

Monday morning. Levi crumpled up another paper and tossed it to the waste basket in the corner...and missed...again. Instead of picking it up with the other five that were already on the floor, he refocused on the desk. Grabbing all the pens in sight, he stuffed them into a coffee mug that doubled as a pencil holder. Was that a candy bar wrapper? It became another missed shot to the trash. Sticky notes....random notes. Um... he stuck several to the outer edge of the computer monitor and several on the front of the filing cabinet. Surely they were important even if he didn't know exactly what his own scribbles meant.

"You, uh...cleaning?"

"Huh?" He didn't look up at his dad, but thumbed through a folder that he'd found buried under some papers. "Sorta. Yeah."

Keith grinned. "Sure you wanna cram in Karla's training on top of everything else? I've got time."

"No, no, I'm good." Levi stuffed the folder into a drawer and grabbed a stack of papers to pile them on top of an organizer that...hadn't helped much. "Although if Gina Thompson calls, I'll let you handle that. I can't figure out exactly what she wants."

"Oh thanks," Keith teased. "Just concentrate on whatever you need to today. No stress."

"Right, right." Levi looked up from trying to decipher something he'd written on a napkin. "What?"

Keith chuckled. "Never mind. I'll yell if there's a fire." He wandered back over to his own desk, which was in better shape than Levi's...for the most part. Sort of.

The office really consisted just of the front room with windows that overlooked the street. It housed the two desk areas, several filing cabinets and shelves, a copy machine, and a small table in the corner with a coffee maker and a mini fridge. A small bathroom was off to the side, then in the back was a storage room. A sad looking fern added some greenery but was in dire need of some tender loving care. Their business was off to a great start, but with all the new work, cleaning and organizing came in second.

Levi grabbed a couple sketches of logos he'd been working on and taped them up on the wall behind his computer. He couldn't risk losing those. He glanced at his watch. Five 'til eight o'clock. He wasn't nearly as prepared for Karla's first day as he'd wanted, but it would have to do.

Con nodded thoughtfully as Angel told him about the past. It was sad, really. Families were separated every day, but this place was different. This place was the very definition of family. So to have someone like Lane - family by blood and by honor - leave and not even stay in contact had to hurt. For a moment, his mind wandered to his aunt and uncle. He missed his cousins and their kids - they were growing up so fast. He needed to go back for another visit. Jamie would probably enjoy it, too. He felt bad that she couldn't enjoy kids of her own...although he'd never told her that. He couldn't give her a child, he'd lost his hearing...what good was he, really?

Though it was a brief thought, it was deep enough that he didn't realize when he'd hit his coffee mug on the table before it was too late and he sent his coffee all over the floor. "Oh, shoot," he muttered and grabbed some nearby napkins. "Sorry," he apologized to Angel and finished cleaning it up. "Sounds like you and Lane have a lot of catching up to do," he mused. "I just hope his boy can be a part of that. I wish we had more to go on."

The rest of the day seemed to drag on. Most of the group caught up on some sleep, but there was unrest through the entire ranch. Mick canceled his riding lesson group for the day, and postponed a trip to get more horse feed in town. It was just safer that way until this thing was solved, and he was glad they didn't have any visitors right now - which was more typical than anyone would like to admit. In all honesty, he wondered about the reality of the ranch's future. But that was a thought for another day. Right now they were back to war, with a lot more at stake than twenty-plus years ago.

Lane spent most of the day either alone in the bunkhouse or in the main house with Con, trying to piece together more information. He knew where he and Travis had been abducted, and had a vague idea of how long they'd driven, blindfolded, to their destination. He also had a vague idea of which direction they'd gone, but he wasn't sure. Con was in contact with Scott and Dalton to try and narrow down the possibilities, and they did condense it to a thirty mile radius instead of fifty, but it still wasn't enough. But as long as the Agency still thought Lane was going to give them what they wanted, they would have a hard time being obvious about investigating, which pretty much tied their hands until they heard more.

"Say hello to Daddy." The main guard finished his task and climbed down off the stepladder in the corner of the dimly lit room.

Travis' head shot up. Had he passed out? He wasn't sure. Still tied to the chair, he looked up in the corner where there was now a small camera.

The man twirled his screwdriver before pointing it at Travis. "Don't bother trying to talk to him. He can't hear you. But he'll be glad to see you alive. For now."

Travis swallowed hard and watched the man return to the seat near a window that was covered like all the windows were. His eyes went back up to the camera. Was it true? Could his dad see him? But why? Where was he? What were they doing with him? Was there a ransom? Did they just want him to see his son like this so he'd give them what they wanted? What did they want?

It was late afternoon. Chores were done until evening, and the ranch was moving slowly. Until Lane received another phone call.

"Yeah?" Lane answered it in the main house, looking to Con again.

Con, now officially set up at a table off to the side, nodded and motioned for him to keep talking. If they could just trace any of the calls, they'd have something to go on.

"No, they haven't told me yet. I'm having trouble gaining that much trust after all these years." Lane ran a hand over his face. "I can't force it out of them," he stated flatly. "And if I ask too many questions, they're going to get suspicious, and this whole thing is over." He paused as he listened and closed his eyes. "I know you said I needed to tell you today, but I'm doing the best I can."

The call ended abruptly and Lane withheld some inappropriate language by biting his tongue. He knew the call hadn't been long enough to trace. "They said they were going to give me a little incentive." Almost immediately, his phone buzzed again as he received a text message. "It's a link." He showed Con, confused.

Con nodded, and instead of using Lane's phone, he typed the address into his computer. He had a feeling he knew what it was... and he was right.

The screen brought up the scene of a dim room. It was the live feed of a camera. And it was aimed down at Travis. Lane's breath caught in his throat as he stared at the screen. Con turned up the volume...

"Somewhere....over the rainbow...way up high.... And the dreams that you-"

"Hey, knock it off!"

Travis' singing stopped and he lifted his head, revealing his battered face. "Ya know... that use'ta be my fav'rite movie." His words slurred together as he struggled to stay with it. "Flyin' monkeys scared me." He grinned. "But I liked Toto. Dang ugly dog but I liked 'im."

"Just shut up."

Lane's face had turned pale as his eyes remained glued to the screen. The others watching found it hard to believe that they were looking at Lane's son... Mississippi's son. If it weren't so serious, it would almost be amusing - the kid had a good voice. But it was obvious he was weak.

Travis cackled as he continued to tug at his ropes. His wrists were bruised and raw from the hours spent trying to get loose. "Someday I'll wish upon a star, wake up-"

"Seriously!" The agent rose from his own chair by the door and gave Travis a swift kick.

Toppling over sideways, Travis landed hard on the floor without being able to catch himself. Crying out as his shoulder hit, he winced in pain.

"Sing from there," the man taunted, and returned to his post.

"What'd I ever do to you?" Travis grunted. "It's j'st a lil music. Don't got anything else to listen to." He let his head rest on the floor, taking a breather. His hands were still bound, his ankles still tied to the chair legs, and now he couldn't even get himself upright. "You gonna leave me like this?" he mumbled.

The guard sighed. "If I set you back up, you gonna quit singing?"

"Mums the word."

The man came back over and set Travis upright again, not caring about being gentle.

Once settled, Travis bounced his knee to a tune that could only be heard in his head. Behind his back though, he'd managed to pick up a small splinter of wood, which he was now trying to use as a mini saw on his ropes.

Lane put a hand to his mouth as his emotions tried to get the best of him. Travis looked so tired and worn. He had to be exhausted and so scared.

Without knowing he'd been lied to about the sound, Travis' eyes traveled to the camera. Was anyone really watching? Or had it all been a ruse for the benefit of torture?

Lane just continued to look at the screen and swallowed hard. "Don't give up, Travis," he whispered. "We're coming. I promise."

Con focused on his work, sending Scott and Dalton the link to see if they could trace it. He knew it was a long shot - the Agency would have plenty of protection against hacking, but it was all they had.

