

Zach chuckles at Beth's comment as he looks up to meet her sparkling gaze. He was glad she didn't mind him being here. He had a feeling that she didn't share this part of her life with many people. He really didn't have any reason to think that, but it was just a hunch. He liked her... and it was kinda fun to see she liked him too. Maybe making new friends wasn't so hard after all.

Seeing Beth move about the room, Zach got the feeling that perhaps for now they could move on. Giving Sarah one last smile, he winks at her before standing. "Well, I think I'm going to go now, Sarah. I sure am glad I got to come today and see you. Maybe I'll come back sometime too."

On his feet again, he nods to Beth that he was ready whenever she was.

A few minutes later, he's leading the way at a leisurely pace to another wing where his great uncle was...

...Justin ambles down the hall at Brookshire having come from the office after filling out some paperwork on Scott. He hadn't really needed to do that today. But it was as good a day as any, right? Besides, he might just happen to see Beth too. And this friend of hers. Whatever his name was. Come to think of it, he really didn't need to be in this part of the building at all. But he did get to see some familiar faces and say hi, right? And Danitza and Zora were also enjoying the walk.

Keeping the dogs on their leashes, he stopped by a few patients to bring some smiles, slowly working his way to the front foyer. And when he gets there, he sees just who he... hadn't... been looking for.

Approaching Beth and her friend, he smiles. "Hey, Beth. Thought I might see you here today."

The dogs wag their tails, pleased to see someone they knew, and Danitza closes the gap to lick Beth's hand. Justin doesn't chide her, knowing that Beth enjoyed the dogs.

Zach was a little surprised but says nothing, waiting for Beth to introduce him if she wanted to.

Jeff gains a new grin and nods at Stacy. "Supper. I'll be here."

Eric chuckles. "Yeah, Thunder's pretty ornery sometimes. I think he just likes to cause trouble for the attention, like a little kid."

As he takes his time eating, he watches Ashlee out of the corner of his eye, noticing that it was getting harder for her to sit still. Another chuckle slips out and he pushes his plate aside. "I think I've had enough to eat for one meal."

He does drink the rest of his coffee though, not letting the special gesture go to waste. Standing up, he grabs his cowboy hat and slaps it on his head. "Okay, kiddo. Let's go get some dirty horses."

The first choice is a little gray mare that was mud from head to toe after apparently finding some nice wet earth near the pond when she'd gotten loose yesterday. Tying her up outside the barn, he lets Ashlee help him get the hose hooked up and some shampoo and brushes.

Once getting the mare nice and wet, he lets Ashlee pour on some soap and shows her how to scrub. "Just go in circles," he directs, starting to create lather. "And go ahead and press hard - she likes it and it'll help get all that dirt out of there."


Watching Zach interact with Sarah Beth can't help but let her smile widen. He sure was good with her and was soft about everything he said and did. Beth could tell he had experience dealing with this kind of thing. There was no sense of awkwardness, or not knowing how to act. It made Zach a little more amazing than he was before. Being able to talk with her sister and treat her well was important to Beth.

"I think he's being sweet on us both Kiddo! What do you think? Yeah I agree He's a pretty nice guy."

Looking to Zach and smiling Beth looks back to her sister and leans in giving her a kiss on the cheek and a hug she just lets it linger for a long moment. She didn't mind if Zach saw the affection she showed her sister. She loved her and that was something she would never hide from anyone.

"I see snooty Nurse Mary let you keep your braid in this morning. Honestly I don't mind to much when she makes you take it out. That just means I get to play with your hair again."

Standing up again and giving a little stretch Beth disapreas into the little bathroom for a quick moment before returning with a cup and some water. Going over to the pretty violet that sat on the table she poured the water into it than throws the cup out. She wasn't sure how long Zach wanted to stay but she was ready to follow him to see his Uncle when ever he was. She could always come back to spend a little more time with Sara later.

Stacy gives a chuckle. It didn't seem so back cleaning stalls. It could be worse and at least Jeff was still able to do that with his health problems.

"Ah the life of a cowboy. Dosn't seem to bad to me. It could be worse right?"

Taking the last sip of her coffee Stacy leans back in her chair just letting her eyes roam the room for a moment before talking again.

"Well I better get back to work or I am not going to get anything done. See you tonight at dinner?"

Ashlee laughs right along with Eric knowing he was joking. Even if he wasnt counting bales couldn't be that bad right? Hearing about the baths and even getting to do the horses mains and tails Ashlee can't help but light up even more.

"That sounds like lots of fun. I walked by someone washing Tucker the other day and mmmmm the soap smelled so good."

Almost bouncing in her seat Ashlee waits patently for Eric to finish eating. She didn't want to rush him but she was just to excited to contain it all.

"I think the horses like being brushed the best. They always seem so content when you do it. Unless your Thunder. He's just ornery."


Boring Stuff

Zach grins, enjoying the fact that Beth caught his sense of humor and didn't mind. Following her inside, he's quite familiar with the surroundings, but lets her take the lead since he wasn't sure which wing her sister was in. Come to think of it, he really didn't know why her sister was here at all or how severe her condition was. But he was more than willing to be here, especially if it meant that perhaps he was making a new friend.

Slowly entering the room behind Beth, he just watches her for a moment, taking note that Sarah did not speak. Though a very pretty young lady, she had no expression, other than her eyes following Beth's movements.

Cautiously, Zach moves forward to come closer. Squatting down in front of Sarah, he offers her a broad smile. "Hi, Sarah. I'm glad to meet you." He glances around the room. "I really like it in here. It's nice and bright with the sunshine coming in your window."

His smile widens. "Kind of like your sister. She's like a ray of sunshine too, isn't she?" He was used to not receiving responses. Some days it was like this with his uncle, though every once in a while he'd get a bit of a smile or a conversation of about ten words. Sarah was different. He didn't know what was wrong or what she'd been through, but the room had an odd sense of peace about it.

Zach remains lowered where he is, letting his eyes roam Sarah's face but careful not to look her in the eye too long, lest it be threatening to her. "I'm really glad Beth brought me to meet you."

Jeff was rather relieved that Stacy wasn't upset with him, and his smile proved it. He did catch her blush though, and made a mental note to use his head a little more from now on.

Chuckling, he shrugs. "Not much on my list the rest of the day I guess. If Angel knew how much I'd done already this morning she'd probably order me not to do anything else. But I'll probably wind up cleaning stalls or something - the glamor job, you know."

Eric almost chokes on his sip of coffee from the laugh that catches in his throat. "If we had ten of you around here, we wouldn't need any other ranch hands," he muses. "Pretty soon we're gonna be down to the boring stuff like counting hay bales."

He grins though, so she would know he was just teasing - he thoroughly enjoyed simply watching her enjoy being here. He wished her birthday would come sooner so she'd have some more fun things to do with the horses.

"I think a couple of the horses need some good baths today." That was something he hadn't done with her yet, and it could be fun. "You could even braid their manes and tails if you want."


Beth can't help but laugh a little again. Zach had a good sense of humor, she liked that. It seemed to make the whole becoming friends a little easier. Being able to laugh it helped mask the little bit of fear, and shyness she felt as well.

"No your not helping but thats alright. I still think your pretty cool."

As Zach stands Beth moves a little to the side moving her fallen purse strap back onto her shoulder. Giving a nod to Zach she starts forward leading the way to her sisters room. Passing a few nurses Beth greets them.

Finally stopping outside the room Beth gives a little knock before entering the room. Sitting in a rocking chair over by the window was a lovely woman with long black hair neatly pulled back into a braid. Giving a smile Beth enters holding the door before going over to Sarah and giving her a hug.

"Hey Sis, How are you feeling today?"

Receiving no answer Beth doesn't skip a beat use to it but not leading on to her sister that it bother her or that it wasn't normal at all.

