

Watching Zach interact with Sarah Beth can't help but let her smile widen. He sure was good with her and was soft about everything he said and did. Beth could tell he had experience dealing with this kind of thing. There was no sense of awkwardness, or not knowing how to act. It made Zach a little more amazing than he was before. Being able to talk with her sister and treat her well was important to Beth.

"I think he's being sweet on us both Kiddo! What do you think? Yeah I agree He's a pretty nice guy."

Looking to Zach and smiling Beth looks back to her sister and leans in giving her a kiss on the cheek and a hug she just lets it linger for a long moment. She didn't mind if Zach saw the affection she showed her sister. She loved her and that was something she would never hide from anyone.

"I see snooty Nurse Mary let you keep your braid in this morning. Honestly I don't mind to much when she makes you take it out. That just means I get to play with your hair again."

Standing up again and giving a little stretch Beth disapreas into the little bathroom for a quick moment before returning with a cup and some water. Going over to the pretty violet that sat on the table she poured the water into it than throws the cup out. She wasn't sure how long Zach wanted to stay but she was ready to follow him to see his Uncle when ever he was. She could always come back to spend a little more time with Sara later.

Stacy gives a chuckle. It didn't seem so back cleaning stalls. It could be worse and at least Jeff was still able to do that with his health problems.

"Ah the life of a cowboy. Dosn't seem to bad to me. It could be worse right?"

Taking the last sip of her coffee Stacy leans back in her chair just letting her eyes roam the room for a moment before talking again.

"Well I better get back to work or I am not going to get anything done. See you tonight at dinner?"

Ashlee laughs right along with Eric knowing he was joking. Even if he wasnt counting bales couldn't be that bad right? Hearing about the baths and even getting to do the horses mains and tails Ashlee can't help but light up even more.

"That sounds like lots of fun. I walked by someone washing Tucker the other day and mmmmm the soap smelled so good."

Almost bouncing in her seat Ashlee waits patently for Eric to finish eating. She didn't want to rush him but she was just to excited to contain it all.

"I think the horses like being brushed the best. They always seem so content when you do it. Unless your Thunder. He's just ornery."

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