As work progressed, Mick looked to Rosetta, sorrow in his gaze. That poor boy - he was an innocent victim that didn't deserve this. If it was Dylan, he'd be going mad.

Luke was also nearby and set a hand on Angel's shoulder. It had to be hard, realizing that was her nephew in that video. He felt bad enough the way it was - it had to be even worse for her. All they could do was pray they got to him in time.

Jason smirked at Nate and shook his head. "Don't misunderstand. I don't trust this guy." He nodded towards Garret. "My knee still hurts from that stunt he pulled, and I'm not a hundred percent convinced he's not gonna stab us all in the back when we least expect it."

Garret bristled, but refrained from retaliating. Now was not the time, and his good sense kept his temper in check. If he wanted to be involved, he needed to not make Nate mad. Eventually though, he and Jason were going to butt heads. He could feel it.

Jason continued with Nate. "But I trust you, so if you think this is the right course of action, then I'll support it. As far as Reese is concerned..." He shrugged. "He won't kill you - he doesn't want to go to prison. Not even his wife could get him out of that with this many witnesses around." He grinned. "I expect he'll be back in a while though, if you need to run this past him."

Garret maintained his cool and respectfully questioned Nate. "If you want to do this after dark like I originally suggested, you've got a few hours yet to get everything in place."

He was gone longer than planned, but Reese finally reappeared, going straight back to his office after checking with Susanne if anything important had happened. Notified of no news on their current kidnapping case, he set to work on some files. It did strike him though, that he hadn't seen agent Young in a while. Interesting.

Weeks were passing in a blur. The discreet tally marks that had been scratched into the wall above his bed proved the days that had passed. He was nameless here. Just a number assigned to set him apart from the others. Perhaps it was a cruel form of poetic justice that he now was the one imprisoned, rather than the one performing torture.

No one had come. There had been no signs. Silence was the only thing that came from beyond these walls. But maybe…maybe he deserved this.

Alec’s nights were spent in deafening silence, drugs and locks keeping him sedated, secure and unable to reach the small window near the ceiling to see the stars. At times, he wondered if the lights in the dark sky had abandoned their posts, leaving the night to defend itself.

His days were spent in anguish - strapped to tables or chairs. Beaten but never killed, his body was but a playground for brutality. Injuries were tended only to keep him alive for the next session. Promises were made for relief, but he refused to do their bidding. Instead, he suffered without words - only screams that echoed through the corridors.

He knew now what it meant to be a prisoner here. He knew now what it meant to survive on the verge of insanity.

Number 372. Maybe this truly was his fate. Payment for all his past misdeeds. Maybe the rescue he’d hoped for really wasn’t coming. Maybe his few friends and family had decided it was best to leave him in Agency hands as the justice he deserved.


In the Day

Sitting at the table with her coffee cup Angel swirled it around. She was tired but awake, hurt but trying to focus with what was more important right now. She wished she could help more, but she didn't know how honestly. But she was ready when they needed her.

Hearing Con's question Angel looked up at him quiet for a moment thinking. It was hard thinking that far back because in all honestly it had been a really really long time. But she tried to pull the memories she could of him from the dusty boxes.

   "He never really had a family, and when he found out he did have one...he was thrilled. He loved being here part of the family, but than the time came for him to go his own way like so many of us back than."

Taking a sip of her coffee Angel falls silent again thinking back to those days. Most would say the older days were easier but when thinking about it really it was a lot rougher than now.

   "Back in the day we didn't have The Elite at our back and things were a lot harder. I think...it took its toll on Lane and he just had to get away. I can't blame him for that. There were many times I wanted to get away too. But I had built my home here, and this was more of a family than I ever new. This ranch game me a new life, and owed it to Rosetta to stay, on top of wanting to stay. Lane didn't have that. So he left...and now...we are here."

Nate couldn't help the look of surprise that passed over his face. He hoped Jason would agree but he didn't think it was going to be that easy. He thought at least he'd have to try and convince him. But maybe this would be a good thing and would make the blow from Reese he was sure to get a little better.

   "Geee Jas...dont make this easy or anything."

Nate couldn't help the small smile the passes his lips at he looked to Garret and than back to Jason again. Thinking for a long moment he considered the options.

   "You can't go and I think it would be better if Katie stayed with you. I need to at least not make Reese to mad."

Falling quiet again Nate looked down at the map on the table. He new this was one of the best options they had, that didn't mean he wasn't nervous though.

   "I think Garret as the decoy, and Wyatt would be a good option. Now I just have to pray Reese wont kill me himself."



Lane couldn't have felt more low. Even though Angel didn't say so outright, he could hear the hurt in her voice, and it made him all the sorrier. He had neglected to consider that he might be important to someone else. That someone else might want or need him in their lives. Instead, he'd looked only after his own interests. Safety for his family or not, he should have come sooner. Much sooner. His eyes remained on the table.

Mick downed the rest of his coffee and nodded thoughtfully at Angel's question. Brother and sister would have to work through their relationship later. "Well, whether help is on the way or not, we can at least establish some starting points. Like where you guys were exactly when you were taken, how many details you can remember about the entire incident..." He looked to Lane's quiet form. "Lane?"

"Huh? Oh. Right. Yeah." Lane rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hand. "I don't know how much I can help - it was all pretty confusing, but I'll tell you what I know." At least for now, the subject would no longer be on his past. He had a sinking feeling he'd need to revisit the topic again later with Angel, but at the moment, they had more important things to do...

...It was late. Or early, depending on how one would view the time. Just after three in the morning, and the night was pitch black. A set of headlights appeared at the end of the ranch driveway, paused, then drove away. With his ballcap pulled low, Con scanned the dark surroundings before moving forward. It felt like a lifetime ago that he'd been here, yet it was still familiar. His laced-up boots crunched on the gravel, although he made less sound than one would think for a man his size. Making his way to the main house, he wasn't surprised to see a couple lights on. His presence should be expected. Nonetheless, he knew about Stacy, and walked with caution. Getting up on the porch, he knocked lightly on the door and waited.

Inside, it was fairly quiet. Most had gone to bed, but a few remained up - or as up as possible with the aid of coffee. Lane had finally passed out on the couch, Eric was out making sure the girls were taken care of before he'd be back, Trent was half-asleep in an easy chair, and Luke had taken his leave earlier, unable to stay up any longer. Mick was still wide awake though, along with Rosetta, Wes, Sparky, Angel and Jeff who had joined the little group when he'd heard about what was going on. There wasn't much to do right now though. Lane had been through everything he knew at least ten times, and until they heard from the Agency or the Elite showed up, they could just remain alert and be patient - which wasn't easy. Jeff had started a card game with Wes and Sparky just to stay awake, but even that was getting less and less lively as the night dragged on.

Hearing the knock at the door, Mick jumped, not having realized he'd spaced out. Was it friend or foe at this hour? Reese had said he might send someone, but that was the last they'd heard. Without saying anything, Mick got to his feet and went to the closet first, retrieving his shotgun before going to the door. Holding it barrel-up, he paused at the closed door. "Who is it?" he called loudly.

"Con Gibbs," came the quick reply.

Mick relaxed and opened the door, still cautious, but glad to see it was a friend. "Come on in. You alone?"

"Yeah." Con entered and took a look around, giving a wave to those he recognized.

"Hey, it's the giant!" Sparky grinned. "Welcome back!"

Con wasn't a hundred percent sure what Sparky had said, but they all seemed surprised. He eyed the shotgun. "Reese didn't tell you I was coming?"

Mick shook his head. "He said he was gonna try to get somebody but that was last we knew. I thought you were off the force."

"I was. Am. Just lending a hand."

"Yeah, Reese said things were pretty crazy."

"That's an understatement. And another story. So...what's the scoop?"

