

Jason was beat. But he didn't miss the look of hesitance in Destiny's eye as she looked to him after meeting Chance. Jason didn't feel a hundred percent sure about this guy either. But he didn't want Destiny to feel any more uncomfortable than she already was. So instead of returning a look of question, he gives her one of confidence with a little nod that Chance was alright.

"So... you're from the Arizona base, huh?"

Chance nods. "Yep. Been there a couple years."

"Pretty good of you to hurry up here like this within a day's notice."

"Aw well... you know, it's the life of the job." Chance chuckles, feeling just a tinge awkward. "Little excitement every now and again keeps us going, ay?"

Jason wasn't too amused. "I can't place your accent."

"Oh, that." Chance laughs again. "If you could, you'd be awfully good. I think you'd find a bit of New Zealand, some New York, a pinch of Minnesota but mostly England." His grin makes his eyes seem a little brighter. "My dad traveled a lot. After Mum died, it was him and me so I've had quite a few place to hang my hat."

Jason's eyebrows are raised, finding the locations interesting. "How did you end up in Arizona?"

"Sounds a bit boring, doesn't it?" Chance shrugs. "That's the last place my dad landed, so that's where I stayed. And now I get to have a look at Nevada..." His eyes drift back to Destiny. "While keeping company of a very lovely young lady. Who could pass that up?"

Jason's eyes narrow slightly. "Let's just hope you're up to the job."

Chance's smile fades just slightly. "Well... I think being part of the Elite says something, don't you?"

"I certainly hope so." Jason stares him in the eye until Chance looks away first. Getting up from his chair, he stretches tall. "I think it's time for me to get out of here. Reese?"

Reese nods. "You're free to go. Get some rest. We'll finish up that report in the morning."

"Yeah, alright." Jason turns one last time to Destiny. "Good night, Destiny... you can sleep easy here."

Once he's gone, Chance gives a little sigh, his internal awkwardness hanging on. "Well, um... maybe I should hit the hay too."

"I think we all should," Reese agrees. "It's been a very long day. Destiny, I think we showed you where everything is, but if you need anything else, just holler. We have a couple overnighters here, and Chance will be right next door."

Chance nods in agreement. "I'm a light sleeper and I'll keep the door open." After official goodnights, he wanders back into the infirmary, flopping down on the cot with a weary sigh. The lights were still on. Rick was still here, but Chance didn't mind. He would at least rest until the physician was gone.

Taking off his jacket, two sidearms are revealed, one on his side and one on his hip. Further undressing for bed proves he has a derringer up his sleeve and a knife on his ankle.

Rick is cleaning up for the night but stops and stares for a moment, blinking. This guy was a walking arsenal. Was that why he'd been chosen?

Once settled in, Chance lies back on the cot and stares up at the ceiling tiles. This was certainly a chance in atmosphere... not exactly his cup of tea, but it wouldn't last forever, right?

Jason gets out to the parking lot and leans on the back of his truck, resting his head in his hands as he breathes in the cool evening air. This had been a tough day for more than one reason.

You wouldn't want to come over to my place and keep me company for a while, would you?

He had mixed feelings about the shootings today... some of which were all too familiar, bringing back memories of the very first time, clear back in Texas. Katie had been there for him through that one too.

I just... don't want to be alone right now.

Leo chuckles again. "Yeah well... I won't burst your bubble, but all I'm doing tonight is helping set up some stage props. It shouldn't take me too long. Maybe I can swing back over to your place to help you practice or something."

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