

Watching as Eric just looked at her for a long moment Stacy wondered what the blank stair was for. Was he ok? Did he have something no his mind? Did she do something wrong? A million questions run through her mind and for a moment a small feeling of guilt came over her but for what reason she wasn't sure.

Finally having him answer Stacy gives a smile and the feeling of guilt gets pushed away she would try and figure it out another day. Seeing Eric move over on the swing she sits down. It wouldn't hurt to sit for a little bit. She already made her rounds once and things seemed ok for the time being. Not to mention the dinning hall was pretty much in the middle so she could still see everything.

"Yeah it wasn't bad. I felt bad for Ashlee because she wanted to come work with you but I was happy she came."

Continuing to sit Stacy gives a look around still thinking about Eric's earlyer comment about asking her first before asking Ashlee anything. She didn't need to ok it with her first to have Ash work with him it was ok.

"Don't worry about asking me first when it comes to Ash helping you in the barn. I know she loves it and as long as she school work is done first I have no problem at all. Even if something else is planned things can be arranged, and compromises can be made."

Stacy gives a small smile looking to Eric again. The feeling of being guilty seemed to sneak back to her. For some reason she felt a little bad for Eric but she wasnt sure why. Maybe it was a little because she new how much he enjoyed teaching Ashlee how to do things around the ranch and today she had deprived them both of that. Whatever it was though it sucked.

"How was your day, any better?"

New Text Message

To: Dylan
From: Dan

No I don't think its possable your dad could hate
you. He does miss you though.
He wont say it but
you can tell by the look in his eye. Jade told
me to tell
you hi if I talk to you so Hi. How
are you?


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