


Hey, it was sweet of you to send me a letter. I'm just glad I recognized your name on the return address so it didn't wind up with my junk mail. And you can rest assured - I only freaked out a little.

I wondered why you'd dropped off the face of the earth. At first I thought maybe I needed some stronger deodorant. Then I realized that smells don't translate well across cyberspace so it must have been something else. Hope you get things worked out soon, though I totally get cutbacks. A while back, Cryptic was all the income I needed. Now... well, I guess there's a reason I'm a delivery guy.

I've been doing alright, and so has Puzzle. We've been spending a lot of quality guy time together... you know, lazing in front of the television, sharpening our claws on the couch, and sharing cans of sardines. Okay, maybe I don't have claws. The sardines? That'll be our secret.

Glad to know you're doing well, and yes, I'd be happy to take care of that chatroom for you. We'd been wondering where you were. Since I can tell them now, I'll just jump in and keep things moving.

Take care of yourself, Michaela and don't let Sassy boss you around too much. It was nice hearing from you. We should do coffee sometime.


Chance swallows hard, his feet feeling as though they were nailed to the porch floor. The pain in Destiny's eyes cut him to the quick, and he knew he didn't even deserve to be here. At least she hadn't yet slammed the door in his face. Was there any hope at all?

Her question it met with silence as he tries to form words around what he felt. "I... I couldn't keep running away." His eyes seem to grow even dimmer as he simply stares at her. "Every night I lie awake and think about how I hurt you. And every day I try to come up with ways I can fix what I broke."

Chance isn't sure if he should continue or just turn around and leave now before she told him to. "I'm a despicable creature that would do anything if only to gain back one small sliver of the sunlight you gave me before." His hand aches to reach out and touch her, but he wills it to remain at his side.

"I came because... every time I close my eyes, I see you."

Lydia was thrilled that Beth could come over, so as soon as their conversation ended, she bustled about the house, straightening the living room and making sure everything was in order. By the time Beth arrives, the coffee is ready, and so is the cozy kitchen table.

Delighted with the cherry pie, Lydia retrieves two plates and forks, complimenting Beth on the wonderful looking dessert. More compliments follow, and she's sure to ask Beth for the recipe.

Soon though, with the slices of pie half-eaten and coffee poured for the second time, Lydia grows a little more serious. A gaze out the dim kitchen window is followed by a sigh. "I'm glad you came," she admits. "I was glad to know that Justin is doing okay. I worry about him more than I should."

She fidgets with her coffee cup. "You seem to know more about his argument with Jared than I do. But... in the end, it does not matter." She forces a small smile. "At first, I was too shocked to think straight. But... I know that Justin would never strike out unless provoked."

Lydia pauses and takes another bite of pie. "He's much like his father - a big heart and a sharp mind. They always had a special bond... until his father died." She sighs again. "Jared... he has the sharp mind... but I think his heart is small. I... I am ashamed to admit that I know Jared has not told me the truth about a lot of things. But..." She shrugs in defeat. "I know Justin is well and he is on the right path... so if I must try to save one son, it must be the son that is lost."

Sadness pools in her eyes. "But I know Justin is being hurt too and that... that hurts me too." She pats her heart. "I do not know what to do."

At home today, Tal grabs his phone, smiling as soon as he saw who it was. Hearing that Ryan liked the flowers makes his smile grow. He knew it had probably been a tough day for her, and he wouldn't ask how things went - he was sure he'd find out soon enough. "I'm glad you like them. Just don't let the other guys get too jealous," he teases.

Her invitation for supper makes him glance into his kitchen that wasn't much of a kitchen anymore. "I'd love to come over. Your cooking is enough to make any man's stomach growl." He looks to his kitchen again. "I, um, just can't stay too late. Holly is due any day now and I don't wan to leave her alone for too long. But supper I can definitely do."

Kip shrugs, kicking at a pebble on the sidewalk. "Erik knows I guess. I don't know... I guess the others probably do too. I just don't play much other than my bass. The others have the other parts covered." He honestly didn't realize that Erik was the only one who knew he'd dabbled with other instruments - the rest of the band was clueless, and even Erik didn't know how good he was.

Coming to a stop in front of the ice cream shop, he changes the subject again. "Okay, take your pick. It's on me tonight."

"Okay good. Um... probably mid-morning." Sparky nods to Stacy, appreciating her willingness to work around any awkwardness in company or schedules. "Thanks. If anything changes, I'll let you know."

...Nothing much did change. Plans were kept and by the time Saturday morning rolled around, the small group was getting ready to head to town. Two pickups were ready - Sparky and Dylan in the lead, allowing Stacy to drive the second vehicle in case anything happened and she could be in control.

"Hey, are you coming or what?" Jeff hollers to Eric.

En route from the barn, Eric picks up his pace a little bit, not wanting to make anybody late. Much of his time was spent in the barn lately, usually grooming the horses. Ashlee had kept him company several more times too, and while teaching her all about grooming, he was still debating whether or not he'd be the one to teach her how to ride. She was almost starting to become like a little sidekick though, and he wondered how he could really tell her no.

"All aboard." Jeff gestures into the pickup where Stacy was already behind the wheel.

Eric pauses outside and quirks an eyebrow at his brother. "You're skinnier. You take the middle."

"I get carsick," Jeff counters. "Anything happens, it's your lap or the window - your pick."

"Well why isn't one of us riding with Sparky and Dylan?"

"Because Sparky wanted to let Dylan have his space."

"Then why aren't we taking a more comfortable vehicle?"

"Because Mick wants us to pick up some grain and we can't very well do that in the SUV." Jeff thumbs inside again. "Now come on. You're holding up the caravan."

Eric glances in at Stacy, not having planned on such close quarters. But after a moment's hesitation, he climbs in. With Jeff entering after him, the fit was a bit tight, and getting seatbelts on proved to be a bit of a task. Eric finds himself squirming and trying not to crowd Stacy, resenting the fact that his cheeks were growing hot. Failing at keeping his knee from resting against her leg, he finally turns, but all that does is shift his hip over to hers, making it all the more worse. Turning straight again, his elbow whacks her arm. "Aw...sorry..."

"Everybody cozy?" Jeff asks, a crooked grin on his face.

Eric shoots him a glare, getting a funny feeling that he was having too much fun watching. "Cozy. Very... cozy." Squirming a little more, he finally gives up. His knee was against Stacy's leg and it would just have to stay that way. Shoulder-to-shoulder, he stares out the windshield, not even able to look at her. Seeing the other truck pull away, he's glad they can finally get a move on.

Jason's condition continued to worsen. And though Rick and Misty worked around the clock, they were no closer to finding a cure. Jason had many visitors though, making the days bearable. Con and Jamie... Nate and Laura and the baby... the others from JetStream... even Kyle came by. No one talked about his condition, but he was thankful for that. He didn't want anybody telling him goodbye.

