

Dylan follows Dan down to the straw and hay, understanding now which was which. Hearing Dan's little rhyme, he looks up at him with a lame look. "Cute," he replies dryly. "Do you have poems to remember everything?"

Something close to a grin turns up the corner of his mouth and he shakes his head. "I think I got it... without the rhyme." Grabbing a bale of straw by its twine, he hefts it up and carries it back towards the stalls.

David's eyes brighten a little bit at the suggestion of a dinner after they'd won their case. "Mmm... now that sounds like a good idea."

He slides a little closer. "Just the too of us?"

A grin curves his mouth. "You gonna give me that kiss for my timing perfection?"

Looking in the rearview mirror,
The past is quickly fading.
Winding roads, worn out signs,
Lights blurred by the speed.

I don’t know how I began,
I don’t know where it started.
I don’t know where this journey ends,
Or how I got so far.

Remind me of my origins,
Remind me why I’m here.
Remind me how I’ve come to know,
This love. This love.
Remind me.

Kyle's voice rings out clear and crisp as his fingers move along his keyboard. The band was sounding good. They'd arrived at the studio not long before, meeting Gary who had introduced them to Tonya and Zeke who were now in the back sound booth behind glass, listening through their sound system.

The band had done well, even though they all were nervous. Their first song had gone smoothly as they'd chosen a popular song to add their own little flare. Moving on to Remind Me, their tone was a little quieter, the mellow tones enough to sooth a weary soul.

Glancing back over my shoulder,
The past is quickly fading.
Twisting paths, broken bridges,
Circumstances dim.

I don’t know how I began,
I don’t know where this started.
I don’t know where this journey leads,
Or how I got so far.

Remind me of my origins,
Remind me why I’m here.
Remind me how I’ve come to know,
This love. This love.
Remind me.

Kyle looks out to see Alice and smiles as he sings, so glad that she was there. She'd been introduced as decided - a vital part of the band. As had been Karla as well.

Kip's fingers move along his bass guitar, his eyes glancing down into the couple rows of chairs in front of the platform to find Karla. A grin creases his lips. They were actually here, and this was their break. Tonya and Zeke had to like them - there was no way they couldn't.

My rearview mirror reveals the past,
A past that’s quickly fading.
I can’t see ‘round the bends of time,
I can’t see why I’m here.
But You’re still here behind the wheel,
And You know who I am.

Remind me of my origins,
Remind me why I’m here.
Remind me how I’ve come to know,
This love. This love.
Remind me.

This love. Your love.
Remind me.

Before the notes could even die away, Tonya waved through the glass and cut the sound system, speaking into her own mic. "Thanks, guys. You can cut it there. Be with you in five."

The band stops the music, all of them looking at each other with dread. Tonya's voice did not sound impressed. They thought they'd done well. They'd played clean and clear and they'd sounded good... hadn't they?

Smiles fade as they look at each other with worry. Kyle's eyes find Alice's as he gives her an uneasy glance. He looks back to the window to see Tonya and Zeke talking and shaking their heads. His eyes go back to Alice. They'd all be so sure... so confident. And they'd sounded good. Why were the agents unhappy with them? He didn't understand, and he felt like he was letting the band down.

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