"I'm a little tired today but in a pretty good mood. I hope you don't mind I brought some company with me."

Waving Zach over Beth gives another smile before bending down in front of her sister and taking her hand in her own. Sometimes it was hard to talk to her and never get a reply but Beth was happy she had her to talk to anyways.

"Sarah this is my new friend Zach. Zach this is my sister Sarah."

Looking at Jeff and giving a smile Stacy is silent for a moment. She wasn't offended last night at all by Jeff's actions. She still wasn't sure how to feel but she was far from offended. It had come and kind of a suprise to have been kissed but in a way it was kind of nice too.

"No No your ok Jeff. It takes more than that to offended me for sure."

Taking a sip of her coffee Stacy falls quiet again for a moment her eyes never leaving Jeff. Searching his face, pondering his actions and admiring his features for a moment. Finally breaking her stare a little color comes to her cheeks.

"So whats on the to do list today?"

Sitting down Ashlee holds her smile. She had felt bad for Eric, and she still did that his first cup was wasted but thats where this one came in. It could be just as good if not better.

Moving a little to get comfortable Ashlee perks up a little bit as Eric mentions her school work. She had been working hard on it all morning and in a way she was kind of waiting for him to says something.

"I got it all done this morning. After lunch I planned on coming to find you. I even got my homework for the weekend done too so if you need help I can help than too."



Having Beth stand over him, Zach's eyes widen for a moment. He hadn't heard her approach. Grinning a bit sheepishly, he picks himself up from the ground and brushes off his jeans.

"It's going great! At least the cloud gazing is." Smiling, he cocks his head, able to see Beth in the daylight for the first time. She seemed happy today. "I'm just glad you showed up. I thought maybe you woulda pegged me for a creep or something and..." He lets his sentence trail off. "I'm not helping much am I?"

He scratches his head. "I better start over. Hi, Beth. Good to see you. I'll let you lead the way to your sister, how's that?"

"Well thats good. I-" Jeff is cut short by the nearby clatter and he winces for Eric's sake. "Oops." Seeing it was under control though, he turns his attention back around only to have Ashlee suddenly leave. Was it him? He hoped not. Though he was a little glad for a moment alone with Stacy.

He clears his throat. "Um... I hope I didn't... offend you or anything last night." He eyes the table then looks back up at her. "I realize I may have acted inappropriately but I didn't mean to."

Having Ashlee suddenly appear at his table, Eric's eyebrows rise. He looks at the fresh cup of coffee then up at her with question. Hearing the reminder of his promise, not only does he feel a strange warmth in his heart, but he finds his lips curling into a genuine smile.

"I guess I did promise, didn't I? Maybe I just need a reminder every once in a while."

Motioning her to sit with him, he adds a little sugar to his coffee and stirs it in. "Thanks, Kiddo." He gives her a sidelong glance. "I wasn't sure I'd be able to make it back to the table with another cup." He rolls his eyes, still feeling a might stupid. It was time to change the subject.

"So how's that school of yours coming along today?"

You Promised

Pulling into Brookshire Beth cuts the engine on her car and just sits for a moment. She didn't have Zach's number, and she wasn't sure where to meet him but if she went inside she was sure to find him.

Finally getting out of the car and walking down the sidewalk Beth stops for a moment at a small metal bench and a smile passes over her lips the memories of first meeting Justin passing through her mind. Those were good memories, life changing memories, good memories.

Continuing her walk Beth sees a form laying in the grass and she can make out Zach. He looked comfortable, at least she found him. Her heart started to beat just a little faster as she went over to him and looking down.

"And I though I'd have a hard time finding you. I didn't have to look to far. Hows it going?"

Smiling as Jeff sits down Stacy gives a small laugh at Jeff as he mentions what time it was. One could lose track of time here and not know when was when. Stacy had done it a few times herself. Taking a sip of her coffee she gives a small nod.

"The day is going pretty good here so far. Not problems that are to big. I have to fix a few camera that got messed up in the wind last night but other than that things are on an evan keel."

Stoping for a moment as she hears the shreek from when Eric ran into Becky Stacy cringes a little bit feeling slightly bad for him.

Seeing what happened with Eric Ashlee felt bad. She couldn't imagine how embarrassed he was. Just watching as he forgets the coffee and gets his food she looks back to Jeff giving a small smile.

"I'm doing ok. School went good this morning."

Excusing herself Ashlee gets up dont with her lunch and takes her empty plate to the kitchen placing it in the sink. Looking to the coffee pot there seemed to be enough left for a cup. Grabbing a new one she pours in the coffee and grabs a few packets of suger and some creamer.

Going back into the dinning hall Ashlee walks over to Eric's table and sets the cup down giving a small smile. She really did feel bad for him and she didn't like to see when he didn't smile.

"You promised remember? You promised to keep being yourself and smile. I though maybe getting you your coffee would help with that."


"Is this seat taken?" Jeff smiles and sits down across from Stacy and Ashlee in the dining hall. It was lunchtime the next day, and he'd been helping in the barn all morning without hardly a chance for even coffee this morning. So sitting down for a meal now was a much needed rest. He offers Ashlee a smile too.

"Good..." He looks at his watch. "...Afternoon, apparently." His next glance to Stacy held just a bit of curiosity... perhaps feeling her out after their little parting last night. "And how has the morning treated you two?"

"Ack! Eric!"

Eric skids to a halt, but only after running into Becky as he came out of the kitchen. His coffee was now all over the floor and... all over her too. "Aw man, I'm sorry, Beck." He leans down to clean up his dropped mug at the same time she does and all it does is run their heads together.

Straightening, now with a soaked apron and hurt head, Becky manages to roll her eyes and laugh. "Just clean up the mess ya big goon. Where were your eyes?"

Mopping up the mess with a towel, Eric chooses not to tell her that he'd been looking at a certain table across the room. "I have no idea. Your coffee is too good to waste anyhow."

She chuckles and shakes her head. "No harm done."

A few minutes later, Eric was settled at a table alone back in the corner with his lunch, quietly eating by himself.

Friday. A quarter til eleven o'clock. Brookshire. Zach wanders slowly up the sidewalk, enjoying the sunshine. He didn't remember agreeing with Beth where exactly they'd meet, so he'd arrived early and had been sitting at the main building until he'd wanted to stretch his legs. Would she even show up? He thought so. But he wasn't usually a betting man. If she didn't come, he'd visit his uncle anyway and it would hardly be a wasted trip. Although... he would be a bit disappointed.

Hearing another vehicle, he glances up to see and old pickup pull in and drive to a nearby lot. Nope. Guy driver.

Yawning, Zack glances at his watch again. He probably had a few minutes yet.

Finding a nice sunny spot on the neatly trimmed lawn, he plops down on his back and sprawls out to stare up at the clouds.


Beth can't help but laugh as she stands and gather the plates and bowls. B rated moves had never been her thing till she started watching them with Justin. Now she enjoyed watching them too. Even if some of the stuff was so funny and bad.

"I think that sounds good. I don't have to be up to horrible early tomorrow so I don't mind staying up later than normal."

Pushing the dishes into the sink and filling it with a little water and dish soap Beth just lets them soak for now. She would wash them a little later.

"Munchies as long as you remember the cracked pepper chips and its a date."

Reading the text message Dan gives a small sigh. Something didn't feel right but there was nothing he could do about it. He could only hope that Dylan really was ok and God would take care of the rest. Still there was a helpless feeling and it didn't feel good.


Huddled in the corner of the dark living room, Dylan feels the phone vibrate again and turns to hide the light as he reads the text message from Dan. 'Is everything alright?' He swallows hard and glances to his arm. His hoodie sleeve hid the day-old needle marks.

