

Katie can't help but laugh as she turns her head to look at Hunter. She enjoyed just spending time with him too. It was nice, it felt good, and just having someone to talk to who really had no part in this all made it slightly easier to talk about.

   "Ha, I'm not trying to make him jealouse. I'm not like that. I am just simply trying to have my own friends and not sit at home twiddling my thumbs."

Letting out a sigh again Katie looks at the sky remember what had happened when they were at the park with Sandy and Kaylee. Even though they hadn't talked about it and everything seemed fine it still hurt knowing that whole thing had taken place.

   "I guess you could say maybe I am the one who is jealous.  All Jason talks about anymore is Sandy this and Sandy that, Sandy picked a time for all of us to go bowling...Do you think I ever get invited? No...of course not why would I? And than when he gets a text from her he gets this smile on his face...and...I do feel like whacking him over the head."

Sitting up Katie just than realized she had been rambling. Completely unloading on Hunter and telling him more than maybe he wanted to hear. She couldn't help it though it really was some stuff that had been bothering her and Hunter just happened to be the prime target.

   "Sorry, I didn't mean to just unload on you. Just...When I talk to Jason about it he thinks I am being mean I can see it in his eyes when I mentioned Sandy the other day. Than Rick keeps telling me it will take time for things to work out...I just...everyone says this is normal...but its far from that to me."

Continuing to just rub Jared's legs Grace gives a nod. He'd had a dream, that had to be good. It meant his mind was trying to push through his memories.

   "I wouldn't give up hope yet. Hey...maybe you dont live around here and thats why no one has come to see you! or maybe you could ask you mom about family."

Finally stopping Grace pulls a towl from her bag and an ice pack. Setting it a side she takes the wires off of Jared's leg and puts it on the other. Placing the ice pack on the one she had just worked on. Going around the bed she does that same thing, and starts to rub it as well.

   "So you know, you and your brother dont get along, You father passed away, your mom is greek and you know how to flirt..."

Grace gives a grin.

   "...You know more about your family than I know about mind. I never got to meet my parents. I lived most of my life in an orphanage not because my parents didn't want me but because they didn't have much money and from what I was told they though I would have a better chance else where."

Talking about her past Grace continues to smile. There was no bitterness in her voice, or anger on her face. The past was the past and she had accepted it. It had also drawn her closer to God and shaped her into who she was now.

   "Sometimes I think about finding them, but I figured why? There is so much time lost there that really there is no point. I have my adopted family and to me...they are my real family. I even have a little Neice now too. She is new my sister in law had her last month. But ya know...even if everything is ok...I think there is still and always will be a longer somewhere to know my real parents even if I have accepted everything. Know what I mean?"

Sitting down at the table Stacy was quite comfortable. She let Ashlee have her own space talking with Dylan while she talked with Eric. But at the though and mention of what to eat her eyes scan the menu for another time trying to figure it out.

   "I am kind of at a toss up between the shrimp scampi and the Scallops with risotto. I think I am leaning twords the scampi though."

   "I already know what I want. I would like to get the breaded jumbo shrimp with lemon butter sause and the backed potato with lobster on it. I think that looks really good."

Closing her menu Ashlee herself new she had to or she would look over the menu again and want something different this time. It was always like that when she went out to eat. The more she looked the more she wanted to try something different.

Turning to Dylan she gives a smile wondering if he had figured out what he wanted to order. He could take his time no one was in a rush. She did want to help him relax though.

   "Hey, now that I am learning how to ride when I get better maybe we can ride together. I bet that would be fun."

Looking and listing to her daughter Stacy gives another smile. She was so proud of how her daughter had turned out and how good she was. Every day was a blessing and made her prouder and prouder. Giving a glance back to Eric she just smiles.

   "Thanks for sharing this special day with us. I know it means a lot to Ashlee and I both."


"I like seafood," Eric agrees. "Dylan?" 

Dylan had been paying more attention to the scenery than the conversation and looks quickly from the window. "Um, yeah, that's fine."

