
Blown Cover!

Giving a nod and following Justin outside once again Beth goes to her car. She new Justin drove decent so she would have no problem following but she had his cell number just in case.

"I'm ready when you are."

Getting into the car and pulling out of the parking lot Beth follows close. Maybe today she would try and fish herself though she didn't know how much she would like it. At least she'd be trying something new and if it ended up she hating it she new she would have fun with the dogs.

Pulling up to the dinner Nikki pulls down the visor for a moment and flicks some of her hair into place that had been blow by the open window. Pushing it back up and rolling her eyes at herself Nikki finally gets out of the car. Dressed a little differently now than before she had, had time to get ready before coming to meet someone. A pretty button up red shirt with the first two buttons undone, so it was not to low but not choking her either, along with a pare of nice jeans, and dresser sandles.

Walking into the dinner she wondered if Pete would be here again or not. He's been busy early and though she wanted to believe he wasn't just brushing her off, she couldn't help but have the feeling in the back of her head maybe he was.

Letting her eyes scan the dinner like they had before a smile spreads on Nikki's face when she see Pete, He had come after all. Walking over to the table and pushing her one side of hair behind her ear her smile grows even more just from the excitement of seeing her friend again.

"I'm in the clear now to talk to you right? I don't wanna blow your cover."

Her bright green eyes twinkle and its easy to see she wasn't upset about earlier and now it was out of pure fun she teased him. She was happy he was here, and happy to see him again it had been a long time.

Sitting in her normal spot with her car Ryan sat on the hood. It was still a little bit early but races always got there a head of time to show off there cars. It was just something they did. Tonight Ryan would be up against some new competition and she was excited to have a challenge. It was going to be fun, and having Alec here to watch would be even better.

Looking around for a moment she trys to see her brother or anyone else she new to wave them over. Having her friends close was always a lot of fun and she enjoyed letting them in on her spot light to. They were infact and important part to her life too.

Leaning into Alec a little Ryan places her hand on his leg before turning her head a little and placing a kiss on his lips. She'd given him a ride tonight and enjoyed having him here early with her.

"Mmmm...did I ever tell you how lucky I am to have a hot car, and an even hotter boyfriend?"

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