'You're never too far away.' He bites his lip. He was further away than anybody knew, but not just in miles. Continuing to read just made his gut churn even more. A great ranch... lonely young girl. Dylan kinda missed Ashlee too.

Leaning back into the wall, the darkness, like a blanket, wraps itself around him. He'd been gone from the ranch less than two weeks, and already found himself in this miserable place. A place he'd vowed to himself never to return. But at least no one was yelling at him. Accusing him of things he hadn't done. Staring at him with disdain and distrust.

He pulls his knees up to his chest, blocking out the sound of retching in the nearby bathroom. Apparently the bad booze hadn't mixed well with everything else. A woman's voice purred from down the hall. Dylan buries his head against the wall. A loud thud in the room behind him makes him jump and curl in even tighter. He didn't want to know.

Only when it's quiet again does he flip open the phone again and type with his thumbs...

Re: Text Message
To: Dan
From: Unknown 555-7295

Long story abt the phone. Dont worry abt me.
Im taking care of myself ok.
Thx for txting.


Shutting the phone after pressing "send," Dylan returns to his curled-up position. This time, though, a fresh tear rolls down his cheek. He already wanted his next fix, and hated himself for it.

Even though the conversation doesn't continue, Eric's mind mulls over what Stacy had just said about Ashlee. Would the girl really care that much? He knew the answer. And he knew the answer to whether or not he'd miss her hanging around him too. For once... maybe there was a downside to being on the road. He'd think about it some more.

Seeing Stacy ready to leave, Eric was almost disappointed for a moment, though that alone was enough to confuse him. He stops the swing and looks over at her with a nod. "Okay. I was thinking about bed myself. I should probably head back that way now that-"

He bites his tongue and is thankful for the darkness to hide the crimson in his cheeks. "...now that it's getting late," he ends lamely.

Standing, he reaches up and tips his hat to her. "Goodnight, ma'am."

Justin grins. "B movies are never horrible. They're just.... B movies." Getting the last of his soup with the end of his sandwich, he finishes off his food and licks his fingers. "I don't know..." He shakes his head. "You're spoiling me awful bad with your cooking."

Taking a sip of water, his grin returns. "I can come back tonight if you want." He didn't want her to have to drive an hour late at night to come to his place, but he didn't mind it for himself. "But only if I can bring the munchies."

B Rated

Looking up from his cell and playing another card Dan hears his phone go off again and glances down. He hopped there would be enough chatting and laughing between turns to at least give him a little more time to read Dylan's text and reply once more.

Re: Text Message

To: Dylan
From: Dan

Nah Don't sweat it. I'm up anyways so its not a bother. Even if I was sleeping still would be ok.

Dan takes another turn throwing down a red 5 but forgetting to say Uno he is caught and takes 4 more cards.

Barrowed cell? Is everything alright? I wont let anyone know you texted me but just promise if you need something just let me know. You're never to far away.

"Hey Hey Hey You didn't say Uno Jade. I'm watching you trying to pull a fast one."

I hope you find what your looking for Dylan I really do. Hey if all else fails I hear there is this great Ranch in Texas that would love to have an extra set of hands and I lonely young girl who would like to have her friend back, but till than just take care of yourself alright?

Putting his phone down again Dan lets out a little yelp as her gets a kick from under the table.

"Alright Alright shesh people..."

As Eric draws very silent again Stacy does too. She remembered him talking about working on the road but she didn't realize he wanted to go back to it. She couldn't help the small bit of sadness that hit her thinking about Eric being gone. She'd gotten use to him being around even if they didn't talk much.

"Well I know one little girl that will be pretty heart broken to see her only other friend leave the ranch. So you better not be gone long at a time. She might go through withdrawals."

Becoming silent again for a moment Stacy just lets the rythem of the swing lull her as she moves back and forth with it. She wondered about Eric and why he was so quiet but it was non of her never mind to go butting in about it. Finally giving a streach she turns to bid goodnight to Eric.

"I better get some coffee before I get to comfortable here and pass out. Have a good night Eric."

Placing her bowl on top of her plate Beth was done with her food. There was still a little of each left but her tummy would surly revolt if she had anything else right now. Folding her hands she lets Justin just continue eating not rushing him at all.

"Sounds exciting. If you want I get out of work a little later tonight but not to horrible bad, I rented this horrible B rated movies this morning and I could use someone to laugh at it with me. If you up for it that is."

Strangely Quiet

It just... wasn't bad? Eric was a little surprised Stacy didn't say more than that about her evening with Jeff. Maybe seeing them kiss wasn't what he thought it was, but it sure looked like there was more to it than just "wasn't bad." It was none of his business though, so he wouldn't ask.

As the conversation comes back to Ashlee, he nods in consent. "Okay. I just didn't want to cause any trouble or nothin'."

Asked about his own day, he chuckles. "Oh, there's not too much to tell there. Most days I just try to help and stay outta people's hair. If I can make it to bed without having been in somebody's way during the day, then I did a fair job." In truth, he didn't even have any actual tasks during the day - it was just things he found himself to keep busy. Everybody else had routines and daily responsibilities. But even after he'd been back for this long, he was still finding it difficult to fit back in to things.

"Been thinking about letting Clint fix up my rig. He's been buggin' me about it for weeks. I figured I needed to pay him first but I s'pose if that's gonna happen, I'm gonna need to get the pay somewhere, and that seems a slim chance without my truck." He shrugs. "Once the road gets in a man's blood, it ain't easy to get out again."

It was a poor excuse. The ranch paid him for his work. And there was a large part of him that didn't really want to be on the road again. But at least when he drove, he knew his place.

Glancing down, Eric pushes the swing gently with his foot. It was the first time in a while he felt a little awkward with Stacy and he wasn't even sure why. It was as if all of a sudden he felt he might be stepping on someone's toes. Jeff's perhaps. Maybe getting back on the road really was as good idea.

Caught in a stare, he doesn't realize how quiet he'd become.

Re: Text Message
To: Dan
From: Unknown 555-7295

Thx. Sorry its late. 1st chance im alone with borrowed cell.
Tell Jade hi but pls dont tell anyone else i txted u.
Im a mess. Hate my life. Idk where im headed next.
Fine tho. Alive.


Justin shrugs as he dips another piece of sandwich in his soup. "Gotta run up to Brookshire to see my uncle about a case. Then back home, I guess. Got people I gotta call about their computers." He rolls his eyes. "I keep telling myself I'm not going to provide tech assistance anymore, but somehow I don't think my unpaid bills would like that very much."

He chews thoughtfully before shrugging again. "After that, I don't know. Ma's got rides today so she's taken care of. I gotta make a call to check on Scott. But... otherwise... it's shaping up to be a quiet evening I suppose."


Watching as Eric just looked at her for a long moment Stacy wondered what the blank stair was for. Was he ok? Did he have something no his mind? Did she do something wrong? A million questions run through her mind and for a moment a small feeling of guilt came over her but for what reason she wasn't sure.

Finally having him answer Stacy gives a smile and the feeling of guilt gets pushed away she would try and figure it out another day. Seeing Eric move over on the swing she sits down. It wouldn't hurt to sit for a little bit. She already made her rounds once and things seemed ok for the time being. Not to mention the dinning hall was pretty much in the middle so she could still see everything.

"Yeah it wasn't bad. I felt bad for Ashlee because she wanted to come work with you but I was happy she came."

Continuing to sit Stacy gives a look around still thinking about Eric's earlyer comment about asking her first before asking Ashlee anything. She didn't need to ok it with her first to have Ash work with him it was ok.

"Don't worry about asking me first when it comes to Ash helping you in the barn. I know she loves it and as long as she school work is done first I have no problem at all. Even if something else is planned things can be arranged, and compromises can be made."

