

Giving a laugh Stacy eyes the mini golf course. She never done had done that before. Maybe one time she would have to try.

"I'll have to remember that. Maybe I can get him on my team to help out or something."

Looking to Jeff and giving a smile Stacy really was thankful for the kindness Jeff was showing them.

Looking out the window as they drove Ashlee took everything in trying to block everything else out. It was nice knowing where different places were and where you could go to have fun.

Hearing Jeff talk to her Ashlee looks up at him in the mirror. Giving a small smile in return to him Ashlee nods.

"I am hungry. Suprised no one has said anything about the noise."

Returning to look out the window Ashlee couldn't help but wonder what Eric was up too. Her mind kept going back to the horses and everything she had learned. Her mind right now was just elsewhere.

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