

Jason nods thoughtfully, chuckling just a little at Katie's reasoning. That was one way to accomplish what they wanted without technically getting themselves into trouble for it.

Katie's flow of emotions makes Jason squint one eye as the discomfort gradually hits him. For him, it was like receiving a block of unlabeled communication, more like gibberish than anything else. Without smooth communication, it tended to jolt his own flow, causing him to momentarily cringe. He could only assume this whole thing bothered her enough that it disrupted their connection. He'd been trying to train himself to read her emotions too, but so far had been unsuccessful. Assumptions and gut instincts were all he had to go on. At least this time he could see her face, so he read more from her eyes than anything.

"I think..." He ponders her question. What did he think? "Hmm..." He fiddles with a chopstick for a moment.  "I think if we want to get Thirteen to be around her family, this is about the best opportunity we're going to have since we have Christmas as an excuse. I think she's to the point she could handle the crowd now, and you're right, it would be safe."

Jason shrugs. "We can ask Ryder about it. It's short notice, but I know he's got like a week off work or something, and I think Carson's closing up Mom and Pop's for a couple days, so Thirteen should be free too. Ryder might think differently about Trent though. He might not want to push his luck out of respect for Trent's wishes. But... I think if asked, he'd agree with us. I don't think he likes the secret."

He pulls out his cell phone, deciding not to waste time. "Why not see what he thinks? If we don't ask now, it'll be too late."

Dialing the house number he has memorized, he waits until he hears Ryder's familiar voice.


"Ryder, it's Jason."

"Hey, Hotshot. What's up?"

"Wondered something." Jason glances to Katie, once more not even knowing that she could hear everything Ryder said. He didn't know it was happening, so he had no way of controlling it. "What are you and Thirteen doing for Christmas?" 

"Ah... not much. No traditions on either side, so we were just gonna hang out with some movies at home and some good food. Most everyone we know's got plans so we were just gonna chill. Why?"

"Katie and I are heading to Texas tomorrow... for the ranch. I know it's short notice but... we were wondering if you two would like to join us for a good ol' family Christmas." 

"Family Christmas, ay?" Ryder seems to be thinking for a moment. "Trent's around, in't he?"

"As far as I know."

"And you've already taken this under consideration."

"We have." 

"And you think that it's actually a positive thing, providing an opportunity should any certain facts be revealed to a certain young woman."

Jason grins a little. "You're a smart man. But look, it's not our sole intent. We thought too, you and Thirteen might like a friendly atmosphere, it being the holidays and all, and I know that you'd be welcome at the ranch."

"Alright, well... I'll talk to Thirteen about it and see what she says. When are you and Kat taking off?"

"Tomorrow right after work. We're gonna fly down in an Elite jet to make it a quick trip. We'll stay for a few days - you and Thirteen can come back any time."

"Okay. I'll get back to you on that. Thanks, Jase."

"You bet." Jason ends the call and puts his phone back in his pocket, clueless that Katie already knew what had been said. "Well, he's gonna talk to Thirteen about it. He knew right away we'd been thinking about Trent, but he didn't hint one way or the other how he felt about it. He said he'd get back to me."

Kip grins a little and nods. "Yeah, I bet you'd rather have Twila along for some of that stuff anyway."

Sighing, he looks to the door. "Alright... let me get ready, you get ready and we'll book it out the back. We'll get breakfast out this morning."

Once they had parted, Kip concentrates on getting cleaned up and changing clothes, slipping on his tennies and grabbing his keys and wallet. Meeting Karla in the hall a short while later, he leads the way down the back stairs instead of down through the center of attention. His plan, though well thought out, however, backfired as Erik was on his way to the garage out the back door as well.

Kip skids to a halt at the bottom of the stair landing, twirling around to go right back up. Unfortunately, Erik spots him.

"Kip? Morning to you too. Heading out so soon?"

Kip fiddles with his keys, his head down in the opposite direction. "It's late morning, but yes, heading out for a while."

"Mm... well, keep your phone on ya. Things are quiet around here though, but William did need some help with that gutter out back."

"Alright. Sure." Kip tries to sidle past Erik, but once he's turned to take the doorknob, the side of his face is exposed.

"Whoa, whoa, wait a minute." Erik grabs his arm and turns him around to see the wound in full view. He glances to Karla then back to Kip. "Your dad did this last night?"

Kip shrugs off Erik's arm. "So what?"

"So what? This is a big deal, Kip. What are you going to do about it?"

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"You're not fine, look at yourself!" Erik gestures to Kip's face.

"I'm fine!" Kip repeats strongly. "It's over, alright? Just let it go."

"I can't just let it go. This is wrong!"

"Look, let it drop! I told you I'm fine, so leave it be, Erik. There's no issue, there's nothing that needs to be done. It's over. It won't happen again."

Erik sets his hands on his hips, worry for his friend showing in his eyes. His tone drops several degrees. "That's what you said the last time."

Kip swallows hard but breaks his gaze with Erik's eyes and turns back to the door, nodding to Karla. "I'm ready. Let's go."

Erik watches helplessly as the two leave, a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Kip always said it was fine, but it wasn't.

Getting in his car, Kip waits for Karla to buckle up before pulling down the long driveway. His grip on the steering wheel told of the tension he was feeling, though he tries not to let it show. "Alright... where to for breakfast?"

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