
Long Time

The fact that Misty was leaving things in Carson's ballpark was another surprise, but he wasn't about to draw attention to it. Yes, he'd call her, and it would take all his self control not to do it first thing tomorrow.

"Okay, well..." How could he say goodnight? This wasn't fair...but he'd be grateful for what he had. "If you need anything..." Not that she'd call him, but it was worth an offer. He reached over to take her hand, and planted a gentle kiss on her fingers. "I'm always here."

Just as he started to rise, his cell phone went off, and he bit his lip. What now? Retrieving his phone from his pocket, he saw it was the restaurant. It must be one of the girls. "I gotta get this," he apologized. "The girls are prolly burning down Mom and Pop's." He gave Misty a little nod. "I'll talk to you again soon. Goodnight, Misty." A wink was the last expression before he was gone, out the door. "Yeah, hello." He answered the call as he stepped down off the porch. And hearing Aerith's strained voice and the commotion on the other end, his pace immediately quickened...

Garret opened his mouth to decline a drink, but didn't even get the words out before the young woman lost it. His eyes widened in surprise. What in earth was going on? Who was this, and why was she panicking?

He stood and put his hands up. "Whoa, whoa, hey, I'm just looking for Carson Banks." Hearing Carson was one of the people the girl was telling at her friend to call, he knew he was at the right place, but now he was even more on edge.

"I don't know who you think I am, but that's all I want - just to see Carson." He searched the girl's frightened face. Who did she think he was, and where did she not want to go again? Being gentle was not his strong point, making this all the more difficult. "Don't call the police - I'm not here to hurt or take anyone." The last thing he wanted was for the police to be called. But why was there recognition on her face? Surely there wasn't an Agency connection here...was there? 

In the back of the restaurant, the door quietly opened. Carson had made it here in record time. Slipping into the kitchen, he put his finger to his lips to keep Aerith quiet as he opened a bottom cupboard and retrieved his shotgun. Easing back out and down the short hall, he emerged, the gun pointed at the stranger. "One wrong move and I blow your head off," he hissed. 

Garret's hands remained midair and he quirked an eyebrow as he slowly turned his gaze. "Mr. Banks. Long time no see."

It took only a moment for it to register in Carson's mind who this was. "Garret Jackson, you swine." He made his way across the room to Thirteen, keeping Garret in his sights. "Thirteen, you okay?" he asked. "What happened? Did he hurt you?"

Aaron nodded. "Good theory. You could be right. I'd be surprised if the Elite was close enough to nab Garret but with all that's happened, maybe they're stepping up their game."

He paused, thinking through all they'd need to prepare. "I was thinking of taking Kirk and Harrison, unless you have another preference. Once we're in the states, depending on leads, I might send them on way while we go another, to cover more ground."

His eyes found their way to Victoria's face. I trust your emotions won't interfere with what we need to do." 

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