Cindy did her best to help keep him comfortable. She made sure Katie could be at the house whenever she wanted, knowing that Katie's presence was a comfort to her son. It didn't make this any easier though.

Despite her main reason for being here, there was one other thing of which she was determined. And a short trip to TJY was taken one afternoon...

..."Trey?" Pete taps lightly on the door in the lower level of TJY. Smiling his greeting, he leans on the doorway. "Saw Ariel today... said she enjoyed your company at the beach party the other night."

He pauses, the look on his face making it obvious that there was something else. "Look, Trey, um... I know you might not want to hear this, but I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place here. There's um... there's a woman upstairs who came here for other reasons but while she's here... she really wants to meet you."

He searches Trey's eyes. There was no easy way to say this. "She's your mother."



Yeah, I know this is a different way to talk to you, but I always did think this was as more personal way to write. Don't freak out though - I'm not stalking you. Just saw one of the guys from the band the other day and asked for your address.

Sorry I haven't been around online much. I am a little behind on a few things because my car decided to act up. So I had to give up my internet for at least a month.

So how are you? How is Puzzle? Sassy is doing good. Being a pain in the butt like normal. Work is going well. Thinking about getting a second job, but just thinking. lol

Hey, while I am MIA, think you can keep up the web page and devotions for me? For a bunch of people there it means a lot to them. Would be great if you could. :)

Anyways, Sassy is looking at me funny so I guess that means I should go to bed. Take care and talk again soon.


Going to the door and opening it, Destiny is taken aback for a moment, seeing the one person she wished she never would again, but in the same breath, wanted to just one more time. No matter how ragged he looked, how much he needed to shave, there was no denying those eyes, no matter how blank.

Just continuing to look back at him, Destiny's own smile was missing. The life sucked from her eyes, all but one small twinkle that maybe she was happy he was there.

Shifting a little and pulling her sweater closer around her, Destiny finally speaks. "Why? Why did you need to se me? After everything - all this time, why now?"

It was an honest question that she wanted an honest answer for. How this would go from here, she did not know, but it was what she wanted to know to start anything.

Answering her phone this late was unusual for Beth. She was usually visiting Justin for dinner, but tonight just happened to be a free night for her. "Hell. Beth Parker speaking."

Hearing it was Lydia, Beth's lips turned into a smile. She was happy to get the call. "Actually, you called on a good night. I have nothing going on. I'll be over as soon as I can."

...As promised, Beth was pulling into the driveway a while later. Carrying a freshly baked cherry pie, she was excited to be sharing it with Lyida. Justin liked them - she could only hope his mom would as well.

Sitting in the back, Ryan had slipped in unnoticed. She had gotten off work today and by the way no one put up a fuss, she was sure they all knew why.

Was she here to cheer Alec on? To hope the Elite wouldn't fall? Or was she here to see Alec go to jail? That was a question with no answer because Ryan didn't even know herself. Listening closely to everything, Ryan can't help but watch Alec as he takes the stand. As his eyes meet hers, Ryan doesn't even blink as her cold gaze just watches. Hearing what he had to say, she can't help but feel a little pity for him.

Continuing to sit, listen and wait, Ryan was a bit surprised with the judge's ruling but a little sigh escapes as well. Standing as everyone else does, she leaves her seat and makes her way to the door. Stopping though, she looks back to Alec, feeling he was watching her. Giving a nod of her congratulations, she just stands there a few moments longer before leaving.

Getting out to her car, Ryan sits, her mind moving a mile a minute, and not landing on any one thing. She had off work today but she had to go in. At least for an hour or so to take her mind off everything.

Getting to the shop in record time, she gives a small nod to the guys as she passes. Getting to her work bench, she is surprised as she is met by the colorful arrangement of spring flowers. Not being able to help the smile that spreads across her lips, Ryan leans a little closer, taking in the sweet smell. Pulling the little card from the middle and seeing they were from Tal, her smile grows even more and she pulls out her phone. Dialing his number, she waits.

"Hey, Tal, it's Ryan. Thank you for the flowers. They brighten up my work area nicely."

Pausing for a moment and smelling the flowers again, Ryan continues. "How would you like to come over for dinner tonight? Eli is going to be home, but I could cook something special for you guys."

"Chocolate and peanut butter sound amazing right now, for sure."

Continuing to walk, Karla's mind kept going back to the fact that Kip could play other instruments. She never would have known, and it was totally cool. "So do the others know you can play more? I think it would be cool if you could try playing something else sometime."

Holding her smile, Karla really did think it was cool. Kip was talented and she knew it. It felt good to be able to be a part of that too.

Anastasia can't help the little bit of color that came to her cheeks. It happened every time Quinn made mention of her being a princess.

As Quinn puts his arm around her, Anastasia brings her own hand up to meed his and hold it. She didn't know how long this would last or where they road was taking them, but so far, she was enjoying it and that was enough for her.

"Walking to get coffee sounds great. It's too nice out to drive."

Smiling up at Quinn, she leans into him a little bit, just absorbing the affection. "So, how was your day?"

Leaning on the fence, she takes everything in once again from this angle like she did every night. Hearing someone alongside her, Stacy moves her head just a little to see. Seeing it was Sparky, she relaxes a little.

"Hey. Yeah that should be fine. I just want Dylan to be comfortable. I can pretty much deal with anything."

It was the truth too. Stacy had been in worse being a cop. For Dylan, she didn't want to make things harder on him. "What time on Saturday did you want to leave?"



The courtroom held quiet murmurings of those gathered on this gloomy day. Rain pattered against the windows and the people, few in number, shift in their uncomfortable seats. One in particular though, feels the discomfort more than anyone else. He sits slumped in his chair at the front of the room, his wrists bound in handcuffs. His head hung, his eyes dim like a candle that had been snuffed out. The knee of his jeans was torn and his navy long-sleeved t-shirt wrinkled... it was the best they had for this day. His hair had grown too long, and he needed a shave - perhaps when he'd looked at himself in the mirror this morning, he'd been satisfied that his appearance reflected what was happening on the inside.

As the judge comes in and everyone stands, Alec grudgingly gets to his feet. He' been poked, prodded and pushed by Justin, he'd been interrogated and raked over the coals by Reese, and he'd been advised by Angelica. Yet he had refused to let them in... he had refused to allow them to know what he'd decided to say in his own defense - if he was to defend himself at all. A sidelong glance to his side met Angelica, though his expression remains the same. Able to sit again, he slouches and looks with little interest to the bench as the case is presented, lawyers briefly state their cases and the judge reminds the court that this is not a normal hearing. The Elite was special and proceedings never could be quite the same as those with normal law enforcement. The judge had already read all the reports and received all the details about the case. So today, the Elite had a chance to defend themselves as well as Alec. The judge also reminds the court that not only was Alec's future at stake, but the future of the Elite's rehabilitation program for Agency victims was as well. If Alec had gone bad, would others?

