

Eric knew Stacy wasn’t happy with the idea of him being on the road so long, but he also had a gnawing in his gut, reminding him that he had nothing. Nothing to support himself away from the ranch. And nothing to support anyone else, should his future shift in that direction. Regardless, he did feel bad, and he couldn’t help his sigh.

“Yeah…I know Ash won’t be happy. If I had any kind of a brain, I wouldn’t be in this position.” It was a flippant statement and he knew it, but sometimes he did feel as though his mental shortcomings were going to keep him at this spot in life forever.

He moved on quickly before Stacy could chide him, and he had to chuckle at her last statement. “I don’t think my phone is gonna get fixed. There ain’t one piece of it left that’s bigger than a dime. I’ll be sure to call you tomorrow again when I make another stop, then I’ll be home in a couple days and…I’ll let you know for sure what I’ve decided about the job.”

Realizing someone else was waiting to use the phone, he knew he had to cut off his conversation. “Sorry to talk and run, but there’s a line, and my truck’s runnin’ outside. I’ll see ya soon. Tell Ash I said hi, too.”

Gunner tilted his head so he could look down into Bree’s face, and for several long moments he said nothing. His eyes looked into hers, as if searching to see how deeply he could gaze. Yet at the same time, his own stare was hollow, laced with confusion and a frustration so great that it was chipping away at his soul.

Blinking, he broke his stare and gave her shoulder another little squeeze. In truth, he wasn’t hungry at all. “Okay. Milkshakes and junk food it is. Can’t go wrong with that, huh?” He forced a smile, even though it only proved to show his tiredness.

“You pick the movie though. I had a hard enough time just picking out which socks to wear this morning.”

The hallway was quiet tonight. It was the kind of quiet that made one want to listen to music, turn on a television or talk to someone, just to create some noise. It was the kind of quiet that provoked one’s mind to consider subjects which the host did not particularly care for. Not that it was too unusual for this individual. His mind often wandered to darker topics – more often than not lately.

Removing his headphones, Scott leaned back in the office chair. Dalton had already left…it was the first time Scott had been left alone here in a very long time. Usually he left before Dalton, or with him – but to be sitting here alone brought on a different kind of feeling. It wasn’t so much that he was scared, but almost as if he thought he was supposed to be. It was unsettling, but…not the worst kind of feeling, when considering all the dark things he’d felt before.

A tap on his leg brought a small smile to his face, and he looked down at Domino’s hopeful eyes. “Ready to go home, huh?”

She wriggled her stumpy tail in response, and nuzzled his hand, knowing better than to bark like she wanted to. That was the rule here, in this building. Being quiet kept her out of trouble, and allowed her to keep coming with her master every day. Or, at least a few days a week. It seemed to be a little more often lately.

Scott sighed before giving in and scratching Domino’s head. “Okay. Let’s go.” It would be dark when he got home. It was probably already dark. Which meant his house would be really dark. He’d known that when he’d looked at the clock earlier. But somehow he’d wanted to stay anyway. Perhaps…deep down… under the fear…he finally wanted to try and see if he could do it again. Walk into a dark house, that is.

Heading down the hall and reaching the main floor, he dug his keys from his pocket, but stopped when he suddenly realized Domino was no longer with him. He turned several times to make sure she wasn’t hiding on his blind side, then spotted her just as she disappeared into the one office door that was still open. “Domino!” Too late.

Seeing Hope behind her desk, Domino wiggled with excitement. She hadn’t been allowed to see her much lately, which confused her, but the door had been open, and Scott hadn’t been watching so…it was okay, right? Trotting over to the desk, she put her front paws up on Hope’s leg and dared a very quiet little woof, greeting her friend.

Still in the hallway, Scott hesitated. A new kind of pang hit his stomach and traveled up into his throat. He wasn’t surprised to see Hope’s office light still on – he usually left before she did though…especially after that night she’d come over and he’d turned her away. He’d intended to still be friends, but they were more of mere acquaintances now, hardly nodding to each other from across the room, and never making eye contact. He wasn’t even sure that they’d exchanged two words since that night. It had been his doing, but…it never had felt right. And Justin’s firm promptings hadn’t helped any either.

Mustering up his gumption, Scott aimed for Hope’s office. “Domino, what do you think you’re doing?” He rounded the corner and found it just a bit difficult to let his gaze land on Hope…but it was only for a moment before he dropped his sights to the floor. “Sorry. Guess she got bored following me around.”

As Victoria stepped back, Garret’s hands slid own her arms until his fingers locked with hers. He didn’t want to let her go. He didn’t want to see her disappear in the darkness, never knowing when they’d meet again. He didn’t want to let her go, knowing what her next mission was. He’d never love her less – she crossed no more lines than he, when it came to their duties. But he still hated it.

“I’ll be as safe as I always am.” He forced a small smile, though his eyes remained so very weary. He knew he needed to snap out of this funk, less anyone grow suspicious of where his loyalties lay. But it wasn’t easy.

With good sense winning out over his emotions, he finally let Victoria go. It would be several more minutes though, before he would head to his own quarters for the night. He needed the rest. With his lack of caring for himself, his body was growing weary.

“So you’re still seeing him then, huh?”

