

Only when Destiny goes for the towel does it suddenly don on Chance that she'd been standing there without all her clothes on. Her red face and her stumbling over her words proves there was no real danger, and his own face starts to turn hot. His eyes were still wide and he blinks, trying not to stare at her now as he uncocks his gun and looks around the floor.

"Oh, um... mouse... uh... right..." His eyes bounce around the bathroom and he tries to turn his back a little towards Destiny, but at the same time spots the mouse in the corner.

"Um, we'll just... here... um..." He sidles past Destiny, still trying to keep his face turned and grabs the only rodent weapon in the bathroom - the toilet plunger. "I'll just... corner him... and... right... just like this..."

A horrible ruckus ensues in the corner, along with a little squeal from the mouse, but in the end, it has become trapped under the cup of the plunger where he receives a quick death by a forceful blow... plunge.

Chance peeks under the plunger to make sure the mouse is dead, then looks back to Destiny, forgetting for a moment that she's in a towel still. Looking away again, his face is still red. "He's dead, we're good... I'll just take him out... and... um..." He shovels the mouse out of the bathroom as he backs out as well. "Uh... yes. Right. We're good now, so I'll... yeah." Turning around quickly, he shuts the door again, and just stands for a moment, staring at the wall.

It takes him several moments to come out of his own shock before he can go dispose of the mouse and wait in the living room again.

Justin waits patiently for Beth, not minding the quiet, air-conditioned lobby. Joined by Beth again, he grins and shakes his head. "It's really just a pond but... it's worth the drive. Come on. I'll be sure to drive so you don't have trouble following me."

And he did. There were several back roads that needed to be driven to get to the fishing hole so Justin drives carefully, keeping an eye on his rearview mirror to make sure Beth was still behind him.

About half an hour later, he pulls off the road into a smooth grassy lot, easy enough for a smaller car to drive through it too. Parking near a stand of trees, he gets out, letting the dogs out too, free to run without leashes. Sticking around his pickup to gather the poles and tackle from the bed of his truck, he gives Beth her space, not wanting to frighten her by bringing her out into the boonies alone with him.

There was no pond in sight, but Justin smiles, equipment in hand. "Come on. I got a secret passageway." Leading the way to the trees, there's a narrow parting of the underbrush, hardly noticeable unless one is up close. Justin disappears through it and waits for Beth to emerge with him on the other side. And on the other side is a beautiful, serene pond, surrounded by the trees. Sunlight bounced off the water and birds chirped in the treetops. A frog croaks nearby and something splashes - another frog or a fish perhaps. Reeds click gently in the breeze and the smell of fresh water and moss drifts on the air.

Danitza and Zora take off running through the grass, giving a bark and finding something to chase or sniff out, familiar with this territory. Stopping a ways from the water, Justin turns to Beth, still smiling. "Welcome to my haven. I got a pole if you want, or, there's a nice big rock over there that's nice for just sitting and enjoying the scenery."

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