"...Yes, Sir... I... I did see a change in Alec." Gage swallows hard and shifts his feet around the legs of his chair as he sits on the witness stand. He didn't like this, but Reese and Angelica had asked him to be here. His eyes roam the other eyes in the room that were staring at him, making him squirm all the more.

The judge leans forward, taking the liberty to ask questions himself. "In what way? What makes you say he had changed from the Agency killer he'd been trained to be?"

Gage chews on his lower lip. "He... well..."

Alec looks on, trying to ignore the faint tug on his heart. He'd treated Gage pretty poorly most of the time. Surely this was a weak line of defense.

"I guess I watched him," Gage resumes. "He was always trying to get around the rules... like a dog that's chained up but never gives up trying to break his chain."

Alec fidgets with his hands.

Gage eyes the judge. "But I saw the effect of friends... of people who cared. I saw Alec change into... into someone who maybe still didn't like the rules, but he was learning to live within them anyway. We didn't talk much but... I owe a lot to him."

"In what way?"

"Well, the job I've got. He went out on a limb, really. I guess I didn't know enough or... maybe just didn't have the guts to go after something more than what I had. But he did... for me. Now I've got a job as a janitor and I've got art classes too - something I'd never though I'd have." Gage pauses and looks down for a moment. "That takes someone with a good heart, Your Honor. It wasn't just a job he got for me but... but he knew what my passion was and cared enough to help me go after it." His eyes rise to land on Alec. "Even if he'd never want to admit it."

Alec looks down. Maybe he really had cared more about his fellow Agency-recovered man than he'd let on.

The judge nods thoughtfully. "Anything you'd like to add?"

Gage thinks for a moment, then shakes his head. "Just that I know after having been given a second chance, I haven't always made the right choices either. But... I'll always be grateful for those who gave me a third and fourth chance, and... I'm glad there's someone out there like the Elite, willing to help people like me."

"Thank you. You may step down." The judge glances over some papers before they call for the next testimony...

...Carson sits straight in the chair, unafraid of being on the stand. Sighing as the prosecutor complains that he's Alec's brother, he shakes his head and dares to interrupt the squabble with the judge. "Look..." He manages to cease both men's voices. "I may be Alec's brother. But that doesn't mean I'm afraid of saying he's a ruffian."

The judge raps his gavel loudly and points to the prosecutor. "I will allow his testimony."

After watching the lawyer flop down in his chair, Carson rolls his eyes. "I'm not one to lie just because there's family blood on the line. I'll be the first to tell you that Alec's nowhere near an angel, and anybody would tell you that our past record certainly hasn't shown any trust between us."

Alec feels another faint pang and he stares down at the table in front of him. Some witness Reese and Angelica chose. Carson was going to crucify him. And somehow... that thought brings on a little-known emotion: humility.

Carson sighs deeply. "But..." He shrugs. "That doesn't mean I didn't see what the Elite did for him. It wasn't all that long ago that I was the murderer... I was the ruffian no one trusted. Maybe I learned my lesson about staying on the right side of the law a little quicker, but that doesn't mean Alec's a lost cause. I may not like him... but I can't say I didn't see a change. I don't know what happened with this latest incident... but before that, I saw a man who just needed a goal - something to work for. He needed love - something foreign to him. He needed patience from those working with him - something he'd never been given before."

Pausing, Carson looks over to Alec, but his brother's eyes were downcast. "I had my reasons to avoid him. But I'll admit now that I think I failed as a brother... and as someone who had been given all the chances a man doesn't deserve and should have passed on. Maybe I didn't trust him... maybe I still don't. But what right have I to say he shouldn't have a second chance at life? Nobody really deserves second chances... but that's where humanity comes in. The Elite saved my life - truly. I can't sit here and deny someone else that same life."

Alec could feel a slight bit of heat crawling up the back of his neck. Carson cared? Really? For a split second, he thinks of Mackenzie. If he went to prison and the Elite program failed and past cases were brought back to court... she might lose Carson for good...

"...You are a counselor by profession, is that true?"

"Yes, that's correct."

"And what is your professional opinion of Alec's mental state?"

Justin sits calmly, his hand folded in his lap. "My opinion is that Alec has a very strong mind and his mental state is stable."

The prosecutor quirks an eyebrow. "Killing people is stable?"

"You don't have to be insane to pull a trigger." Justin eyes him with quiet confidence.

The lawyer checks his papers. "As Alec's counselor, do you feel he is a threat to society?"


"How can you sat that, when he just murdered innocent lives?"

"If you think he's a threat, why did you ask?"

The judge raps his gavel as a warning to both of them and addresses the prosecutor first. "This isn't a trial. Please refrain from badgering the witness. Mr. Hawks, please simply answer the questions."

Reese refrains from a sigh. No, they weren't on trial... not yet. If it came to that, they'd be eaten alive in here and Alec would never stand a chance. Today was a rare occurrence in these courts.

The prosecutor takes a moment to regroup. "Taking into consideration that Alec has murdered, do you still believe he is fit for society?"


"And what brings you to that conclusion?"

"I believe his story," Justin states flatly. "I believe that he started with good intentions and that plans fell through by no fault of his own. Any man that survives the Agency and comes out alive is lucky - Alec is fortunate to be here today, and I firmly believe that given a second chance, he would not disappoint society or the Elite."

"Is it not true that there was another man, Scott Johnson, kidnapped by the Agency, then later so mentally disturbed he had to be placed in an institution?"

Justin bristles for the first time. "Scott Johnson is one of the strongest, bravest men alive. What does this have to do with-"

"Please answer the question," the judge intervenes.

Justin sighs. "Yes."

The prosecutor nods. "You just claimed that you believed Alec was mentally stable. But taking this into consideration, could we not assume that Alec's mind is unstable as well? We just heard from a man that seemed to be stable, but what are the odds? Couldn't Alec turn out like Scott and not like Gage?"

Justin hadn't been prepared for this line of attack, but he was quick to ready an answer. "Scott Johnson underwent a treatment by the Agency they call assimilation. They hooked him up to a bunch of computers and infiltrated his mind, forcing data into him like you'd choke a kid with a spoonful of peas. He endured torture, humiliation, and a whole list of abuses on top of the assimilation process. He came back to the Elite as a mere shell - a shadow of the man they'd once known." His tone remains steady and firm and he leans forward to be nearer the lawyer. "If you'd like to experience his past first hand, I'd be glad to take you to him sometime and have him relive it all for you. Alec's short time returning to the Agency cannot even compare to what Scott endured. How dare you try drag Scott's name through the mud, using him while trying to get me to say things which I don't believe are true. "

Reese was shocked the judge hadn't interrupted. He wanted to stand up and clap, and almost had to sit on his hands not to.