It took a while, but eventually the whole story was told - from the very beginning when Lane first met everyone and found his sister, to the present and his current situation. By five o'clock, Con was sipping coffee and considering all their options. There wasn't a whole lot to go on yet, which was what he'd feared. Though Lane had provided details of the actual abduction, there were a lot of holes. Their best bet was going to be old fashioned detective work, pounding the pavement and retracing steps, unless things progressed in a different direction. He was about to ask another question when Lane joined them.

Lane trudged back into the dining room, his eyes bloodshot and tired. He hurt all over from lying crooked on the couch, and his back was killing him. But no one would hear him complain. Seeing the newcomer, hope filled his gaze. And a bit of surprise. This was one big man.

"Lane, this is Conrad," Mick introduced. "The Elite sent him to help."

"Just Con will do." Con extended his hand. "Sorry we're not meeting under better circumstances."

"Me too." Lane shook his hand before he slumped down in an extra chair. "Any bright ideas?"

"Not yet. But we're working on it."

Without warning, Lane's cell phone rang, setting everyone on edge. It took just an extra second for Con to realize the sound was a ringtone and his eyebrows rose. "Is it them?"

Lane fumbled with his phone before nodding.

Con shot up from the table and went for his bag. "Answer it," he ordered. "Keep them on the line."


"Do it!"

Lane let it go a couple more seconds before answering. "Hello?" He looked at question to Con who had already returned and was setting up his laptop. "Yeah, no... What? It's five in the morning! I'm not even awake yet. I thought you were going to wait for me to call you."

Con's leg bounced under the table as he waited for his laptop to boot up, then started opening programs and pulled out some further pieces of high-end technology to plug in. He motioned for Lane to keep talking.

Lane swallowed hard. "I told you when I had something solid, I'd let you know! Besides, you haven't let me talk to Travis like you promised." He rubbed his forehead wearily as he was turned down again.

Con set a hand on his arm. "Throw him a bone," he whispered. "You've got to convince him you're trying to do what they want."

Lane covered the microphone. "I don't have anything!" he hissed, frustrated.

"Tell them you learned about the computer chips and you just need to find out where they are." Con pointed to the phone sternly. Lane had to keep it together, or this whole thing would go south.

Lane gritted his teeth, but obeyed. "You wanted me to find out about those computer chips, and I am. I just need a little more time. I got 'em to talk about it yesterday but I don't know where they're keeping them yet." He paused as he listened. "How many times do I have to tell you, I can't work miracles?! I don't understand why you think I can just waltz in here and overnight have all the answers you want! Now let me talk to Travis!"


It took all his willpower for Lane not to slam his phone down on the table. He shot a glare to Con. "Thanks to you, they now want to know where the chips are by tomorrow."

Con didn't react to the anger, and simply kept his eyes on the monitor. "We lost time since I wasn't set up yet, but the call came from within a fifty mile radius. Do you think your son is being held in the same place you were taken?"

Lane sighed. "I don't know... I suppose it's possible." He rubbed his hands over his face. "I have no idea."

Con glanced around at the others. He had more questions - they needed to figure out exactly where Travis was. But Lane was in no shape for further promptings. "How 'bout we take a break and get some rest, huh? We'll be able to think straighter in a few hours."

"No." Lane remained stubborn. "We have to find him. We have to get Travis out of there. I'm not going anywhere until we're closer to an answer."

Con stood up and towered above Lane. "Come again?"

Lane wasn't sure whether this huge officer was kidding or not. He was angry at being pushed around, but too tired to fight. He was beyond frustrated, but too exhausted to think straight. Con's eyes stared at him so intensely that he finally dropped his gaze first and scooted his chair back. "I'll be in my bunk," he mumbled. "But only for a little while."

Once he'd left, Con sat back down again and returned to his computer.

Mick's eyebrows had risen. There seemed to be an edge to Con that wasn't there before. Not quite harsh, but not as gentle as he used to be. The presence of hearing aids hadn't gone unnoticed either, but no one had drawn attention to it. "You gonna take a break, too?"

"Probably should."

There was a long pause until Mick spoke again. "Kinda hard on Lane weren't you?"

Con finally looked over at him. "If he woulda stayed here any longer, he was going to either collapse or pick a fight with all of us."

Mick had to agree. But still.

Con's eyes shifted back to his work. He needed to map out this entire area and familiarize himself with the territory again so they could come up with some possible locations. He didn't like it that he was here and that a kid's life was on the line. It was too much responsibility. But...he hadn't been able to say no...

...Had the doorbell just sounded? Con wasn't sure. Sighing, he got up from the couch where he'd just about been asleep. It was his day off and he was trying to take advantage of it and get some rest while Jamie was at work so they could enjoy a quiet evening together. Getting to the door and opening it to see Reese was not in the plans. "Reese? What's going on?"

"Can I come in?"

"Is Jamie okay?"

"Oh yes. Yes. She's fine. But can I talk to you for a minute?"

Con frowned. What was going on? "Yeah, okay." He let Reese in and returned to the living room to sit, turning up his hearing aids. "What is it?"

Reese eased down in a chair and folded his hands. "I need your help."

Con rolled his eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you I'm not coming back?"

"I'm not asking you to come back. But I do need your help." Reese leaned forward. "We're in the middle of an intense case, I'm shorthanded, the FBI is breathing down our necks, and there's a situation that needs our attention in Texas."

One of Con's eyebrows quirked. "At the ranch?"

"Yes. An old family member showed up. Angel's brother. He's got a son who's just eighteen years old and the Agency's taken him in the hopes of gaining intel on the ranch. The ranch needs help getting the boy back safely but they can't go to the police, and I can spare no one right now." Reese looked Con in the eye. "I need you. A young man needs you. You're the only one I'd trust to send in alone to help, and you know I wouldn't ask you unless I was desperate."

Con's shoulders sank. "Don't ask me to do this."

"I'm asking. No strings. One time. And if someone here frees up before the case is over, you'll be released from your responsibility."

"I don't think I should-"

"For an innocent kid, Conrad... please..."

Mick rising from the table brought Con's attention back, and he sighed. Maybe he was the one who needed a break. His ears were throbbing but he didn't dare take out his hearing aids at this point, and it made him grouchy. Actually, this whole thing did. His eyes shifted over to the other side of the table where Angel was. What was her take on all this? He wondered.

"What was he like when you knew him before? Your brother, I mean."

Jason nodded thoughtfully, listening to Nate. He turned his attention to Garret again. Reese seemed to still be leery about him - was it just fear based on experience, or was it wisdom? Jason couldn't tell. What he could tell, was that Nate trusted Garret. And right now, if Jason had to bet money, he'd have to admit it seemed Garret was being genuine. Of course, he was most likely a very good liar, but Jason had pretty good instincts, and he trusted Nate's instincts, too.

"I say let's do it. As much as I hate to admit it, it makes sense to take a different approach this time. Unfortunately, all I can do is provide backup or communications. If I've got a tail, they're gonna be watching me and I can't risk blowing this."

Garret could feel his pulse start to quicken. All he wanted was to be one of the ones to go in. To prove he was on their side so he'd have more freedom. His eyes shifted to Nate with question and just a hint of hope. "Two men would do it," he tried to convince him. "One as a decoy - someone who would act as though they were attempting a one-man rescue mission. It would lead the operative away from his post just long enough for the real rescuer to get the girl out."

"How can you be so sure there's only one Agency man?" Jason questioned.

"I can smell it."

Jason squinted at him. Was he bluffing? "What about the threat of a second captive?"

"If they're there, we get them both out. If not, we at least get one."

"And what danger does that put the second target in?"

"A lot." Garret wasn't kidding. "But if you don't rescue one, both are going to die. This is a mission built solely on torturing Justin. That, plus the threat, means they already plan to kill someone in such a way to affect him personally. It's one of their scripted methods. If we don't act now, both will be killed. As long as you don't know who the second target it is, you can only try to get one out and just pray we find the other one in time."