"Good. Then seafood it is." Eric gestures out the windshield. "Once we get into town, you'll want to take a right at the first stoplight." 

It didn't take too much longer until the little group had made it into town and to the restaurant. They were just early enough that it wasn't too busy yet, which was just fine. 

Getting inside and finding a nice table, Eric sits opposite Dylan, so Stacy and Ashlee can be across from each other too. After they are given water and menus, they're left alone for just a little while.

Dylan scans the menu having absolutely no idea what to get either. This wasn't the most expensive place but it wasn't cheap either. He wasn't sure what he should choose and didn't want to pick something too expensive. He opts to wait and see what the others are having first. 

Eric quirks an eyebrow, cocking his head at his own menu. "I may not be able to decide," he muses. "Although lobster is sounding mighty good." 

"Right." Hunter didn't really understand, but it was obvious that Katie felt she was being treated unfairly - enough so that she was hurt. At least Hunter could sense it. It was all over her face and in her tone. "I told you next time he made you feel bad to whack him upside the head." 

He lies on his back again, contemplating the whole thing. "So... really, you're hanging out with me for spite." He grins. "If you're trying to make him jealous though, we should probably be seen somewhere more public than this next time."

He turns his head a little to look at Katie again. "Although... I must say... this is nice." 

Jared grins, finding out Grace was single. At least now he wouldn't feel guilty for his silly banter with her. 

Watching everything she was doing, he takes interest in how she was hooking everything up. It was obvious she was skilled in this area - it was beyond him. He did feel a very faint tingle though, so that must be good. 

Her question makes him shake his head. "Nah. I've almost given up. Although I had a weird dream last night.  I was a kid and there was another boy... I woke up wondering if it was my brother, but I don't know."

He falls silent for a moment, toying with the edge of his blanket. "My mom and brother are the only two people that have come to visit me. Nobody else has or even contacted me or anything. It... kinda makes me wonder why, ya know? Like... there's obviously some history between me and Justin, but I wonder if maybe he's not the only person I've ticked off or something." 

waiting for nothing

Just quiet for a moment at Hunters comment about Jason and her Katie lets the warm breeze pass over her. They wernt at odds so to say but they wernt ok either. It seemed like they were drifting farther apart, and spending time together was less and less.

   "No not really at odds just...its just...the whole connection thing and...out time spend together had been less and less. I sit at home waiting for him to call or ask me to go out with his friends too...but it just...it never happens."

Letting out a heavy sigh Katie flops down on her back. She didn't care if she got sand or grass on her. Looking up at the sky was to pretty and as her mind wondered on Jason and how much fun he was having...she tried even hard not too it hurt to know she was missing out.

    "So if he can go out with his friends, I guess I can go out with mine too. I dont think it would be to fare for me to continue sitting around and waiting for nothing right?"

Sitting in the backseat Ashlee thinks for a moment. What did she want for dinner? It would be something that she didn't have often but something everyone would want. Going through the options again she finally smiled.

   "How about seafood? As long as everyone else dosent mind."

Looking at her daughter in the rear view mirror and than over to Eric Stacy gives a smile at her daughters taste. She didnt mind seafood at all and it was something they didn't have often.

   "That sounds great with me if it is with everyone else."

Grace gives a laugh as she goes over to Jared and pulls up his pants leg places some of the sticky pads onto it and than hooking the wire up. Doing her best not to put them in spots where they would hurt coming off.

   "Thats a good question and the answer would be...no. I don't so your in the clear for now."

Once finished Grace turns it on a very low setting so Jared could get use to it and than turns it up. Seeing his toes twitch a little more she gives a nod and sets the device down while it was still on.

   "See how your toes are moving on there own from the eletric jolts? Thats a good thing it means you nerves arnt damaged and there is much hope that with lots of work you will walk again."

Pulling a chair over to the bed Grace sits down and working around the wires she starts to rub his leg as she tries to get the blood pumping in them again. It would help and than after would come icing it, than heating it. Continuing to rub she tries to make a little small talk too.

   "So...any luck remembering anything today?"