The prosecutor stares at Justin, his mouth slightly open. He clears his throat and sifts through his papers, obviously shaken from his original plan of attack, and only a few more questions follow.

It doesn't take long until Alec is finally being called forward. So far, everyone that Angelica and Reese had found had made pretty good arguments on his behalf - something he hadn't expected. Sitting down in the stand, he stares at his handcuffs. Relent or fight? Give in or refuse?

Finally looking up, he looks around the room for the first time, seeing the faces of all who were there. There weren't many. He knew some. Some were on his side and others were trying to shut down the Elite's program. Then his eyes land on someone he had never expected to be there. Surprise flashes in his gaze as his sights lock with Ryan's. She'd come? Why? Was it because she supported the cause, or because she wanted to see him put away? The blank expression on her face told him nothing. He blinks, but she doesn't disappear. A chill runs down his spine and his heart thumps in his chest. "I hate you." The last words he'd spoken to her echo in his mind. But today... today he'd never be able to convince himself that hate was what he felt.

"...Mr. Banks?"

Alec's attention snaps back to the judge, not having heard a word. "Huh?"

Reese rolls his eyes and leans back in his chair beside Angelica, sighing. It was a risk, putting him on the stand, but they had to. Now it was all up to him.

"You're free to give your opening statement if you please," the judge repeats.

Alec's eyes flit between Reese, Angelica, Carson, Ryan, Justin and Gage. How badly did he not want to go to prison? How badly did he not want to see others' lives ruined too? He clears his throat. "I... I want to start by saying I'm sorry." He swallows hard. Perhaps the acidic taste in the back of his throat was the remnant of humble pie that battled his stubborn pride. "I'm sorry that after all the Elite did for me, I made such a big mistake. I know now that I had other options, but at the time, I was blinded by my own desperation to keep those I cared about alive."

He pauses and looks down at his hands. "I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt, let alone killed. I tried to keep it from happening. I was taken in by the Agency against my will as they had threatened the lives of my family and friends if I didn't cooperate." He shrugs lamely. "You've seen the report. You've seen why I did what I did. I know it might seem stupid now but... at the time, I panicked. I didn't want to lose the people I cared about, and I didn't want them to suffer because of me."

The prosecuting attorney eyes him skeptically. "Didn't you say that you had been planning this fiasco from the beginning? Ever since you first were arrested by the Elite?"

Alec grits his teeth and looks up bravely to meet the man's stare. "I lied."

"Why would you lie about something like that? Your own brother and girlfriend, at the time, gave you the perfect opportunity leave the Agency and yet you treated them as enemies, threatening their lives."

"The Agency isn't just some half-witted gang. They're a devious organization that sucks the life out of people they claim as their own. I didn't have a choice but to stay, and the only way to keep Carson and Ryan from getting their fool heads blown off was to reject them."

The prosecutor shakes his head as he glances as his papers in-hand. "Is it not true that you entered into a relationship with an Agency felon while on this little killing spree of yours?"

Alec's eyes narrow. "First, it wasn't a killing spree, and second, I didn't enter into a relationship with anybody." He sits back, mumbling. "I'd already been in a relationship with her."

"I'm sorry. What was that?"

Alec raises his voice. "I said I'd already been in a relationship with her! What's that got to do with anything?"

The lawyer smiles. "You were obviously a friend of the enemy." A list of questions ensue to try and back Alec into a corner. Questions about his motives, how he felt about the Elite and if he'd go back to the Agency. Alec grows more and more tense, wishing the interrogation would end. He couldn't deny the things he'd done or his guilt. But he wouldn't back down from his claim that his intentions had been pure.

The prosecutor pauses in between questions, feeling mighty fine, now that he had Alec on the defense. "Do you realize that the people killed had families? That you have successfully ruined lives?"

That was the last straw. Alec's cheeks were burning and his eyes were dark and cold. "I'm sorry," he hisses. "I'm sorry that people died. I'm sorry that I was stupid enough to think I could fix things on my own." His voice begins to rise. "I'm sorry that I thought I was smart enough to figure things out the right way. I'm sorry that I'm not the man everyone wants me to be!"

He rises to his feet, despite the judge's gavel banging to get him to sit back down. "I'm sorry that I want to be free. I'm sorry that I'm confused about where I fit in life. I'm sorry that I never learned what love was until it was too late! I'm sorry that I never had the chance to live with a loving family to teach me right from wrong!"

"Mr Banks! Sit d-"

"I'm sorry that I never had a father around to be a role model! I'm sorry that all I ever do is screw up! And I'm sorry that I was ever born!"

"Sit down!" The judge barks and hits his gavel one more time.

Alec finally relents and sits back down before he's thrown out of the courtroom. His eyes glisten. "I don't know what you people want," he concludes more calmly. "I'm sorry for a lot of things but I can't go back and change what I've done. If you wanna shoot me, just do it now - I deserve it. The Elite... and others... they've all cared and tried to show me they care, but I never have figured out why. They're sticking their necks out for me and I don't even deserve it. So if you're gonna send me to prison, at least let them keep on with the program, 'cause it's my own fault I screwed up, not theirs."

A strange quietness settles over the room. Justin rests his elbows on his knees and folds his hands under his chin. It was pity he felt... pity for someone like Alec who was bound by his own chains.

Reese sits and dares a quick glance at Angelica. He hadn't expected an outburst like that and was a little bit surprised. He guessed maybe he'd never thought about Alec's family life or him not understanding the right way to live even before the Agency.

Carson swallows hard as he watches his brother suffer. Alec had been stupid, but no one deserved this kind of torture. Carson could relate... boy could he relate. He'd been given another chance - why not Alec?

The prosecutor slowly backs away from the stand. "I'm done," he concludes quietly.

The judge purses his lips grimly. "There's been a lot of information shared here today..." He goes on to give his opinions about what had been said, and explain his train of thought. "...and in the end, I don't want to see a program like the Elite destroyed because of one man's mistakes." The judge nods. "I hearby sentence Alec to six months of community hard labor, continuing to be a ward of the Elite. During that time, the Elite may adjust his services and requirements accordingly. After the six months are up, if there has been no further incident and it is proven that his record is clean, I may renew his sentence for another six months. I reserve the right to adjust his sentencing at that time as I see fit. At the end of that six months, if his record is clean, the Elite may release him on probation."

