
Bad Side

Victoria cocks her head at Aaron as a smile spreads across her lips and a chuckle comes out as well. He was grasping at straws and she new it. In a way it really was rather funny in her own mind. Straitening gives a small nod as she drew herself closer to Aaron.

   "You mean my emotions to just end the suffering I am going to have to endure having an arrogant man who thinks he knows everything on my team?"

Becoming only inches from Aaron Victoria brings her hand up to his chin and tilts his head back slightly so she could look in his eyes. Her lips only inches from his, her breath brushing across his skin as she can feel his own.

   "Don't get on my bad side and maybe...just maybe I'll keep my emotions in check enough you'll live to see that promotion."

Letting go of Aaron's face and stepping away from him Victoria turns and makes her way back to the house. She needed to get everything ready for leaving tomorrow to go to the states. Who new how long this was going to take, or how easy or hard it would, but she wouldn't take any chances with Garret's life. They'd be prepared for anything.

   "Bring Kirk, and Collens by the way. Harrison is to bull headed and has an issue following directions."

Thirteen couldn't help the fear that coursed through her. It was like everything else faded away and nothing else around her even mattered. Her heart raced as tears ran down her cheek. Seeing Carson Thirteen let out a small breath of air though she was still panicked and freaking out. If there was one person she trusted more than Ryder it was Carson.

   "Please...don't let him take me back to the Agency. I don't want to go back there...thats why he is here. I just know it. He use to be one of the guards when I was there before. Please Carson...I dont want to go back."

As Carson came up closer Thirteen stepped behind him. She was shaking, scared and didn't know what to do. She felt so useless not being able to even stick up for herself but she couldn't help it. She'd just froze and been so so scared.


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