Stacy gives a small smile looking to Eric again. The feeling of being guilty seemed to sneak back to her. For some reason she felt a little bad for Eric but she wasnt sure why. Maybe it was a little because she new how much he enjoyed teaching Ashlee how to do things around the ranch and today she had deprived them both of that. Whatever it was though it sucked.

"How was your day, any better?"

New Text Message

To: Dylan
From: Dan

No I don't think its possable your dad could hate
you. He does miss you though.
He wont say it but
you can tell by the look in his eye. Jade told
me to tell
you hi if I talk to you so Hi. How
are you?


Late night message

Off in his own little world, Eric was oblivious to Stacy's presence. Hearing her voice, he visibly jumps and looks up quickly. Realizing who it was, he blinks, almost confused for a moment. He'd thought maybe her evening with Jeff wasn't quite over. It hadn't taken her long to get here. Had she realized he'd seen them? Did it even matter? Why was he so concerned about it in the first place? She was obviously just making her rounds now.

Suddenly realizing she'd asked him a question and all he was doing was giving her a blank stare, he snaps back to attention. "Um... yeah...yeah. Least she headed that way." He grins. "I hope you don't mind I told her after she was done with her school work tomorrow she could come help me again." He thinks about the possibility of perhaps other evenings when Ashlee was wanted elsewhere. "I s'pose I should've asked you first though to make sure that didn't conflict with any other plans. She gets so excited, sometimes I forget."

He straightens in the swing and edges over to one side a little... just in case. "Seems y'all had a good time in town?"

New Text Message
To: Dan
From: Unknown 555-7925

Does dad hate me?

Small Talk

As Jeff comes into for the kiss it was to quick for Stacy to even react. She could feeling her heart skip a few beats. It had been a long time since anyone had shown her affection let alone kiss her. She hadn't been expecting it at all and was really sure what to think about it.

As Jeff turns to leave Stacy just watches him for a moment before turning herself. Not making way to her bunk house though she heads for the dinning hall. It was still early, and she had a few more house to keep watch before bed. Se would definitely be in need of some coffee.

Walking up onto the pouch and hearing the swing creek a little Stacy turns her attachen to it. Seeing Eric she gives a smile and a little wave. He was up late tonight but than again it kind of was a normal thing it seemed for him.

"Hey Eric, its a nice night out today. Did Ash finally make it to bed?"

She new her daughter had gone to see them after they got back and it didn't upset her as long as she was in bed so she could wake up for her school work. That was important to Stacy and she it was important to her daughters future too.

Beth gives another nod to Justin. Even if he didn't take her up on the offer she was still happy to be able too. IT was nice not living in as much fear as she was and keeping herself shut away from everything in the world. Part of her wished Justin had becomes her friend earlyer so not as much life had passed her by but she new God had his reason for placing him here and now. Maybe before she wouldn't have listened to him.

"So what are you planes for today? Anything fun and exciting?"


Justin nods thoughtfully. He appreciated Beth's offer and appreciated her prayers as well. This thing really was bigger than he was, and he needed all the help he could get. "Thanks, Beth. I, um...." He gives her a small smile. "Yeah. Thanks. I'll let you know if I need company." He didn't know if he would take her up on it or not... perhaps he would. But whether or not he did, her offer was nice and it proved how far she'd come.

As Stacy starts to move past him, Jeff's hand remains gently planted on her shoulder to prolong her stay. He finds her gaze like unending pools reflecting the soft moonlight. And his heart skips a beat.

She was thanking him? It brings forth a soft smile. If she'd had half as good a time as he had, it had been worth it.

Releasing her shoulder, his hand slides down to hers, taking it from his arm as his thumb caresses her palm. "You're welcome," he responds quietly.

Cocking his head, he leans closer, planting a brief, soft kiss on her lips. His eyes glint with sheepishness and a hidden smile. Finally backing away, he lets her hand go and gives her a slight nod. "Goodnight, Stacy." And turning, he aims for his bunk.

Eric gives Ashlee a little wave then shakes his head, smiling. He was... glad that she'd wanted to see him tonight.

Sighing a deep sigh of content, he stuffs his hands in his pockets and ambles towards the bunkhouses. Maybe... just maybe he was beginning to find purpose here.

Yawning as he rounds a corner, it takes him a moment to realize he's not alone under the stars. Seeing Jeff just retracting from a kiss a short ways away, Eric skids to a halt. His reaction to turn around and take another route is automatic, and he hopes he hadn't been seen. He didn't want to give something like that an audience. Obviously his brother and Stacy had had a nice evening together. That was good. Stacy needed someone just like Eric had told Ashlee only minutes before. And Jeff needed someone too, so what Eric had just seen was perfectly natural, right?

Instead of going back to the bunkhouses, Eric aims for the dining hall. Maybe he'd wait a few minutes before venturing back that direction.

Stepping up on the porch, he eases down on the porch swing. He could hear some laughter inside from the night owls playing cards, but he decided not to join. He'd go to bed... soon.


Warm Feeling

Hearing everything they were going to do tomorrow it just made Ashlee even more excited. The smells, the sounds it was all just wonderful when working in the barn. There she felt calm and at peace like it was where she belonged.

"I'll be up bright and early to get my school work done and than you expecting to see me waiting at the barn for you."

Giving Eric a wave Ashlee makes her way back to the bunk house. Letting out a sigh and than sucking in some air Ashlee can't help but smile. The night went from not so great to being a whole lot better and Ashlee was glad. Now to get some sleep before what seemed like an eventful day tomorrow.

Stacy gives a smile as a warm feeling of being needed came over her. And knowing her and her daughter were welcome there it really made her feel good.

"Thanks Jeff."

Getting back to the bunks Stacy new this were her and Jeff should part now. It had been a good night and she was happy he did her rounds with her. She liked the quiet but having someone with her this once was nice too.

As Jeff places his hand on Stacys shoulder she gives a nod to him. The night really had been nice. It was much needed and she was thankful for his offer. Just searching his face for a long moment Stacy can't help but smile again as she brings her hand up to Jeff's.

"Thank you as well for offering to take Ashlee and I out for the night. It was much needed and very welcoming of you."

Standing there for another long moment Stacy finally takes a few steps forward and gives Jeff's arm a soft touch showing she was thankful for the night.

"Sleep well Jeff and I'll see you tomorrow."

Listing to Justin as he talks about his brother Beth takes another bit of her food just giving a small nod. Though Jared's first impression on her had been a bad one she still didn't want to see anything happen to him. For Justin's moms sake, for Justin's and just because it was simply wrong. As Justin thanks her for cooking Beth smiles. She didn't mind and it felt good to be able to cook for him

"Well, seeing how your brother was before the accident I can't blame you for having a hard time wanting to go see him. Sometimes forgiving, and forgetting or just pretending it didn't happen is hard. But I believe its what God would want us to do."

Drawing silent for a moment to blow on her soup before sipping it off the spoon Beth couldn't even begin to start thinking how Justin might feel. And if she was in his situation would she be doing anything differently.

"I'll keep praying that God gives you the peace to go see him. If and when you do go if you'd like to not do it alone I would be more than happy to go with you. I've got to return your mom's dish anyways."

Beth gives a smile as she looks across the table at Justin. He's been her first friend, someone she trusted, and had grown close to. He'd also helped her though a lot so to be able to repay him made her feel good even if it was something simple like this!

Long Time

Eric can't help but chuckle at Ashlee's enthusiasm. He didn't think he'd ever seen another horse-crazy girl who loved to do all this work and still not have been in the saddle once. Most would beg to ride, no matter who it was that taught them. Eric wondered, given the chance, if Ashlee really would still refuse to learn from someone else. He hoped he still had enough time before her birthday to be the one to offer. He hadn't wanted to at first but... well... maybe his soft spot was a little softer than he thought. The temptation to tell her now returned, but... if he did, he wouldn't have anything else to give her for her birthday, so he refrains.