A few murmurs ripple through the room. Reese is washed with relief - hardly able to believe the judge had actually come to that conclusion. The judge's own neck would be on the line for this one - letting a murderer walk. But Alec would stay... the rehabilitation program would be safe. Under the table, he squeezes Angelica's hand.

Alec felt so sick to his stomach, he wasn't sure if he was relieved or not. He just sits limply in his chair, feeling utterly drained.

"However..." The judge makes sure everyone is still paying attention. "...if at any time during the next year, he is found to be at fault against the law, and I feel he is uncontrollable, he will be sent to prison for life, no questions asked." He eyes Angelica and Reese sternly. "You will be reporting to Chief Brown, who will be reporting to me. I expect the reports to be accurate."

Reese nods. "Yes, Your Honor."

As court is dismissed and people begin standing and filtering out of the room, Alec is guided from the stand to be brought back into Reese's custody. His eyes roam the faces, bouncing back and forth until he finally lands on Ryan again. And all he can do is stare.

A flashlight is pressed up to the window pane before it's turned on. The dark figure remains in the shadows, squinting against the glass to peer inside the apartment. Nothing. No movement. No life. Curtains hung on most of the other windows, closing out the world. Shining the flashlight's beam upward, a few cobwebs are illuminated. There was no one here. It had been a little while since anyone lived here.

Shutting off the light, he turns to stand with his back against the side of the building. A deep sigh is all he's motivated to express. He'd come this far. Did he dare tempt fate further by continuing his search? And in the end - would it really bring resolve, or would it just bring even more haunting memories? He was escaping Elite and Underground radar for the moment - would his visit here prove to be his demise? Yet even without them watching his every move, the mere fact of needing to remain hidden was suffocating.

Chance looks up at the night sky. It appeared more vast than it used to... almost as if he were realizing just how small he really was. Though the feeling of insignificance was growing more and more common.

Finally pushing off the wall, he ambles to his car and sits behind the steering wheel for a while, just fiddling with his keys. He knew the way. He'd only been there once, but he knew. But... was it worth the attempt?

Eventually, Chance pulls away from the curb and heads to his third destination. If she wasn't there... he'd have to risk his exposure to find her, but he'd decide that when he had to.

Luckily, he didn't have to. Driving up to the house, he saw lights on and a car he recognized. His heart skips a beat. Did he really want to do this? Yet if he didn't, this entire trip would have been wasted.

He doesn't know how long he sits in the car. But by the time his nerves are collected, he's sure he's worn the grooves out of his car key from fidgeting with them so long. Stepping out of the car, he shuts the door quietly and slowly approaches the house. Tucking his keys in his leather jacket pocket, he wanders up onto the porch and holds out his thumb to hover over the doorbell. What if she wasn't really here? What if she shut the door in his face? He knew he didn't look very good... come to think of it, he really looked terrible with his messy hair and a face that needed a shave... and clothes he'd slept in the last three days. But he was here... and that was his point, disheveled or not.

Swallowing hard, Chance rings the doorbell and takes a step back to stare at the door. As he waits, his hands fidget restlessly at his sides to hide the slight tremble. His gut was twisting in knots and part of him just wanted to turn and leave. But he plants his feet, willing himself to stay.

When the door finally opens though, words escape him as his heart leaps into his throat. A chill runs down his spine as his gaze locks with the same eyes that had lured him closer to love than he'd ever been before. He shifts his weight uncomfortably. "Destiny..." His voice is hardly above a whisper. "I..." The mouth that would always show a smile, even in awkward or desperate times was missing on this night - it was as if it had been lost, somehow, leaving his expression vacant. Yet there was something there... something few would see. The fire was gone, but a small ember still glowed, hanging on to the last thread of hope that somehow, some way, he could fix what he'd broken. "I just... I had to see you... again."

"I'm headed out for a while, Mom." Jared grabs his keys and checks himself in the hall mirror one more time.

"Okay," Lydia calls. "Will you be back for supper?"

"Uh..." He tucks a strand of hair back in place. "Yeah, probably." Supper yes. After that, who knew?

"I will keep leftovers in case you are late."

Jared rolls his eyes and mutters under his breath. "Of course you will." He moves from the mirror and heads for the door. "Alright, sounds good," he calls back.

Hearing the front door shut, Lydia waits until she also hears Jared's car. While wiping her hands on a dish towel, she wanders to peer out a front window to make sure he was really gone. Returning to the kitchen, she picks up the phone and dials the number on the napkin. But it was a man that answered, and he knew no one named Beth. Hanging up and feeling flustered and embarrassed, Lydia stares at the number again. Moving to the light of the window, she squints at the writing. And only now did she see that a 6 used to be a 5. And immediately, her heart sinks. She couldn't tell what other numbers had been changed and she didn't want to make guesses and call more wrong numbers.

Crumpling up the napkin, she throws it away. Sighing, she finishes cleaning up the kitchen before heading to the living room. Spying her purse on the couch, she mumbles something in Greek to herself and rolls her eyes at her forgetfulness. Picking up her purse to put it where it belonged, she carries it to the hall table. But as she sets it down, she notices something she should have seen before but never had.

Pulling out the napkin, she's surprised to find a duplicate of Beth's phone number. A smile creases her lips. "Beth Parker, you are a smart one." Beth must have known there was a chance Jared would interfere, so she'd dropped her number in Lydia's purse too.

Lydia shakes her head and returns to the kitchen phone. This time, it was a female voice that answered. "Beth? This... um... this is Lydia Hawks. I... I have some time... a couple hours probably that I am alone." She bites her lip, thinking of consequences. "You're probably busy, but if you want to come over to have some coffee, you can."

"So... you gonna come over again tonight?"

Jared grins over his small glass of scotch and stares at the tall blonde across the table. "Maybe."

She leans back and tosses him a sly look. "Or did Mommy find out you'd been a bad boy?"

Jared chuckles and sips his drink. The club was noisy and crowded, but he preferred this atmosphere. "It really is sad," he muses. "I'm just like a teenage kid sneaking out at night. But I think she turned off her motherly radar about ten years ago so it's a whole lot easier now to fool her. The poor dear isn't the brightest match in the box."

The woman laughs. "Why not just tell her and let her be shocked?"

"Aw, if I did that, she might kick me out."

"Mmm... Then what? You'd lose a fortune?"

Jared squints a little as he finishes his drink. "I don't think we know each other well enough for such a personal conversation."

"Even after last night?"

Jared grins. "That was just an introduction."

"Oh, I see." The woman reaches across the table to trail her fingers over his hand. "Well, maybe we need a second introduction."

Jared's eyes drift up to the neon clock. "Midnight at your place?"

She chuckles. "I'll leave the porch light on."

