
Straight Face

Jeff laughs, glancing over to Stacy. The mental image of frozen lips was enough to make anybody chuckle.

It seems something else goes through his mind that brings some color to his cheeks few would notice, but he keeps his goofiness in check this once and takes another spoonful of ice cream to keep himself from talking.

He grins at Ashlee and winks. "Just don't tell anybody we had ice cream tonight... they might get jealous," he teases.

Talking and laughing felt good. It really had been a long while since Jeff had been away from the ranch just to go out and have some fun. And to him, this was fun. He wasn't convinced Ashlee was really enjoying herself, but he thought Stacy was, so that at least made the evening worth it.

Once the ice cream is finished and it's time for the check, Jeff spies the waiter. The silly glint returned to his eye and he takes his spoon, wipes it off then breathes some hot air on it. Setting it on his nose, he tilts his head just right so the spoon stays put. And only then did he wave the waiter over while somehow keeping a straight face.

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