   "I think thats a great idea. Ice cream and the Antique place might be fun."

Beth liked that idea and who new maybe she would be able to find a few things for around her apartment. She'd like to get some new stuff in that place, some stuff she could call her own and really enjoy.

  "I'm kind of having a hankering for some frozen yourget with all the unhealthy fixings."


Hunter glances at Katie again, a wry grin curling the corner of his mouth. "Hmm... maybe. Wasn't so bad 'til I let my mind wander places I didn't want to go."

Flopping onto his back, he puts his hands behind his head and stares up at the stars. "Life used to be a whole lot less complicated. Then one day you come to a fork in the road and go right instead of left. And from then on out, nothing is ever the same and you can't go back no matter how hard you try."

It wasn't often he talked about these things with anyone. It wasn't often he thought about it at all. But ever since that night seeing Kyle, it had become impossible to ward off thoughts of the past.

Quiet for a few minutes, Hunter suddenly turns over to prop himself up on his elbow, facing Katie. "So girls with boyfriends don't usually go off with another guy late at night for a stroll on the beach." He searches her with curiosity. He'd gotten the idea from the other night at dinner that things between her and Jason weren't all that great, but he still didn't have his head wrapped around that whole thing. And...it changed the subject from talk of himself.

"You and Jason on the outs?"

Seeing Stacy enter the room, Eric stands up from the table. Her attractiveness tonight did not escape his eyes, though he keeps that thought to himself. She did look very nice... beautiful, in fact. But there was no proper way to even try saying that. He picks up his hat and fiddles with the brim. "Well there's plenty of places to choose from. Once we get to town, I can point a few things out and you gals can decide where to go."

Dylan does his best to relax... it isn't easy though. He did feel pretty out of place. He was friends with Ashlee... he was okay with Eric... he was... so-so with Stacy... and that was it. But seeing Ashlee's smile, he's reminded of why he'd said yes.

Eric goes to the door and holds it open for the others while putting on his hat. "Alrighty... all aboard that's goin' aboard."

It doesn't take long to pile in the car and be on their way. Dylan sits in back with Ashlee, remaining quiet for the most part, but trying to engage in conversation when included. He really was trying. He was just... outside the loop. Or so it felt. But he was doing his best. Eric sat in the front with Stacy, feeling... much more relaxed than he'd anticipated. It was easy to talk with her, and laughing with her and Ashlee made the atmosphere light. He was glad he'd been invited. It made him feel special to be included in celebrating Ashlee's birthday, and it was something that he quietly cherished in his heart.

"Okay... so... what's the birthday girl hungry for?" He turns around to look back at Ashlee, grinning. They'd be to town in just a few minutes. "We've got... steak... seafood... hamburgers... Chinese... Mexican... fast food..."

Seeing Grace, Jared perks up a little and shuts off the television. He grins and shakes his head. "I think you do mean torture." 

Looking at the equipment and the wires, for the first time, he's a little nervous. It did nothing to his determination though. He nods at everything she says, ready for anything. "Okay. If I scream like a girl, you'll know it hurt." A new grin surfaces. "But if I do, you can't tell anybody because then they'd think I was a wuss." 

Pulling himself up a little more wasn't easy, but his shoulders were so sore from lying in this position for too long. Oh to get up and walk. 

"I'm ready when you are, Miss PT." He quirks an eyebrow. "Oh and by the way, you gave me permission to flirt, but I never asked if you've got a husband or boyfriend. I wouldn't want to get out of here just to have some guy put me right back in again for hitting on his girl." 

Second Nature

Smiling at his comment about her balance Katie takes her helmet off and dismounts from the bike. It was funny to hear someone say that but at the same time it was kind of nice. To actually have someone tell you, you were good at something with simple words.

   "I guess balance is a second nature to me since I grew up on a ranch and rode horses."

Unzipping her own jacket and taking it off Katie throws it over the seat of the motorcycle. It was to nice of a night out to worry about a jacket. If it hadn't been for the bike ride she wouldn't have even bothered bringing it.