Jason sighed. He saw the look of hope, but didn't know if they were ready yet to put Garret in the field, let alone on such a high-risk case. "Wyatt might be a good choice," he suggested. Reese might choose Gunner, but Wyatt had a cooler head for something like this. "Or you could use Katie as long as I stay put here." He paused in thought."The decoy had better be good though."

"Agreed." Garret nodded. "They need to be able to move fast, keep the operative away long enough for the rescue to take place, and know how to keep themselves alive if or when the operative catches them."

Jason's eyes went back to Nate again. Garret knew his stuff, no doubt. And if he was going to be involved, Jason would rather Garret be the decoy than an Elite officer. But it wasn't his call to make. It was Nate's.


Makes Sense

Listing to Garret and looking at the blue prints the wheels in Nate's head turned. What Garret had said made sense and now that he was saying it again it really made even more sense. If anyone was to know how the Agency was to move it was Garret. He was the best person they had to plan an attack that the agency wouldn't expect.

   "What he's saying really does make a lot of sense Jas."

He new it was hard for everyone else to trust Garret. They had all been though so much he couldn't blame them, He just hoped that the would listen and in the back on his mind he hoped Reese wouldn't be so mad. As soon as he got back he'd fill him in.

   "We do pretty good in the way we do things, but I think Garret has a point. If we go in different than normal we might have a chance of saving Grace and if they already have someone else...saving them too. I think we know to little about whats going on this time and we don't have the time to try and find out more. So what do you say?"

Nate looked between Garret and Jason. He wanted to make sure no one got hurt, he wanted to give Garret the chance he needed. This was a good opportunity.

Hearing Lane's story about his wife, and son Angel's heart broke,. She wished she had been there for her brother. It seemed like he had gone though a lot on his own and though she understood why he stayed away, it still hurt.

Continuing to listen Angel couldn't help the look of shock on on her face that quickly turned to hurt hearing that Lane had been so close but not reached out. Again, she understood but it still hurt a lot more than she'd ever tell someone.

   "I wish you had contacted us being so close. There are so many things you missed that happened in life...so many wonderful things, and even sad things."

Letting out a long sigh Angel looked around the room, than to her brother again. She hurt, and she hated that she hurt. She didn't like the feeling of being upset with him. It was pass this she new but at the moment it just didn't feel good. But there was Travis and they could not forget him him. Looking to Mick she tried to give the best smile she could.

   "So where does that leave us? What is our first step at saving my Nephew?"


Spying on us

Prompted to follow Nate, Garret's eyebrows rose. Really? He pushed off the wall to fall into step. Was there actually a chance he'd get to help after all? The near-collision with Sapphire caused to pause as well. Catching her smile, he lifted his chin in a silent greeting - she was one of the few that actually treated him like a human being around here. And whether she knew it or not, he appreciated it - and when he appreciated someone, he didn't easily forget.

His ears returned to the conversation as he listened intently. Mick Henson? That was interesting. He knew the name well, and wondered if the ranch had been targeted yet again. What else would Medridge possibly want from there right now? There was so much else going on.

His thoughts were interrupted as Nate assumed a new route. Prove himself? He knew he could be an asset if they'd just let him. And since Reese wasn't here right now, it was the perfect time to try...

Jason looked up from his desk as Nate and Garret came in."Hey guys, what's up?"

After getting filled in with the case, he was now standing and looking down at the blueprints on the other side of his desk. "Okay so... we know the call came from somewhere around here, but we're assuming it came from these buildings. And on top of that, we don't even know which one."

"Here." Garret pointed to the warehouse nestled in the southwest corner of the lot.

"And...why do you say that?"

"If you were going to sweep this area, where would you start?"

Jason studied the blueprints a moment longer, then gestured to the northeast corner. "Probably here. It's the easiest access point, and from there you can spread out and cover more ground."

"And also give our guy the most time possible to see you coming."

"But there's no way for him to get out if he's in that corner."

"There's no street - but there's an empty lot. What's separating it? A fence? That won't stop him. He'd be gone before you even got to his building."

Jason quirked an eyebrow and glanced at Nate before looking back at Garret. "What makes you so confident?"

Garret straightened and folded his arms. "Just like I was telling Nate a few minutes ago. This guy is gonna figure you'll do what's predictable. And you just proved that you would. You can bet money that he's set up especially for the Elite's typical tactics. He probably isn't all that smart on his own, but he's been trained on how you guys deal with threats, and you've got a pattern. Just like every other law enforcement agency. You wonder how the Agency has been one step ahead all the time? It's because you all do the same things over and over and over."

Jason tried hard not to take offense. He thought they did a good job around here, and they'd obviously brought in many a criminal. "So what's stopping this guy from thinking like you?"

A grin tugged at the corner of Garret's mouth. "Really?"

Jason sighed and stepped back a moment.

Garret looked to Nate. He'd said all he could earlier about doing things differently and unpredictably. There wasn't much else he could add at this point. But if it were him, he'd do what he already suggested, and go in with just one or two men at night. The Elite never moved that way, so this was a prime case to have a new approach.

Wandering slowly down the hall after showing Jared the bathroom, Justin leaned back against the wall and pulled out his cell phone. His mind was still going a hundred miles an hour, trying to think up anyone who the Agency might attack in connection with him. Then he thought of his clients.

He dialed Carson. "Hey. It's Justin. Yeah, listen.." After giving Carson the short version, he encouraged him to get to Mackenzie and her family's house just to keep an eye on things, but not let anyone panic. After that, he called Eli with the same message for Ryan's sake.

Was that everyone? He had other clients but no one he was close to at this point. He thought of his ex-girlfriend. But she was out of his life, now. His mom was safe, Beth was safe, Reese was taking care of his uncle...that was it, right? His head hurt from thinking so hard.

All they could do now was wait for another call. The Agency thug had said he'd have a choice. They needed to know who the second target was. He'd call, right? He'd call and actually give him the chance to save someone? There was a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach that the operative might just kill someone without actually giving him that chance. The Agency never played nice.

Back in the break room, Jared sat alone. He wasn't sure where Justin had gone, but he really didn't mind right now. Talking to anyone else just made this whole situation more depressing anyway. He looked down at his empty hands. Justin still had his phone. As he should - this maniac wanted to talk to him, not Jared. This whole thing was in Justin's hands. Or was it? It would seem that way, but then, they were dealing with what appeared to be a madman. How could Justin be so sure they'd get Grace back? Jared's heart hurt, and at the moment, it seemed there was nothing he could do about it.

Lane's jaw muscles tried to work out the tension as Angel resumed the questioning where Mick had left off. "It's a long story," he finally managed to whisper.

"We've got time." Trent folded his arms. They were going to have to get answers one way or another, no matter how much they cared about Lane.

Mick sighed at Rosetta's question. "I hope so. Sounds like things are pretty crazy with the Elite right now, and they literally don't have enough hands. But Reese said he might have something so...we wait. I don't want to wait long, though. He implied if we have to act, the Elite's got our back, so at least that's good." He tucked his phone back in his pocket before running a hand over his face. "We're too old for this crap, ya know?"

Slinging his arm around her shoulders, he gave her a squeeze. "Come on." He aimed back for the living room.

Lane remained quiet, but it was obvious he was mentally trying to sort through many things. Too many things. He put his head in his hands.

"We may or may not get any help."

Lane's attention snapped up at Mick's voice. "They don't want to?"

"Can't. They're understaffed. Which means for the time being, we're on our own. Which means it's time for more answers."

Lane hung his head again. "I don't know where to start."

"How about the beginning?"

...It was later. Lane had asked for a short time to collect himself, and everyone had migrated to the dining room where coffee was served. It was about the time now where anyone not wanting to go to bed early would come and enter into a game of cards, or suggest watching a movie, but tonight there was an unspoken understanding that something greater was going on. And everyone outside the small group kept their distance out of respect.

Eventually, Lane was seated with the others, across from Angel to whom most of his attention was directed...

