
BReak Down

Looking down at the paper that was slid across the table and reading what it said Victoria could feel her heart start to race. Did he really know her secret. The secret, between Garret and herself or was it something else? Victoria's first instinct was to make Aaron dead before anything could get out, or be held to bribe her. But what if it was something else, or what if someone was listing or even waiting for her reaction.

Shifting her weight and sitting down in one of the chairs no one would notice the panic she felt inside. Her eyes were like stone, and they stayed that way. She'd never give in or even give someone a reason to doubt her, but she needed to know how much Aaron new.

   "There might be a few things I can check into. Since my grandfather trusted me a great deal I new more info, and intel than Garret himself."

Looking up at Aaron again Victoria's eyes flashed a warning. Between now, and when she'd talk to him again he'd better keep quiet or there would be a whole world of hurt that would come down on him. She could see to it, and make it happen in a heart beat.

  "Meet me at the shooting range in an hour and I'll see what I've come up with and Aaron, come alone. The information I have is sensitive and I doubt my Grandfather would want it to get out to two many people."

Concluding the meeting Victoria got up and left. Not leading on to anything, not admitting to anything but being calm, cool, and collective as always. Her room was her next destination so she could use her computer. She hadn't thought till now to check Garret's aliases. If he had been taken than he might of used a clue to let her know he was in trouble or where he was. It was worth a shot, and a good way to get Aaron alone.

Almost any hour later Victoria leans back in her chair. Hans Schrader was the name she had pulled up on her computer. That was an alias that only she new Garret had, and he'd used it to get out of the country. Something was not right and she new it. Garret's mission had been here, but now he was in the US. She had a sicking feeling that The Elite was involved, and Garret was not there on his own free will.

Seeing the time Victoria gets up and changed into more appropriate clothing for going to the shooting range. Along with attaching her gun holster and putting her gun into it. Time to find out what Aaron really new and didn't know.

Walking around and scanning everyone Ryan didn't race for a least another fifteen minutes. She wondered if Alec was going to be there he had texted.Seeing Tal Ryan gives a little wave. He'd been wanting to hang out for days now and she felt bad for blowing him off but at the same time, she just didnt feel like it.

   "Hey Tal, I didn't know you were going to be here tonight. Sorry I haven't called you back. Things have just been kind of all over the place!"

Ryan's eyes still scan the crowd. Maybe Alec wasn't coming or he got tied up. Maybe that was a good thing too since Tal was there. They never really did get along, and she didnt want a fight to break out here, and turn into something worse.

Hearing the knock on the door Misty leans against the counter for a long moment. She wasn't sure if she was ready to do this, but being alone in the house even if it was only for a few hours was already getting to her. Alec was everywhere, the preparations for the baby were every where. It was so hard.

Finally pushing off the counter Misty goes to the door taking a deep breath before opening it. Seeing Carson, a small smile comes but is soon good as she invites him in. It seemed strange inviting him in, even after all this time.

   "Come on in. Thanks for agreeing to talk to me. Thank you for the flowers too, that is...if they are for me."

Heading into the kitchen to finish up the little bit of food she'd made Misty hoped Carson would follow. This was so awkward. She'd never felt like this around Carson before and she couldn't help but wonder if it would always be like this. Maybe it was just her or maybe it was just the situation. 

Trying to work on the salad she had started to prepare Misty couldn't help her hands shake spilling the salad on the counter. She tried to contain her emotions but she just couldn't, not anymore. A tear rolled down her cheek as her shoulder shook. Holding on to the counter for stability. She didn't mean to cry in front of Carson or even break down at all, but it was so hard not too. She'd lost so much, and it was her own fault.


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