

Standing back and letting Leo hang the decorations Cassy holds her hand up in the air as he wobbles just a little wanting to make sure it was perfect.

"Umm...hang over the ladder a little more so its perfectly straight ok?"

A slight grin makes its way on Cassy's lips as she gives a little shake of her head and a chuckle. She was happy Leo had offered his help. Her knee had given out on her this morning, and she needed to rest it for tonight so ladders was really not that high on her list. But since Leo was here and offered it worked out great.

"Thats perfect, I wont make you stay on that rickety old ladder anymore. Come on down and grab a doughnut and some OJ before you go to your real job."

Giving a smile and setting the rest of the decorations on the ground Cassy would finish hanging them up after Leo left. Since he did the hard stuff it was only the easy things left and she new she could handle that. It defiantly was a nice surprise to see Leo this morning and she was happy she had brought some breakfast items in.

"Henson...come to my office I need to talk to you."

Looking up from the letter to home he had been writing at his bedside Wes raises an eyebrow. It was rare the Sargent called anyone to his office unless they were in trouble let alone Wes. Laying his pen down for how and standing Wes can hear the woops from his friends, Chaz being the loudest. Throwing his pillow at him Wes smirks and stands following the Sargent to his office.

"Hey Sarg whats up?"

Looking over his desk at Wes the stout Sargent looks back at him, studying him for a long moment before clearing his throat and leaning back in his chair.

"Are you know Captain Ross was injured and is unable to lead his squad. So I've been watching you Henson and I am happy you have you back here again. I think its time you leaded your own squad as well. I want you to take over squad fourteen for Captain Ross and lead the men in the mission over seas."

Looking a bit surprised and stunned Wes wasn't sure what to say for a moment. He new he would be second in comment of the squad but not the Captain. This all seemed like a shock to him, an honor but a shock non the less.

Finally shaking the a little bit of the shock off Wes blinks. Before bringing a hand to his head in a salute.

"I'd be honored Sir to take over squad fourteen. Captain Ross can heal quickly and rest easy knowing they are in my hands."

Giving a nod and leaning forward on his desk the Sargent gives a nod as a small smile forms under his mustache.

"I am happy to hear that. We will go over the paperwork tomorrow. Try and get some sleep now. You dismissed Captain Henson."

Standing with another salute Wes exits the office. Once in the hall he lets out a long breath he had been holding in. Just standing there the shock had set in again. But finally Chaz comes around the corner.

"Well...what happend?"

Looking up at his long time friend Wes' lips turn into a grin. Now that shock was going away and a little excitement sunk in. He couldn't want to tell Cindy, he was so proude of the title he had earned.

"Looks to me like I am your new Captain."

Chaz looks back at Wes his own shock seeming to take over before he lets out a whoop and slings an arm around Wes neck and drags him a little down the hall.

"Wow, way to go buddy. Now I take orders from you great. Ah...this is so cool Wes."

Disappearing into there room again laughter erupts and cheering continues as the message was passed around. Though they needed there sleep not much would be gotten tonight.

Looking up at Jason Destiny see the determination in his eyes, and hears his words. There was a great deal of pain shooting through her shoulder but she did her best to stay with it.

Felling Jason pick her up Destiny would of wrapped her arms around his neck and hold on but she couldn't at the moment so she just had to trust Jason wouldn't drop her and she did trust him. Leaning hear head into him Destiny struggles to talk.

"You know...the is the second time...time... you've saved me."

Keeping her own gun drawn and close to her Kaite leads the way back to her car keeping a close eye around her and making sure there were no more thugs lurking in the shadows. Once getting to the car Katie stops before getting in seeing Chance run up with them. Just watching Jason and Chance Kaite can feel his uneasy feeling but doesn't say anything. She wasn't sure how she felt for Chance. He seemed nice but strange at the same time.

I'll keep an eye on it, if anything happens you will be the first to know thats for sure.

Feeling her head being place in Chance's lap and hearing his voice it confirmed it was him. Destiny does her best to open her eyes and look at him her lips forming a small smile. Bringing her good hand on top of his that was over the wound Destiny talks.

" Don't look so worried, I've had worse before. I cant....think of it now....but I...I am sure of it. Thanks....for being there...Chance."

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