"When I left here for the last time, I fully intended on coming back." His eyes focused on the steaming coffee mug he cupped between his hands. They all wanted to know how he was aware of what was going on at the ranch, but if he didn't start at the very beginning, he'd just have to fill in the gaps later anyway. "But...then I met Amber while I was drifting. And I fell. Hard. Rather than dragging her into a mess of invisible bad guys who were after us for invisible reasons, I decided to bury the past completely." He shrugged. "It seemed like the wisest plan at the time. We got married and settled down in Louisiana. We were both young. She had big dreams, and me...I was just a lovesick kid without the brains to be the man I needed to be." He finally took a sip of coffee and just sat quietly for a few minutes.

Mick, sitting nearby with Rosetta, picked up the sound of the door opening, and glanced that direction, quite surprised to see Jim enter. His brother quietly went to the kitchen for some coffee too, then found an empty seat a ways from the others - keeping his distance, but obviously wanting to listen. Mick gave Rosetta a quick look. Jim had been avoiding everyone. Strange that he would enter into this.

Lane continued his story. "Amber went to school to pursue a career, and I caught part time jobs off and on while trying to be an artist." He scoffed. "I'd spend hours at home in front of a canvas. That's what Amber hated the most. I didn't mean to ignore her - I was just clueless about what really mattered. Then she got pregnant."

A little smile curled his lips as he swirled his coffee around. "Kinda rocked my world, ya know? She was petrified - I was thrilled." His eyes found Angel's. "First thing I wanted to do was call you, but...all I could think about was the danger." It sounded so shallow now. "When Travis was born, I was sure I was the happiest man alive. Amber had to quit school for a while, and I buckled down and found steady work. I did my best, but I just wasn't around as much as she needed, I guess."

His fingernail tapped the outside of the coffee mug as his tension rose. He kept going though. "When Travis was about two years old, we moved back to Texas. I guess a part of me had never really left, and Amber missed it. Then...about a year later...I got home from work one night and found her packing. She said she'd found someone better than me. Someone better suited to meet her and Travis' needs. Someone who paid more attention to her than work or stupid paintings." The pain in Lane's voice proved that his heart had still not fully healed. "Somewhere in the middle of our shouting match, she informed me she'd been having an affair right under my nose almost that whole year." He took another sip of coffee to cover up the fact that he was having trouble saying any of this out loud.

"So that was the end of that. I got served papers the next day, and in very little time, we were divorced and she had full custody of Travis. I moved to a smaller place, picked up a different job, and during the next few years I worked at getting to see my boy whenever I could. Once he was in junior high, Amber let him make up his own mind, so we had quite a few weekends together. And that pretty much brings us to the present. He just graduated and was gonna start a job next week. We'd planned a fishing trip, but obviously that got interrupted." 

Mick let out a long sigh. "I'm sorry it's been so hard." But the biggest question of all had not yet been answered. "Where exactly have you been?" he prodded.

Lane ran a hand over his face. "I've been working at the Triple J Ranch."

Mick's eyes widened. That was a cattle ranch only a half hour's drive away. "What?"

Lane glanced again to his sister. He was so sorry. "I know about everything 'cause I've only been about twenty miles from here for the last eight years or so." He bit his lip. "At first, ya'll were still scattered around and I didn't wanna cause a stir by showing up, so I stayed away. Then I found out things were starting to happen again and...I watched as everyone came back. You can learn a lot by asking around." He swallowed hard. "I, um... once I realized the war had never ended, I did some digging and found out all I could about the Agency, then eventually stumbled on the Elite and all that. Wasn't easy but... I'm stubborn like that."

Luke's brow furrowed. "So you've been spying on us for years?"

"Not...not spying. Just... I didn't want to cause you trouble, and I wanted to keep Travis safe. But I couldn't just... I didn't want to..." Lane fished for the right words to express what he felt. New tears surfaced. "Family has... always been important to me. Years ago when I was here, it was my first taste of what family really meant and... and when I left... that was the one thing I was missing." He cleared his throat and took a moment to regain focus. "I was too scared of either causing harm or having harm done to my son that I kept my distance. But I couldn't keep from knowing what was going on here. How everyone was doing. Watching my sister get married, and my niece have kids of her own." He managed a faint smile. "My only regret is not being here. Being too scared to come back. 'Cause in the end, it didn't matter. They found me anyway. And all these years were just...wasted."

"I can't believe you've been this close for this long," Trent commented.

Lane swished around the last bit of his coffee, and didn't feel like he could look at his sister again. He didn't deserve her love and care. He didn't deserve anyone's help. It had taken an Agency attack to bring him here. He was just a coward that had now endangered all of them.


Prove yourself....

Looking to Garret Nate studied him for a long moment. If anyone was going to help them it really should be Garret. He new better than anyone how the Agency thought and what to expect and what not to. He also new though that tough shell he just wanted to help and prove himself. Sooner or later they would have to let him or they would never know whos said he was on.

   "Actually to me your job is more than that, so if I was you I wouldn't assume we all feel that way. Come on follow me."

Heading twords Reese office Nate just assumed that Garret was following him. Stopping as he saw Reese coming twords him he went to speak but feel silent as Reese went by. He seemed in a hurry but now that he was gone he couldn't even ask if it was ok if Garret helped him. He was on his own though and when Reese got back he'd tell him.

Turning again it was Sapphire he almost ran into this time.

   "Oph...sorry I guess I should watch where I am going better. Any idea where Reese was going?"

Giving a small smile at Nate Sapphire was happy she wouldn't have to go hunt him. Looking down at the papers and than up again she takes note to Garret behind him and gives a small smile to him as well.

   "I'm not sure. He got a call from Mick at the R/M ranch and than took off. He said to get these blue prints to you so you and the guys could look them over."

Nate thats the blueprints and nods, before rerouting himself and heading for Jason's office. They better get to it so they can figure out what to do. Calling over his shoulder he hoped Garret was still following.

   "Well come on, its time to prove yourself."

Still sitting with her brother Angel let out a small sigh. She new the others were right. There was more to this story than what was said. It was hard to think about but she couldn't ignore the signs or the red flags.
   "Lane, how come you know so much about us when you haven't been around that much?"

Angel looks at her brother with much question in her eyes. She hoped he wouldn't feel hounded but it really was important to know everything he had to offer. Had he been watching them? Had someone else been watching them? While no one thought they were safe from the Agency it raised concern of how, they had so much more info on them. 

  "I know you want to find Travis and we will, but for our safty its important you are telling us everything."

As Mick was on the phone Rosetta stood close by. She hoped someone would be able to help them. It would be nice to have the Elite backing them up.

Once Mick was off the phone she looked at him hopefully.

   "Are they going to send someone?" 



With the others scattering to go about their work, Garret's face remained with half a scowl. Why did everything he say fall on deaf ears? Reese was a fool for not listening to him.

He leaned back against the cubicle wall and folded his arms, looking over the main floor. Every day he asked himself if he'd been an idiot to come here, and every day that answer seemed to grow just a bit more vague. Now that there were several active cases, he was left to his own devices most days, and most days that meant he was either cooped up in his cell or taking it out on a punching bag. But that routine was growing pretty old. He continued to steer clear of the infirmary. Aaron had been allowed to get up and walk the room - or at least the best he could - as long as Hal was there, but Garret knew better than to show his face in there again just yet. The only thing he knew about that end of things though, was that Justin was to work with Aaron on a regular basis, at least until he calmed down. Otherwise... everyone pretty much ignored Garret's presence, making it even harder to care about anything.

"You might try to get it through Reese's thick skull that this Agency operative isn't going to do anything predictable." He tossed Nate a glance over his shoulder. "The only way to make any headway is to be just as unpredictable." His stubborn side wanted to say the heck with it. But he was so bored, and...deep down, he still wanted to prove his new allegiance.

