
Long Talk

As Scarlet stood up, Eli's eyes widened. Really? She was just gonna walk out because...? His eyes quickly turned from surprise to confusion. He knew he was tired and hadn't been careful enough on the phone tonight - was she simply reading him that well to see he was hiding something? Apparently so. She had a talent for reading people...he just hadn't ever had her question his loyalty like this, and it stung. Her words were strong, deepening the sting. All this, just because she assumed he wasn't telling her everything? Was she really going to overreact like this? Apparently so.

Eli stood quickly as Scarlet reached the door, but had to wait to say anything as Ryan entered. Getting into a tiff with his girlfriend wasn't exactly a time he wanted an audience. But seeing Scarlet was now seriously leaving, he knew he had to act fast.

He sidled past Ryan, giving her a strange look. "Okay..." Tal had told him he'd be meeting Ryan tonight. "Didn't Tal find you at the race?" He didn't even let her answer as he continued out the door. "I'll be back." He let the door fall shut loudly behind him as he sprinted down the few steps. "Scarlet!" he hollered. "Hold up!" Reaching her bike, he stopped her by setting a hand on her shoulder. "This is ridiculous. Don't go, please. I'm sorry I'm in a mood and I'm giving mixed signals. I wouldn't ever do anything to jeopardize us, you know that."

He tried to read her eyes, but he was having a hard time tonight. "There is nothing bad going on, and there is nothing wrong. Please, just trust me. If I'm not ready to talk about something, you can't just assume I'm being dishonest and walk away - you should know me better than that." He was frustrated and confused at her reaction, and didn't know what else to say. "I didn't tell you which pair of underwear I chose this morning or that I tried a new kind of toothpaste, but that doesn't mean I'm holding something back from you. This has been a crazy day and all I want is to spend the rest of it with you."

Garret sat on the floor of his cell, barefoot and ignoring the coffee and cinnamon roll that had been sitting on the table for an hour. His hands were back in handcuffs, and his ankles were shackled again. Aside from a headache and exhaustion, Garret felt far better than he had during the last seven days. It had taken longer than he’d anticipated to get through his withdrawal, but finally the worst was over. Yet there was little to be celebrated. Now that he was out of danger, he’d been placed in this holding cell – his own miniature prison. This was not what he’d envisioned…

“..What do you think?” Reese came up beside Justin in the control room and joined him in looking at Garret through the monitor.

Justin folded his arms and shook his head. He’d been watching silently for half an hour after Reese had called him in for an unbiased opinion. “I’ve got a few theories, but it’s gonna take more than this to come up with anything substantial. No one’s talked to him yet?”

“Not since we first brought him in and got his initial story. Today’s the first day he’s been completely lucid.”

“I’d like to observe him under some pressure, if you wouldn’t mind.”

“There’s nothing I’d like more than to get to the bottom of this. I’m sure if I call Carson –”

“Pick someone else. How about Gunner?”

Reese’s eyes narrowed. “He’s got a cog loose himself.”

“Mm-hmm. He’ll be good.”

…It wasn’t much later that Justin stood on one side of the two-way mirror, looking into the interrogation room. Reese’s main concern was whether or not Garret was telling the truth. And though one could never be a hundred percent sure, it was Justin’s job to assess the situation before they would move on.

Garret sat in the chair at one end of the table, hands and ankles still cuffed, feet still bare. His eyes remained disinterested in Gunner or the subject at hand. He’d said all he could about why he was here, and right now he was extremely tired, and just a bit grouchy.

“Come on. There’s more to this, and we know it.” Gunner hopped up to sit on the table and swing his legs, glancing down at the sheet of paper Reese had given him, which listed some specific information he wanted. “We may not know everything about the Agency, but we’re not idiots.”


Gunner sighed and rolled his eyes. “So why are you really here?”

“I’ve already answered that question. I would have expected a more creative angle by now.”

“Creative? You want creative?” Gunner slid closer and leaned down to be eye-level with Garret before he grinned. “I can be creative. I was just being nice.”

“That’s the problem with you lot. You’re always too nice.”

“Oh, really?” Gunner slid off the table. “Well, we’ll have to remedy that.” Without even thinking, he swung his foot at the back leg of Garret’s chair.

One would have thought there was little Garret could do, especially with his hands and feet bound. But as his chair toppled over, he tucked and rolled to the side. Using his hands for leverage on the floor, his legs came straight around, taking Gunner’s feet out from under him. It was hard to tell exactly what happened next, but the end result was Gunner flat on his back with a knee in his ribs and the chain of Garret’s handcuff’s across his throat.

Watching in the other room, Reese wasted no time in heading for the door, pausing only to hit the intercom. “Hal!” he barked. “Get in here.”

Justin just rolled his eyes. “That certainly didn’t take long.” He’d imagined Gunner would take a few more minutes than that to rile their subject. He sighed, but despite the extremely short-lived interrogation, he’d already learned a lot.

In the other room, Gunner struggled under Garret’s weight, helpless as he groped at the handcuff chain that was cutting off his air supply. Though he tried to kick Garret off, all his wriggling did was cause Garret’s knee to dig deeper into his ribcage.

Garret glared down at him, completely in control as he put just enough pressure on Gunner’s throat to make it hard for him to breathe. “You call that creative?”

Gunner aimed a fist at Garret’s face, but Garret blocked it with the cuff’s chain, trapped his wrist and brought his own head down to slam into Gunner’s mouth before returning pressure to his throat.

The door burst open, and Garret was yanked off his prey with no mercy by the strong arms of Hal. He gave him a minor struggle, but was shoved against the wall before being manhandled back into his chair. “Sit!” Hal ordered angrily. “One more wrong move and this will be the last room you see. Got it?!”

Garret’s eyes showed no more emotion than earlier, and he didn’t respond.

“Gunner, you alright?” Reese knelt next to him with concern.

“Y…” Gunner cleared his throat, trying to breathe normally again. “Yeah. I think so,” he wheezed.

Hal offered him a hand up. “Here. You need to see Rick?”

“No, no, I’m fine.” Gunner glanced back to Garret and wiped his bloody lip. The whole ordeal had lasted only moments, but it was enough to be just a bit unnerving. He’d been caught totally off guard.

“Alright, my turn.” Justin interrupted the scene, his backpack slung over his shoulder. “C’mon, guys, give a man room to breathe.”

Reese pulled him to the side, very much irritated. “Did you not see what he just did? I don’t think this is the time for a counseling session.”

Though Justin was just a bit offended, he held his temper. “This was Gunner’s fault,” he pointed out quietly. “That man you have there? He can take out anyone he wants any time he wants. Nothing is keeping him here but his own will. Whether I’m in here with him or not is no more risk than if I stayed in the other room.”

Reese’s jaw tightened. “What have you observed that you’re not telling me?”

“Plenty. But you’re gonna have to trust me. I dare say Garret is the most dangerous man who has ever been in this building, and if you want to play it safe, then just put a bullet in his head. Otherwise, let me work like you called me in here to do. I know the risks.”

Though displeased, Reese relented. “Fine. But if you’re gonna try to play interrogator, at least see if you can get him to answer those questions I listed for Gunner.” He turned. “Hal, Gunner – come with me.” They would leave as Justin requested, but they would be right next door. And Reese would not hesitate to use lethal force if Justin got in trouble.

Finally alone in the quiet room, Justin approached the table and sat down, letting his backpack sink to the floor. “Nice moves back there.”

One of Garret’s eyebrows arced. “Thank you?”

Justin grinned. “You might have gone a little far for my tastes, but you looked pretty cool doing it, and Gunner had it coming to him.”

“Oh, I get it. Good cop, bad cop routine.” Garret shook his head. “You guys really aren’t very creative.”

Justin laughed. “Actually, I’m being honest. Acting isn’t my thing and…I’m pretty sure you’d see through it anyway.” It grew quiet as he withdrew a notepad and pen from his bag, along with a protein bar that he shoved in Garret’s direction.

Garret looked at it, then back up at Justin. “What’s this for?”

“You didn’t have any breakfast. That’s all.”

Garret hesitated, but finally unwrapped the bar to eat it.

On the other side of the mirror, Reese smirked. “How’d he know he’d eat that after he’d refused breakfast?”

Inside the interrogation room, silence ruled. Justin jotted down a few notes as Garret finished the bar. Eventually, he set aside his pen and leaned back in his chair to study the prisoner.

Garret met his gaze with no new interest apart from a newly growing curiosity. “I know a lot about your operations here, but I don’t recognize your face.”

“Ah.” Justin shrugged. “I’m just contract labor.”

“I’d hate to think what your job might be.”

“I just wanna know what you want.”

Garret cocked his head. “Shouldn’t that be what I’m supposed to ask? You’re the one who insisted on this particularly enlightening discussion.”

“I don’t like games any more than you do,” Justin stated flatly. He stared Garret in the eye. “You’re unbreakable, and I don’t intend to test that theory just to confirm I’m right. So let’s pretend we just went through the whole routine of feeling each other out and assume we both have a low tolerance for holding this thing up any longer.”