Taking a spot next to Hunter Katie sits down with her legs stretched out in front of her. Taking in a deep breath of air she could smell the warmth, the water, it all tickled her senses. She could remember when her and Jason would take rides out here. It was always fun and they would always laugh. Katie wondered if there would be more times like that...or if being left out, and having lunches together was the only road for them now. What was it that made her different from his friends?

    "Your welcome Hunter. I don't mind spending time with you after all and its better than sitting around for something that you know wont happen."

Looking over at Hunter Katie studys him for a long moment. There was something about him, something different tonight. It was almost like a past had come out of no where on him and now he longed for something he no longer had. For a moment Katied wondered how simaler they were, yet so different.

   "Tonight, you seem to be far off somewhere else. I would guess you had about as good a day as I had."

   "Come on mom, you look fine can we go meet the others now?"

Ashlee sat at the small table in the bunk house a nice shirt one, and her good jeans and sneakers. Her hair tied back in a braid with a blue ribbon at the end. She'd been waiting about ten minutes for her mom to get ready and though there was an irritated tone in her voice she couldn't help the grin that formed on he face. She new she was trying to look her best...since Eric was going after all.

   "Yeah yeah yeah I am coming"

Stepping out of the bathroom Stacy had her good pants on and a black shirt her tan jacket over top. Her hair was still wet and allowed to fall where it wanted put it almost looked like she had spent so much time on it.

   "Ready to go now mom?"

   "I think so. Lets meet up with the others ok?"

Stepping outside the bunk house Ashlee and Stacy make there way to the mess hall. Stacy wasn't sure where they would eat at but she wanted it to be someplace nice. Maybe Eric could help her with that.

Entering the dinning hall Stacy couldn't help but let her smile grow a little bigger seeing Eric and how good he looked tonight. This was the best she had seen him dressed but she sure liked it. Turning and seeing Ashlee go over to Dylan she gives a little nod. She was happy to see her daughter had made a friend and that Dylan had as well. He needed friends, good friends.

   "Alright, I figured I would drive, and as to where to go...I'm not sure since we are still new here. But we can roll out if you guys want and see what happens. Hows that sounds?"

Ashlee gives a laugh standing next to Dylan. Looking to him she gives a big smile than looks back to her mom.

   "Anything sounds good to me, I am starving."

Heading to Jared's room this morning Grace was a little late but not by to much. A bag was at her side and his folder in her hands once again. This was be the start, the first step to the slow process but the outcome, it would be great she hopped.

  "Good Morning Jared! Sorry I am running a little late. I had to get all my tourcher...I mean equipment."

Grace give a little grin with humor in her eyes. Some of the stuff she used did look pretty bad but all in all it wasn't. Going into the bags and pulling out a masheen with a few wires on it she holds it up for Jared to see.

   "We are going to try and stimulate you muscles. Its kind of like eltric shock but not enough to kill you. Only enough to warm your leg up. I'll start with your leg than work my way up to your spine. We will do that eat day, along with icing, and normal movements to try and get everything to stop being stiff. It will take a little bit but it will be a good start. If at any time you feel pain just let me know. ok?"


Passing a vehicle and smoothly turning back into their own lane, Hunter listens to the way she felt about riding on the motorcycle. "Yeah..." He knew what it was. It was what had him addicted to the road. Shifting gears, the bike lurches a little before shooting forward at a faster speed. Hunter's eyes remain glued to the road and he leans forward a little bit more, making sure Katie leaned with him. "It's called freedom."

He didn't take the straight shot to the lake tonight. The ride was too nice to waste, and he ends up taking a different road that cost them an extra fifteen minutes before looping back to the highway. Eventually though, they do wind up at the lake, finding the parking lot almost deserted. It wasn't surprising at this hour, although some nights there were parties going on. Not tonight though.

Slowing down to a crawl, Hunter steers his bike between the curbs, driving onto the grass and only stopping once they'd reached the sand. Cutting the engine, he lets the bike rest to the side on the kickstand, and takes off his helmet, running a hand through his hair. Sliding off first, he's careful not to bump Katie, then holds the bike steady so she can dismount as well.

