

Victoria kept her stands strong, unmoving and her face unchanging. It was what she was brought up, it was what she was trained to do and half the time it even surprised her how good she was at it. But its what she needed to do to survive, it was the only way. 

   "I always think its cute when people think they know what they are talking about but really...they have no idea."

Drawing her gun and taking aim at the target Victoria is still quiet as she shoots a few rounds before holstering her gun again and turns around leaning on the railing. She wouldn't till Aaron, not yet. He really had no proof to his accusations so it was no threat. 

   "I do know more than most people know though. After all thats part of the perks of being the best. But on that note too I wouldn't need to be on your team to leave. If I told my grandfather I new where Garret was and I could bring him back I bet I'd be the one picking out the team and leaving while you sat here and just wallowed away about getting on my bad side."

Letting out a long sigh Victoria was getting bored of this banter. It was no fun honestly, and she never really had tolerance for people like Aaron. Maybe it would be best to just get this over with and than deal with him later. It would save her time after all.

  "That's to much work though.  I did look up one of Garret's aliases and know where they've taken him and I have a good idea who too. Get me on a team with you and all that information is yours, but not untill than."

Ryan gives a small nod slightly detracted. She could definitely do lunch tomorrow around her lunch time.  Her eyes scan the crowd again before returning to Tal.

   "Ummm...meet me at my work around noon and we can go from there?"

Hearing the recent race finish Ryan new she'd be up next and she needed to hurry if she was going to be in on it. She just wanted to free her mind from everything and when she raced thats what happened. It was her complete calm.

   "Oh um..no just have some other plans. I gotta go if I want to get in on this race. You better cheer the loudest ok?"

Hearing Carson was spending more time with Mackenzie made Misty smile just a little even if it was gone just as fast. The young girl needed her father, she was suffering just as much as everyone else and to know that she had someone to lean on made Misty feel good. She always wanted her to know she was there for her no matter what, but she was such a mess herself she didn't know how she could of been much help to anyone.

   "It's good to know you have been spending time with her and getting a long ok. She really needs her dad in her life."

Hearing Carson mention Alec Misty froze for a moment. She know he was just talking and he didn't mean anything by it, it was just hard to hear that it was really true. Thinking about that reminded her about all the things around the house she still needed to do and clean. It was not going to be easy and she new it.

As the subject was changed again and Carson asked to help Misty relaxed a little and looked around the kitchen. There wasn't much left to do but she new Carson hated stilling still.

   "You can cut the pot roast for me if you want. Other than that dinner is almost ready."

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