
Not for me

Coming closer to Ryder Thirteen sits down on the side of the bed, a few tears still rolling down her cheek. She'd lost so many things while living with the Agency, life, and now she new what she had missed and how it felt. Thinking about losing Ryder brought those feelings back and she hated them.

"I'm not going to take anything away from you, its not for me to do that. I've spend all my life having people rob me of life, joy, happiness I know how it feels and I would never do that to someone else. You helped me feel all those things again, and I know what I missed out on. You put the smile on my face and the joy in my heart. I just...wish you would take care of yourself. I might trust you will be ok but..."

Thirteen points to his leg and lets out another sigh.

"...even if this doesn't always happen it still happened. Your not invincible...those animles are dangerous...just...just be more careful next time."

Thirteen hated Ryder worked where he did with those animals and how everyone though he was so great with them though she'd never say it. Accident's happened, this episode with his leg proved it. So when would an accident happen that took him away from her?

"Well I have Wednesday, ans Sundays off. It's always the same unless I request other days off. So one of those days would be great, and I agree too going with someone would be better."

Looking to Phil again and giving a smile the wheels in Rayne's head turned. Maybe God had, had this hole thing planned. The bumps, the bruises...it was his will for her to find Phil. He was so nice, and seemed to love God just as much as she did.

"I could pack a picnic luck for us too if its around lunch and dinner as well. I make some real good peach pie and home made subs."

Destiny gives a little nod as her head sinks back into the pillow. She felt so tired from the meds Rick had given her. Really she'd like to just go home today but she wouldn't fight it she new at least on day here to have a eye kept on her would be good.

"Yeah, just a...little sleep. Hurry back."

Leaning her head against his a little to place a returned kiss on his cheek Destiny leans her head down again and lets it sink into the pillow letting her eyes fall close. In no time Destiny was sound asleep again her mind off in dream world.

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