

"Nah, I'm just keeping an eye on her." Eric slowly leaves the stall and waits for Ashlee before closing and latching the door. "Mick likes to be present whenever a foal comes - and Jim, since he's a vet in case anything happens." He pauses and nods. "See, this is the most I've been around here in a long time. I drove truck for many years so I..."

He stops and shrugs then heads back towards the barn door. "Sometimes it's hard for a man to find his place again," he concludes. He didn't really expect Ashlee to understand. She didn't know his history. She didn't know that sometimes he felt like a burden around here. But that was how it should be.

Forcing a smile, he heads out of the barn and shuts off the lights. "It's getting pretty late for you isn't it? Especially... when you're gonna come help me in here tomorrow after you're done with your schoolwork?" He had a feeling she'd jump at the invitation.

"Eh, it's alright." Jeff shrugs and falls into step with Stacy once again. "I like it best now... warm days, cool nights. Winter time gets pretty cold but we hardly ever get snow. Summer's when it gets beastly hot. Once in a while we have to worry about water but not too often."

Becoming quiet for a moment or two, he seems to be thinking. "So if... Dylan doesn't come back... you still staying as our lookout anyway?"

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