"Whoever this is, he's going to expect the logical thing. He's going to predict that Reese will find the warehouse and locate the girl. Then he'll assume Reese will send in a team in broad daylight. That would be the safe way to go. But he'll be expecting that, and will probably take down more than one of your own agents, not to mention he'll end up killing the girl - probably in front of somebody just for shock value. If I were Reese, I'd send in the best man he's got - two at most - after dark for an extraction. Most of the guys sent in on these types of Agency missions are trained on surface methods of psychological torture, but in all reality, they lack brains to think on their feet. He's got a plan, and if he said there's a second victim, you can be sure it's true. But react differently than he expects, and you'll have a split moment to get the upper hand and hopefully save at least one of the victims."

He paused, still just looking over his shoulder. "But then...my job is to just sit down and shut up."

"Want anything to eat?" Justin gestured to the vending machine in the break room.

Jared shook his head and simply remained seated, slouched in his wheelchair.

Justin studied him a moment before sliding into a chair at the table. "You alright?"

"Really?" Jared rolled his eyes. "That's the best you can come up with?"

Justin shrugged. "Seems you're more than just worried about Grace." He cocked his head, still studying his brother's body language. "You're blaming yourself for something. What is it?"

Was it that obvious? Or was Justin just that good? Jared wasn't sure. Either way, it was too hard keeping this bottled up inside. He couldn't take it. "We had a fight," he admitted, then shook his head. "Not really. It was all me. I said some pretty mean things and...then this."

Justin pursed his lips before sighing. That was the worst feeling, and he couldn't help but feel sorry for his brother. "You're in love with her, aren't you?"

Jared swallowed hard and picked at a loose thread on his jeans. "I don't know. Maybe. Probably. I just...don't think she knows that after the things I said."

"She does," Justin assured. "And she's going to be alright. We're going to find her, and she's going to be alright."

Jared gave him a look of disbelief. "You think I didn't hear that guy out there? I don't know who he is, but he was awfully confident that this was not going to end well."

"Yeah, well he's got a big mouth."

Jared frowned. "What do you do here anyway? Why would someone come after you like this?"

"I'm really not sure." Justin would rather keep the focus on his brother, but he couldn't ignore his own part in all this, no matter how much it made his stomach churn. Not to mention, what Garret said did bother him - he knew the ex-Agency member knew all too well how these things worked. "I'm just contract labor - I don't even have a badge. Reese calls me to make evaluations on tough cases they bring in. I get to figure out if someone is trustworthy or not, decide if they need counseling, maybe work with the myself - that sort of thing."


Justin quirked an eyebrow. "What did you think I did here?"

"I dunno. I just... I guess I didn't realize you were so close to working with such dangerous people."

"Maybe I didn't realize it either. I'm sorry...about Grace. If I would have known-"

"Pete said they'd want me to blame you," Jared interrupted.

"Do you?"

Jared shrugged as his eyes lowered. "I just want her to be okay."

"Me too..." Justin stood up again to pace the room. Who else did the kidnapper have in mind? Who else was Justin supposed to think of? How could he choose who to save when he didn't even know who else would be involved? Was Garret right? Were there no rules to play by? Was the kidnapper just stringing him along for the fun of it? Was there even really a second person? And what on earth could Justin do to prevent any of this? Why him? He hadn't thought he'd ever be a target. He wasn't involved enough. Or was he?

"Yo. Justin." Jared snapped his finger. "You listening?"

"Huh?" Justin turned around, not having heard a word.

"I was asking you where the bathroom was."

"Oh. Sorry. Follow me."

"I don't know!" Travis tugged at the ropes that held his wrists tightly behind the metal chair in which he sat. A backhanded slap made his head spin, and split his bottom lip open for the third time. Licking the blood and spitting it out on the floor, he glared up at his captor. "I have told you all I know," he hissed. "My dad told me he grew up in Texas and worked at a couple ranches. That's it! How many times do I have to tell you that?"

The tall man sneered and rubbed his knuckles. "You can't tell me he never talked about the R/M ranch and how valuable the folks there are."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Travis leaned his head back and closed his eyes out of frustration. What had his dad been involved in? He'd never told Travis anything, other than he'd been raised in an orphanage, got out when he could, job-hopped, and hadn't settled down til he met Travis' mom. Travis wouldn't have guessed in a million years that his dad had crossed paths with such ruthless people. And what was this ranch they kept talking about? Nothing was making sense.

"If you don't know nothin' about it, then why are you here? Why are you so close to the ranch, huh? There's no such thing as a secret - you know more than you're saying."

Travis growled and looked at the guy again. "Seriously? You're here too and you don't have any answers. Look, I said it before, I'll say it again. I was born in Louisiana and when I was about two years old, my family moved to Texas. Don't ask why - I was too young to be in on that particular family discussion. As to why we're so close to this freakin' ranch you keep talking about, you'll have to ask my dad himself because last I knew, he didn't want to be far from where he works, just like any sane individual - of which you are obviously not." His smart remark earned him a fresh punch to the face, this time to his right eye. Swallowing hard and taking a moment to ignore the pain, his glare returned. "Must be nice. Picking on a kid. Make ya feel good, does it?" He lurched in his chair, which helped him gain all of half an inch forward. "How about you let me loose and then see who gets the upper hand?"

"Ahh, so your daddy did teach you a thing or two about fighting."

Actually, no. Travis hadn't ever seen his dad hit anything other than to kill flies, and the only time he'd seen any kind of temper at all was when his mother tried to get her own way. Travis had a friend who showed him a thing or two every so often, but for the most part, he was clueless when it came to self-defense, let alone offense. But it didn't stop him from lurching again. If he had to move that half inch at a time, he was going to make it to the door if it was the last thing he did.

Lane wasn't so sure everyone else would forgive him as readily as Angel, for having almost betrayed them all. He wanted to believe they'd save Travis, but how? What could any of them really do? Scanning the faces, he couldn't tell if they felt more sorry for him, more scared, or more upset. 

Mick caught Angel's eyes and sighed, but gave her a short nod. He wouldn't let Lane be left on his own in this. They were a family - including Lane. Feeling Rosetta's hand, he took it in his own and gave it a gentle squeeze. This was hard on all of them. But they'd all accepted that this was their life - sometimes they were left alone, and sometimes they went to war. And right now, it was war. 

"She's right." He spoke to Lane. "We'll do all we can. Thank you for coming clean. It's the only way we're gonna get your boy back." 

"But how can you help?" Lane wiped his eyes and took a deep breath, finally back in control of his emotions. "We don't even know where they're holding Travis." 

"Luke?" Mick turned. "Go fire up the coffee pots. It's gonna be a long night." He pulled out his cell phone. "I'm calling Reese." 

"Wait, no." Lane stood. "If you involve the Elite, the Agency will know."

Mick's thumb hovered over his phone's screen and he cocked his head. "Funny. I don't think I mentioned the name Reese being connected to the Elite." Suspicion laced his tone. "You got anything else to tell us?"

Lane swallowed hard and glanced at his sister, then back again. "N...no. Why? I mean, I heard you guys talking about Reese before and I just assumed..."

"You didn't assume anything." Mick dialed. He'd counted at least ten instances where Lane had either not been surprised by something he should have been, or he knew something he couldn't possibly know after being gone all these years. It wasn't adding up. "We're going to find Travis. But in the meantime, you better start thinking how you're gonna explain how you know so much about us and this place." Hearing the phone ring on the other end, he left the room. 

Lane's eyes traveled the room to find a new wave of distrust. "I haven't been with the Agency," he insisted quietly. "I swear." 

Sparky's eyes narrowed. Mick had reservations - that much was clear. And he had plenty of his own. "I hope helping you out isn't going to get the rest of us in trouble. But if it does...it's on your head." He turned to stalk out and cool off. 

Lane's shoulders dropped, and he decided not to look at his sister again. It was pretty clear he hadn't yet told them everything. He didn't deserve to be helped. But he couldn't refuse. Not when Travis' life was on the line.

