

Beth can't help but laugh a little again. Zach had a good sense of humor, she liked that. It seemed to make the whole becoming friends a little easier. Being able to laugh it helped mask the little bit of fear, and shyness she felt as well.

"No your not helping but thats alright. I still think your pretty cool."

As Zach stands Beth moves a little to the side moving her fallen purse strap back onto her shoulder. Giving a nod to Zach she starts forward leading the way to her sisters room. Passing a few nurses Beth greets them.

Finally stopping outside the room Beth gives a little knock before entering the room. Sitting in a rocking chair over by the window was a lovely woman with long black hair neatly pulled back into a braid. Giving a smile Beth enters holding the door before going over to Sarah and giving her a hug.

"Hey Sis, How are you feeling today?"

Receiving no answer Beth doesn't skip a beat use to it but not leading on to her sister that it bother her or that it wasn't normal at all.

"I'm a little tired today but in a pretty good mood. I hope you don't mind I brought some company with me."

Waving Zach over Beth gives another smile before bending down in front of her sister and taking her hand in her own. Sometimes it was hard to talk to her and never get a reply but Beth was happy she had her to talk to anyways.

"Sarah this is my new friend Zach. Zach this is my sister Sarah."

Looking at Jeff and giving a smile Stacy is silent for a moment. She wasn't offended last night at all by Jeff's actions. She still wasn't sure how to feel but she was far from offended. It had come and kind of a suprise to have been kissed but in a way it was kind of nice too.

"No No your ok Jeff. It takes more than that to offended me for sure."

Taking a sip of her coffee Stacy falls quiet again for a moment her eyes never leaving Jeff. Searching his face, pondering his actions and admiring his features for a moment. Finally breaking her stare a little color comes to her cheeks.

"So whats on the to do list today?"

Sitting down Ashlee holds her smile. She had felt bad for Eric, and she still did that his first cup was wasted but thats where this one came in. It could be just as good if not better.

Moving a little to get comfortable Ashlee perks up a little bit as Eric mentions her school work. She had been working hard on it all morning and in a way she was kind of waiting for him to says something.

"I got it all done this morning. After lunch I planned on coming to find you. I even got my homework for the weekend done too so if you need help I can help than too."

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