The first sign of emotion emerged as a slight curl to Garret’s lips. He leaned forward on the table. “Psychiatrist?”

“Mm, good guess, but I’m afraid I’m too unconventional to pursue psychiatry, not to mention I probably could use a psychiatrist myself half the time.”

“So what is your job here?”

“Let’s just say I’ve been asked to evaluate whether or not you’re worth our time and effort. And I don’t like beating around the bush, so let’s get to it. I have other things I need to get done today.”

“And if I don’t talk?”

Justin shrugged. “I don’t care. I get paid the same. You know we’d like information – there’s no point denying that. But we don’t want it badly enough to sit here all day treating you like an uncontrollable teenager we’re trying to win over with bribes.”

Garret’s eyes darkened. “All I want is safety.”

“You know safety from the Agency can be offered but never guaranteed.”

“The effort is all I want.”

“And in exchange?”

“I’ve been over this ten times. I don’t know who killed Alec Banks, but I can help find out. That, and who’s been in charge of Carson’s case so they can be taken down.”

Justin sighed. “Can you?”

“I have information. I know how to get into the system. I know where the moles exist. I know names and passwords.”

“So? We’ve already got plenty to go on.”

“Yet you’ve gotten nowhere.”

“Can you guarantee you can locate the men who killed Alec?”

“Just as much as you can guarantee my safety.”

Justin quietly studied Garret, taking his time. He glanced at Reese’s list. “Why do you want out of the Agency?”

Garret’s gaze remained stone cold. “My reasons are my own.”

“Then we’re through.” Justin stood, ready to leave.

“What, that’s it?” Garret hadn’t expected that one. “What’ll you do with me now?”

“That’s not my department. But Reese will probably have you sent to prison where you’ll undoubtedly serve a life sentence. You leave him very little choice.”

Justin made it all the way to the door before Garret stopped him. He couldn’t go to prison. He couldn’t lose Victoria forever. “Look, I don’t know what more to give. I’ve told you all the ways I can help you. What else do you want?”

Justin glanced over his shoulder. “I asked you a simple question you refused to answer. If we can’t talk on equal terms, we have no reason to trust you will actually help us.”

Garret’s eyes dropped and he fell quiet again until he heard Justin open the door to leave. “Why shouldn’t I want out of the Agency? Being manipulated by a mad man can be tiring.”

Justin looked back again, keeping silent track of his fast-growing observations. “But why now? You’ve been under his rule for years – although with quite a bit of authority from what I hear.”

More years than Garret cared to remember. And the authority? It only went so far. His answer came out rather quietly. “A man’s soul eventually grows thin, and he has to make a choice between losing it forever, or taking it back. I chose to take it back. I’ll not allow Medridge to steal one more day from my life.”

Justin slowly shut the door and returned to the table, taking his seat once more. “Why not just disappear?”

From the other room, Reese’s wonderment at Justin’s skill grew.

“I could, but…” Garret bit his tongue to keep from saying what his true intentions were. No one could know about Victoria. Not yet. “But why condemn me for wanting to inflict revenge on the one who has made me suffer for so long?”

Justin reopened his notebook and shifted the topic. “Are you alone in your little scheme to defect?”

Garret didn’t blink. “Of course I am. It would be stupid to try and leave the same time as someone else.”

“So you’re alone in your feelings that Medridge has been a dictator?”

It took a little more effort for Garret not to let his eyes betray him as his mind immediately thought of Victoria. “If I’m not, I wouldn’t know. To speak of it would mean instant death.”

“Hmm.” Justin jotted down a note. “You’re obviously a very skilled man, but what would you say your highest talent is?”

“I’m not sure how to answer that.”

“Oh, don’t worry about shocking me.” Justin glanced up at him. “If your talent is breaking men’s necks with your bare hands, then so be it. With your offer to help us, I simply need to know in what capacity we could use your assistance.”

“Hand to hand combat and strategic undercover infiltration.”

“So I could put down that you’re good at getting your way.”

The subtle grin returned to Garret’s lips. “That would most likely cover it.”

“And…your weaknesses?”

“How about difficulty bending to authority?”

It was Justin’s turn to grin. “Now that, I believe. But you can’t be perfect in everything.”

“I am… perfect at nothing.” The only weakness Garret would acknowledge to himself was his love for Victoria. “But I can’t disarm bombs worth a tinker.”

Justin’s eyebrows rose as he wrote. He hadn’t expected that one. “Dare I ask how you discovered that?”

Garret fiddled with his handcuffs as he recalled the beating he’d received for clipping the wrong wire in the model bomb. He’d been fifteen at the time. But it was a forced smile that covered up his negative emotions. “I’m sure you’re imagining a smoking lab with my face blackened and hair on end.”

Justin chuckled. “Perhaps. Um… Carson indicated you did international work. Do you know any other languages?”

“Yes. I know German, French and Russian.”

“All European. Does that hint where Medridge is?”

“If you want me to tell you his location, I can’t. I’m sure you’ve all suspected he’s based in Europe – that much is true. But other than that, I’m in the dark.”

“You worked that closely with him, yet are unaware of where?”

“You’d be surprised how tightly Medridge runs things. For a man that smart, it’s not hard for him to keep even his highest ranking men in the dark.” Garret shrugged. “Coming and going requires blindfolds and windowless transportation, even for me.”

“What about the drivers?”

“Medridge has two. And as far as I know, they are the only two, other than Medridge himself, who have an inkling about where they actually are. And as such, their lives hang in the balance.”

Justin nodded. “I see. So back to the issue at hand. Surely there are other ways to inflict revenge on Medridge other than joining up with the Elite.”

“Of course. But…the Elite is in the United States, far from Medridge – though not out of his reach, obviously. And the Elite can offer assistance in keeping me alive.”

“Why through Carson? A virtual enemy.”

“Because he’s one of the best. And he knows of me and has the most opportune situation for me to help and prove my genuineness.”

Justin paused his writing and glanced up. “So basically Carson provided the best route into the arms of the Elite, and your being here has nothing to do with what happened with Alec.”

Garret sighed. “I’m resourceful. Yes, Carson was my best bet because he’s running on emotions. But make no mistake – I believe Alec’s death was unjust, not to mention the harm done to Misty. I may have a heart of stone, but I recognize undo violence.”

“As much as you’ve inflicted yourself?”

“Just because I’ve done wrong doesn’t mean I’ve agreed with it, nor does it mean I can’t make different decisions now.” Garret cocked his head. “Or does it?”

Justin played with his pen. “Everyone can change if they want, and everyone has a right to. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy, nor does it mean everyone around you will accept or trust a change of heart.”

“But that’s where you come in, isn’t it?”

“How do you mean?”

“You’re the coolest cat in this whole bunch. Your confidence comes from your ability to read people and you do not read me as a threat to yourself. In which case, you’re going to leave here and recommend to Reese that he let me help find Alec’s killers. In turn, others will learn to trust me all because of your word.”

Justin grinned. “Fascinating.”

“That I’m right, or that you actually believe me?”

“That you like to observe almost as much as I do. I can’t guarantee what Reese will allow though. He trusts me, but I can’t sway him if he doesn’t want to be.”

Garret glanced at the mirror, knowing full well he’d been watched this entire time. “That, I believe.”

… “So do you really think I’m going to let him in?”

Justin paused inside the nextdoor room, backpack slung over his shoulder. He cocked his head at Reese’s question before eying the other men. Garret had been left in the interrogation room for now. “I’d rather not answer that since it is entirely up to you.”

“Well, I have to admit, I’m impressed with how much you got him to talk.”

“Eh. It wasn’t me. He was willing, once he knew I wouldn’t jump down his throat.”

“Think we can trust him?”

“Of course not,” Gunner scoffed. “If you do, you’re not as bright as I thought.”

Reese gave him a warning glance. “Your perception is clouded with emotion like everyone else’s – don’t deny it. This requires logic and strategy. If Garret can indeed lend assistance without major fallout, then we’d be foolish not to take advantage of it.”

“And if he’s lying through his teeth?” Gunner shook his head. “If you give him freedom, he could bring us all to ruin.”

“Or just kill us all.” Justin looked between the men innocently. “What? He’s got the capability. There’s nothing but his own choice that’s keeping him in that room. If he’s here to cause ruin, he could have done it by now, I dare say within half an hour of waking up this morning. But he didn’t.”

Gunner licked his now-dried lip. “So you think he’s actually telling the truth?”

“I think he’s got himself in a tough spot and we’re his way out. And as such, he’s willing to help.”

Reese sighed and folded his arms. “He wants safety. Do we have any other leverage?”

“You mean something he’s scared of that we can use as a threat?”

Reese cocked his head at Justin’s unusually sensitive tone. “Perhaps. If you want to put it that way.”

