
Long Night

Looking back to her Uncle Bree gives a little shrug. For a moment she'd had the energy to get up and go after Trent. Trying to offer words that would help, but now...now she was just back to the state she was before.

"Same old same old. I just had something I needed to do."

Looking out the windows again Bree study the stars some more as the melody Jason's played seemed soothing in the background.

Leaning her head into Ryder Thirteen just soaked up his comfort. She wanted to stay up longer incase Trent came back but her eyes wanted so badly to close over the emotional strain. Maybe it was best if she did go to sleep. She new who her father was now, and if he didn't want anything more to do with her at least she could tell people she new him.

"I guess...I should head back to my bunk. Not sure if I want to sleep yet but...maybe just some time alone with you would be nice."

Thirteen tryed to gives Ryder the best smile she could but it was hard. She was more confused now than she had been before. Would things work out? Would her father talk to her again. Letting out a sigh Thirteen stands, waiting for Ryder to walk with her.

Rosetta new her brother felt bad, She didn't want him to. There had been worse things she had delt with even if she acted like this was the end of the world. Its was just everything going on at once, and trying to hold it all together was hard.

Sitting down across from Eric, she scooted over a little so Jeff could join them if he liked too. The night was far from over, and in a way Rosetta was happy about that even if her eyes showed signs of a little tiredness setting in.

"I couldn't go to bed now if I wanted to. There is to much to do once the others are asleep. Not to mention my brother whom I haven't seen in a while and I though could possible be dead is here again. I think its catching up time."

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