

"I like seafood," Eric agrees. "Dylan?" 

Dylan had been paying more attention to the scenery than the conversation and looks quickly from the window. "Um, yeah, that's fine."

"Good. Then seafood it is." Eric gestures out the windshield. "Once we get into town, you'll want to take a right at the first stoplight." 

It didn't take too much longer until the little group had made it into town and to the restaurant. They were just early enough that it wasn't too busy yet, which was just fine. 

Getting inside and finding a nice table, Eric sits opposite Dylan, so Stacy and Ashlee can be across from each other too. After they are given water and menus, they're left alone for just a little while.

Dylan scans the menu having absolutely no idea what to get either. This wasn't the most expensive place but it wasn't cheap either. He wasn't sure what he should choose and didn't want to pick something too expensive. He opts to wait and see what the others are having first. 

Eric quirks an eyebrow, cocking his head at his own menu. "I may not be able to decide," he muses. "Although lobster is sounding mighty good." 

"Right." Hunter didn't really understand, but it was obvious that Katie felt she was being treated unfairly - enough so that she was hurt. At least Hunter could sense it. It was all over her face and in her tone. "I told you next time he made you feel bad to whack him upside the head." 

He lies on his back again, contemplating the whole thing. "So... really, you're hanging out with me for spite." He grins. "If you're trying to make him jealous though, we should probably be seen somewhere more public than this next time."

He turns his head a little to look at Katie again. "Although... I must say... this is nice." 

Jared grins, finding out Grace was single. At least now he wouldn't feel guilty for his silly banter with her. 

Watching everything she was doing, he takes interest in how she was hooking everything up. It was obvious she was skilled in this area - it was beyond him. He did feel a very faint tingle though, so that must be good. 

Her question makes him shake his head. "Nah. I've almost given up. Although I had a weird dream last night.  I was a kid and there was another boy... I woke up wondering if it was my brother, but I don't know."

He falls silent for a moment, toying with the edge of his blanket. "My mom and brother are the only two people that have come to visit me. Nobody else has or even contacted me or anything. It... kinda makes me wonder why, ya know? Like... there's obviously some history between me and Justin, but I wonder if maybe he's not the only person I've ticked off or something." 

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