"You've got good balance," he comments as he locks the helmets to the bike. "I didn't have to worry about you pulling me off for a crash landing."

Grinning at her, he nods his head towards the beach before tucking his hands in his pockets and walking forward. His pace is slow... almost thoughtful as he walks through the sand, stopping a short ways from the gently lapping water. The moon shone brightly, reflecting off the small ripples. "I used to come here all the time," he muses, scanning the water. He could still hear the laughter. The voices. Family. Friends.

Feeling the warmth of the evening, he unzips his jacket and sighs deeply. Part of him was enjoying this evening. He was glad he wasn't alone. Katie was nice company. Coming to the lake was always fun, along with the ride. And part of him... part of him was still sitting next to that box in his living room.

Easing down to sit in the sand, he rests his arms on his knees, keeping his eyes on the lake. "Thanks for coming along tonight, Katie." He looks over at her, his expression genuine. "It's... been a while since I've been able to take a girl anywhere without... well, without more expected out of me, I guess." His eyes go back to the water. Katie wasn't that kind of girl. And he was glad of it. 

Eric tips his hat back on his head and grins down at Ashlee. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." 

Watching her head off to her and Stacy's bunkhouse, he shakes his head. She was something else. And... he'd really enjoyed himself today too. It was fun working with Ashlee. She was so easy to work with and she followed his directions well. Maybe... just maybe since Eric hadn't had his own family, he was getting a chance at something else. Maybe he'd never be a father, but maybe this was as close as God could give him. He wouldn't take it for granted. 

Turning back to the barn, he finishes up with Static, then heads to his own bunkhouse. What he'd told Ashlee was true - he did have other stuff to do before tonight. But it wasn't barn work. It was icing his leg and putting it up for a while. He'd already done far too much today than he should have, but he was not going to miss out on going to town. He'd promised and would stick to it... 

...By early evening, Eric was back in the dining hall, waiting for the other three. He wasn't sure who was driving what, so he'd opted just to wait and see. He didn't even know where Stacy had planned to take Ashlee, so he'd wound up in a nice pair of jeans and a casual but nice collared shirt, and his boots that were in better shape than his barn boots. It wasn't his Sunday best, but he didn't want to overdo it if they were going somewhere casual. His hair was still a bit damp from his shower, and he smelled of fresh aftershave. 

Easing down at one of the tables, he sets his good cowboy hat aside to wait. 

Dylan slowly walks from his bunkhouse, feeling a bit awkward. He'd cleaned up some, especially since he'd been working the barn earlier, but he really wasn't so sure about this. He'd told Ashlee he'd go to town with them but... now he wondered if he should have declined. He'd dug up a pair of jeans without holes in them and he'd scrounged around to find a t-shirt that either wasn't stained or offensive. It was the best he could do on short notice. 

"Bright and early. Got it." Jared gives Grace a thumbs up and a smile. He wasn't totally convinced any of this therapy would really work, but he was willing to give it a shot. "I'll be here."

...And he was. After being woken up for the umpteenth time for his medication, it was a boring early-morning show on television that kept him awake. Half his breakfast sat to the side getting cold. It tasted awful today and he just couldn't stomach any more of it. 

Zach grins and shrugs. "I dunno... there's an antique mall down the street... wanna get some ice cream then go there?" He wasn't a big antique fan, but it was something to do, and he did enjoy looking around at all the old stuff. And every once in a while there were good deals too. 


Putting the helmet on and getting on behind the bike Katie can't help but smile herself as she can hear Hunter loud and clean. She was impressed to say the least but than again should she be surprised? She'd never been to a bike race, let along a car race but from seeing reports they made some good money. So why wouldn't Hunter go all out with what he had?

   "He doesn't have a bike like this but I'll be ok. Hold on tight, don't move around to much...lets do this."