“You heard my entire conversation.” Justin shrugged. “It would be hard to find anything to faze him. He’s been trained to control his emotions, which isn’t in our favor when it comes to threats. We don’t know how long he’s been in the Agency, but it was at least as long as Carson was, and you all know they make robots out of everyone – especially the strong ones. If he’s got a weak spot, it’ll be nearly impossible to find. And that’s a big if.”

“Hmm.” Reese looked back into the other room where Garret remained motionless. “ So in other words, we have very little to go on…except what he tells us.”

…It was just a short while later that Justin was back in his truck, heading to his appointment with Mackenzie, then a short visit with Carson, then back home and hopefully dinner with Beth tonight. But even with all that on his mind, something else was bothering him more. He hadn’t lied to Reese. But he hadn’t been completely open either, and he didn’t like it that he’d done that. It wasn’t his norm to run on emotions in these cases, let alone this one, but something had held him back, and he wasn’t even sure why. But it bothered him. It bothered him that he’d taken this type of risk with that dangerous of a man…

…Justin swirled his fork in his spaghetti, playing more than eating. He’d had Beth over to his place tonight for dinner and a movie, and he’d tried his best to be good company, but he felt he wasn’t doing a very good job. 

His eyes drifted up to Beth, and he gave her half a smile. “Ever have one of those days when you have no idea if something you did was right or wrong?”

Aaron thumbed through a magazine with disinterest, even less entertained by the view outside the commercial airliner’s window. He might find enjoyment in the fact that he was wedged in a seat next to Victoria, but her cold shoulder kept any of those thoughts at bay. Collens and Kirk were in separate seats further back in the plane to keep their group split in half and avoid looking too much like they were together. They had a long flight across the ocean that was going to give all four of them tense nerves if they weren’t careful. Once they reached New York, there were two leads – one to Washington, and one to Nevada. Kirk and Collens were to go to Washington, while Aaron and Victoria would go to Nevada. Aaron knew good and well that Victoria had chosen that route because she suspected the Elite’s involvement, and that was a stronger lead. Just as long as they found Garret, Aaron didn’t care how they got there. 

He returned the magazine to the seat pocket and sighed with boredom before flagging down a stewardess and asking for a drink. He might as well enjoy part of this flight.


Scarlet's eye still searches Eli's face. Was there truth in what he said? She'd never doubted him before, but there was just something that was not right and maybe he wasn't lieing but he wasn't telling her the whole truth either and it bothered her alot.

   "We've always told each other about everything. You know my past, you know my job, you know every little detail about me because the only way this relationship was going to work was being that way, and you new that going into it Eli."

Standing Scarlet just looks at Eli for a long moment. She didn't like how she felt, she didn't want to leave but she had too. She wouldn't put herself through this position again, she refused to no matter what she had to stick to her guns and let Eli know she really mean what she said.

   "I have to get goings. I'm disappointed Eli, I thought this was going to be different because we put everything out on the table. I guess I put to much faith in that. I'm sorry."

Turning Scarlet heads for the door picking up her jacket along the way. Getting there the door opens and Ryan enter. Study's the young girl for a second she just gives her a big hug. She looked tired, sad, and not her normal self. It made Scarlet's hear ache.

   "Hang in there Ryan."

Letting her go she makes her was out the door and down the steps to her bike. It had been a long day already and the night seemed even longer now. Just standing for a long moment Scarlet didn't want to ride yet, she was to upset.

Watching Scarlet leave Ryan looks into the living room where her brother was. That was strange Eli didn't walk her out. Maybe they were having a fight or something. Ryan didn't know other than it was just odd.

   "I'll be in my room if you need me Eli."

Looking up at Ryder Thirteen gives a small nod. Leave it to to make her feel better. He just had that way about him. It was only thing she loved. She felt so safe with him, and even on the darkest days he could make it shine.

   "Thank you Ryder, for always just being you."

Just sitting on the couch Misty was lost in thought. It was so quiet there, so lonely. She use to a long time ago like the quiet, being along, and just having everything to herself. It was a welcomed feeling. But now after having Alec around, having Mac there, Carson or Jason...now she hated it. There was to much time to stew, to much time to think. To much time to miss those she had loved and lost.

Hearing her phone go off Misty slowly picks it up looking at the number. She was thankful it was Carson even if she did show a little emotion. She always did love his poems and right now it was nice to read one.  She didn't think tomorrow night she was busy, and not being in the house alone sounded good.

  Coffee sounds great. Any time if fine. I'll meet you there.


Half Truth

"That's not fair," Eli teased. "Keeping a man from his popcorn." He tried to make light of the whole thing, but the look in Scarlet's eyes warned him that he was getting awfully close to a line he'd never crossed before. Her backing away from him a little just confirmed it, and the glint of humor in his eye faded.

"I'm not lying," he insisted. "Everything is fine. I got work breathing down my neck, and this whole thing with Alec is doing a real number on Ryan. I'm just trying to stay on top of it all." Whether or not he was lying, there was something he was leaving out. Something about his vague answers that made his reasoning seem flawed, and he knew it. But he wasn't going to discuss it further. He could talk to Scarlet about anything...except this. It was his own fault that he'd taken that phone call when she'd been within earshot. He'd always been more careful than that, but after such an emotional day, he'd let his guard down too far.

He reached for the open bottle of beer he'd been nursing all evening, and took a swig before trying to pull Scarlet close again. Anything to change the subject. "Popcorn or not, you're still the most comfortable couch buddy, so what say we finish this movie, huh? And then watch another one so I don't have to move."

Ryder just continued to hug Thirteen close. “It’s okay. Shhh.” 

He led her into the living room where he made her sit with him and he gently wiped some of her tears with his hand. “Hey…look at me.” He leaned his head down until he could see her eyes. “You’re okay. You’re safe now. It’s okay to be scared – you didn’t do anything wrong.”

He offered her a gentle smile. “Even the strongest freeze sometimes, and you’re far stronger than you think.”

“Garret, can you hear me?” 

The words sounded muffled and far away. The voice was unfamiliar, and the room felt so hot. Garret flinched only when his eye was pried open and a bright light shone at his pupil. He tried to fend off whoever was leaning over him, but found both wrists and ankles restrained. Sweat trickled down the sides of his face, and a wave of dizziness produced a verbal complaint that only came out as a groan. 

Rick prepped a needle and gave Garret another shot before replacing the cold compress on his forehead. Three days, and his body was still revolting against the lack of drugs. Rick couldn’t help but wonder what kind of cocktail the Agency had developed to bring on such severe withdrawal symptoms. 

“How’s he doing?” Reese stepped inside the infirmary. 

Rick shook his head. “Not good. His body’s going haywire, and there’s only so much I can do.”

“Is he going to be alright?”

Rick folded his arms and looked back at Garret’s writhing form. “I hope so. I’m just trying to get his fever down at the moment. I hate to say this, but if he was lying, and the Agency really did send him here, they risked killing him. And as important as Carson says he is…I’m just not sure they’d do that.”

Garret tried to open his eyes, but they were so heavy. He squirmed in his restraints, unable to get his bearings. All he wanted to hear was one voice. All he wanted to feel was one person’s touch. He had to fight…he couldn’t give up…not now. He’d come too far. He had to keep fighting.

Reese pursed his lips as his mind reeled. What was the truth? “Has he said anything at all?”

“Nothing that makes sense, and half the time it’s in German.” 

“Great.” Reese rolled his eyes. “Okay. Well, do what you can and let me know if anything changes.”

Carson lay on his back on his bed, his eyes roaming the ceiling of the small room. The last few days had been hard. Not just because he was still helping hunt for Alec’s killers, but because he’d refrained from contacting Misty. It was torture, but he’d known not to call her right away, lest it seem he was smothering her. Had he waited long enough now? It felt like he was playing a high school dating game all over again. 

Finally, he reached for his cell phone on his night stand. It felt kind of funny just to text, but…maybe that would cause the least amount of stress. He thought for several moments before typing.

Though wounded on the battlefield, soul in pieces, the warrior’s pulse still pounds. Not for himself, but for the conquering queen – she who won his heart so long ago. For but one glance he holds on, surviving only for a single moment.

After hitting send, he typed another message.

Go out for coffee tomorrow night with me?


Feeling Ryder's arms warp around her Thirteen was able to relax a little. She was safe now, at home with someone who cared for her, protected her and she loved. As she tried to relax tears just rolled down her cheek, more and more. She'd been so scared, and she wished she was stronger.

   "I...I was just so scared he was there to take me away, to take me back. I wasn't strong enough to stand up for myself..I just froze."

How could Ryder love someone as broken as her. Why did he stay there week after week for her. She felt like she was more of a burden than anything to him and Katie both. She wished she'd been stronger, if even just a little bit.

Scarlet studys Eli for a long moment. There was something wrong, something on his mind more than he let on and it was not often, actually this would be the first time he didn't tell her what. He made her worried.

   "I hide it till you tell me whats really wrong...without lieing!"

