
waiting for nothing

Just quiet for a moment at Hunters comment about Jason and her Katie lets the warm breeze pass over her. They wernt at odds so to say but they wernt ok either. It seemed like they were drifting farther apart, and spending time together was less and less.

   "No not really at odds just...its just...the whole connection thing and...out time spend together had been less and less. I sit at home waiting for him to call or ask me to go out with his friends too...but it just...it never happens."

Letting out a heavy sigh Katie flops down on her back. She didn't care if she got sand or grass on her. Looking up at the sky was to pretty and as her mind wondered on Jason and how much fun he was having...she tried even hard not too it hurt to know she was missing out.

    "So if he can go out with his friends, I guess I can go out with mine too. I dont think it would be to fare for me to continue sitting around and waiting for nothing right?"

Sitting in the backseat Ashlee thinks for a moment. What did she want for dinner? It would be something that she didn't have often but something everyone would want. Going through the options again she finally smiled.

   "How about seafood? As long as everyone else dosent mind."

Looking at her daughter in the rear view mirror and than over to Eric Stacy gives a smile at her daughters taste. She didnt mind seafood at all and it was something they didn't have often.

   "That sounds great with me if it is with everyone else."

Grace gives a laugh as she goes over to Jared and pulls up his pants leg places some of the sticky pads onto it and than hooking the wire up. Doing her best not to put them in spots where they would hurt coming off.

   "Thats a good question and the answer would be...no. I don't so your in the clear for now."

Once finished Grace turns it on a very low setting so Jared could get use to it and than turns it up. Seeing his toes twitch a little more she gives a nod and sets the device down while it was still on.

   "See how your toes are moving on there own from the eletric jolts? Thats a good thing it means you nerves arnt damaged and there is much hope that with lots of work you will walk again."

Pulling a chair over to the bed Grace sits down and working around the wires she starts to rub his leg as she tries to get the blood pumping in them again. It would help and than after would come icing it, than heating it. Continuing to rub she tries to make a little small talk too.

   "So...any luck remembering anything today?"

   "I think thats a great idea. Ice cream and the Antique place might be fun."

Beth liked that idea and who new maybe she would be able to find a few things for around her apartment. She'd like to get some new stuff in that place, some stuff she could call her own and really enjoy.

  "I'm kind of having a hankering for some frozen yourget with all the unhealthy fixings."

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