
Definatly Yes

Just watching Erik leave Karla was still a little jumpy not really replying to him before he went. She was still shaken from everything last night and than this. Though they were for two different reasons, they still went hand in hand.

Tilting her head slightly to see Kip's face a little better Karla gives a small nod. Even if she was shook up all over again she was alright.

"No need to be sorry. I...should of known better. Sorry if I got you in trouble."

Swiping the tears from her eyes Karla sits up just a little letting out a long sigh. Today was going to be harder than yesterday she was going to have to fill our reports and go to what was left of the building and pick through the ash to see if anything was saved or happened to survive. It was doubtful but worth a shot.

"Would...you come with me back to whats left of...the apartment? I...have to see if anything made it through that I can salvage. Not going...to be to pretty and I just thought maybe it would be nice to have you there."

Looking up at Reese enters Angelica's eyes give a small unnoticed twinkle. She always liked when he popped in to talk to her unexpected. and long ago she told him if the door was open he could walk right in. It didn't bother her any. He had that right.

"Company, pst this is my partner for a few days till everything with Gunner is cleared. David, this is Mike Reese, Mike this is David."

Moving a few things around on her desk Angelica finally stop fiddling for some reason she had her own bit of awkwardness coming on and she wasn't even quite sure why. Trying to shake it off though the smile remains on her face as she leans forward on her desk.

"Well, as long as I can get at least some of the stuff I need to do with the Gunner case this morning and afternoon done than we are still on for dinner. I needed to talk to you about a few things anyways so that might give me a chance. I am sure I will see you again..."

Angelica's smile widened a little bit. She usely did see him more times in a day than one would think. Sometimes she even found a reason to go to his office just to see him.

"..before you leave and I can tell you my definite answer ok? I am pretty sure it will defiantly be a yes though. With both us working I think we can get a good foothold."

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