
Cinnimon Twist

Seeing the gleam in Alec’s eye makes Ryan’s own grin grow a little. There was a change going on with him over the last few weeks. Not anything bad, or made him different than who he was now, but it was almost like he was becoming softer in some manors, yet he was the same Alec Ryan had grown and formed a close relationship with.

“You did say something that didn’t make sense, but that’s ok I thought it was kind of funny listing to you babble and tweaking Rick out.”

About to say something else Ryan can’t as she hears Alec words, and this his actions follow. The slight grin that had been on her face grows even more into the sassy smirk.

Wrapping her arms around Alec Ryan’s heart starts to race as she can feel her pulse moving faster than it had before being taken totally into the moment till Alec pulls away and she stands again. Shaking her head and looking down at him again Ryan cross her arms over her chest her eyes sparked with fire.

“And you think I’m the one trying to kill you? Ha! I think it goes both ways.”

Shaking her head again and regaining her composure Ryan is quiet for a few moments putting the straws into the cups and than handing Alec his and taking a sip of her own.

“Ok, yes food is good as well. Just don’t eat all the cinnamon twists on me.”

Watching Alec and Ryan from her desk Misty couldn’t help the smile that had formed on her own face. It was funny to see how they acted with each other knowing what seemed like forever ago now Carson and herself had been in that same position. It was different, but the same.

Looking down at the ring that was now on her finger Misty runs her thumb over it for a long moment. All the happy memories they had shared, and the sad that had lead to the good. Now they were married and happier than ever, Misty couldn’t think of life any different. Now she hoped Alec and Ryan would find the same happiness they looked so cute together.

Giving a smile and looking up at Ty Libby nods. She new she was safe here but still it couldn’t take away the feeling of nerves she felt in her stomach anyways. It would more than likely take a while for those feelings to go away.

“I’ll more than likely give you a call later just to say hi before I hit the sack or something.”

Standing and following Ty to the door Libby leans up to give him a kiss before he leaves. Giving a wave as he pulled out of the driveway Libby shuts the door behind her locking it before turning and heading into Ty’s room shutting that door behind her as well.

Looking around the room for a long moment Libby couldn’t help the small tear that escaped her eye. Going over to her bag Libby pulls out some paper and a pen bringing it over to the bed she curls up on it before starting to write some stuff down just anything to keep her mind busy. Soon though the emotions of the day take over, and being tired once again sets in as Libby was fast asleep curled under the blankets of Ty’s bed.

Sitting across from Leo Cassy was happy he was enjoying the meal. Sometimes her taste in cooking was different than most people adding spices that were different, so she wasn’t always sure if Leo would like it to not. But getting his conformation that he did made her feel good.

“I use to cook a lot in my younger years. Once I got into dancing heavy though I stopped not having much time. Not to mention Steve didn’t like my cooking all that much. Now though I have all the time in the world to cook, and a good reason because you can share it with me.”

Cassy’s eyes give a twinkle as she holds her own little plate looking up at Leo. It was nice cooking again.

“There is no point in making a meal like this when it’s only me eating it. I won’t eat it all, and I hate throwing food away. So knowing you will eat it and you like it, is a good reason. I think its one of the best ways to pay you for the work your doing anyways.”

Taking a sip of her water Cassy looks down at her plate again breaking her gaze from Leo. It was nice eating with someone again too, but she though it best to keep that one to herself. The last thing she wanted to do was make Leo uncomfortable like she had before when asking him to the movies.

Letting out a small sigh and whipping her mouth with her napkin Cassy looks back up at Leo again. Her eyes searching his face for a long moment as he sat enjoying his food. Just watching him enjoying the silence for a long moment before finally speaking again.

“So what time do you think we should do the food and movie? A lunch thing or a dinner thing? Either is fine with me.”

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