

Misty's apology caught Carson completely by surprise. He knew she was on an emotional rollercoaster, but hadn't expected this at all. He opened his mouth to reply, but stopped as she continued.

As she spoke, a new flutter of hope welled up in his heart. Was this really what she wanted? Was it something that would last, or when she felt better, would she change her mind? Did she really no longer want a divorce?

It was several silent moments before Carson realized he'd been staring into her eyes without responding. "Well, yes," he blurted. "I mean..." He blinked, trying to collect his rampant thoughts. He let her go and brought his hands up to gently cradle her face. "I will do anything.... anything, as long as there's even the slightest chance of a future with you."

His thumb caressed her cheek. "And none of this is your fault. It was me who started this whole thing. I know I did what I did because I was trying to protect you the best I knew how...but I was stupid. I never should have handled the Agency threat like I did - I never should have lied to you. If... If I hadn't made those choices... We'd probably still be a family and Alec would still be alive."

Yes...he blamed himself. This whole thing had started when he'd bent to the Agency's wishes instead of asking for help. Instead of trusting enough to let other people in.

He swallowed hard, keeping his emotions at bay. He could break down later, but not now. "I know you're in a dark place right now, and I am so sorry I can't fix things and make them right again. You never deserved to lose so much." He had to force himself not to think too long about his own losses right now, lest he find his own heart in a dark place.

"But you mean the world to me." He wiped away one of her tears with his hand. "And you always will, no matter what. So yes...whatever it takes...just tell me. Tell me what to do and I'll do it."

Tal gave Ryan a smile but couldn't help the funny feeling that it wasn't him who she wanted there. He followed her roving eyes, wondering who else she might be waiting for, but tried to shrug it off. "Well, I was getting lonely," he teased. "Besides, I don't have to work tomorrow, so I can afford a late night watching my girl race."

He sidled up to her to sling an arm around her shoulders and give her a squeeze. "Thought maybe we could do something afterward. Grab coffee...go for a moonlit drive...or go back to my place to occupy the couch..." He left the invitation hanging, unsure if she'd feel up to anything, but it was worth a try. He knew she'd had a hard day and just wanted to help her smile again.

Another round of shots rang out before Aaron reloaded his handgun. The property's shooting range was empty except for him - he'd ordered a guard and a trainee out, in order to have the privacy. If Victoria did have any information in Garret, it would be best not to have any listening ears at this point. 

Movement caught the corner of his eye, and he holstered his gun. Right on time, as usual. He leaned on the guardrail, watching Victoria closely as she approached. There was little point in trying to read her though - she was too good at hiding her true emotions.

"We have fifteen minutes before anyone shows up again," he informed. "So...what do you know?"

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