Reese sat behind his desk and gave Sapphire a grin as he was handed the papers. "I feel lucky every day to have you here, and even luckier that you actually stick around." He scanned the layout of the buildings and nodded. "You're probably right. This is great. You..." His voice trailed off as his private line rang and he held up a finger to keep her there as he answered the phone. "Yeah? Mick? What's up?" He leaned back in his chair and scrunched his eyes shut. "I hate to say this, but the timing couldn't be worse... Yes, I understand... But we're in the middle of our own crisis here. We're in the middle of a life or death situation that we just found out is Agency-related as well.... Uh-huh... Really? Do you know how much time he's got? .... I just really don't know what to do, Mick, I'm sorry. I've got an ex-Agency guy here who I can't trust, Nate's his handler and I can't let him go, Rick and Hal are both taking care of a hothead prisoner, Misty's in no shape to travel, Scott can't handle it, I need Dalton here, Pete and Jamie are both on the case, Gunner and Wyatt are my only stable operatives at the moment, and Jason's got a hit out on him, with Katie as his bodyguard and if I send them to you, it's just going to endanger you all even more." Just listing that all made his head swim. "You sure you can't go to local authorities? ... Yeah, I know. .... No, no, you're right. You can't trust anybody else when it comes to the Agency. Look, all I can do is.... What's that? .... No, everything's being disbanded. We've got the FBI looking over our shoulders on top of everything else and my hands are starting to get tied a whole lot more than I'd like, I..." He paused as an idea struck him. "Tell you what, you do whatever you need to do. As far as the law is concerned, the Elite has your back. Don't be stupid, but if you need to act, act. In the meantime, let me follow up on a lead and I may still be able to get you some help. Sit tight as long as you can. .... Okay... you too." 

Hanging up, he groaned and looked back up to Sapphire. "Sorry. This thing is getting out of control. Thank you for the blueprints. You're amazing and I owe you. I'll owe you even more if you take these out to Nate and have him think through this with Gunner and... Jason. Yeah. Thank you." He stood up and grabbed his keys. "I need to run an errand. I will be right back." Leaving without any more explanation, he hollered over his shoulder as he jogged. "Susanne, call me as soon as any other calls come in!" He didn't slow as he headed across the main floor and out the door.

Levi couldn't have been happier with Karla's response. She seemed bright, willing, polite and kind. At the very least, he was anxious to see if this worked out. If not, he didn't feel this had been a waste. But he hoped she'd be just what they needed around the office. "Then Monday it is!"

Finishing up lunch, there was just a bit more small talk, but Levi did need to get back to work. There was still a lot to do before the weekend...

"...You offered her what?" Keith stared at his son across the dining room table, his fork halfway to his mouth as the family ate supper together.

Levi inwardly cringed, but held a neutral expression. "Uh-huh." He nodded and glanced at his mother, who held up her hands. 

"This is between you two," she reminded. "You're on your own."

Keith set down his fork and folded his hands. "Son...you know our budget. Why would you do that?"

"I'll take a cut in pay. I already figured it out."

"But...why?" Keith's eyebrows couldn't get any more contorted if he'd tried. "You usually think with your head, not with a smitten heart. What's with you?"

Levi's smile finally faded and he set his fork down as well. "I'm far from smitten, so you can drop that theory. She's pretty and nice, but there's more to her and I simply felt convicted to give her a helping hand. She's had it rough and..." He shrugged lamely. "It just felt like the right thing to do."

Keith sighed and shook his head. "I don't know whether you're displaying a stroke of genius or if I ought to have you committed. But I guess if you're willing to take a cut in pay, then there's no reason not to give it a try. You really are sure?"

"I am." Levi was certain. He couldn't explain why. He didn't know why Karla had struck him like she had. But he knew without a doubt she hadn't tripped over that silly bucket for no reason.

Old Memories

Nate looked to Reese and than to Garret. If anything new the moves of the Agency it would be Garret. He himself thought it would be a good to keep him in the loop on this one. He hoped Reese would let him since he would be the best person to know every angle.

Hanging up with Reese Sapphire quickly got to work pull up some different blue prints. It wasn't an easy task since those building had been abandoned for a long time, but at the same time he'd hacked into harder places.

Finally getting in and printing them Sapphire heads to Reese office as she looks them over there were several papers, several doors, places to hide...it was going to be tricky.

   "You are lucky I am good at my job. Here are the blue prints. There is one hall way that connects all the buildings. It's kind of like a sky bridge. I think that might be a good place to start if you are going to scout something."

Karla couldn't help but laugh and she took a sip of her water. She new she was going to like working for Levi and his dad already.

   "Monday sounds great. I'll be there."

Just watching her brother Angel'e heart broke into a million pieces. There were still so many unanswered questions but all she cared about was how much pain her bother was in and it was so clear to see. She loved him so much, more than anyone would ever know and to see him like this...she hated it, and she hated the Agency.

   "I have a nephew."

Angel's words hung in the air as it sunk in. She was an Aunt...a small smile passed her lips before it was gone again, more anger and sadness replacing that small bit of joy.

   "Well help get him back Lane, I promise we will. No one is angry with you because honestly if it had been us...I bet we would have done the same thing. We know people who can help."

Looking at Mick Angel had hope in her eyes. The Elite could help, they all could help. Lane hadn't done anything wrong yet, so it wasn't to late. She only hoped the others agreed too.

Hearing everything Lane said Rosetta places her hand on Mick's arm. She was happy he had come clean, they could now try and help him and still a wave of fear washed over her. It had been a long time since they had been targeted by the Agency and it brought back a whole load of old memories.




Jared jumped as his phone rang, and answered it quickly. Hearing they wanted Justin again, he handed his brother the phone. Justin glanced at Reese to receive a nod and put it on speaker. "Yeah, this is Justin..."

The message made his blood run cold. He'd hoped this whole thing was something else. But now there was no doubt it was the Agency. Which made the situation all the more dire. With the end of the call, Justin started to try and keep the man on the line, but it no good. He was gone.

Jared looked at Nate and Dalton. He had no idea who these people were or what their roles were. They were on top of this case, which was a comfort, but they spoke with an urgency that scared him. "Warehouses? Well can you go? I mean is it a good bet the guy is still with Grace? Can you check it out?"

Reese nodded and picked up the phone. "Sapphire, get me a layout of the warehouse complex across town, would you please?" He hung up and looked to Dalton. "Nice work - we've at least got a start. Nate, I want you to-"

"Who's the other victim?"

Garret's interruption halted Reese's thoughts. "What?"

"The other victim." Garret looked at Justin. "You can bet he's not bluffing. They have someone else to use against you."

Justin's stomach turned. "I don't know."

"Who are you close to? Who could you lose that would hurt the most?"

Justin shook his head. "I don't have anybody but Beth, my mom and brother."

"Well who are your friends?"

"I don't have any close friends!" Justin thew up his hands, exasperated. "I don't know who that guy is talking about!"

Looking up at his brother, Jared felt a new sense or confusion. He'd assumed Justin was surrounded by close friends. He was so good with people, and was just...the popular type. Seeing him so adamant about this was like seeing through a newly opened door into his brother's life. 

Reese held up his hand to stop Garret from continuing. "Justin, are you sure?" he asked calmly. "Can you think of anyone?"

Justin set his hands on his hips and took a deep breath as he wracked his brain. "My uncle." His eyes widened. "He's the only other person who I'm close to."

"He's at Brookshire right?"

"Yeah but he might be at home too. I need to call him."

"We'll take care of it," Reese assured. "Is there anyone else at all?"

"No!" Justin's exasperation returned. "How can I even choose who to save if I dont know who the other person is?!"

Reese remained calm. "We have a little play time. He's going to call you back."

"Don't bet on too much," Garret warned. "This isn't some cop show where the bad guy makes mistakes and lines things up so the genius on the team can figure it out and save the day. He's playing a game where there are no rules, so don't expect him to play by any."

Reese set his hands on his hips and frowned. "Thanks for that word of encouragement."

"Theres nothing to be encouraged about," Garret retorted. "Somebody is going to die, and you better accept that."

