

When one of there own was missing it was easy for worry to spread no matter who it was. Out here so many things could happen, and to someone of BJ's size more dangers lurked.

As the search congregated around the barn everyone was worried. BJ never ran off like this it was just not him. So minds started to work more, race turn wondering what could of happened to the small boy, the worry only increased when Dylan was found.

Worry coursed through Rosetta's eyes as she keeps her arms around herself. BJ was lost somwhere in the woods. Why hadn't she kept a better eye on him? Maybe if she had this wouldn't have happened.

Hearing Mick was going out on the four wheeler Rosetta nodded. She would go with him and help. She was to worried to stay here, and to worryied to go out by herself. She would be more use to Mick going with him.

"I'm going to grab some blankets. It's pretty cold out right now and I want to wrap him when we find him."

Hearing back to the house Rosetta grabs a few blankets to pass out to the people back in the group. Not taking long Rosetta returns and is ready to go. She didn't want to wast to much time. BJ had been out here alone long enough probably scared out of his little mind.

Not to far away Wendy stands on the porch holding Chase close to her. His little eyes falling asleep. She couldn't imagine how Rosetta and Mick must feel right now not knowing where BJ was. Closing her eyes Wendy says a quick prayer that the little boy would be ok.

Looking down at Jade for a moment Dan runs a hand along her face reassuring her everything would be ok. Not lingering for long Dan new this was no time to mess around. So turning and heading to the barn he gathered a few horses to use. Saddling them up he starts to head out of the bar again but his eyes catch sight of the walkies talkies. Grabbing five of them Dan continues out of the barn and back to the group. Holding out the walkies.

"Mick I though we could use to communicate so we dont keep looking if someone finds BJ. Though I'd take one, one for you, Angel in case he comes back here, Clint, and than Trent could take one too."

Passing out the walkies and heading out Dan hits the trail first. Keeping the horse at a steady walk Dan didn't want it to move to fast in case he could find any clue of where the BJ could be. Letting the light from his flash light scans the tree's Dan could hope maybe BJ would see the flash light.


Silence and the faint call from the others was the only sound that greeted Dan in return to his call. Continuing on Dan keeps his eyes open.

Time slowly ticked by and with every moment the worry of those looking for the small boy grew.

Finally making it to the ridge and seeing no sigh Dan deiced to backtrack. Continuing to take it slow till he came to the fort in the road. About to go a different way from the way he had come Dan stops thinking she saw something in the brush.

Dismounting from his house Dan talks his flash light and shines it into the brush once again. Wondering closer his head races as he see the little lifeless form laying on the ground and blood the trickled from his head.

Moving quickly Dan goes back to the horse grabbing the blanket and bringing it back to put it over BJ to keep him walk. Giving him a quick once over Dan wasn't sure how bad his injurys were and the last thing he needed to do was put BJ on the horse and make it worse.

"Hang in there Bud, We are gonna get ya home."

Pulling the walkies from his belt belt Dan's own voice had a little quiver to it.

"Mick, I need you out on the trail at the Y in the road. I'd found BJ..Hurry! Angel we are going to need to meet you at your office."

Dan didn't want to make anymore worry to much but she had to know to be ready when they got back.

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