

"Mmm... egg and toast but no hashbrowns... unless you want them." Leo nods. "I'm hungry but I don't think I should overdo it." It felt... different, having someone around to share a meal with, to talk to... to help take care of him when he was sick like this. It felt... nice.

Once Leo is alone, he manages to get himself out of bed. A bit dizzy, he moves slowly. He hears Cassy in the kitchen so he aims for the bathroom to at least take a shower. After sweating half the night, he needed it.

It doesn't take him long, and soon he feels a little refreshed, though tired, and manages to get into a clean pair of sweats and t-shirt. Shuffling down the hall in his bare feet, he makes it to the kitchen, pausing in the doorway to let his dizziness pass. He spots Cassy and gives her a wry grin. "I just didn't feel deserving of a breakfast in bed."

Alec hobbles to the phone at Rick's request and hearing Ryan's voice, he smile. "I'm always awake if you're the one at the other end of the line."

Rick rolls his eyes and looks to Misty, shaking his head.

Alec toys with the phone cord, a grin on his face. "Lunch sounds fantastic. Dessert sounds even better. And, if this doctor here will at least let me out for a little while, we can-"

"Minimal walking," Rick interrupts, pointing a finger at him. "For at least a day. After that, you're on your own again."

Alec resumes his conversation. "...we can go out instead of being stuck in here. Of course... you'd have to... help me around... be extra nice... you know, make sure I was comfortable and give me some extra attention so I wouldn't... think about all the pain I'm in."

"Oh for crying out loud." Rick throws his hands in the air. "Do I really have to listen to this?"

Scott sighs deeply, forcing himself to look at Hope as she speaks. He deserved better than this.... he did... he did... did he? It seemed all he did lately was question himself.

Turning and starting to walk again, Scott knows Hope will follow. He falls silence once again, giving the impression that he might have brushed off everything Hope had said. But in reality, he was letting his mind mull it over, thinking through every word she'd spoken. Again though, the subject was changed. Or was it?

"Hawks says I need to eat more than my brain is telling me," he comments. "He said even after I'm gone from here that I need someone to help keep me eating... I figured I'd... I'd ask you and maybe Dalton or something."

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