Jason smiles a little, always glad for Katie's graciousness. "Okay. Feel free to stay... if you want." He didn't want her to think she couldn't stay at his place just because his mom was here. If she'd feel awkward, he wouldn't want that, but he wanted to make sure everyone got what they wanted at this point.

Sighing deeply, he tries to remain alert for everyone's sake. "I'll see you after work, Babe. Drive safe."

Kip gives Karla a bit of a grin and swings her hand around as they walk. "Yeah, well... I can play the keyboard too," he admits sheepishly. "...And the drums. Not like, fantastic or anything, but... yeah."

He falls silent for a moment, lost in thought about the scene they'd just left behind. Why couldn't he have guts like that other guy? Why couldn't he get it together like him? Why did he keep floundering like an idiot?

He sighs and tries to refocus, changing the subject before Karla read his mind. "So yes... ice cream. I'm thinking something with chocolate... lots of chocolate... and peanut butter."

Quinn's mouth breaks into a smile as he sees Anastasia. Ceasing his playing, he looks to her, his eyes sparkling. "Well... yes, I was waiting for someone, but if they decide not to show, it's their own fault, right?"

He bends to lay his guitar in its case. "I mean, if a fairytale princess just happens to stroll by, what's a fella to do but have that coffee with her?"

Straightening again, he grins at her. "And I only see one princess around here, so... I think I better take you up on your offer." Picking up his guitar case, he ambles closer and slings an arm around Anastasia's shoulders. "Let me put this thing in my car and we can walk to the coffee shop if you want."

Seeing Stacy glance his way, Eric locks eyes with her for just a moment before she looks away again. She had a pretty smile... it was-

He stops his thoughts abruptly and finally looks down at his food to finish eating. It was stupid. Not her smile. Him. His thoughts. Or something. He rolls his eyes at himself and thinks about his truck to get his mind back on track. Later though, his brief stare to Stacy's table would be his demise... or at least it felt that way...

"Hey, wait up."

Eric halts his route to his bunk after he'd finished supper and filtered out with several others. Jeff 's voice makes him turn. "Yeah?"

"I'm sorry... I gotta ask..." Jeff's grin is almost hidden in the evening darkness. "Where do you know Stacy from?"

Eric quirks an eyebrow and stuffs his hands in his jacket pockets. "Who said I knew her at all?"

"Oh come on. I saw you looking at her at supper tonight. Looked to me like history."

Eric could feel his cheeks growing warm, but he didn't let his expression change. "What do you care?"

Jeff shrugs. "Me and Clint, we-"

"Uh-huh." Eric smirks. "I forgot about the gossip around here, though it ain't usually the guys that are flappin' their jaws, it's the ladies."

"So you do know her, then."

Eric shakes his head, knowing it was useless. "She pulled me over."

"She... what?"

"Pulled me over. You know - a ticket? I was speeding through Nevada, she was on duty, and the rest is, as you so lovingly said: history."

Jeff can't help the snicker that slips out. "And that's all?"

"That's all. Now you can go tell your pseudo nephew that's all the juicy details there are."

"Well... Mick was kinda wonderin' too."

"Great." Eric's eyes narrow. "Can I go to bed now?"

"Oh, sure thing, Partner." Jeff gives his shoulder a playful whack. "Sweet dreams." He ducks to miss a flying hand aimed at his head.

It was a couple days later, and not much was different at the ranch. Things had been quiet, but after the incident with Dylan, quiet was a good thing.

Sparky wanders around the side of the barn, finally finding who he was looking for. Approaching the pasture fence, he joins Stacy. "Hey... been looking for you. Had a question."

He nods towards the barn. "Just had a talk with Dylan. He and I are going saddle shopping on Saturday, so I'm assuming you'll be coming too. He didn't want to go with you as his shadow, but... I told him Jeff was coming too, and Eric needs a new hat so he's tagging along. I think it helped Dylan a little, knowing it wouldn't just be him in the spotlight."

Sparky shrugs. "At any rate, I wondered if you'd feel comfortable with all us guys, or if you preferred something different."

Pretty Interesting

Walking with Kip, Karla enjoyed it. Even if they didn't talk much, it was ok with her. They didn't need words to speak. Much could be said through the unsaid with them.

Hearing the soft sound of music, Karla's eyes follow Kip's. Seeing the man with the guitar, a small smile spreads across her face. He had guts to be out there in the open, and good.

Feeling Kip's hand in hers, Karla stands and follows close behind him. Drawing close, the music sounded even better. As the man greets them, Karla smiles and gives a nod, her cheeks growing a little rosy. She still had yet to get over being shy to new people.

As the man gives Kip his guitar to play, she can't help but be a little surprised. She never knew Kip could play anything else, but now she was more than willing to listen.

The music playing, Kip's soft words - Karla couldn't help but sway a little. The free style was amazing. Once it stopped, Karla's smile was large as she clapped softly. Giving another nod to the man, she knew she could keep this promise. She would do all she could to not let Kip quit. Who knows - maybe tonight's encouragement did him some good.

Leaving with Kip, Karla pulls herself closer to him. The comment of ice cream sounded good to her. "That sounds great. And you sounded wonderful, by the way. I had no idea you could do that."

Closing the shop doors and locking them, Anastasia couldn't help but smile as the soft sound of music hit her ears from down the road. Quinn was really waiting for her.

Looking to her car for a second, she slips the keys in her pocket. It was too nice to drive - walking would be better. Nodding to a couple as they passed her, Anastasia kept her hands in her pockets of her leather jacket.

"Hey, Mister, you play pretty good. Care to get some coffee? That is, if you're not already waiting for someone."

Anastasia cocked her head a little, the humor dancing in her eyes, a soft smile on her lips.

Sitting in the dining room and enjoying the conversation with the others, Stacy felt content but on guard with the event of today.

Giving a sweep of the room, making sure all was well still, Stacy stops for a moment as her eyes meet Eric's. This was the second time she found him watching her. Not that she minded - he was good to look at too. Giving a little smile, she looks away but lets her peripheral vision continue to watch Eric and the room. He was pretty interesting.

Excusing herself from the table, Ashlee heads outside and takes in a deep breath. The fresh air here was amazing and she never tired of it.

Stepping off the steps she puts her hands into her pockets. Just walking across the yard and enjoying the night, her mind wandered. She noticed tonight Eric watching her mom. Did he like her? It would be cute if he did, but she knew her mom and she would come up with some reason why she couldn't. Ashlee just wanted her mom to be happy, and Eric was a nice guy. She couldn't help but think about what could be done.

Hearing her phone ring, Katie can't help but smile, seeing it was Jason. She always liked hearing from him. Now that their connection was broken, the phone was the next best thing.

"Hey, Sweety. I was just thinking about you."