"Well, the farrier is due to come soon and we need to figure out which horses need their hooves trimmed. Then we gotta take a look at Static's leg." Eric was referring to his own horse. "He got cut on something the other day and I bandaged it but we need to take a look and clean it and rebandage it. And if there's still time left... we'll figure it out then."

"As far as I'm concerned, we still need you around here." Jeff glances at Stacy as they walk. "Even if Dylan isn't here, we always need more eyes and just having you make your rounds at night is a major worry off our shoulders."

He shrugs, then grins. "At least that's what I think. Besides, no one would have a good enough reason for you not to stay. Even if you weren't a lookout, there's plenty to do. And nobody would want to make Ashlee leave now either."

Nearing the bunkhouses, he knows it's about time to say goodnight, and he sighs. "Well..." He slowly comes to a stop. "I guess this is where I get off."

Turning to Stacy, he sets a hand on her shoulder. "Thanks... it's been a long time since I had such a nice evening."

Justin holds his grin as Beth talks. He didn't know if he'd ever seen her quite like this - bubbly and all excited, but trying to contain it. It was good - refreshing - a big step forward for her. She'd apparently found out a lot about Zach. Though hoping she wasn't getting in over her head, Justin knew that if Beth had received any bad vibes at all, she wouldn't be seeing the guy again. So for the most part, he wasn't worried about her. But why did he have this strange miniature ache way down deep? Maybe he was just being protective.

Having the subject quickly reversed to him, Justin holds up one finger and pauses the conversation for a quick prayer for lunch. When finished, he tears off a corner of his sandwich to dip in his soup, though he knows Beth was still waiting for an answer. "Jared's doing as well as can be expected I guess. Ma says the doctor told her that his body is working overtime to heal quickly, which is good. Seems that the internal damage isn't of huge concern anymore and everything is working properly as far as that goes."

Justin pauses to take a bite of his dunked sandwich. "Mm... boy, this is good. Thanks for cooking." He smiles before continuing the conversation. "I guess he's in quite a bit of pain from his ribs and shoulder but the doctor said that everything really is healing better than could be expected so..." He shrugs. "I guess that's about it. He still can't feel or move his legs though and so far he hasn't regained any memories."

Eating for a moment or two, he finally glances over at Beth. "I... haven't been in to see him yet though. Just not quite sure how to do that one."


Heading to the barn door with Eric Ashlee gives a small nod at he talks. She didn't totally understand what he was saying but finding a place was something she did. Even if it was for different reasons she still could relate a little bit.

"Sometimes finding where you fit is hard. I can't say I totally understand but I do get how sometimes it can feel like your in the way. Though I know its not true feelings are just feelings and we cant help it."

Walking outside Ashlee zips her jacket before sticking her hands in her pockets. Looking to Eric she gives a big smile. She really did enjoy helping and being around him. If someone asked why there would be no answer. Maybe somewhere deep down Eric had hit the fatherly cord in Ashlee's heart and now it just stuck.

"I'll definitely come and help you tomorrow. Where do you want to meet and what is it we have to do?"

Ashlee could feel the excitement that ran through her. She really couldn't help it, being around horses was even better than she ever though and having Eric actually invite her along was even better.

Continuing to walk along with Jeff Stacy things for a long moment. It was a good question he asked and honestly she hadn't really though about it. Now though that the question was brought up it was a good question.

"Well, I really would hate to move Ashlee again and she seems for the most part to like it here. If you guys would still need me, or the police force would let me work out of the ranch than I would stay. But if not than I would have to go."

Stacy looks sad for a moment at the thought. She really did hope they would need her here still, or she could commute from here into town. In a short time she really had taken a liking to the ranch and Ashlee had too. To have to pull her away now it would be hard.

"I've really started liking it here. It's quiet but not to quiet, and everyone is so nice. I'd really miss it if we had to go."



"Nah, I'm just keeping an eye on her." Eric slowly leaves the stall and waits for Ashlee before closing and latching the door. "Mick likes to be present whenever a foal comes - and Jim, since he's a vet in case anything happens." He pauses and nods. "See, this is the most I've been around here in a long time. I drove truck for many years so I..."

He stops and shrugs then heads back towards the barn door. "Sometimes it's hard for a man to find his place again," he concludes. He didn't really expect Ashlee to understand. She didn't know his history. She didn't know that sometimes he felt like a burden around here. But that was how it should be.

Forcing a smile, he heads out of the barn and shuts off the lights. "It's getting pretty late for you isn't it? Especially... when you're gonna come help me in here tomorrow after you're done with your schoolwork?" He had a feeling she'd jump at the invitation.

"Eh, it's alright." Jeff shrugs and falls into step with Stacy once again. "I like it best now... warm days, cool nights. Winter time gets pretty cold but we hardly ever get snow. Summer's when it gets beastly hot. Once in a while we have to worry about water but not too often."

Becoming quiet for a moment or two, he seems to be thinking. "So if... Dylan doesn't come back... you still staying as our lookout anyway?"

So Cool

Coming into the stall Ashlee does her best to not startle the horse. Walking up close to Eric Ashlee puts her hand next to his and waits. Feeling the horse move around a big smile spreads across Ashlee's face as she looks up at Eric.

"I can feel it. Wow, that is so cool."

Moving her hand to rub buttercups neck Ashlee pets her gentility before giving her a soft kiss and looking back to Eric.

"Wow that's really cool. Are you going to be in charge of helping her?"

Stacy give another smile and nods. Jeff was right everyone was put in each others lives for a reason.

"Yeah, I think your right. I think we ended up here for a good reason."

Pushing off the fence Stacy puts her hands in her pockets before nodding for Jeff to follow again as she walked.

"So, how's the weather the rest of the year?"

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Eric grins at Ashlee's enthusiasm and starts down towards the other end of the barn. "Oh, she's about eleven months now." He chuckles. "Lasts a little longer with horses, ya know."

Arriving down at the larger box stalls, he stops at Buttercup's and opens the latch. Sliding open the door, he steps inside and gestures Ashlee to follow him.

The palomino mare nickers and turns from her supper to greet her visitors with interest. Eric scratches her under the chin. "Hey, you. How ya doing, huh?"

She chews her hay and pricks her ears forward, extending her nose to sniff Ashlee. Eric moves to the mare's belly and sets his hand down low. Smiling, he motions Ashlee closer. "Come here." He places her hand near his where they could feel the foal moving around. "There's an active one in there." He chuckles. Patting Buttercup's back, he gives her some loving. "Yeah... I'd say either tonight or tomorrow night we'll have a foal."

Jeff squints a little and shakes his head, still smiling. "Naw. I don't think the moonlight has anything to do with it."

Glancing down for a moment, he was a little sheepish, but he was telling her the truth. Looking back up at her, he shifts his weight, his shoulder resting against hers lightly. Still leaning on the fence, he nods. "Yeah... I don't know how other people without God make it through their own hard times."

He turns his head, his eyes roaming Stacy's face. "Sometimes I think God puts new people in our paths to help ease some of that past pain.

Hard Times

Just continuing to look out into the dark seeing the dots of the stars and the faint two lights Stacy takes in the moment. Things felt right, good and like they were getting better and she was happy.

"It's comforting knowing no matter how big anything us God is never far away. I think that's what's helped me get through the hard times."

Finally looking to Jeff a bit of color comes to her cheeks at his comment. She hadn't heard someone genuinely say that in a long time it was nice.

"Thank you. I think its the moonlight enhancing it though."

Stacy gives another laugh. It felt nice to have a friend here. Jeff was nice and made her feel very welcome.

Ashlee's eyes light up at the mention of the horse. She hadn't seen buttercup yet but she sure was excited too.

"Yeah I'll come that sounds like fun. How far along is she now?"

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Would it...

