
Getting dressed

Phil chuckles and sits down in the chair, feeling a little more relaxed. Hearing Rayne say she'd walk home, his eyes narrow a little bit.

"You realize you telling me you're gonna walk just makes me all the more determined to make sure you don't have to, right?" He gives her a crooked grin. "You can accept a ride from me, or let me make sure you have a taxi."

Cocking his head, he studies her eyes... those same eyes that held just as much mystery as when he'd seen them at the accident. "Amazing you've lived so close and I don't ever remember seeing you. I don't know how I missed you."

With Destiny's hand resting softly on top of his own, Chance can feel an odd sort of lump rise in his throat. He'd just given himself a tough speech in front of the bathroom mirror, so why when he saw those eyes, that smile, and felt that touch, did all of his resistance fail? It certainly didn't seem fair, but who was to blame? Either Destiny had some kind of scheme to seduce him, or it was his own weak will. He figured it was the latter. But a weak will wasn't so bad... once in a while... right?

His thumb curls around so he's holding her hand too, giving it just a little squeeze. "Yeah... yeah, I slept alright. Didn't wake up in the night ten times like I usually do," he admits. "But maybe that had something to do with the 'electric blanket.'"

He gives her a teasing smile before looking over the food. "Mmm... this looks good. You're awfully motivated this morning - puts me to shame." He quirks an eyebrow and looks down at himself. "Um... how about you finish up here and I'll go finish getting dressed."

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