Eyeing over Eli Scarlet backed away a little bit from him. The most important thing about there relationship was being honest specially with all the travailing she did. Thats the only way a relationship like there would work and she really hoped Eli wasn't going back on that now. She dared to say she loved him, but she wouldn't stand being with someone she didn't trust.


Just Work

As Ryder saw the lights of a car pull up outside, he quickly got up off the couch. “Katie,” he called down the hall, “Thirteen’s home.” After Aerith had called, he’d told Katie what was going on, just to keep her in the loop. Whether it was going to be a long night or not, she had a right to know what was happening – let alone informing her of the Elite situation. 

He opened the door as Thirteen came inside, and it only took one look at her face to confirm what Aerith had said. It made him so angry that someone could scare her like this – intentionally  or not. It just brought back everything he hated about theAgency. “Hey,” he greeted softly. “Come here.” He put his arms around her and hugged her close. “You okay?” 

Eli put his hand on top of Scarlet’s on his chest and gave it a squeeze as he returned her kiss. He could barely remember what it had been like before she’d come into his life. And it was hard to imagine life without her again, either. 

Her question brought a strangely unsettled look to his eyes. “Yeah…yeah, things are okay. I just…” He left his sentence hanging as his gaze went back to the television and he set his feet up on the coffee table. “There’s stuff that…” Another pause gave room for his jaw muscles to tighten without him even realizing that it signaled he was trying not to say something. 

He settled in closer. “It’s just work-related,” he concluded. “Now…what did you do with the popcorn?”

“If you’re not after Thirteen, there’s only one other reason you’d be here.” Carson drove across town, one hand on the wheel, the other on the cocked shotgun in his lap, aimed at Garret in the passenger seat. “But of all the names I went through to find who was in charge of ruining my marriage and killing my family, I never thought of yours.”

One of Garret’s eyebrows arced, but he remained still. “I’m too important for a petty job like that, but this has nothing to do with that young woman either. I came to make a deal, just like I said.”

Carson scoffed. “I don’t make deals with snakes.”

“Some snakes kill the innocent. Some kill rats.”

Carson stopped at red light. “Talk.”

“If you’re gonna get justice, you’re gonna have to find who Medridge has in charge of your case – and you’re gonna need help to do that.”

“What’s in it for you?”


Carson’s fingers tightened around his shotgun as the light turned green and he drove on. “You better come up with something better than that.”

Garret remained expressionless. “You want help? You’re gonna have to believe me.”

It couldn’t be that simple. “Freedom from the Agency? Why?”

“My reasons are my own. The bottom line is I want out.”

It seemed more likely that this was an elaborate trap. “I don’t believe you.”

“The best I can do is get you access to records that will have me listed as missing by now. They probably think I’ve been abducted by a rival – possibly even the Elite. I was low risk when it came to my allegiance, so they won’t believe yet that I ran.”

“As if you couldn’t set that up just for me to see.” But Carson really did wonder if there was any truth here. “How did you jump radar?”

Garret pulled up one sleeve as much as he could in his cuffs – it was just far enough to show a recent wound near his wrist. “Ditching my tracker was my first move, then I used an unknown alias. But it won’t be long before somebody suspects I came to the United States, whether by my own free will or by force.”

Carson signed. “If you’re telling the truth – and that’s a big ‘if’ – why here? The Agency has feelers all over this territory, and I’m a marked man. If you were looking for safety, you made a stupid choice, and as much as I hate to admit it, you’re just not that stupid.”

“I don’t just need safety.” Garret eyed the dark streets as they drove, and he swallowed hard. Being vulnerable like this was one of the hardest things he’d ever done.

Carson turned down another street. “Well? Don’t leave me in suspense. I can’t imagine what you, of all people, would need from anyone.”

Garret wished he were in more control, but he wasn’t, and that was a fact. “They’ve had me addicted to a new trial drug for the past six months. If I try to get off it myself, I could be in big trouble. If I go to a hospital, they’ll find me. The Elite’s my only safe option, and…my withdrawal symptoms are already starting. I took my last dose yesterday.”

“So even Medridge’s right hand man gets to be a lab rat, ay?” Carson slowed the car and turned into the Elite parking lot, spotting Reese’s car already there. “Don’t puke in my car.”

Garret rolled his eyes. At the moment, the splitting headache was just beginning. But that was only the first stage. Far worse symptoms would follow. “I’m fine. For now.”

“So if you’ve got intel, how about we take the next few hours before you’re too far gone, and make a list of all I want to know…then I’ll consider helping you?”

A thin smile appeared on Garret’s lips. “I have to hold on to a few cards, Aussie. I may be desperate, but I still know how to play the game…”

…Reese looked through the window at Garret, who sat alone in the interrogation room. “Well?”

Carson stood beside him, and shook his head. “It was…weird. I don’t trust him one bit, but he was totally calm. I thought he’d get agitated or I’d have to yank information out of him, but he just talked like he was having a chat over coffee.”

“That usually indicates truth.”

“I know. That’s what bothers me.”

Reese shrugged. “You say he’s Medridge’s right-hand man?”

“Yeah. I dunno what his story is, but he’s been in the top ranks for years. By the time I got out, he’d already been settled in his position for a while.”

“He doesn’t look any older than you.”

“Eh. Not much. He’s just that good.”

“Well…let’s see what he has to say to me. Don’t go anywhere...”

…Garret flexed his wrists in the handcuffs, despising the way the felt. His ankles had also been shackled as an extra precaution due to Carson’s suggestion. He’d never felt more like a prisoner, which was incredibly unsettling. As Reese entered the room though, he looked up, but offered no emotion.

Reese folded his arms and stared down at their prisoner. “So what are you doing here, really?”

“I told Carson my intentions. There’s nothing more to say.”

Reese cocked his head. This guy…there seemed to be no cracks. No signs of weakness. No emotion at all. Carson had been right. “How can you expect us to believe that Medridge’s right-hand man wants out of the Agency? I’m sure you think we’re a bunch of idiots, but seriously…you think we’re that ignorant?”

Garret leaned back in his chair with boredom. “Your short-sightedness surprises me. How many officers do you have here that have come from the Agency? Five? Six? One of them your own niece. Yet you find it so hard to believe that one more wants out?”

“But you’re not just one more. You’re too high in the ranks to believe you’re willing to defect. There’s too much luxury in your position. What reason would you have for coming here, other than to destroy us from the inside out?”

Garret hadn’t known what he’d find here. He hadn’t known how he’d be treated or what he might have to do to gain anyone’s trust. He was in a foreign world here without anything to go on but the history of others who had found new lives here. Being at the mercy of the Elite was one of the few things that produced a feeling of fear. But his eyes remained hallow. His heart rate steady. No one would guess he feared the future if he could not convince them to trust him. “Let me prove my loyalty no longer lies with the Agency. Let me help find who’s in charge of Carson’s case. When that’s done, then tell me I haven’t changed sides.”

“Turning in a couple of your own is a small cost for bringing down the Elite.”

Quite suddenly, Garret was hit with a wave of nausea, and a bead of sweat trickled down his face. “Look…” He paused and took a deep breath. “I told Carson I’m coming down off drugs, and I wasn’t kidding. I can be an asset to the Elite, but you gotta help me get through this first. I can’t help til my head is clear.”

Reese hated to admit it, but Garret was looking more pale by the second. Whether he was lying about his intentions or not, it was obvious that he really was getting sick. Reese wanted to throw him in a cell, or better yet, call the police and have Garret taken to prison where he could rot for his involvement with the Agency. But something stopped him. It might prove to be his downfall, but his gut hadn’t been wrong yet. He moved back towards the intercom. “Hal, come get the prisoner and take him to the holding cell.”

Garret’s skin crawled. Was he going to end up behind bars? He couldn’t. He just couldn’t.

Reese continued to speak. “And when you’re through, call Rick and get him down here. He’s gonna have a new patient for a few days.”

Despite another wave of nausea, Garret felt a small bit of relief. Maybe, just maybe this whole thing really would turn out alright in the end.

I dont even know...

Aerith gave a nod to Carson before moving behind him and putting her hands on Thirteens shoulder. She herself was scared, and panicked with what had happened but looking at Thirteen and how scared she was Aerith felt little for herself and more for his friend. She'd come a long way in the last months but still that fear was deep down inside her.

   "Come on Thirteen lets go see Ryder. I bet he had a pretty busy day huh?"

Leading her into the back room she kept her friend close getting her jacket and purse. Than heading back out the front door she locked it behind her. Things were still a mess in the restront and she felt bad but maybe tomorrow she'd come in early and help clean up. 

Getting Thirteen in the car it wasn't long till they pulled outside the house. Giving a side long glance at her friend she looked like she had calmed down a little bit, but was very tired now. It had been a long night for them both. At least Ryder would be there for her, and it make Aerith feel a little better.

  Getting pulled into another hug of Eli Scarlett places her hand on his chest. She time spent with him was some of the best. She enjoyed it, and love being part of his life. It was really something new, refreshing, and just almost to perfect.