Eric wishes there was some way he could help Ashlee more, but maybe this was just a little bit of growing up she'd have to do on her own. No matter what friends her mom made or if her mom ever decided to date someone or even get married, to a certain degree Ashlee would have to accept it.

Sighing a little, he looks around the barn. "Well, we're pretty much closed up here. I did want to go check on Buttercup once more though. She's due to foal any day now. Wanna come with me?"

Jeff feels comfortable walking with Stacy, enjoying it that she liked this part of the day - so did he. Coming up beside her and leaning on the fence, his eyes gaze across the dark expanse. "Mm... yeah. I lived in the city for a while but never could get used to it. Out here is just... different. It's so big yet God feels closer."

Quiet for a moment, his thumbnail finds a small splinter in the fence rail to pick at. He did like it here. He did like the closeness to God and the wide open spaces. But while there was all that, there was still a piece of him that was lonely.

Giving Stacy a sidelong glance, he notices the light shining in her eyes and he smiles. "Would it be inappropriate if I told you how pretty you are?"


Leaning aganst one of the stalls Ashlee let's out a little sigh. She wasn't so sure if it had been Eric if she would of felt the same. She like spending time with him and adding her mom in the mix that sounded fun.

"I know she needs friends and I'd never want to stop her from that just...I don't know. I guess I will get use to it."

She'd have to get use to it. It was only fair to her mom to do that. No matter how strange if felt. Just something about Jeff hit her funny.

"Anything else you need help with?"

Stacy gives a smile as she starts out with Jeff. Doing a quick check to make sure she had everything. Leading the way her smile grows a little more.

"It sure is a nice night out today. I always enjoy this part. Quiet time helps me reflect on the day."

Continuing to walk Stacy finally stops coming to one of the fences. Looking out over one of the pastures Stacy just studys the harizon for a long moment.

"It's nice to see all God had created. That's why I like it here. There isn't lights and smoke clouding the nature he put in front of us."

The moonlight huts Stacy just right letting her face light up more than it already was.

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That's Okay

For a moment, Jeff simply wasn't sure how to end the evening. The moment is short-lived though, as Stacy asks if he'd join her.

A new smile forms and he nods. "Yeah... yeah, I would, if you wouldn't mind the company." He glances to the bunkhouses. "Just give me a second or two to change my boots and grab a jacket." He knew she'd probably want to change as well...

...True to his word, within minutes, Jeff had changed into his more comfortable boots and donned his leather jacket. He meets back up with Stacy outside her own bunkhouse, rather looking forward to a walk in the fresh air.

"I'm glad you suggested this," he admits. "It'll help me walk off some of that steak." Grinning, he starts forward with her, the ground crunching softly under his step. The sky was so clear tonight that a million stars shone. A light breeze blew and a full moon lit the ranch in a soft glow.

Eric chuckles. He could only imagine what his brother's antics had been tonight. "He does have a silly side. I guess maybe he's found a way to not let life be so serious all the time. Sometimes I wish I had a little more of that."

Seeing Ashlee catch the unlocked stall, Eric smiles to himself. She was a good little helper.

Stopping with her and hearing she'd felt awkward, Eric realizes he hadn't even thought of that. Tucking his hands in his jacket pockets for a moment, he cocks his head. "It's okay to feel that way. I know Jeff probably just wanted to make sure you and your mom had some fun away from here - we all need that every once in a while."

Did he really believe that was Jeff's only motive? Maybe deep down he didn't. But that wasn't something to discuss with Ashlee.

Leaning back against the stall beside her, he looks down at her for a moment or two. "Ya know... your mom needs to have friends, just like you do. Sometimes she just needs somebody closer to her age to hang out with. It's just the way people are." He offers her an encouraging smile. "Maybe it feels a little weird now, but you'll get used to it. I bet even if it woulda been me tonight, you still woulda felt funny. But that's okay. You'll never lose your place with your mom."


Looking back up at Jeff and seeing he really meant what he said Stacy smiled even more. It made her feel good and having a slight feeling of companionship again.Even if it was only friendship.

"I'd like to do it again."

About to turn around again Stacy thinks for a moment. Did the night really have to end already? It seemed so short lived.

"Would you like to go on the rounds with me?"

Hearing there was something left to do Ashlee joins Eric in checking the stalls. Mulling over his question for a moment Ashlee finally replys.

"It was ok. I would of rather been here but dinner was nice and all. Jeff sure does have a silly side to him."

Finding one of the stalls unlocked Ash locks it before going to the next. Stopping for a moment she turns to Eric.

"I've never been to dinner before with my mom and another guy before. It was strange and felt kind of awkward."

Ashlee picks at some loose wood on one of the rails.

"I feel bad for Jeff saying that. He's nice and everything I just kinda felt out of place I guess."

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Eric grins, finding Ashlee's enthusiasm humorous. He wouldn't tell her that though. Nodding, he points down the aisle. "I haven't checked all the stalls to make sure their all latched yet."

Starting forward, he gestures Ashlee to come with him. "So... did you have a good time in town?"

"Oh, maybe." Jeff shrugs before shutting the pickup door. He laughs. "I guess that depends on whether or not insomnia decides to come calling."

Standing this closely to Stacy, he looks into her eyes for a moment, just studying them as the moonlight bounced and danced in them. "Thanks... for giving me reason to have a good evening. Maybe... we can do something again soon..."


Hearing Eric's voice Ashlee turns around and gives a smile seeing him. It looked like everything wad done but maybe just maybe there was something.

"I was trying to hurry so I could help before everything was done. I really wanted to help."

Panting Ashlee can't help the large smile on her face as she tried to catch her breath.

About to get out of the car Stacy waits seeing Jeff coming around to her side.

Giving a laugh Stacy slips out of the truck. Standing in front of Jeff Stacy smiles. She really had a nice time and Jeff was fun.

"Well I better do my rounds. You gonna call it a night?"

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Parking the pickup and shutting off the engine, Jeff sees Ashlee bolt for the barn and he chuckles. "I suppose when someone is horse crazy, even chores are appealing."

Receiving Stacy's thanks, Jeff shakes his head and smiles. "No thanks, especially since I had a great time. It's like thanking me for a treat to myself."

Sliding out of the truck, he makes it around the front before Stacy can get out, and he holds the door for her. "Melady."

Alone in the barn, Eric was just making a few last-minute rounds. He could head to the dining hall if he wanted... Jade and Dan had started a vicious card game with Clint and Luke. Or he could go to his bunkhouse and watch television for a while before he fell asleep. He'd probably choose the latter. He usually did.

Hanging up a stray leadrope and taking it to the tack room, he's just turning off the light in the small room when he hears someone running inside. Odd.

Stepping back out into the barn aisle, he looks around before spotting Ashlee. He was a bit surprised. He wasn't sure what time everybody would be back, but he'd figured whenever they arrived, it would be bedtime for the lot of them. But seeing the girl come running automatically brought a wide smile to his face.

"Whoa there, partner." He chuckles and sets his hands on his hips. "What's got you in such a hurry?"

Thank you

Giving another smile Ashlee was greatful for Jeff's sensitivity for next time. He was nice and she did notice that.

Seeing her mom coming Ashlee gives a nod and getting into the truck. She hopped maybe when they got home Eric wasn't done.

Coming up to the truck and seeing the smile on Ashlee's face she was satisfied and gave an extra smile to Jeff and a nod thankful for not giving up.

...Getting back to the ranch and once the car was parked Ashlee wasted no time in jumping out of the truck and making a dash for the barn looking for Eric.

Watching her daughter get out of the truck and head for the barn she shakes her head. Looking to Jeff before she gets out her eyes sparkled.

"I new she liked horses but I don't what she see in working in the barn."

Opening the door but not getting out Stacy let's out a small sigh. The night seemed to go way to fast.

"I really did have fun. Thank you so much."