Reese's irritated eyes turned to Nate. "Short leash," he reminded firmly, then nodded to Jared and Justin. "Why don't you go to the break room? If you think of any other names, let me know. In the meantime, we'll check out the warehouses and wait for another call."

Levi smiled as Karla accepted his offer. He'd have some explaining to do once he told his dad but... it was worth it. This young woman seemed genuinely happy and even humbled - and he was going to take it as a sign that hed made the right call. 

"Don't thank me yet," he teased. "You might be pulling out your hair after working with us for just a week." He tucked the papers back into his folder. "So... how about Monday morning, eight o'clock?"

Wounds on Lane's back? The others exchanged glances and Sparky opened his mouth to ask about it, but Mick waved him down. Now wasn't the time. Feeling out of the loop, Sparky scowled at his brother, but kept quiet.

Lane refused to look at Angel, even when she came around in front of him. As she pulled him into a hug though, his walls started to crack. When he'd first arrived yesterday, he hadn't given her much of a greeting. But right now...he didn't care about his pain, and he couldn't withhold his feelings any longer. She was his sister, and he loved her.

Wrapping his arms around her too, he hugged her tight. And for a few moments, the room stood in silence. Trent sank down in a chair and sighed. Would this type of pain ever end for them? Eric, standing next to Stacy, slipped his hand into hers. Families had been torn apart...and he didn't want that to happen to them. Mick caught Rosetta's eye, his gaze one of sorrow. Lane was being so stubborn, but it was obvious he was carrying around a great burden.

Eventually, Lane pried himself loose and took a couple steps away from Angel before he stopped and stared at the wall. A painting hung there - a beautiful portrait of a landscape at sunset. Reaching out, he gently touched the paint strokes, then ran his fingertip over Wendy's signature. "I always wanted to tell her it runs in the family," he mentioned softly.

The reference to "always" didn't escape Mick's ears. How had Lane known about Wendy's hobby? He'd never even met her before yesterday.

Lane dropped his hand. "Amber never did like it that I spent so much time with my paintbrushes. 'Get a real job,' she'd say." His voice was still so quiet it was almost a whisper. "Maybe she was right. I just couldn't give it up, though."

Finally turning around, he faced the others. But all that did was bring on a new wave of emotions. As new tears filled his eyes, he had to take a moment, and he set his hands on his hips as he swallowed hard and stared at the floor. "You all have families now." His voice quivered. "And mine's not any more important than yours." A tear finally escaped to trickle down his cheek. "I can't do it. I can't. I thought I could...but I can't. It's my mess, not yours and I shouldn't have ever come."

He reached for his hat that was sitting on the edge of the couch, but Trent stepped forward to stop him. "You're wrong. You're exactly where you need to be, and you know it."

Lane retreated and dropped his eyes again. And again he fell quiet, taking several minutes to gain enough control to speak once more. "I have an eighteen-year-old son. His name is Travis."

Shock hung in the air.

Sinking down into the couch, he leaned forward to rest his head in his hands. "And you're right. I've been in contact with the Agency."

It was quiet again until Mick prompted him. "Go on."

Lane took a deep breath and lifted his face to look up at Angel. His hands were trembling and his eyes were so scared. "Travis was with me for the weekend and we were jumped. Next thing I knew, I was in some dark basement tied to a pole. They tore my back to shreds. I think I passed out a couple times. When it was over, they said if I didn't cooperate, Travis would get the same treatment before they'd kill him." New tears spilled over, and he shook his head. "I didn't want anyone to get hurt. I didn't want to come, and that's the truth."

Mick pursed his lips grimly. Dylan was eighteen - this hit too close to home. "What did they want you to do?"

"Gain information." Lane drew in a shaky breath and sniffed. His gaze had plummeted to the floor. "They wanted to know about some computer chips or something... and they wanted to know how much contact you guys had with the Elite. Like how often you were in touch and all that. Security stuff mostly."

"Did they give you a time frame?"

Lane shook his head. "Not really. I was just supposed to get them information and then they'd tell me when they were satisfied. They said they'd dump Travis somewhere and tell me where he was so I could get him and go on my way."

Mick ran a hand over his face and tried to think. A boy's life was on the line and they had to help, somehow. At the same time, now there were so many more unanswered questions. Allowed to continue taking the lead in the group, he went on. "And Travis' mother?"

A new pain flashed through Lane's eyes. "She doesn't know. She, um...she thinks Travis decided to spend a whole week with me instead of just the weekend."

The picture was starting to become more clear. "So you two are...?"

Lane nodded numbly. "Yeah. We're divorced." His eyes bounced to Angel, then back to the floor. Shame and bitterness were two new elements in his gaze. "It was a long time ago." The details of his failed marriage could wait. "Now that Travis is eighteen though, I was gonna get to spend more time with him..." His voice started to crack. "I was...gonna do what the Agency wanted. But after coming here and seeing you all and...seeing your families... Wendy with her own kids now too... I... I realized I didn't have a right to destroy your lives just to preserve mine." His emotion-filled eyes glanced up at the others. "I'm so sorry," he whispered. "I just wanted to save my boy. I didn't want anyone else to get hurt. I just...panicked."



Angel sat in shock for several moments. Lane had a son? She was an Aunt? So many more questions popped into her head, thoesugh she new right now none of them would be answered. There was more going on than finding that out. They had to figure out what was going on, get down deeper so they could help.

   "Lane...who has your son? Is that where the wounds on your back came from?"

Her heart broke for her bother in a million peaces. He wasn't a bad guy and they new that. Whatever was going on was because he had no other options. Sanding Angel goes over to Lane at the window and slips in front of him. Seeing his tears she couldn't help the few that escaped her own eye. Not even asking she wrapped her around around her bother and pulled him into a big hug.

   "Please Lane....please....we all want to help you, but we cant if you wont talk to us. "

Looking down at the paper that Levi slid over to her Karla couldn't help the bit of surprise that flashed on her face. Any amount would have been fine with her and would of helped a great deal but this was more than she expected. She was thankful but hoped Levi wouldn't get in trouble either.

   "Twenty hours a week is more than I could ever ask for. You are beyond generous. If you set me up in a closet I think I would still be thankful."

Taking the pen and signing the paper Karla couldn't help the bit of excitement she felt. She was really going to be starting something new. Even if it wasn't full time it was stable, and it would be a new adventure.

   "I can't think you enough, you have no idea how much this means to me. I wasn't expecting this at all but I am happy I tripped over that bucket your dad left out. Also, I'll never turned down a home cooked meal. I miss my mom's cooking so much so it will definitely be nice. Thank you."

Beth looked around the house. This was all crazy, and she was nervous. Even if Jamie and Pete were there to keep them safe she felt like if she didn't move she'd jump out of her own skin. The dogs were ok for now laying down so she didn't need to worry about them.

Wondering into the kitchen Beth watched Lydia for a moment before coming in more. She just wanted to do something other than sit there.

   "Lydia....do you need help with anything? I can't just sit her and do nothing. The more I sit the more nervous I get."

Hearing Jared's phone ring Nate stiffens and looks to Reese and than back to Jared giving a nod. They had to have something to go on and the only way to do that was to take the call.

As Jared answers the voice on the other end can't help the cocky grin that forms on his lips. He new he would answer. Actually he was counting on it.

   "I'm hoping by now Jared you've talked to your brother. Now let me talk to him."

The voice waited till hearing Justin's voice. Pacing back and forth the voice talked.

   "Ahh...Justin...good....Did you think you were immune to The Agency? Untouchable? No one is untouchable. Someone will die....Grace or someone else. The choose will be yours. Time is ticking...your going to need to deiced soon. I'll be in touch."

As the line goes dead Nate looks over his shoulder at Dalton who had worked quickly to try and locate where the call was coming from. Looking back to Nate his sighs a little.

   "Good and bad news. There wasn't enough time to get an exact location, but the good news is I got a general range. Across town where there are a bunch of abandon buildings. He could be in one of them."