

Katie thinks again for a long moment. Was if fair? No probley not, but Rosetta lets her bring friends to the ranch all the time. What would be wrong with doing it again?

"I guess it wouldn't be, but is it really fair that Thirteen doesn't know her father ether when she so badly wants that part of her life. When she needs that part, and there is no reason why she shouldn't know?"

Letting out a sigh again Katie leans forward on the table looking down at her food. Maybe it was wrong of them to play the field like this. But the longer she kept this secret herself the more it killed her inside and she felt so guilty when she looked into her cousins eyes.

"I guess its in Ryder's hands now to do what he thinks is best. I do hope they come though, I think it would do them both good. Even if its my Aunt's ranch there is something special about it, and its just...nice to be there."

Just listing to Kip and the waitress as she comes over Karla can tell she new what was going on but like she had held her tong from butting into where maybe she didn't belong. Giving a friendly smile to the waitress Karla just continues to watch, taking in Kip and the other lady. Observation, a talent that seemed to come without even thinking.

Once the orders where taken Karla takes the napkin that was to her left and starts playing with it trying to keep her fingers busy. Folding the napkin over, and over...flipping it to the other side and doing the same Karla talked as she folded.

"Well...were can we go for nice things? I shop at the dollar store, and salvation army for my clothing and whatever else I need."

Thinking Karla picks up the napkin and looks at it for a moment before bending a little more, and folding, than unfolding, only to refold again.

"There is a Walmart around here right?"

Finally bringing the paper to her lips Karla blows a little puffing out the body and wings to a crane made from paper and napkin.

"I heard they have nice things. Something the greatest things, can come very little."

Placing the crane down on the table Karla pushes it over to Kip and gives a soft smile. She couldn't remember where she learned to fold paper like that but it had been something she could do for a long time now. Now that it really amounted to much but it was a good way to pass the time.

Feeling Jade's lips on his Dan returns the passionate kiss. Letting the emotions, feelings, and everything connected with it flow over them. This moment, was so nice, to feel the warmth, to feel the hands that crawled up Dan's back, to just feel the love.

As Jade retreats Dan's lips yurn for more as his arms tighten a little but as Jade turns her head and comes back to his lips again Dan draws her closer as he shifts her around lightly in his arms so she was now facing him. 

When Jade's fingers find the back of Dan's neck, a small sound was formed in his throat as he pulled her just a little bit closer. The moment continuing on, and who new how much time had passed as Dan's hands moved up Jade's back. But finally Dan does pull away as he looks into Jade's eyes and gives a smile. As much as he didn't want the moment to end he new it had to. Time wouldn't wait for them, and they still had a lot to do, and the more he stayed in this comfortable moment where his mind could not form a line the more danger he had of making a mistake and losing something so special to him.

"I am going to go clean up a little bit, and I will let you get dressed and ready. Meet you at my truck in a half?"

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