   "No much...I'm not even sure I understand whats going on anymore."

Scarlett lets out a small laugh before turning to face Eli. Leaning in she places a kiss on his lips before drawing away to search his eyes. Something was heavy on his mind tonight. She wasn't sure what but she could tell there was. Maybe it was just a little of everything getting to him.

   "Everything ok? You conversation with the phone sounded pretty serous."

Leaning her arms on the table Angelica just listens to Reese before saying anything. A million things went through her mind. She couldn't imagen the Elite working with really anyone. They had there own way of doing things and getting results. Through another branch of law enforcement in there and in her mind it wouldn't end well. She could see it weighed heavy on Reese's mind.

   "Wow...thats..a mess. I can't honestly imagen us working with the real law enforcement. We are definitly a group not use to that. There is nothing that could be done? Can't go underground again or anything?"

There had to be something they could do? But it seemed like there was not. How were they going to work with the FBI? But if they didn't than they would all be out of jobs. It just didn't seem fair or right. Yeah they had there mishaps, but even the cops, and the FBI had those too. 

As Reese's buzzer goes off Angelica just sits back and waits. It seemed pretty important. As he hands up she sands and gives a nod. Work called and she new he had to go. At least they had been able to enjoy dinner.

   "Ok love. Just call if you need anything from me. I love you Mike."



Garret knew good and well Thirteen was telling the truth. It had been him. On his way up the Agency ranks, he'd been stationed for six months at the testing facility as a hall guard. Thirteen had been the number on the door, and her name both. She'd been nothing but a lab rat, and he'd seen her as nothing but a test subject as well. It was a long time ago - so long he'd almost erased the experience from his memory.

Looking at Thirteen's frightened eyes now, a very unfamiliar and unnerving emotion pricked Garret's soul. Yet his eyes reflected nothing but a cold stare as he shifted his gaze away from the girl, and he looked back at Carson. "I've been stationed many places over the years. I can't remember every face."

Carson's jaw tightened. "Yeah, well I guess I can't expect more out of a rat like you." He reached for the cuffs from Aerith. "Thanks." He threw them at Garret, who caught them. "Put 'em on."

"Look, all I-"

"Put them on!" Carson's finger rested in his gun's trigger.

"Just give me a chance to explain."

"At headquarters, you'll have all the time in the world."

Garret had little choice, if he was going to gain any trust at all. As much as he hated this, he had to play by the rules. If he didn't, he risked more than his own future. Finally relenting, he snapped the cuffs to his own wrists. "Happy?"

"Getting closer." Carson was far from letting his guard down, but at least he had a little more control now. He glanced back to Thirteen, then Aerith again. "Why don't you take Thirteen home?" Ryder would be there and would be able to take care of her. "Just lock the door when you leave - don't worry about anything else here." He motined Garret towards the door. "I'm parked out back. Move."

"...Naw, nothing like that. I think she's just upset. I'll keep my eye out though." Eli kept his voice down and glanced to the living room where Scarlet sat watching the movie. His attention returned to his cell phone and the conversation that had interrupted his date. "Yeah, no problem. I'll let you know of any new developments."

Ending the call, he slipped his phone back in his pocket and wandered back to the couch. Flopping down next to Scarlet, he threw his arm around her shoulder and teasingly yanked her close to kiss her forehead. "Sorry. What did I miss?"

Reese had been at the office longer than planned and felt badly, knowing Angelica was waiting supper in him. She never complained, which made him love her all the more, but he also knew they both continued to work far too much...

...He took a sip of water and pushed his empty plate aside. Angelica's cooking would always be the best. He'd avoided talking about what was really on his mind all evening though, just wanting to enjoy their meal. But now that supper was over, he needed to get something off his chest.

"Law enforcement wants the Elite to work more closely with other branches, mainly the FBI." He glanced across the table to Angelica, his eyes showing concern. "The board doesn't like the freedom we have, and feels we're too reckless. Forcing us to work alongside the FBI would enable them to keep a closer eye on our activity and they'd have more control over which cases we took."

He fiddled with his water glass. "I haven't said anything to anyone else, because I know no one is gonna like it. We'd also be relocated...downtown...to share a building with the FBI." He sighed, knowing this news wouldn't go over well with anyone, not to mention it would come as a bit of a shock. "We have little choice if the Elite is going to stay in tact. I'm just not sure how to break it to everyone. I've been back and forth with Brown for weeks, but it's basically a done deal. Either we cooperate or disband."

His eyes found Angelica's again. He was worried. Very worried. Ever since they come out in the open, they'd been under intense scrutiny, and this was just one more step closer to having no freedom at all. "There are pros and cons both... I'm just worried a move like this is gonna be too much for our band of misfit hotheads." It was a statement meant in love, but it was the truth. Imagining Gunner one wall away from the FBI was rather frightening. Let alone any other agents. "I just don't know what to do. It's like..." His phone buzzing made him roll his eyes, but he knew he had to answer it. "Yeah?"

It was a short-lived conversation that had him on his feet by the time he hung up. He glanced at Angelica with apology. She hadn't even had time to respond to his news. "Carson's got some guy he's bringing in. I gotta go." He leaned down to kiss her lips. "I'll let you know what's happening."



Still standing behind Carson Thirteen shook her head. She new that this was someone from her past life. She never new his name, but she new his face well and his voice. How could someone who spent day in and day out around another forget them. No...she remembered everyone she came in contact with there.

   "No...No I know you are a guard from there. You use to bring me food or what you thought was good enough to keep me alive. You'd yell in the hall and tell people you wanted to bring me in for the experiments. You would put a bag over my head and push me. I can remember it like it was yesterday. It haunts my dreams and still...sometimes I can feel the cold steel of the examination table, or the wine of the noises in my head. Than one day you...you were just gone and someone else took your place, worse than what you did."

"Reese...sorry to bother you. Carson wanted me to call you. He said he was bringing a prisoner into the Elite."

As Aerith talked on the phone to Reese she fumbled to get the handcuffs from Carson. This was definitely not how she saw her night turning out. She wasn't sure if she felt worse for herself or for Thirteen in this situation.

   "I don't know how it is. I think I heard him saw his name was Garret, and Thirteen is freaking out about not wanting to go back to The Agency. Ok...I'll let him know."

Hanging up the phone and bringing the handcuffs out to Carson Aerith had her own look of fear on her face. She new as long as Carson was there they would be safe, but still she couldn't help being shaken up as well.

   "Reese said he'd meet you there in five minutes."


Feeling Victoria's breath on his cheek, Aaron stared into her eyes. He tensed, as a bead of sweat trickled down the back of his neck. Only when she'd backed off did he breathe again, and cleared his throat. He wanted to retaliate. He wanted to step up and tell her off. But he wasn't that stupid. All he could do was get red in the face as she maintained the upper hand.

"Right. Collens instead of Harrison. Whatever you say." If it wasn't for Medridge's own orders, Aaron would take who he wanted. But he couldn't risk it.

Pushing off the wall, he headed for hi quarters. He had a lot to prepare and very little time.

Thirteen? Was this girls name really a number? All Garret's plans were falling to pieces because of this unexpected encounter. He'd wanted to get Carson alone. He'd wanted a chance to explain his presence before all hell broke loose, but it was quickly turning backward on him, and he didn't even know why. His instincts screamed at him to take action, and it took all he had to  stay put and remain calm. He could easily get away or even take out Carson and the girl both, but he couldn't. Not this time. This was a new game he had to learn now.

"Take it easy," Carson comforted Thirteen. "He's not taking you anywhere." He made sure he stood between her and Garret, his blood boiling at the thought of anyone harming Thirteen - before or now.

A guard? What? Garret's confusion grew.

"Is that why you came here?" Carson took a step closer to Garret, still aiming his shotgun. His voice rose with his temper. "Well? Is it?!"

"No!" Garret shook his head. "I came to see you. I don't know what she's talking about. I've never seen her in my..." His voice trails off as suddenly his mind's eye saw a much younger version of Thirteen. A messy ponytail. Agency scrubs. Pale, gaunt face. Eyes that had lost their shine. A young life raised by the Agency to know nothing other than the inside of their facility. Thirteen...a number. A name.

"Well??" Carson took another step. "You explain yourself, or so help me, they'll be cleaning your brains off the walls for weeks."

Garret swallowed hard but remained cool. He eyed the gun's barrel warily. "How about lowering that scattergun first?"

"Aerith!" Carson yelled. "Call Reese. Tell him to meet me at the office in half an hour and that I've got a prisoner. Then bring me the handcuffs that are in my room."

Garret sighed. "Really? Look, I just want to talk and -"

"Why. Are. You. Here?"

"I came to make a deal. Your help for mine. Plain and simple."

Carson's eyes narrowed. "And Thirteen?"

Garrett shook his head. "She must be mistaking me for someone else."

Bad Side

Victoria cocks her head at Aaron as a smile spreads across her lips and a chuckle comes out as well. He was grasping at straws and she new it. In a way it really was rather funny in her own mind. Straitening gives a small nod as she drew herself closer to Aaron.

