
New Pain

Turning her head from her book at the sound of Axel's voice Jess smiles. She new he would be ok, but it was good and refreshing to actually see him awake and know he was alright. The confirmation was nice.

Standing and drawing closer to the bed Jess takes Axel's good hand in her own to hold it as she smiled down at him.

"Hey Hey my Rainbow decided to come out and play again. How are you feeling? Other than groggy?"

 Being brought deeper into the kiss Ryan forgot about everything else around them. The car, the pizza, the fact she was in a dress. All that mattered in that moment was Leo and herself. All other time stood still, and....

The sound of the loud bang on the car startled Ryan as she looked up quickly to see her brother. A small grin formed on her face as she shook her head and looked out at him. Wondering if he was hungry, or simply watching over his baby sister.

"Well I guess we better go than, he might try and eat the car or something."

Giving Leo a quick kiss again Ryan slides back to the passanger side and opens the door and getting out. Walking over to where her brother is she gives him a slap on the arm and shakes her head again.

"You sure do like to intarupt the intimate moments don't you?"

 Karla's heart ached as she stood there starring back at her friend. Her own problems just didn't seem as bad anymore as she looked at the bruise on the side of Kip's face. She didn't know what happened for sure, but she did know from Kip his relationship with his father was not a good one and from the observations of the others this wasnt the first.

Stepping a few steps closer to Kip's door Karla lets her voice low. The look that was on Kip's face was on of embarrassment, hurt, anger she'd seen it all before. Living in the rough area of town for so long, she really had learned much about life, and looks, and pain.

"If you let me in I can help clean that up for you and get the swelling down, I know a trick that works wonders."

The time moved on, maybe slow for those who had to relive something over and over again. In there mind each memorie ripping open a new wound when remembered. But with a tender word, and a loving heart comfort would follow, though the pain would always be there at the memoires would become easyer know there was someones arms to fall into.

Exiting the small room Hope scans the dinning hall. Seeing JT with Amanda over on the far couch she walks over papers in her hand. Sinking down in over the over stuffed chairs she lets out a long sigh before finally looked up at JT. Sadness plagued her eyes.

"I got what I needed JT. Bree is sleeping now. Her body was just so tired after crying and...they did a number on her."

Hope lets out a long sigh. Her session with Bree had been hard, and filled with much pain and Bree's part. Hope hated having to drag things up but it was for the best even if it did hurt.

"Once this is all over, if Bree will consent I'd like to see her again. She had alot of pain locked inside, from her parents, to the hospital. I think it would be good for her."

Hope trys to offer the best smile she can to JT letting him know everything would be ok. A small glint formed in her eyes as she was about to talk more.

"On a good note though JT. You and Gunner both played a big part in actually keeping Bree sain. If not for her having both of you, and meaning so much to her we wouldn't be here right now having this conversation. She loves you both very much."

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