

Scarlet gives a slight nod the shy look appearing in her eye again. She was bound and determined to say there was at least a first date.

Feeling his hand takes hers and there fingers lock Scarlet looks down for a moment just studying there hands and the way it felt to be firm in his grasp. It felt nice, safe and warm. Looking back up into his eyes Scarlet's smile held on her face though it seemed like her words were lost.

Being pulled back to Eli though Scarlet has no will to try and back away nore did she want to other than the soul fact of indeed calling this a first date. But like an unknown force pulling her she felt like she melted into Eli's arms.

Feeling his cheek brush against her Scarlet could felt the slight scruff and couldn't help but think it felt nice, and a wiff of maybe the soap Eli used in the morning enters her nose it just threw Scarlet into a trance that made her eye automatically close just taking in the moment and the smell.

Than feeling his lips on her neck it almost would seem like she had lost total control as a soft moan slipped from her lips liking the feel of Eli's kiss on her neck, and than close to her ear, Her fingers still linked with Eli's hand tightens just a little as her heart thumps and her breathing picks up just a little.

Once Eli pulls away again and Scarlet can feel his hand on her face her eyes open slightly looking back into his eyes once again. A smile forms on her lips as she bits the one softly her eyes twinkling in the sun light continuing to just hold Eli's hand.

"I guess I finally did. Mmmm...can we say the next one is a first date too so we can have a replay?"

A small chuckle comes from Scarlet's lips as some color comes to her face. Trying to move on quickly feeling a little bit of a fool for saying that.

"Thank you for the ride, and for lunch it was the perfect first date. I do hope it wont be the last."

Yeah, I am sure it is hard on him once and a while. He seems to deal with it ok though maybe its just something he has come to terms with.

Holding Jason's hand and locking fingers, Katie gets an even stronger rush of emotions. They felt so warm, and soft, inviting as they flowed from Jason to herself. Katie loved this bond, and these emotional flows just the heightened feelings felt so nice and to feel Jason's love so close no one else could understand only they could.

Mmmm...talking is one thing but actually getting to see you thats another all together. I am happy we are a team too. Its nice knowing I have someone to watch my back, and that I can watch theirs. I love you so much J, thanks for being by my side.

Coming back into the room once she was finished cleaning the mess in the kitchen Cassy though for should Leo would be sleeping. But drawing closer to the bed and seeing his eyes open and hearing his voice Cassy's lips turn up into a smile.

Leo's request was quiet and simple and way to cute to blow off. Looking down at him and just studying him for a long second he looked so cut cuddle up in his blankets, how could anyone tell him now.

Setting her purse down on the chair that was by the nightstand and slipping her jacket to the floor Cassy gives a shake of her head as she gives a smile.

"The only reason I was leaving so soon is because I didn't want you to feel smothered by me."

Walking over to the tv that sat on Leo's dresser she grabbed the remote before coming over to the bed again. Kicking off her shoes she sits down and swings her legs up before moving close to Leo and putting her arm around his shoulder so they were both snuggled together.

"..But as long as your asking I wouldn't mind staying to watch a movie for you. What are friends for if they can't see us at our worst right?"

Cocking her head a little Cassy looks at Leo's face and gives a smile. She didn't want him to feel uncomfortable and she hoped he didn't. She was doing this as a friend, and had her arm around him like a friend. She new what they talked about and new the lines, nothing more was wanted than just cuddling with her friend and making him feel better.

"Alright shall we see what on the movie channels?"

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