

Katie can't help but laugh as she turns her head to look at Hunter. She enjoyed just spending time with him too. It was nice, it felt good, and just having someone to talk to who really had no part in this all made it slightly easier to talk about.

   "Ha, I'm not trying to make him jealouse. I'm not like that. I am just simply trying to have my own friends and not sit at home twiddling my thumbs."

Letting out a sigh again Katie looks at the sky remember what had happened when they were at the park with Sandy and Kaylee. Even though they hadn't talked about it and everything seemed fine it still hurt knowing that whole thing had taken place.

   "I guess you could say maybe I am the one who is jealous.  All Jason talks about anymore is Sandy this and Sandy that, Sandy picked a time for all of us to go bowling...Do you think I ever get invited? No...of course not why would I? And than when he gets a text from her he gets this smile on his face...and...I do feel like whacking him over the head."

Sitting up Katie just than realized she had been rambling. Completely unloading on Hunter and telling him more than maybe he wanted to hear. She couldn't help it though it really was some stuff that had been bothering her and Hunter just happened to be the prime target.

   "Sorry, I didn't mean to just unload on you. Just...When I talk to Jason about it he thinks I am being mean I can see it in his eyes when I mentioned Sandy the other day. Than Rick keeps telling me it will take time for things to work out...I just...everyone says this is normal...but its far from that to me."

Continuing to just rub Jared's legs Grace gives a nod. He'd had a dream, that had to be good. It meant his mind was trying to push through his memories.

   "I wouldn't give up hope yet. Hey...maybe you dont live around here and thats why no one has come to see you! or maybe you could ask you mom about family."

Finally stopping Grace pulls a towl from her bag and an ice pack. Setting it a side she takes the wires off of Jared's leg and puts it on the other. Placing the ice pack on the one she had just worked on. Going around the bed she does that same thing, and starts to rub it as well.

   "So you know, you and your brother dont get along, You father passed away, your mom is greek and you know how to flirt..."

Grace gives a grin.

   "...You know more about your family than I know about mind. I never got to meet my parents. I lived most of my life in an orphanage not because my parents didn't want me but because they didn't have much money and from what I was told they though I would have a better chance else where."

Talking about her past Grace continues to smile. There was no bitterness in her voice, or anger on her face. The past was the past and she had accepted it. It had also drawn her closer to God and shaped her into who she was now.

   "Sometimes I think about finding them, but I figured why? There is so much time lost there that really there is no point. I have my adopted family and to me...they are my real family. I even have a little Neice now too. She is new my sister in law had her last month. But ya know...even if everything is ok...I think there is still and always will be a longer somewhere to know my real parents even if I have accepted everything. Know what I mean?"

Sitting down at the table Stacy was quite comfortable. She let Ashlee have her own space talking with Dylan while she talked with Eric. But at the though and mention of what to eat her eyes scan the menu for another time trying to figure it out.

   "I am kind of at a toss up between the shrimp scampi and the Scallops with risotto. I think I am leaning twords the scampi though."

   "I already know what I want. I would like to get the breaded jumbo shrimp with lemon butter sause and the backed potato with lobster on it. I think that looks really good."

Closing her menu Ashlee herself new she had to or she would look over the menu again and want something different this time. It was always like that when she went out to eat. The more she looked the more she wanted to try something different.

Turning to Dylan she gives a smile wondering if he had figured out what he wanted to order. He could take his time no one was in a rush. She did want to help him relax though.

   "Hey, now that I am learning how to ride when I get better maybe we can ride together. I bet that would be fun."

Looking and listing to her daughter Stacy gives another smile. She was so proud of how her daughter had turned out and how good she was. Every day was a blessing and made her prouder and prouder. Giving a glance back to Eric she just smiles.

   "Thanks for sharing this special day with us. I know it means a lot to Ashlee and I both."

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