
That feeling

Feeling Justin's hand on her shoulder Sapphire didn't turn to look at him. Her eyes were still on her brother. They had started to get some where with each other she didn't want to leave now. There was so much more for her to talk about, so much more she wanted to say and just not enough time.

But bundling it all up into one lump Sapphire moves twords Scott slowly not to startle him wrapping her arms around her brother and holding him for a long moment. Even if he didn't hug her back that was ok.

"I love you Scott very much, and I'm sorry for all the things I said too. I'll be back to see my maybe one day next week. So its not bye, only see you later."

Giving a sniff Sapphire retreats for the hug and stands wiping the tears from her eyes. She missed her brother, she wanted to be friends again and she hoped this was the first step.

Motioning a half wave Sapphire turns giving a nod to Justin before heading down the sidewalk to where he car was parked. All in all it had been a good visit and she was pleased.

Watching Eli and Alec as they break into hysteria again Ryan just blinks. It was her turn to now think they were completely off there rocker. If it hadnt been for the lack of beer in the house she might had thought they were drunk,

Leaning into Alec a little Ryan gives a laugh too finally. It was late, they were all tired and silly so this was probably normal. Hearing Eli was ready to take Alec back to TJY though she lets out a sigh followed by an aw. Almost like a little kid who was told to come inside.

Hearing him ask to stay again Ryan perks up a little bit. Looking to Eli she waits for his answer before looking back to Alec and than Eli again till he says it was up to her. Grinning again and looking to Alec and giving a nod.

"You can stay the night again. I don't care if Reese and Jason come looking for you. Least your staying out of trouble for them."

Truth be told she really didn't care if Jason and Reese did come, she enjoyed Alec's company to much to care. Not to mention there was something about falling asleep in his arms that was nice. It was some of the best sleep Ryan had ever gotten. Just being close to him with nothing else involved felt nice.

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