Hearing Cindy had come to see Jason, she was happy but sad at the same time. She was happy she had come though.

"Thanks for letting me know. Enjoy the time with your mom. I'll be over after work to say hi."



Skyline? Kip had heard of them. They weren't huge, but opening for them was nothing to sneeze at. And yet... was that what Kip's future really would be? He'd been so sure of everything... then those very things - his world - had fallen to pieces. Was a past dream still a dream worth hanging on to?

Kip's thumb rubs Karla's palm without him even realizing it. Walking with her was always nice. She always seemed to be able to calm his nerves just by being there. He lets the silence be, as the streetlights give them a clear path along the sidewalk. In no time, they'd gone several blocks and Kip moves to one of several benches lit by softer lights. Watching cars and passerbys, it really was amazing how many people were out and about after dark.

Sitting quietly for a few minutes, it wasn't long before Kip's ears picked up the sound of singing and an acoustic guitar. Glancing around, he spies the lone musician on a nearby street corner. His mellow song and strong voice was drawing a few curious people, along with a few dollars in his open guitar case. It wasn't too unusual to see musicians around the square, but there was something different about this one.

Glancing at Karla, Kip gives a short nod before standing and taking her hand again to come with. Wandering closer to the main square, he stops just a short distance from the musician. The man seemed to be very skilled as his fingers pluck the guitar strings or strum in rhythm. His voice really was strong, yet almost gentle. The song was just an older, popular pick that was just fast enough to get listeners to sway, but not so much to keep anyone from listening. There was something almost... magical - if Kip dared think that - about the scene.

As the song ends, the man looks over to Kip and Karla and he smiles. "Evenin'."

Kip hods. "Hey . Sounds good."

"Well, thanks." The musician grins. "Glad, since right after I got here, my pick broke and I haven't a clue why I didn't bring any extras. My fingers will be glad when I decide to call it a night."

Kip gives a soft laugh. Reaching into his jeans pocket, he pulls out a pick and tosses it to the guy. "Try this one on for size."

Laughing, the man catches it. "Not too many people walk around with picks in their pockets - unless they play."

Kip's face grows a little warm and he shrugs. "I do a bit."

The man holds out his guitar. "Take her for a spin?"

"Seriously?" Kip's eyebrows rise. No one in their right mind would let a total stranger handle their instrument. "You'd let me play your Taylor?"

The musician grins and pushes off the brick wall on which he'd been leaning. "Call me crazy." He felt like he was, but there was something about this young stranger that made him compelled to share. "Let's see what you got."

Kip gives Karla a sidelong glance. She knew he wasn't comfortable in the spotlight, but this felt... different. Letting go of her hand, he reaches out to accept the fine instrument, slipping the strap over his head. He didn't even think about the fact that Karla had never heard him play anything but his bass, let alone even know he could.

The man offers him back the pick, but he shakes his head. Strumming gently, he closes his eyes. "Looking in the rearview mirror,
The past is quickly fading.
Winding roads, worn out signs,
Lights blurred by the speed.
I don't know how I began,
I don't know where it started.
I don't know where this journey ends,
Or how I got so far.

Remind me of my origins,
Remind me why I'm here.
Remind me how I've come to know
This love. This love.
Remind me."

Kip's voice was soft but projected in a way of someone who sang often. As he continues to sing, the other man reaches in his case to retrieve a small egg shaker to provide a quiet percussion rhythm. He didn't know the song, though he's able to pick up on the melody enough to hum along in harmony. A few people stop to listen, but Kip keeps his eyes closed until the last notes die away.

The musician smiles broadly, his eyes twinkling. "You got talent."

Kip's cheeks grow warm again and he shrugs before returning the guitar. His eyes glance to Karla "Some people think so."

The man catches the glance and he nods. "She's right."

Kip would rather turn the tables - he'd been in the spotlight too long already. He didn't even know what had possessed him to play and sing. "So you sound great. Always a solo?"

The musician shrugs. "Usually. I just go where the wind blows and think maybe someday God's gonna give me a stage other than a street corner. What about you?"

Kip shakes his head. "The wind seems to be blowing me in circles."

The man points a finger at Karla. "Don't let him quit. He's too good to let all that go to waste." Leaning back against the wall once more, he begins another song to continue his night.

Kip listens for a few more minutes before taking Karla's hand again. He felt as though he should thank this guy for letting him play, but it was obvious that no thanks was needed. This musician loved music - no doubt. Otherwise, he wouldn't be out here tonight with such a feeling of peace. Without asking, Kip knew that's why the man played and sang - for the simple love.

Finally pulling himself from the scene to continue their walk, Kip sighs deeply. His fingers give Karla's hand a squeeze. "I feel like late-night ice cream. What do you think?"

Quinn continues to play on the street corner a while longer, waiting to be met by Anastasia who had promised him a late coffee. It had turned into an interesting evening, and he couldn't wait to tell her.

Mick sighs, but nods. Even if it felt hopeless, he did appreciate Stacy's words. "Thanks. I guess at this point, even if Dylan hates me, as long as he's safe, that's the main thing. Seeing those guys today..." He lets the sentence slide and just shakes his head. He hadn't been that scared since BJ got hurt. "We'll keep talking about it. For now, just keep a close eye on things."

Dylan glares at the four walls of his bunkhouse. His eyes burned and itched, but he'd tell no one about the tears or the terror that had coursed through his veins earlier today. Was this his lot? Was this how he would live from now on? Always looking over his shoulder? And it wasn't even his fault.

Growling, he tries to concentrate on his schoolwork, but isn't very successful. Chores are done in silence, and come suppertime, Dylan had reverted back to old habits. Having sneaked in to get his food from the dining room, he'd slipped back to his bunk to eat alone on the porch. Part of him wanted nothing to do with anyone else tonight. And part of him was so lonely. How different things would be, had he never been pulled down the wrong path. And now he was afraid of his own shadow.

Eric sits at one end of the dining room tables during supper, finding himself sitting alone. No one was avoiding him, but he'd come in late and had found a quiet spot near the window. He watches everyone around him as he eats slowly. He really did appreciate the home-cooked meals after so much time on the road. Even if the food was good and even if his family didn't hate him though, he was still feeling rather out of place.

Sipping his glass of water, his eyes eventually land on the table where Stacy and Ashlee sat. It seemed Sparky and Faith were keeping them company tonight. The two seemed to be settling into the ranch nicely - even Ashlee at her age seemed to be adjusting well. Perhaps Eric didn't realize how long his eyes remain at their table, or how long he studies Stacy from this safe distance.

A knock at the door, followed by Trooper's low growl and bark startles Jason from his lethargic state on the couch. He'd just finally gotten to sleep after an afternoon of battling against throwing up every time he tried to eat, a splitting headache and exhaustion that was countered by insomnia. He didn't want to get up. He didn't want to see who was here. If it was Katie, she had a key, and anybody else, he didn't want here.