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Next time

Jeff really wasn't all that sure what could be that exciting about helping Eric in the barn, but he doesn't ask. "You weren't a bear... well... maybe just a little one." He shows her an ity-bity size with his fingers. "But that's okay. Next time I'm a bear we'll just call it even. And..." He pauses with a new little smile. "Next time I have a bright idea that involves you, I'll be sure to ask you myself and not just go through your mom, okay?"

Seeing movement at the restaurant door, he sees Stacy coming. Straightening up, he heads around to the driver's side door of the pickup. "All aboard!" he calls. "If we make it back in good time, I bet Eric will still be hanging around the barn, and he can at least tell all about what happened there while we were gone."

Before getting in, he tosses Ashlee a wink. He'd get his brother out of bed if he had to, just to end this evening well.


Giving a nod Stacy turns and heads twords the bathroom. She'd give Jeff the time he needed.

Hearing Jeff come up behind her Ashlee turns around. Just listing she gives a nod. She had come for her mom and now...she felt kind of bad too.

"You did a good job picking the place. I just...was looking forward to helping Eric tonight in the barn. Your fault not really. "

Straighring and letting out a small sigh Ashlee looks to Jeff. He did seem like a nice guy who was just trying to do something nice.

"Next time huh? I guess I can pick what we do. Thanks for inviting us tonight even if I was a bear."

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Your turn

Seeing Ashlee leave, Jeff's shoulders droop just a little bit and he lets the spoon slide off his nose. He was far from offended or crushed, but he was just a tad disappointed. It was pretty obvious his hunch had been right - Ashlee really wasn't enjoying herself tonight.

Taking a moment to pay the waiter, Jeff turns his attention back to Stacy and shrugs. "Don't sweat it. Maybe I just wasn't thinking." A wry grin surfaces. "I tend to do that sometimes. Not think, that is."

Taking a final sip of water, he shakes his head. "As far as I can tell you've done a right good job raising your daughter. Sometimes they grow up faster than we want but... we can't walk around blaming ourselves." Glancing down for a moment, he grows probably more serious than he had all evening. "I suppose I think about Katie a lot when I see Ashlee. It was about her age that Katie started making some bad choices because she felt unloved at home. I always blamed myself for that."

He looks up again, catching Stacy's eye. "But from what I see, the one thing Ashlee doesn't feel is unloved. And that says something."

Standing up, he looks over his shoulder at the exit. "Give me just a minute or two, will ya?" He turns back to smile at her. "I just don't give up easily enough."

Heading for the door, he makes it outside into the cool evening air. The sky was a hazy dark color after the sun had finally set. Glancing left then right, he spots Ashlee waiting near the pickup. Ambling up to her, he leans back on the truck and sighs. Folding his arms, he stares up at the few stars that had started to appear. His goofiness was gone. "I asked your mom for just a minute so I could talk to you," he explains. "I just wanted to thank you for coming tonight. I know you didn't want to." He glances out of the corner of his eye at her. "But then, I never did have much practice with girls and what they like to do. So it was probably my fault for choosing where we went."

Pausing, he finally turns to look down at her eyes. "But I do appreciate you coming along with your mom. I know she loves having you around and I'm sure she enjoyed herself more because you were here."

He offers her a small smile. "Maybe if there's something you'd rather do sometime... it can be your turn to pick. What do ya think?"


Stacy can't help but let out a chuckle at Jeff. He certinly did have a sence of humor. Stacy wondered how it had been since he laughed too.

"Hey that's quite a talent there. You could make money off it."

Giving a small smile Ashlee also rolled her eyes color coming to her cheeks. She was a little embarrassed by the while thing.

"I'm gonna wait outside."

Watching her daughter leave Stacy lets out a sigh. She felt bad for Eric see her daughter this way. Maybe she shouldn't have made her come.

"I'm sorry about Ashlee. Sometimes I think she has a hard time being a kid. I guess that's my fault."

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Straight Face

Jeff laughs, glancing over to Stacy. The mental image of frozen lips was enough to make anybody chuckle.

It seems something else goes through his mind that brings some color to his cheeks few would notice, but he keeps his goofiness in check this once and takes another spoonful of ice cream to keep himself from talking.

He grins at Ashlee and winks. "Just don't tell anybody we had ice cream tonight... they might get jealous," he teases.

Talking and laughing felt good. It really had been a long while since Jeff had been away from the ranch just to go out and have some fun. And to him, this was fun. He wasn't convinced Ashlee was really enjoying herself, but he thought Stacy was, so that at least made the evening worth it.

Once the ice cream is finished and it's time for the check, Jeff spies the waiter. The silly glint returned to his eye and he takes his spoon, wipes it off then breathes some hot air on it. Setting it on his nose, he tilts his head just right so the spoon stays put. And only then did he wave the waiter over while somehow keeping a straight face.


Ashlee can't help but laugh a little at Jeff's comment. She had to addmit she was having a little hotbot fun. Dinner was really good and Jeff was slightly funny.

Taking a bite of her ice cream Ashlee savers the flavor for a long moment. She had gotten double mint and it tasted the best.

"Wow this really is good. It's creamy and it just tastes so much better than frozen."

Seeing her daughter losen up a little Stacy was happy. She wanted her to have a nice time and it would seem so she was starting too.

"This really is good Jeff. I can't remember the last time I've enjoyed ice cream like this. It's making my lip freeze."

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Jeff is glad to have Ashlee interact, and he nods with enthusiasm. "Yep, they make their own ice cream here. It's so creamy and cold... Mmm..." He smacks his lips and chuckles. "No matter how stuffed one can be here, no one can pass up the ice cream. It's a rule."

As the waiter comes and takes their order, Jeff winds up with the sirloin. In no time at all, it seemed, their food was there. The portions were generous and everything cooked just right. After Jeff gives the prayer, the table becomes quiet for a few minutes as they begin to eat.

In between bites of steak and sips of wine, Jeff resumes the conversation, keeping it light and every once in a while being just a little goofy. His eyes twinkled, proving he was enjoying himself, and he hoped Stacy and Ashlee were too.

Once the meal was over, he was true to his word, ordering them all ice cream.

Taking too big of a bite with his spoon, Jeff cringes. "Oooh... brain freeze." He stifles a laugh. "Not that there's a whole lot up there to freeze."


Giving a smile at Jeff's toast it made Stacy feel good. She wondered if everyone considered them part of the family or just Jeff. Either way it made her feel good.


Picking up her sparkling juice Ashlee gives a smile and holds up her glass to the others. It felt odd being told she was part of the family but at the same time it wad nice.

"Here here."

Taking a sip oh her juice Ashlee puts it down and goes back to the menu. Scanning everything she wasn't sure what she wanted.

Sipping the win Stacy gives a happy murmer that the wine was good. Going back to the menu Stacy looks eveything over. It all looked so good.

"I think I'll have the brewers pork chops with mashed potatoes and steamed veggies. What about you Ash?"

Looking up from the menu to her mom and than back down she had no idea. But she new she had to come up with something.

"I'll get the t-bone steak, rosemary rice and salad."

Putting the the menu down Ash does her best to smile. In a eat she felt slightly awkward. She had no idea what to talk about or do. But she had to at least try for her own sake.

"Is this the place that makes there own ice cream? I can't remember if it was the place or one of the other dinners I over hewrd someone talking about."

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Seeing Ashlee return to staring out the window, Jeff withholds a sigh. He'd thought maybe Ashlee hadn't been too enthusiastic about coming tonight... now he was sure. He didn't know why, but he hoped it wasn't because of something he'd done. At least it seemed Stacy was enjoying herself. Maybe Ashlee would too once they were at the restaurant.

