

Scott grins and nods. "Alright... give me a day or two then and it's a date."

Stealing another glance to Dalton, he gives him a slight nod. He'd get Hope to the ranch where Bree and JT would be. After that, the pieces would have to fall into place themselves. "And you.. if there are any.... problems or anything, you got my number."

Finishing up the meal, conversation is kept on small talk and the issue of Gunner is not brought up again. Only after everyone is back to work and the door is closed to Scott and Dalton's office does Scott let out a long breath. "Okay, so..." He keeps his voice low even though they're the only two in the office. "...I have no idea what to do. Gunner wanted us to back off after he got in but I don't want to. But I don't want to make things worse either. I hope getting Hope to the ranch wasn't a bad idea. What do you think?"

Hearing Annie's stories, Sparky's jaw drops. "I never... well... at least never a book!"

When Faith speaks next, he turns his head to see her, caught between both women's teasing. Her statement makes his eyebrows rise and he opens his mouth to retort, but stops short as he feels her hand on his leg.

Just blinking for a moment or two, he's thrown totally off guard.

Luke, not having any idea what was really going on, assumes that Sparky is speechless from the teasing and he laughs. "Looks like they got you cornered there, Tyler."

Sparky's face is already showing a bit of color as Faith retreats to go for her glass of water. He swings his gaze back to Luke, a silly grin on his face. "I... looks like they do." A laugh wants to surface, but he tries to cough instead, not doing a very good job of hiding it.

Luke quirks a skeptical eyebrow. "What?"


"What's so funny?"

Sparky shakes his head and still manages not to laugh. "Nothing. I'm surrounded by people who love to pick on me. What could be better?" He elbows Annie in the ribs for affect, while under the table his boot slips over Faith's foot and locks ankles with her, continuing the teasing, knowing good and well she couldn't complain aloud lest she draw attention to them.

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