   "You mean my emotions to just end the suffering I am going to have to endure having an arrogant man who thinks he knows everything on my team?"

Becoming only inches from Aaron Victoria brings her hand up to his chin and tilts his head back slightly so she could look in his eyes. Her lips only inches from his, her breath brushing across his skin as she can feel his own.

   "Don't get on my bad side and maybe...just maybe I'll keep my emotions in check enough you'll live to see that promotion."

Letting go of Aaron's face and stepping away from him Victoria turns and makes her way back to the house. She needed to get everything ready for leaving tomorrow to go to the states. Who new how long this was going to take, or how easy or hard it would, but she wouldn't take any chances with Garret's life. They'd be prepared for anything.

   "Bring Kirk, and Collens by the way. Harrison is to bull headed and has an issue following directions."

Thirteen couldn't help the fear that coursed through her. It was like everything else faded away and nothing else around her even mattered. Her heart raced as tears ran down her cheek. Seeing Carson Thirteen let out a small breath of air though she was still panicked and freaking out. If there was one person she trusted more than Ryder it was Carson.

   "Please...don't let him take me back to the Agency. I don't want to go back there...thats why he is here. I just know it. He use to be one of the guards when I was there before. Please Carson...I dont want to go back."

As Carson came up closer Thirteen stepped behind him. She was shaking, scared and didn't know what to do. She felt so useless not being able to even stick up for herself but she couldn't help it. She'd just froze and been so so scared.


Long Time

The fact that Misty was leaving things in Carson's ballpark was another surprise, but he wasn't about to draw attention to it. Yes, he'd call her, and it would take all his self control not to do it first thing tomorrow.

"Okay, well..." How could he say goodnight? This wasn't fair...but he'd be grateful for what he had. "If you need anything..." Not that she'd call him, but it was worth an offer. He reached over to take her hand, and planted a gentle kiss on her fingers. "I'm always here."

Just as he started to rise, his cell phone went off, and he bit his lip. What now? Retrieving his phone from his pocket, he saw it was the restaurant. It must be one of the girls. "I gotta get this," he apologized. "The girls are prolly burning down Mom and Pop's." He gave Misty a little nod. "I'll talk to you again soon. Goodnight, Misty." A wink was the last expression before he was gone, out the door. "Yeah, hello." He answered the call as he stepped down off the porch. And hearing Aerith's strained voice and the commotion on the other end, his pace immediately quickened...

Garret opened his mouth to decline a drink, but didn't even get the words out before the young woman lost it. His eyes widened in surprise. What in earth was going on? Who was this, and why was she panicking?

He stood and put his hands up. "Whoa, whoa, hey, I'm just looking for Carson Banks." Hearing Carson was one of the people the girl was telling at her friend to call, he knew he was at the right place, but now he was even more on edge.

"I don't know who you think I am, but that's all I want - just to see Carson." He searched the girl's frightened face. Who did she think he was, and where did she not want to go again? Being gentle was not his strong point, making this all the more difficult. "Don't call the police - I'm not here to hurt or take anyone." The last thing he wanted was for the police to be called. But why was there recognition on her face? Surely there wasn't an Agency connection here...was there? 

In the back of the restaurant, the door quietly opened. Carson had made it here in record time. Slipping into the kitchen, he put his finger to his lips to keep Aerith quiet as he opened a bottom cupboard and retrieved his shotgun. Easing back out and down the short hall, he emerged, the gun pointed at the stranger. "One wrong move and I blow your head off," he hissed. 

Garret's hands remained midair and he quirked an eyebrow as he slowly turned his gaze. "Mr. Banks. Long time no see."

It took only a moment for it to register in Carson's mind who this was. "Garret Jackson, you swine." He made his way across the room to Thirteen, keeping Garret in his sights. "Thirteen, you okay?" he asked. "What happened? Did he hurt you?"

Aaron nodded. "Good theory. You could be right. I'd be surprised if the Elite was close enough to nab Garret but with all that's happened, maybe they're stepping up their game."

He paused, thinking through all they'd need to prepare. "I was thinking of taking Kirk and Harrison, unless you have another preference. Once we're in the states, depending on leads, I might send them on way while we go another, to cover more ground."

His eyes found their way to Victoria's face. I trust your emotions won't interfere with what we need to do." 

Call Anyone

Thirteen can't help the laugh that escaped her lips. The last few weeks there had been more good days, than bad days and she'd really enjoyed becoming friends with Aerith. At least she had one friend she enjoyed hanging out with aside from Ryder.

Hearing the bell on the door Thirteen looks to Aerith. They must have forgot to lock it after the last customer had left. Looking at Aerith Thirteen shakes her head with a smile before heading twords the door from the back room.

   "I'll get it."

Heading out while holding a plate, and a towel to dry it off Thirteen's mind really wasn't on the person who had just walked in. She was thinking about many different things and mainly about what Ryder and herself were going to be doing once he picked her up shortly. 

  "Hey, Sorry but we are closed. We must have forgot to lock the front door. Can we get you a soda or coffee for the inconvenience?"

Clearing the fog from her head and looking twords the strange that walked in Thirteen couldn't help the uneasy feeling that came over her. She'd been doing really good around people, and in different situations but something about this...there was something that almost sent panic through her.

Moving around the table he was at and being able to see his face better Thirteen instantly got flash backs of her time with the Agency. Everything she'd been though and this face, this man, he'd been there too. No...this couldn't happen...not now. Dropping the plat on the floor it shattered with a loud crash, and not being able to help the yell that came from her lips. Panic took over.

   "No...No...Aerith...call the cops...call Ryder, call Carson, call anyone...No...Please...I dont want to go back...I dont want to go back please."

   "You are welcome. I really enjoyed it too. It was nice."

Misty looks down at the table before looking up at Carson again. She really had missed having dinner with him even if this time it was a little awkward. But the time was coming when she new Carson would have to leave and she'd be home with her own thoughts. She new he'd have to go but she hated the thought of being alone in the house.

   "We will have to plan something else another time. I wont be back to work right away I dont think. Unless I get really bored here, but you know my number. I'll...be looking forward to it."

   As night feel and Victoria was outside among the stars she couldn't help but miss Garret more. No one would know that part of her heart or the pain she felt from it but it was there and she felt it all to much. She couldn't dwell on that now, not while trying to do a mission or she just might give Aaron that leverage over her he needed. 

   "I think in this situation small will be better. I looked up one of Garret's aliases that he would only use if he was in trouble and sure enough it had been used. He's in the US, and the only reason I could think of he'd end up being there is if The Elite is in on it, and after the whole mess with that Banks kid, I can see a reason for them to retaliate."

Leaning her head back and looking up at the sky Victoria is quiet for a long moment as she just lets her mind wonder. She was trying to formulate a plan and she was trying to do it fast. Who new what the Elite were doing to Garret, or worse. 

   "We should leave tomorrow. It might take a bit to track down where they are, and I'd like to not wast to many days. The sooner we find Garret. the sooner we can take or revenge and be back."



"Of course... I'll yell loud." Tal tried to sound more excited than he felt. He just wanted Ryan to be okay, and she seemed like she was miles away. "See you at the finish line."

He was going to give her a kiss for luck, but just as he moved closer, she was off to get in place. He sighed and hooked his hands in his pockets as he wandered to a good lookout point. She might have some obscure plans after the race, but he'd at least see how she came out and tell her goodnight.

As Victoria spoke, Aaron's pulse quickened. Perhaps his strategy had been flawed. Garret had always warned him that his cockiness would be the death of him, and at the moment, it seemed he was getting close to that line. Had he stepped too far?

He couldn't help an almost-silent breath of relief as Victoria backed down. He was no match for her, and had pushed his luck about as far as he could. Her relenting to work with him was all he'd wanted. If anyone could locate Garret, it was her, and he'd apparently been right. It had taken her even less time than he'd anticipated. 

He turned to her and gave a nod. "I'll put in my request with your grandfather. I've little doubt he'll deny me my wish since he too knows your skills." He started to leave, pausing only once to look back. "We'll get Garret back. And whoever took him will pay." The main house was now his destination. A meeting with Medridge was in store...

"...I'd like Victoria on my team, Sir." 

Medridge sat behind his desk, his eyes narrowing at Aaron's request. "You know I've had her on lockdown. I cannot risk losing her along with Garret."

"Indeed. But she's also a huntress by nature. I have little doubt I can locate Garret, and even less doubt Victoria can succeed in half the time. She would be a strong addition to the team. I would view it as wise strategy to allow her to accompany me in the search."

Medridge gave him a thin smile. "You speak too smoothly for your own good. Garret warned me you were meant for more than a simple lookout guard."

Aaron stood a little taller. "Let me prove my usefulness in this, and you won't be disappointed."

