
Something else

Sparky chuckles, holding in a bigger laugh. He didn't want to embarrass Faith at all, but he couldn't help his amusement at her innocent comment. He shakes his head and pats her leg. "Don't worry... Twilight doesn't know the meaning of tallyho, so we're safe." He tosses her a wink. "Alright... let's start her out slowly."

Taking the leadrope that led to the halter he'd left on under the bridle, he lets Faith hold the reins just like he'd shown her, making sure she didn't hang onto the saddle horn. Making their way slowly, he leads Twilight around the corral, walking down to the far end and back up again, staying just a short distance from the fence.

As Sparky walks, he talks quietly to Twilight, and is sure to make smalltalk with Faith, trying to help her relax and forget about being nervous. Having switched modes, nothing of earlier is brought up, though every once in a while Sparky will throw Faith a quick glance, proving that their kiss was not forgotten.

After a few rounds, Sparky stops near the center of the corral and looks up at Faith, resting his hand on her leg. "Are you feeling brave?" He wasn't going to let her take on Twilight alone yet, but he did have something else in mind.

Gage listens intently to Sapphire, then to Jamie. The color in his face proved he wasn't used to being in this position, talking about this sort of thing with anyone but Sapphire.

Looking down at the table, his fingers rub along the table, his other hand occupied with holding Sapphire's out of sight. He really didn't know what to say. "Thanks," he mentions quietly.

Glancing back up again, he see's Con's eyes and has trouble reading them. This big man hadn't joined in, but hadn't argued either. His gaze seemed to say he approved of his wife and Sapphire's words, though he wasn't going to intrude or push. And Jamie... Gage's eyes shift to her. She was wise. She had a good head on her shoulders and... Wait... Jamie...

He didn't have time to think before Carson was back at the table again.

Carson has an order pad this time, while Thirteen was busy on the other side of the room and Dani and Aerith were tied up in the kitchen. "Alright..." His voice trails off a little bit as he realizes that Gage is staring at him with the strangest look. "You're Gage, right?"

"Um... yeah."

Carson quirks an eyebrow at the odd tone. "How ya like this bunch?"

Gage manages a small smile. "I do."

"They're good people." Carson nods with confidence. "Hang around them too long and one day you'll realize you got a bunch of friends worth having." Not letting that thought linger, he looks to Con. "Alright, Tank, what'll be be?"

Once orders are placed and everyone is waiting for their food, Gage still seems in his own world. Eventually he's brave enough to look in Jamie's direction again, seeing the scar on her face once more. He hesitated to ask, but he had to know. "Jamie... I... I was in a different part at the Agency but... word about Carson got around sometimes. You can't be as good as he was and not be well-known, but um... I remember now... I saw a file and... aren't you... I mean..."

He stops, feeling ridiculous. Surely he was wrong. These were good people but... surely what he was thinking couldn't be right. "He wasn't the one to hurt you... was he?"

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