
Play with me

Giving Jade another squeeze Dan looks down at her and nods. He new it was rough for her to deal with everything and there was a good chance he wouldn't approve. Him being upset on top of it would do no good. So Dan kept his cool for Jade's sake and they would just have to wait and see how things went.

"Hey if I can you help with one out of these twenty thats a big help."

Just smile Dan tried his best to made Jade laugh before she went to help Becky. He didn't want her to worry to much, and continued to try and reassure here everything would be ok.

Having searched for most of the day BJ little legs grew tired. He had done his best to try and find Dylan to see if maybe he wanted to play the new game of Mouse Trap he had just got. But to no avail BJ was going to give up.

Giving one more glance around the ranch the little boy's eyes find Dan and Jade, they looked to be working. Having a nice time but working he didn't want to bother them even though he new there would be no objection from them to his company.

Continuing to look his eyes finally spot the figure sliding down by the tree. A wide grin forms he found Dylan finally. Jumping off the pouch once again BJ's little gets run fast across the yard finally getting to Dylan he was out of breath. Just standing there a moment to catch the air in his lungs again. Finally though his face beams at he looks at Dylan.

"Dylan, Dylan I got a new dame, and I though you would wike to play it with me. It's a fun one mom got me."

BJ holds up the instruction booklet he had been carrying around trying to read while he had been looking for Dylan.

As the car starts forward and the silence just rules out Cassy gaze it out the window. Her own mind seeming to be heavy with what had driven her to the bar today and though silence gave time to think, silence shared with other just seemed comforting.

It didn't take to long to get to her apartment complex. Stopped outside her hand goes for the handle but she stops. Turning a little to Leo some of the alcohol had warn off. Enough to be thinking straight. Looking back at her apartment where the windows were all dark Cassy lets out a long sigh. It would be strange going home, and not having anyone there.

"I...I think so, just don't feel like being alone I guess."

Looking back to Leo again she gives a small smile.

"Leo would you like to come up for some tea or coffee?"

Pausing Cassy quickly see the look that pass through Leo's eyes that this might not be a good idea with her tips. Giving another smile and a shake of her head Cassy continues.

"Only coffee or tea, no other intention crossed my mind. Just two friends having a cup of coffee or tea."

And she meant it. No other thoughts passed through her mind about Leo coming up. The company would be nice, and catching up with an old friend would be even better.

Pulling into his driveway Dalton gets out of his car. Going over to the passenger door to pull out the two pizza he had ordered for dinner. Turning he catches sight of a familiar car sitting across the street. Setting the pizza on top of the car Dalton looks a little harder realizing who's car it was.

Crossing the street he approached with caution not wanting to startle Scott at all. Hope had been worryed about him all day, and Dalton had become a little concerned himself. So now hopefully everything with Scott was ok and he had just been waiting.

Bending down to be eye level with the window Dalton gives a light tap and a friendly smile to his little buddy. Raising his voice a little so it could be heard through the glass.

"Hey you should of told me you would be waiting outside I would of come home sooner. I've got enough pizza to feed an army, and mountain dew to go around. Interested in joining me?"

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