Medridge thought for what seemed forever until he spoke again. "So be it. But this case requires stealth. Whoever took Garret will most likely expect a large retrieval force. I would prefer a quick and simple rescue that will take them by surprise with little risk to Garret's life. As such, you are to have a team of only four. Use who you may, and utilize them as you see fit. Bear in mind that should Victoria wish a move contrary to your own, she has the authority. Is that understood?"

Aaron hid his displeasure. He knew he could never get around the fact that as Medridge's granddaughter, Victoria would always trump any other agent. "Yes sir."

"Good." Medridge waved him to the door. "Go. I don't wish to see you again until you have a plan of action..."

"...So that's what we've got." Aaron leaned against the guard house, his eyes roaming upwards at the dark sky. Only a few stars were visible through the lights at this end of the compound. It was a quiet and fairly private place though, at this time of night. It was also the first chance he'd had to meet with Victoria again. "I was hoping for a larger team, but maybe he's right - maybe smaller would be better."

He glanced over at her. "Do you really know where Garret is?"

Carson was quick to accept Misty's suggestion, glad for something to do. He missed helping her get supper ready. He missed coming home to her cooking after he'd stared at pizza all day. He missed...being home. But if he said all that, she might take it the wrong way...so he remained quiet. 

Eating with her was just as awkward. Yet even though this was a most terrible kind of day after the most terrible circumstances, there was something peaceful about this. Maybe it was the simple presence of hope. Carson tried to make conversation by smalltalk of the restaurant, recent visits with Mackenzie and the like. It was so strange that talking was this difficult, but maybe it was at least a start.

With plates cleared and his water glass almost empty, he knew he'd have to leave soon. He didn't want to. But he knew had to. This was all part of taking things slow, right?

His fingers fiddled with his water glass as his eyes glanced over at Misty. "Thank you...for supper. It was really good and... I really enjoyed coming over."

Garret adjusted his backpack strap on his shoulder and continued walking down the dark sidewalk. His black cap was pulled down low, but his senses were on full alert. Clad in a dark shirt, cargo pants and laced-up boots, one might take a guess that he was some kind of military, but nothing could be farther from the truth.

The car he'd "borrowed" during the last two days had been abandoned on the other side of town, and he'd taken a winding route on foot since then, leaving his identity virtually untraceable. It was now late evening, and the streets were growing quieter. Arriving at the little restaurant's window, Garret peered inside the dim interior. The closed sign on the door indicated all customers would be gone - a good thing.

Ignoring the sign, Garret tried the door and found it open. He stepped inside, his eyes rising as the bell announced his presence. He could hear movement back in the kitchen, but instead of heading that direction, he pulled out a chair from one of the tables and sat, letting his backpack rest on the floor near his feet. He knew someone would have heard him enter, and was prepared to let them come to him.


Victoria kept her stands strong, unmoving and her face unchanging. It was what she was brought up, it was what she was trained to do and half the time it even surprised her how good she was at it. But its what she needed to do to survive, it was the only way. 

   "I always think its cute when people think they know what they are talking about but really...they have no idea."

Drawing her gun and taking aim at the target Victoria is still quiet as she shoots a few rounds before holstering her gun again and turns around leaning on the railing. She wouldn't till Aaron, not yet. He really had no proof to his accusations so it was no threat. 

   "I do know more than most people know though. After all thats part of the perks of being the best. But on that note too I wouldn't need to be on your team to leave. If I told my grandfather I new where Garret was and I could bring him back I bet I'd be the one picking out the team and leaving while you sat here and just wallowed away about getting on my bad side."

Letting out a long sigh Victoria was getting bored of this banter. It was no fun honestly, and she never really had tolerance for people like Aaron. Maybe it would be best to just get this over with and than deal with him later. It would save her time after all.

  "That's to much work though.  I did look up one of Garret's aliases and know where they've taken him and I have a good idea who too. Get me on a team with you and all that information is yours, but not untill than."

Ryan gives a small nod slightly detracted. She could definitely do lunch tomorrow around her lunch time.  Her eyes scan the crowd again before returning to Tal.

   "Ummm...meet me at my work around noon and we can go from there?"

Hearing the recent race finish Ryan new she'd be up next and she needed to hurry if she was going to be in on it. She just wanted to free her mind from everything and when she raced thats what happened. It was her complete calm.

   "Oh um..no just have some other plans. I gotta go if I want to get in on this race. You better cheer the loudest ok?"

Hearing Carson was spending more time with Mackenzie made Misty smile just a little even if it was gone just as fast. The young girl needed her father, she was suffering just as much as everyone else and to know that she had someone to lean on made Misty feel good. She always wanted her to know she was there for her no matter what, but she was such a mess herself she didn't know how she could of been much help to anyone.

   "It's good to know you have been spending time with her and getting a long ok. She really needs her dad in her life."

Hearing Carson mention Alec Misty froze for a moment. She know he was just talking and he didn't mean anything by it, it was just hard to hear that it was really true. Thinking about that reminded her about all the things around the house she still needed to do and clean. It was not going to be easy and she new it.

As the subject was changed again and Carson asked to help Misty relaxed a little and looked around the kitchen. There wasn't much left to do but she new Carson hated stilling still.

   "You can cut the pot roast for me if you want. Other than that dinner is almost ready."


Hot Date

Carson nodded as he backed away and let Misty return to fixing food. He wanted to hold her again. He wanted to turn her around and feel her kiss in his lips. But as he desperately tried to read her, he knew he couldn't move too quickly. She wanted slow, he'd give her slow. He'd never moved slowly with anyone in his life, let alone her. And he wasn't even sure how. But he'd try his best. 

He returned to sit at the table and fiddled awkwardly with a napkin. "I've...I've been spending more time with Mackenzie lately..." It felt a rather lame start to conversation, but he might as well let her in on what his life was like lately. "We usually go to the park or something since the restaurant isn't all that interesting." He grinnned a little, although deep down, living at Mom and Pop's was pretty depressing. It's where he'd started out, and he was right back there again. "Justin...he suggested still seeing her to help her get..." He bit his tongue. "...get through losing Alec."

He cleared his throat and stood back up again. He couldn't just sit here and talk like an idiot. "Can I help do anything? I'm no better at sitting still than I've ever been."

Tal watched as Ryan pulled out her phone and sent a text. Her turning him down threw him for a little loop, and he couldn't help his look of disappointment, even though he tried to smile. "Oh, okay." He wanted to out his arm back around her, but suddenly it felt like there was an invisible wall between them. He couldn't explain it - it was just...there.

"Yeah...yeah, I can do lunch tomorrow. Just name where." He cocked his head and quirked a teasing grin. "Got a hot date tonight or something?"

Aaron wasn't outwardly fazed by Victoria's authority, even if on the inside, he knew good and well he was walking a very fine line. She could have him dead before he hit the ground and he knew it.

Bravely turning his back to her, his eyes traveled the surrounding area. "We all have more than one secret. But the one I'm referring to has something to do with what's really between you and our missing man." He tossed a glance over his shoulder at her. "You have no reason to kill me though. I don't care who's invovled with who, as long as it doesn't jeopardize our missions. Who you choose to have a love affair with isn't any of my business."

He looked back out over the shooting range. "But...call it a hunch, but I'd bet you know more about Garret's movements than anyone else. Your grandfather wants me to find him. If you help me, I might move up in the ranks. I guess all you'll get out of it is getting Garret back for yourself, but I think that would be worth it to you. I can also request you be on my team - in that case, Medridge might let you off the property and you can come with me. Otherwise...you'll continue to be stuck here with your hands tied."

Fifteen Minutes

Feeling Carson's hand on her face Misty leans into a little bit. Oh how she'd missed those rough yet soft tender hands. No matter how mad she was, or how much she really tried to deny it She really had missed it. Whipping the rest of her tears away for now Misty steps back from Carson and turns to the salad that had made it's way all over the counter starting to pick it up.

   "Let's start with dinner, and than go from there. Maybe we can set up some date, or times to get together and do coffee."

Misty's emotions still churned but she tried to keep them at bay for now. She hoped this would work, and she wouldn't regret it. There had been to much of that already and she didn't want anymore of that. She just wanted to make things right again.

Feeling Tal's arm around her shoulder Ryan smiles a little looking at him. She was happy Tal was there but at the same time she felt kind of strange. Maybe thats why Alec wasn't.  Feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket Ryan breaks away from Tal pulling it out.

Sorry babe wont be able to make it after all, maybe later after the race we can talk ok?

Alec wouldn't be there after all. That was a slight disappointment but maybe a good thing too.

Yeah that sounds good to be. I should be home around midnight.

 Registering Tal's invitation Ryan slips her phone back into her pocket and looking at Tal once more.  Shakes her head before replying.

   "Sorry I wont be able tonight. Maybe tomorrow we can do lunch or something?"

Entering the shooting range Victoria takes a quick look around to make sure it was just them. If things went south she really didn't want other people to know, see or hear and have anything get out of hand more than it already might. At least this here was controlled and she was in charge.