Ariel glanced over her shoulder before pulling back her hair and smirking in the hall mirror at Colt’s reflection behind her. “Yes. Problem?”

“Naw. I mean…you’re a grown woman, right?”

Ariel rolled her eyes and turned to aim for the kitchen. “Take your spurs off before you scratch my chair.”

Colt only moved his feet out to the sides further, remaining seated backward in the kitchen chair. “You know, the older you get, the more particular you get. Careful or you might turn into an old woman prematurely.”

“Oh, shut up.” Ariel’s tone might have been harsh, but her lips smiled. She knew her brother only cared for her – it was his concern that made him a butthead, not meanness. Cleaning up a few last minute things on the counter, she turned around to shake her head. “You’re just jealous.”
Colt grinned and took another bite of his apple. “Well, I have to admit, it doesn't seem fair you've got a love life and I've got none."

"Love life?!" Ariel's voice rose, as did color into her cheeks…as did her arm as she threw a dish towel at him. "I would hardly say one or two dates a week – tops – is a love life."

Colt's laughter was genuine as he caught the towel midair. "Calm down. I'm just teasing."

Though Ariel was scowling, she couldn't help a new little grin. She could strangler her brother most days, but she'd also protect him with her life if need be. And…as annoying as it was, she appreciated his interest in her life, whether it was who she chose to date or not. Tonight was no different. "At least you get me for the movies tonight."

"True. Very true." Colt stood and tossed his apple core into the trash can. A movie night with his sister was their once-a-month routine, and few people knew that they'd made a deal years ago that until one of them was married, they'd keep that routine.

"But take your spurs off first." Ariel checked her watch then moved to retrieve her jacket. "You look like an idiot."

Colt's smile returned, but he did as he was told. He'd come here directly from the stable, and was just thankful for his sister not minding if he smelled like horses.



Feeling Gunner's arm wrap around her Bree's heart jumped, it always seemed to do that when Gunner touched her. She new as of late things had gotten hard to him, and life just wasn't the same right now with all that was going on but at least he was trying. She'd continue to do all she could to help, or just be there when he needed a shoulder. It wasn't just him in this battle it was both of them weather he wanted it that way or not. That's what a relationship was about, two people working together to make the other stronger.

   "Mmmm...I think my Uncle said something about going out a little later tonight, so I think we are on our own for dinner. Soooo...how about we throw a movie on, I'll make some milky milk shakes with extra shake of course and we can order some junk food."

Bree returned the squeeze to Gunner just holding on a little extra bit longer. She was happy he was here, she was happy to know for the most part he was ok, she was happy that if something did happen she would be right next to him to help all she could. All she could ever ask for was that Gunner would be here, with her always.  She'd cared for many people before, her heart big, but Gunner, Gunner was different. There wasn't a think she wouldn't do for him. He was her soul mate, her vampire, she just new it.

   "Watch a movie, play a game, just cuddle, as long as I am with you...nothing else matters."

Hearing Eric's voice on the other end of the phone was confirmation that yes he was ok. She hated assuming the worse but not getting any replys, or calls from him was very odd, and it just didn't feel right. Now she could relax though, and at least for now know he was alright.

   "My goodness Eric, you know how to make a person worry dont you? The next phone you get I am buying one of those indestructible cases. I think your harder on your phone than I am."

Sitting back in her chair Stacy gives a soft smile and a shake of her head even though Eric couldn't see her. She was happy he'd called and she got to hear his voice. It hadn't been THAT long but it had been long enough.

   "Well no matter, I'm happy you're ok and you called. Thank you."

Hearing about the change in plans for Eric, and being on the road there was a long pause. Stacy let is process, before she said anything. She didn't like the sound of Eric being gone for so long, and she new Ashlee wouldn't like it either but how could she tell him no? In all honestly this was his desition, not there.

   "Being totally honest here I dont like the sound of you being gone for so long and I know Ash wont like it either. She already hates the face you have been done this long, and complains to me almost every day. But I know you need the money, and it wouldn't be right for us to tell you not to go."

Stacy new this was the right this to do and say. Eric had to be in control of his life, not them. Yes they were part of it, but it didn't revolve around them. He wouldn't be gone forever.

   "If you need to do this job, than I understand. Ash and I arn't going anywhere, at least not now. When you get back we will be here. Just make sure you get your phone fix ok?"

Victoria cocks her head to one side, looking at Garret with a slight bit of worry in her eyes. He was the only one who would ever see that, the worry, the love, no one else ever had, or would. 

   "I haven't hear anything yet, I know shortly after you leave I am going to be leaving myself. My grandfather wants me to try and get Mitch to join him. He said he could use his power, his men, and his money. So its up to me to make him want to join, and stick around."

Shifting a little bit Victoria continues to look into Garrets eyes. If she was successful in this and getting Mitch to stick around it would more than likely be because he would want to peruse her or at least spend more time with her. So on one had Victoria didn't want this, but on the other she new she must because it was her job.

   "I'll see what I can find out for you. Just...be safe, I dont know what I would do if I lost you."

Leaning in Victoria places a small kiss on Garrets lips before letting him go and taking a few steps back. They both needed to go there own ways now. It had been far to long they had been off the radar and sooner or later someone was going to wonder where they were, and why they were both missing, together.