Another couple persistent knocks finally gets him up and he slowly limps to the front door. He felt too sick to be cautious, so he opens the door groggily. Who he saw though, woke him up immediately. "Mom?"

Cindy smiles, though her eyes were filled with worry - and no less worry after seeing her son's pale face. "Can I come in?"

Jason hesitates, but only from surprise and he finally backs up, trying to shake the cobwebs from his mind. "Yeah. What... what are you doing here?"

"I... came to see you." Cindy jumps as a cold nose brushes her arm and she looks down before giving Trooper a pat on the head. "Hey, big fella. You're looking mighty fine."

Trooper wags his tail and sniffs her over before he's satisfied it really is her, then he goes back to the living room to lie down.

Cindy looks back to Jason and just stares at him for several long moments. He looked even worse than she'd imagined. "Oh, Jason." The tears wanted to come, but she bravely holds them back. Stepping forward, she wraps her arms around him in a tight hug.

Jason returns the hug and rests his head on top of hers. He knew without asking why she was really here. Maybe part of him could be upset if he thought about it long enough, but he knew she was only here because she loved him - not to make things harder. Finally backing away, he does his best to look well, though if he knew how poor he really looked, he wouldn't even try. "Where's Kaylee?"

"I left her in very capable hands back at the ranch." Cindy chuckles, remembering Clint and Wendy's willingness to take care of Kaylee... and Angel and Luke... Jim and Becky... Jade... the list went on. "Many capable hands, actually."

Jason nods slowly. "First time you've left her, isn't it?"

"Mm-hmm." Cindy shrugs. "I already miss her something awful but... I knew that this trip was probably best taken alone. And I know she's well taken care of so I don't have anything to worry about."

Jason manages a wry grin. "Yeah, but you do anyway."

Cindy grins too. "Just a little."

A pause follows, and Jason knows he really needs to go lie back down or at least sit before he collapsed right here. "Um... you wanna sit?"

"Sure. Yes. I'm sorry - did I wake you?"

"I was just... resting." Making it back to the couch, he eases down gingerly, propping his leg back up again and leaning into the corner to try and get comfortable... a near-impossible task.

Cindy takes a chair. "I... brought stuff to stay a little while. I wasn't sure where I'd be staying. I was told I could use the guest room at TJY if I wanted, but I'll probably find a hotel instead."

Jason shakes his head. "You think I wouldn't let you stay here?"

"I don't want to invade..." Cindy bites her lower lip. "But I guess I just did, didn't I?"

Jason gives her a soft smile. "Yeah but that's kinda what moms are for, right?"

Cindy chuckles, still holding her tears at bay. Jason's voice sounded so weak compared to the last time they'd spoken. "I guess I'll always want to run and put a bandaid on your scraped knees."

Jason's grin remains, and he leans his head back tiredly. "It's okay. But I don't think a bandaid is gonna fix this one."

"I know, I just..." Cindy sighs, as it grows harder to hold back the tears. "I wanted to see you and... and just, um... spend some time with you, because when-"

"Mom, don't." Jason stops her gently. "You wanna bring your stuff in?"

"Yeah... it's just two bags. I can get them. Are... I mean... I was hoping I might be able to cook you a few meals or... or something."

Jason hadn't been eating much lately, but he wouldn't be able to turn down his mother... not and that look on her face. "Katie's been staying over here to help me out but... I might be able to keep down some of your homemade vegetable soup."

Cindy's smile returns. "Okay. If you can't, I won't be offended, but at least it will keep my hands busy."

Once she's out of the room to go get her bags, Jason slides down a little farther into the couch, reaching over his head for his cell phone. He hits the speed dial for Katie, hoping she wasn't in the middle of anything important at work. "Hey, Hero..." He pauses as new pain hits like a wave, starting from his skull all the way down to his toes. Gritting his teeth, he manages to finish. "Didn't want to bother you. Mom showed up at my door a few minutes ago. Guess she wanted to see me. I still want you to come over after work though - I just wanted to give you a heads-up."

Tal's smile lingers as Ryan pulls away. he gives her cheek one last brush with his hand before finally turning to his car. The ride home seemed a little longer than usual tonight. And when he gets home, he finds himself, instead of in bed, on the living room floor in front of his couch, watching stupid late night television. His hand absentmindedly strokes Holly's head that was in his lap. "What am I doing, huh?" he questions her quietly. "Am I crazy?"

Kind of like it

Feeling Tal's hand on her face, Ryan can't help the smile that spread across her lips. It felt really nice to just feel the calm nature from Tal. Different for sure, but nice. Kind of a reminder she was a woman still and needed something calm and stable once in a while too.

"Tomorrow for sure. I like having you around. It's kind of become normal now and..." Ryan pauses for a moment before starting again. "...I kind of like it."

Leaning in and giving Tal another soft kiss, Ryan takes a step away, knowing if she didn't then she would never let him leave.

Karla could see a bit of interest flash in Kip's eyes and it made her own heart jump. Was the spark a good thing? Would this be what Kip needed?

Looking down and seeing the empty MD bottle, Karla grins and stands, following Kip. "Yeah, Kyle said to give him a call. You guys would be opening for Skyline. We all would really like you there too. Just not the same without you."

Taking Kip's hand in her own as they walked, Karla just enjoyed this time with him. Even if they didn't talk much, Karla liked knowing he was there close to her.

Getting Cindy's letter again brings a smile to Wes' lips. He knew all of this was hard on her even if she didn't say it. But seeing she was trying to keep her head up was a start.

"Yo, Captain, we need you out here."

"Alright, I'll be right there." Giving a sigh, Wes knows work calls and for now, another letter home would have to wait. He hated it at times, but he could only hope it wouldn't last too long.

Stopping behind Dylan as he and Mick continued their conversation, Stacy remained quiet. She didn't want to butt into what was going on, but she did need to talk to Mick.

Hearing what Dylan had to say, it really didn't surprise Stacy. Believe it or not, having a reaction like this was normal. Not to mention, it seemed like there was a lot of other things in the mix as well.

As Dylan turns and glares at her, Stacy remains quiet, but watches as he walks away. Turning back to Mick, she gives a smile. "It's to be expected he would act this way, really though. If I was in his position I might feel the same. But maybe we can work something out so he won't even know I am around."

Stacy puts her hands in her pockets and draws silent for a moment. There had to be a way to accommodate everyone. The situation was bad - she didn't want to make it worse. Studying Mick for a long moment, she could see the look in his eye that he longed to be close to his son.

"Don't give up on the father son time yet. It will come. God will see to that. Keep working on it slowly."