leo. It seemed the match would never end. Both men were growing so weary that they could barely throw punches anymore, but neither were willing to give up. They take it so far that they both wind up on their hands and knees more than once, panting and barely able to stand but they keep it up anyway - they wanted a winner.

Punch after punch, blow after blow... their faces become bruised and bloodied punching bags with split lips, bloody noses and blackened eyes. Drenched in sweat, neither gave up and both for their own reasons.

Eventually, both Alec and Leo wind up on their knees, hardly able to lift their own arms, but still glaring at each other. Breathing heavily and hurting all over, it seems there's a silent agreement for a brief time-out as they try to catch their breath, neither having the strength to even stand up anymore.

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