

"Well technically we are doing kind of the same thing. Only we are not trying to beat our class mates, we are trying to keep an innocent woman and her boyfriend out of jail and safe."

Once Aerith had come and gone Angelica turned her attachen back to David with a wide smile as her eyes twinkled a in the dim light of the room. It really was good to see him again, and getting all the latest gossip from back and Cali would be nice to hear as well. I guess work could wait for a little while.

"Working for the Elite is great. There is always alot of work to do, and you know how I am. The more work the happier I am."

Taking a sip of her water before leabing back finally getting warm enough to take her jacket off. Placing it at her side Angelica leans on the table a little her arms crossed.

"The room is a little smaller than my office in Cali, but it works, and when I need more space I am able to use the filing cabinets down the hall a little ways that only I have a key to. And what about you? How is the old business doing? I have to admit I do miss it a little."

As JT takes her hand in his own and brings it to his lips she cant help the small chuckle that escaped her lips. A tiny bit of color coming to her cheeks. The kiss on her hand had been warm, and comforting and done in a friendly manor so why did it feel like her stomach was going to fly away.

Seeing him flop back though Amanda moves a little so she is sideways on the bed. Her one leg tucked under her, and the other hanging off the edge of the bed. Giving a more hearty laugh at his comment about a vacation she gives a nod.

"I have been saying that for the last three months. I just can't ever find the time. Maybe I should actually use the vacation time I have this year and try not to worry."

Letting out a sigh she new she had planned something last year but it ended up falling through by her own doing. She got to wrapped up with patients, and just hated to leave so she canceled. Maybe this year she wouldn't.

"So if you could go one place on vacation, where would you go?"

Feeling Axel's lips on her own Jess can feel the butterfly start to flutter in her stomach. Her own eyes easing closed just enjoying the moment letting both there emotions just flow freely. Tightening her arms around Axel's neck just a little Jess lets her fingers play with the soft curls as the nape of his neck where his hairline stopped.

They didn't kiss like this much, and Jess was fine with that because it made it seem even more special when they did. Finally pulling away Jess takes a deep breath of air not opening her eyes right away. A grin made its way to her face, and finally her eyes opened.

"You might starve if I wasn't here."

Jess gives a little laugh. After that kiss she wasn't sure what to say.

"and I might become kiss deprived."

Annie sits at the table across from Spakry, and just listens to Jim. She was quiet not wanting to interrupt but seeing he was having a problem trying to find the words she straightens just a little.

"I think what Jim is trying to say is we just care about you so much, that we wanted to make sure Faith's intentions, are pure and your not just clinging to the first person who comes along without seeing all the angles."

Annie looks across the table at Sparky and gives the best smile she can. They were worried, he had been so depressed latly, and seemed to be so lonely they didn't want him to be blindsided or taken advantage of.

" I have known Faith for a while now, and I don't think she would do that to you or anyone but people can always wair there masks. I just want to make sure my big brother is not going to end up hurt, or later down the road very unhappy."

Leaning against the counter Wes had remained quiet his head in his hand, his other arm wrapped around himself. He didn't know if his siblings were making it worse or not as they tryed to explain to Sparky what they though. But since there way a lull he felt he should speak up too.

"Sparky, I am absolutely happy that your happy. Its a breath of fresh air to me, to see you smile and joke. You have life again, and the old look is back in your eyes. If this woman is the one who is making this happen, and you both truly care for each other and not are just acting on a need to be with someone or to have someone take care of you than I am with you one than stay with her and continue your relationship. I'll stand with you on it. She seems nice enough, and very caring. I've also seen the look in her eye, and the twinkle when she talks to you. I personally just want to make sure, not make sure but ask you to ask yourself if this really is what you want with this woman. Because the last thing I want to see is you hurting again, or even to see her hurt as well."

Wes gives a nod to his brother in hopes he understood what he was saying. His own concern was different from his other siblings, but in a round about way it was the same. He didnt want to see anyone get hurt Sparky or Faith.

Moving away from the door to the dinning hall Faith finds a spot on the pouch to sit. She hadn't meant to over hear the conversation that had been going on, and now she wish she hadn't. She was only coming to see what else Sparky needed help with. Picking at the loose string in her old jeans her mind goes from one this to the next as it felt like a rain cloud had formed over her heart.

Sparky's family was worried about him, thinking she only wanted someone to take care of her till she was better? Had she given them the impression that she was helpless let alone that kind of person? She really did care about Sparky and could even imagine herself with him for the rest of her life very happy. Never had she felt like this with a guy before. All the emotions she had twords him were completely different, warm, comforting, and she loved them. But what did Sparky think? What would happen now that his family brought this concerns to his face? She new Sparky cared for her too, and that she shouldn't worry but she was anyways. She just couldn't help it.

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