It was just getting dark when they arrived at the steakhouse. Jeff leads the way inside and it only takes a couple minutes for them to be seated. The lights were dim, giving the inside a quiet, warm atmosphere. Quiet music played in the background, and the aromas were mouth-watering. It wasn't quite a full-house tonight, but there were enough filled tables to make it obvious this was a popular place.

At their own table corner, Jeff peruses a menu, considering the ribs tonight. "Now, I want you two to get whatever you want." He stares teasingly over the top of his menu. It was his treat, and he wanted them to know that. "And save room for dessert - they have great ice cream."

Once they're able to order, Jeff requests some wine for him and Stacy, and some sparkling grape juice for Ashlee. Settling back at the table, he lifts his glass. "To the two newest additions to the ranch. May you grow to love it..." He pauses and quirks a silly eyebrow. "And you're a part of the family now whether you like it or not."


Giving a laugh Stacy eyes the mini golf course. She never done had done that before. Maybe one time she would have to try.

"I'll have to remember that. Maybe I can get him on my team to help out or something."

Looking to Jeff and giving a smile Stacy really was thankful for the kindness Jeff was showing them.

Looking out the window as they drove Ashlee took everything in trying to block everything else out. It was nice knowing where different places were and where you could go to have fun.

Hearing Jeff talk to her Ashlee looks up at him in the mirror. Giving a small smile in return to him Ashlee nods.

"I am hungry. Suprised no one has said anything about the noise."

Returning to look out the window Ashlee couldn't help but wonder what Eric was up too. Her mind kept going back to the horses and everything she had learned. Her mind right now was just elsewhere.

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Mighty Mini

As Stacy and Ashlee enter the dining hall, Jeff smiles. "Boy, I don't know, but I think I might be out-classed, taking you two ladies to town."

Standing up, he goes to the door and holds it open for them. "Our chariot awaits," he teases.

Once to the pickup, he lets Ashlee have the backseat and Stacy the front passenger.

Leaning on the open barn door, Eric watches as the pickup pulls away from the ranch.


He almost jumps and turns to see Luke. "Huh?"

Luke quirks an eyebrow. "Daydreaming?"

"Nah." Eric grins a little.

Luke follows where his gaze had been and sees the pickup disappearing out of sight. "Jealous?"

Eric blinks and straightens. "Why would I be jealous? What's there to be jealous about? If they want to go have a good time that's great. What's it matter to me?"

Luke's eyes widen slightly. "I meant... about them going to the steakhouse."

"Oh." Eric's face flushes slightly. "Yeah, just a little. But I'll take Becky's cooking any night."

Luke chuckles. "Me too. Off the subject, but you wanna come help me with those yearlings?"

"Yeah sure. I'll be right with you." Alone again, Eric's eyes go back to the driveway before he shakes his head and finally turns to follow after Luke.

"...and here we have The Mighty Mini." Jeff slows the pickup as they drive past a miniature golf course. He'd just taken them around town, showing them were the mall was, the movie theater, and the main grocery store. Nothing was huge, but the town was slowly growing into a city - obvious to anyone who had been here more than a few years.

Jeff chuckles. "The one person you don't want to play miniature golf against is Mick. I never have been able to beat him." It was very rare that anybody at the ranch had a break long enough to go have fun in town, but when they did, they lived it to the fullest.

"And... the steakhouse is about five minutes away." He glances in the rearview mirror at Ashlee. "I hope you're hungry. These are the best steaks around."

Have too?

"Do I have to come?"

Ashlee sat on the bed putting on her nice boots to support her ankle more. It's not that she didn't want to go or maybe it was but she had promised Eric she would help him tonight. When she had gone to let him know she wouldn't be able too he looked disappointed."I promised Eric I'd help him."

Looking up at her daughter and cocking head Stacy could see the disappointment but this was there opertunity to get out for a little bit." Ash, I think Eric will understand and will let you help tomorrow. Jeff is being nice in offering."

Letting out a sigh and standing Ashlee looks to her mom and shakes her head. She new her mom was trying to spend more time together, but Jeff too. Ash didn't know how she felt about that. "Alright, let's get going."

Giving a smile and putting a little perfume on Stacy was happy Ashlee has given in and wanted to go. This would be fun for them both. It had been q while since she had dressed up but she was happy to still have her black blouse, and good jeans. Stepping out unto the night air Stacy puts an arm around her daughter."Thanks for coming Ash it means a lot."

Getting to the dinning hall and seeing Jeff Stacy gives a wave walking over to him. Stacy couldn't help but notice how nice he looks. Jeff cleaned up very nice and now she felt slightly under dressed."Were ready when you are."

Ashlee gives a smile before looking around the dinning hall. She was doing this for her mom but she kinda wished she could stay and help in the barn.

Cleaned Up

Jeff grins from ear to ear. "Sure I can show you around. Maybe we can go a little early while it's still light out." He really was happy that Stacy had accepted the invitation. He hoped Ashlee would like it as well...

...The night and next day seemed to go rather quickly. Right after lunch, Jeff gives his pickup a good wash under the hose, then cleans himself up as well. As the afternoon began to wear on, he prepared for going into town, still looking forward to taking Stacy and Ashlee to dinner. Nobody had really commented on it when he'd mentioned they wouldn't be at the ranch for supper, but he was just as glad.

Late afternoon and Jeff was in his good black jeans and boots, and a nice white collard shirt. Putting on just a little bit of cologne after his shower was the final touch before he sat in the dining hall to wait for Stacy and Ashlee. Once they came, they could all set out for town.


Stacy liked that idea. It sounded nice and even the little bit of wine to relax sounded good too.

"That sounds good to me. Ash loves steak too so that's always a good thing."

Going across town would be a nice too. It would be a good way to figure out where stuff was.

"Maybe you can show us around alittle too."

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"Well... you deserve it." And Jeff meant it. He did have a lot of respect for a woman who not only was raising a daughter on her own, but who also had a job like she did. It couldn't be easy, yet she did it anyway for more reasons than one.

Eating a little bit more, Jeff ponders he question. "I don't know... I'm thinking.... somewhere nice. There's a steakhouse on the south side of town - you know, nice atmosphere, quiet music, a little good wine, should anyone be so inclined." He smiles again. "I think the two of you deserve it."

He eyes her again, hoping she wouldn't mind his suggestion. It wasn't meant as anything but a kind gesture to both her and Ashley and he really did want to give them a nice treat away from the ranch for an evening, if just to see them smile.


.Stacy gives a smile. She wasn't to sure how to reply to that other than with a smile and a bit of color to her cheeks. It was nice to hear someone say that.

"Thanks Jeff. It's not often I hear that. Not that I want praise all the time or anything but once in a while is nice."

And it was the truth. She didn't always need to hear how great what she was doing was but hearing it once or twice was good and from a man well...she was like any woman underneath the hard cop, the attachen was nice.

"So, where you thinking about going for dinner tomorrow?"

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Jeff smiles a little, liking it that Stacy wasn't afraid to speak what was on her mind. She was right, too. "Yeah, I guess that's something I need to remember more often. There's always fear, but allowing it to take over... I guess that's what the Agency would like to see most. This family... it would be torn apart by now if we weren't all so bull-headed that we wouldn't give up."

He gives a quiet, sorry kind of laugh as he prods his roast with his fork. "Maybe I've gotten closer to giving up than I'd like to admit."

Lifting his eyes, his smile returns. "Then I see people like you who are willing to take the risks because you care about your job." He studies her face for a moment, as if looking beyond her eyes. "I respect you for that."


Those were all good questions Jeff had and she could understand concern. How would you keep the ones you love safe if this was happening.

"I guess just trusting in God and having faith he will keep us safe comes into play."

Thinking for a moment Stacy wonders how alike there lives were being a cop she often. Had to watch her own back sometimes too.

"Making the best of the situation is always a good option and it seems like your doing that good. Just don't let fear take over."

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