
If I promise

Scott has his head turned enough that he sees Hope coming, though his gaze drops to the ground. He'd never get used to her seeing him like this. It was one thing when he was her patient. But now that they were in a relationship, all he did was feel so weak all the time. Hope said she loved him regardless of the problems and he believed her, but... whether she minded or not, he did, and it wasn't a good feeling. He wanted to see her, but didn't like her seeing him like this. He never would.

Having her sit beside him and take his hand, he lets his fingers curl around hers, despite the misery he was feeling from the morning. "I'm doing okay," he responds quietly.

Standing abruptly, he pulls her up by the hand as well. "Let's walk," he suggests. He'd sat enough already today. Sitting meant thinking and talking about his problems, and right now, he wanted to do neither.

Heading down the now-familiar path, Scott is quiet for a long time, just walking with Hope. Eventually, they're by the little flower garden behind the buildings and hidden from view of the windows with watchful eyes. Stopping to look a the spring flowers just starting to push up through the earth, Scott slips behind Hope to drape his arms over her shoulders and rest his head down against hers. Catching a whiff of her hair, he breathes it in deeply.

"I ran out on Hawks again," he admits softly, staying behind her so she could lean back against his chest. At least this way he could feel like a man, if just for a moment, having a woman in his arms instead of the other way around... and he wouldn't have to look Hope in the eye either. "He's decided I'm more angry at myself than the Agency."

Only allowing a brief pause, he speaks again. "If I promise to talk to you every day, can I go home?"

Eli makes a quick task out of his shower, one, because he was late, and two, because even though he'd laughed at Ryan's comment, he wanted to save her some hot water. Finally out, dressed and ready to get going, he heads by the kitchen towards the door, but stops as his nose catches the scent of breakfast. His stomach growls a complaint about being forgotten.

He pokes his head into the kitchen, spying Ryan fixing breakfast. "You realize when you make food smell so good, it's pure torture when I gotta leave for work, right?"

Leo thinks for a moment, yawning. "I... think I'm feeling a little bit better, yeah. Thanks to you, I think. Though... I don't remember much." He gives Cassy a sheepish grin. Memories from the day before were a bit foggy.

Hearing her question about food, he gives a light laugh and shakes his head. "I would love some breakfast. But holy cow, you've done so much already..." His eyes showed how tired he was still, even though he was trying to look well. "I know you got better things to do than stick around and keep playing nurse."

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