Coming up to Aaron Victoria locks eyes with him for a long moment before saying anything. She studied him, wondered about him, wondered what he new, and what he wanted from her. She wouldn't give in though, or let anything slip that she didn't want too.

   "Well aren't we quick to be asking questions. Fifteen minutes or not, I can always order whoever shows up away again and they will listen. So how about you start off with telling what secret you think you know about me." 



Misty's apology caught Carson completely by surprise. He knew she was on an emotional rollercoaster, but hadn't expected this at all. He opened his mouth to reply, but stopped as she continued.

As she spoke, a new flutter of hope welled up in his heart. Was this really what she wanted? Was it something that would last, or when she felt better, would she change her mind? Did she really no longer want a divorce?

It was several silent moments before Carson realized he'd been staring into her eyes without responding. "Well, yes," he blurted. "I mean..." He blinked, trying to collect his rampant thoughts. He let her go and brought his hands up to gently cradle her face. "I will do anything.... anything, as long as there's even the slightest chance of a future with you."

His thumb caressed her cheek. "And none of this is your fault. It was me who started this whole thing. I know I did what I did because I was trying to protect you the best I knew how...but I was stupid. I never should have handled the Agency threat like I did - I never should have lied to you. If... If I hadn't made those choices... We'd probably still be a family and Alec would still be alive."

Yes...he blamed himself. This whole thing had started when he'd bent to the Agency's wishes instead of asking for help. Instead of trusting enough to let other people in.

He swallowed hard, keeping his emotions at bay. He could break down later, but not now. "I know you're in a dark place right now, and I am so sorry I can't fix things and make them right again. You never deserved to lose so much." He had to force himself not to think too long about his own losses right now, lest he find his own heart in a dark place.

"But you mean the world to me." He wiped away one of her tears with his hand. "And you always will, no matter what. So yes...whatever it takes...just tell me. Tell me what to do and I'll do it."

Tal gave Ryan a smile but couldn't help the funny feeling that it wasn't him who she wanted there. He followed her roving eyes, wondering who else she might be waiting for, but tried to shrug it off. "Well, I was getting lonely," he teased. "Besides, I don't have to work tomorrow, so I can afford a late night watching my girl race."

He sidled up to her to sling an arm around her shoulders and give her a squeeze. "Thought maybe we could do something afterward. Grab coffee...go for a moonlit drive...or go back to my place to occupy the couch..." He left the invitation hanging, unsure if she'd feel up to anything, but it was worth a try. He knew she'd had a hard day and just wanted to help her smile again.

Another round of shots rang out before Aaron reloaded his handgun. The property's shooting range was empty except for him - he'd ordered a guard and a trainee out, in order to have the privacy. If Victoria did have any information in Garret, it would be best not to have any listening ears at this point. 

Movement caught the corner of his eye, and he holstered his gun. Right on time, as usual. He leaned on the guardrail, watching Victoria closely as she approached. There was little point in trying to read her though - she was too good at hiding her true emotions.

"We have fifteen minutes before anyone shows up again," he informed. "So...what do you know?"


As Carson comes near her and wraps his arms around her Misty's stiffens a little before feeling the warmth, the strength that Carson always offered and just softened. She soaked in the comfort as more tears seemed to come. Everything had just been so much and it still weighed heavy on her mind.

   "It's not ok. Everything is my fault, and I'm sorry. I'm....I'm sorry I blamed you for everything. I know you are at fault for somethings but not everything and I'm sorry. I just...I guess I just needed someone to blame and you were an easy target."

Taking in a long breath Misty's tears start to slow as she sniffles. Pulling away from Carson she can look him in the eyes and search his face. She wondered so many things, she felt so many different ways it was hard to tell what was up or down. But now was the best time as any to talk to him.

  "Carson...I'm broken, beaten down, and damaged. I dont know how much good I'll be to anyone anymore, and I dont even know where life is going for me. But I do know I dont want things to be like they us to be with us. I don't want lies, and hidden motives, I just can't. I do know though I don't want a divorce anymore."

Still wondering how he'd react Misty is quick to keep talking before he can say anything else. She just wanted to get everything out before stopping and losing her train of though.

   "I want time though, time to take it slow and work on things. Work on myself, work with you, after everything thats happened I cant just jump back into our relationship like nothing is wrong because there is a lot wrong, and a lot that needs to be fixed. Do you think...you can do that? Take it slow, and work our way back up?"


Being met at the door, Carson felt more awkward than he'd imagined he would. It all felt so wrong. This had been his home too. This was his wife. Yet he was an outsider.

A little grin came to his lips as he handed Misty the flowers. "Of course they're for you. I don't see any other pretty sheilas around." As soon as he'd said it, his eyes bounced another direction and he bit his tongue, hoping Misty wouldn't be put off by his quick flirting.

He cleared his throat and followed her inside to sit at the kitchen table as she worked. The awkwardness was just as bad, and the silence made it worse. There was so much he wanted to say, but so much of it, he couldn't dare. Not now. Not yet.

Suddenly seeing her fumble with the salad, then start crying, Carson's heart gave a leap. What should he do? He knew what he wanted to do, but would he just make things worse? Bypassing his fear, he got up and slowly went to her. He took her gently by the shoulders and turned her around to him before he wrapped his arms around her and just held her close to his chest.

"It's okay," he comforted softly. In this moment, all he cared about was her. Whether she ever took him back or not, he just wanted her to be happy again. He kissed the top of her head and just continued to hold her. "You're gonna be okay... I promise."

BReak Down

Looking down at the paper that was slid across the table and reading what it said Victoria could feel her heart start to race. Did he really know her secret. The secret, between Garret and herself or was it something else? Victoria's first instinct was to make Aaron dead before anything could get out, or be held to bribe her. But what if it was something else, or what if someone was listing or even waiting for her reaction.

Shifting her weight and sitting down in one of the chairs no one would notice the panic she felt inside. Her eyes were like stone, and they stayed that way. She'd never give in or even give someone a reason to doubt her, but she needed to know how much Aaron new.

   "There might be a few things I can check into. Since my grandfather trusted me a great deal I new more info, and intel than Garret himself."

Looking up at Aaron again Victoria's eyes flashed a warning. Between now, and when she'd talk to him again he'd better keep quiet or there would be a whole world of hurt that would come down on him. She could see to it, and make it happen in a heart beat.

  "Meet me at the shooting range in an hour and I'll see what I've come up with and Aaron, come alone. The information I have is sensitive and I doubt my Grandfather would want it to get out to two many people."

Concluding the meeting Victoria got up and left. Not leading on to anything, not admitting to anything but being calm, cool, and collective as always. Her room was her next destination so she could use her computer. She hadn't thought till now to check Garret's aliases. If he had been taken than he might of used a clue to let her know he was in trouble or where he was. It was worth a shot, and a good way to get Aaron alone.

Almost any hour later Victoria leans back in her chair. Hans Schrader was the name she had pulled up on her computer. That was an alias that only she new Garret had, and he'd used it to get out of the country. Something was not right and she new it. Garret's mission had been here, but now he was in the US. She had a sicking feeling that The Elite was involved, and Garret was not there on his own free will.

Seeing the time Victoria gets up and changed into more appropriate clothing for going to the shooting range. Along with attaching her gun holster and putting her gun into it. Time to find out what Aaron really new and didn't know.

Walking around and scanning everyone Ryan didn't race for a least another fifteen minutes. She wondered if Alec was going to be there he had texted.Seeing Tal Ryan gives a little wave. He'd been wanting to hang out for days now and she felt bad for blowing him off but at the same time, she just didnt feel like it.

   "Hey Tal, I didn't know you were going to be here tonight. Sorry I haven't called you back. Things have just been kind of all over the place!"

Ryan's eyes still scan the crowd. Maybe Alec wasn't coming or he got tied up. Maybe that was a good thing too since Tal was there. They never really did get along, and she didnt want a fight to break out here, and turn into something worse.

Hearing the knock on the door Misty leans against the counter for a long moment. She wasn't sure if she was ready to do this, but being alone in the house even if it was only for a few hours was already getting to her. Alec was everywhere, the preparations for the baby were every where. It was so hard.

Finally pushing off the counter Misty goes to the door taking a deep breath before opening it. Seeing Carson, a small smile comes but is soon good as she invites him in. It seemed strange inviting him in, even after all this time.

   "Come on in. Thanks for agreeing to talk to me. Thank you for the flowers too, that is...if they are for me."

Heading into the kitchen to finish up the little bit of food she'd made Misty hoped Carson would follow. This was so awkward. She'd never felt like this around Carson before and she couldn't help but wonder if it would always be like this. Maybe it was just her or maybe it was just the situation. 

Trying to work on the salad she had started to prepare Misty couldn't help her hands shake spilling the salad on the counter. She tried to contain her emotions but she just couldn't, not anymore. A tear rolled down her cheek as her shoulder shook. Holding on to the counter for stability. She didn't mean to cry in front of Carson or even break down at all, but it was so hard not too. She'd lost so much, and it was her own fault.