Making sure her arms were around Hunter good before they stared Katie was ready. Taking the easy start through town Katie didn't mind. She could be more relaxed, get the feel of the bike and enjoy the scenes. It was always different being on a bike than in a car and everything seemed to look differently to her too.

Coming to the highway Katie new she better hang on a little bit better. As the bike starts to go faster and the lights wiz by she was happy she was right as her grip tightens a little more. She wasn't scared though she had gone fast with Jason before and for some reason she just new Hunter was in control.

   "I think you picked the highway for one reason...you just wanted me to hold you tighter."

Though Hunter couldn't see her a grin formed on Katie's face anyways. There was a joking tone in her voice though so he would know she was. Continuing to watch as everything moved past every quicker Katie couldn't help the feeling of being free. It was almost like being on a horse. You were open, able to move and just...be.

   "I've always enjoyed being on the back of a bike. There is just something about it thats nice, comforting almost."

Sliding down off the horse Ashlee stumbles a little but doesn't fall down. It would get easier with each time she did it for the she was sure. She just had to get use to it and no one got it one the first try for sure. Once getting her footing again and having Eric hold out the rains to her Ashlee beams as she takes them smiling.

   "Wow, thanks."

Walking with the horse and Eric back into the barn Ashlee sets to work with him unsaddling the horses, rubbing them down, and brushing them. Every moment was like a moment of bliss for Ashlee and she loved having Eric helping her.

Once finished she leans in and gives Moonbeam a kiss on the nose and a gentil pat on the neck before turning. She didn't want this to end but she new that though it was her birthday she still had school work and should probley work on that a little before dinner.

   "Thanks again Eric. I should probley head to my bunk and get ready for tonight and work a little bit on my school work. See you tonight?"

Walking outside with Zach Beth takes in a deep breath of the air. It really was a nice day out today and Beth couldn't imagine staying locked inside. She didn't have anything to do tonight that she new of, other than a little cleaning.

   "Sure we can figure something else out to do...I dont think I have anything going on tonight."

Turning to Zach she gives a smile Beth really was having a nice time spending the day with him. It was nice to get out and do something different. Spending time was different from spending time with Justin. Not a bad thing just different, and it was kind of nice to have different personality in the mix.

   "But this time you pick what we do, I picked the last time."

Grace gives a laugh as she stands looking down at Jared her eyes giving a little sparkle. There was something in his eyes that told her he was stubborn, hard headed and wouldn't stop till he got what he wanted. She was happy to see that and his personality was a good match, she liked it.

   "Remember as long as you keep it clean you can...if not than I revoke that right."

Giving a smile she didn't think she really would have anything to worry about. Something told her it would be in good fun and no harm would be done. It could be because he had no memorie of his past or maybe she just trusting.

   "Alright, if you don't have any other questions...I'll see you tomorrow bright and early."

Precious Cargo

A start over. There was hope in that statement. Even so, Jared just wanted to know... he just wanted to know who he really was. 

Grace's question bring his concentration back around again and he scoffs. "You kidding? The sooner the better in my book." He pauses. "Not that I have a book. But if I did, I'm sure that's what it would say." He manages a new little grin. "Besides, I wouldn't want to have to wait several days to flirt with you again since I have permission now." 

Zach grins and reaches over to scratch Thimble's head. "Well in that case, I'll keep you informed about her." 

Showing Beth the rest of the shelter didn't take long. He explained all he did - mostly helping with cleaning cages, feeding and exercising, and he gave Beth contact information in case she did want to come volunteer sometime too. By the time they were finished, it was still early afternoon yet, and it felt too nice of a day to waste. 

Meandering out to the parking lot in the sunshine, Zach puts his hands in his pockets and glances to the side at Beth. "So... you got plans for the rest of the day? Or you wanna go do something?" 

Eric laughs and nods at Ashlee. "You sure are." He wondered for a moment who was having more fun - her or him. 

Though Eric wanted to just let Ashlee ride the rest of the day, he knew they couldn't. But he does let her stay in the saddle as long as he can. 

