

Hearing Karla's decision to ride halfway with Twila and Theo, Kip tries to hide the disappointment in his eyes. He'd so looked forward to the ride with her, even picking out music he knew she liked, though he hadn't told her so. He really had messed up this time.

Even so, he forces a little smile and nods, respecting her wishes. Everyone else had paired up... Erik and Russ, Kyle and Alice, Twila and Theo and now Karla... Kip was used to being the odd man out though, so this really wasn't something new.

Ready to head to his car, he's stopped when Karla speaks again. Surprised, his eyebrows rise a little. He was confused she'd changed her mind, but he certainly wasn't going to complain. It really was as bit of a relief, and a grin spreads his lips.

Reaching out, he takes her hand and nods. "That offer's always open. I don't wanna go it alone either."

Kip steps down beside her so they can walk together to his car. Arriving though, he turns and takes one last look at the house. This had been his haven for many years. It was where his family was, that he never would have had, had it not been for their love and Erik's friendship. He'd be back, he was sure, but he'd miss this big place. Gone were the days of living in a mansion. They all would be fine and enjoy living a bit simpler, but there were parts of all of them that would miss some of the luxuries they'd gotten used to.

"Well... this is it." He opens the door for Karla.

Kyle waits by Alice's jeep, leaned up against the driver's side door. Joined by her, he smiles. With hardly any sleep last night, a part of him was tired, but he was mainly too hyped up to be sleepy, and they had plenty of Mountain Dew to share on the road. "Looks like we're back on the road." He pats the jeep. "Feels like just yesterday we were taking off and I was looking through the back window of the bus at you."

Laughter twinkles in his eyes. "I feel like we've come so far, yet hardly moved at all." Pausing, he searches Alice's eyes. "Are we ready for this?"

Eli chuckles, but agrees. "Alright, I'll pick the spot this time. I'll swing by your place about noon and we'll do lunch, then I'll bring you back here."

"Eli!" Sandy reprimands him as he's pacing behind her and the phone cord gets wrapped around her head. "Would you quit flirting and get back to work?"

Eli chokes on a laugh, not having realized he'd entwined poor Sandy. Working with the tangle, he tries to finish his conversation. "I gotta go. Noon. See you then." Hanging up quickly, he gives Sandy a sheepish look. "Sorry."

Though she smirks at him, there was humor in her eyes. "Just be glad I don't complain that you're using company time for your dates?"

"What? I'm shocked. You know Scarlet's a customer."


"Well... so what if I decided to date her, hmm? And besides, I've been putting in extra hours so I have nothing to be ashamed of."

"Then get going and get some of those hours in." Sandy points to the door.

Eli grins and ruffles her hair before turning to leave. There were days he hated his job, and days he loved it.

Noon on the nose, Eli's pulling up to Scarlet's apartment again, revving his engine to let her know he's there.

Still aiming for the parking lot, Justin stops as he sees Beth. One eyebrow quirks at her greeting, though he can't help his grin. "We have got to stop meeting like this," he muses, shaking his head at her question. "There are days that I'm rightfully unsure as to whether or not I'm an escapee. They haven't held me yet though, so I'm still pretty sure I belong on the outside."

Chuckling, his eyes sparkle in the sunlight. "By the way..." She'd dropped her name yesterday but he hadn't done the same for her. It was only fair. "I'm Justin." He starts to hold out one hand, but realizes it's covered in dried dye, so he hesitates then retreats. "You... might not wanna shake my hand. Whatever I have might be catching."

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