Finally pulling to a stop in front of the gate, he looks over at Ashlee, grinning. "Well, cowgirl... I think we better dismount for the day. I think we both got things we need to do before we head into town."

Dismounting Static, he walks around to Moonbeam to hold her steady so Ashlee can slide off. Once she was off, he hands her the reins. "Job's not over 'til we get unsaddled. I'll help, but you can do the honors." 

Though most of his face was hidden in his helmet, Hunter's eyes twinkle and his cheek rise, proving he was smiling at Katie's remark. "I think I'd like to see that." 

He hands her the helmet and thumbs to the bike. "She's all warmed up." 

Mounting the motorcycle again, he makes sure Katie gets settled behind him with her feet where they needed to be before he starts up the engine. "By the way, the helmets have mic's in them." He grins, knowing Katie could hear him. "So don't scream - you'll make me deaf." 

Pulling away from the curb, he keeps the speed down for now. "I don't know what kind of bike your boyfriend's got, but you might wanna hang on." He'd be careful, but he knew this was different than other motorcycles, especially for a passenger. If they were gonna have any fun at all, he'd have to feel her hang onto him first - otherwise he'd be afraid of losing her off the back. 

Driving through town, Hunter stays within the speed limit this time. Once they hit the highway though, he gradually takes advantage of the sparse traffic. Leaning low, he keeps his eyes on the road, remaining alert to Katie's movements to make sure she was still on tight. Satisfied she was, he tops the speed limit, watching the lights and signs whiz by. He kicks it into a higher gear but not quite as much as he would if he were alone - not when he had precious cargo sitting behind him. 

Ms. Jefferson

Grace nods as she is quiet for a moment. She understood what Jared was saying. Not knowing who he was could be a scary thing, and getting to know it again even worse when you don't know if its good or bad. She would probley react the same way about it all too.

   "Well if you weren't a good person than that doesn't mean you can't be a good person now. It's almost like a start over."

Giving a smile to Jared she tried to help him look on the bright side. She did believe too that with God's help and kindness anyone could be forgiven, and Jared was no acceptation. Maybe this was just his wake up call to get it together.

   "So tomorrow should we give it a go on stimulating your legs or would you like to give it a few days?"

Holding the cat close Beth can't help but smile at the little purrs that came from the fuzz ball. She was so cute, and so lovey Beth really enjoyed holding her. This how day had been really good so far, and now this was just wonderful too.

   "She is so cute and fuzzy I don't understand how anyone would not want to adopt her."

Pulling the kitty away a little bet Beth looks down into her blue eyes. It broke her heart to think that no one would want this cat and they would have to let her go soon. The can't hadn't done anything wrong so why should it be the one to have its life end.

   "Well...if no one ends up wanting her...I'd take her. She's cute and I could use some company around the apartment. It's to quiet there sometimes."

Doing as Eric said as he lets her take hold herself Ashlee couldn't help the smile that spread even bigger across her face. His instructions were easy to follow and there was no harsh tone in his voice so it was nice to listen to what he had to say.

   "Wow, I'm really doing it...I'm riding a horse."

Gently patting Moonbeams neck  Ashlee quickly returns both hands to the rains as the horse lifted its let a little bit to get an ich. Giving a laugh she couldn't help how silly she must look but she really didn't care either. This was way to much fun.

   "I'll really be a cowgirl now!"

Hearing the bike rev outside Katie new it must be Hunter. Stopping in the living room she gives a little wave to Ryder and Thirteen as she puts her denim jacket on. Her hair was nicely put back in a poney tail and her holds jeans with the small hole in the knee was her atire.

   "I'm going to be going out for a little bit. I got my keys so you can lock the door if you go to bed and I am not home. Have a good night guys."

Slipping her phone into her back pocket before turning from the living room and heading outside closing the door behind her. Making her way down the sidewalk and getting to Hunter Katie puts her hands in her pockets and gives him a small smile.

   "At this rate your going to wake the whole neighborhood and have noise Ms. Jefferson knocking on my door tomorrow asking a million and one questions. Though I wouldn't have any problem to tell her to mine her own bees wax."