

Putting the helmet on and getting on behind the bike Katie can't help but smile herself as she can hear Hunter loud and clean. She was impressed to say the least but than again should she be surprised? She'd never been to a bike race, let along a car race but from seeing reports they made some good money. So why wouldn't Hunter go all out with what he had?

   "He doesn't have a bike like this but I'll be ok. Hold on tight, don't move around to much...lets do this."

Making sure her arms were around Hunter good before they stared Katie was ready. Taking the easy start through town Katie didn't mind. She could be more relaxed, get the feel of the bike and enjoy the scenes. It was always different being on a bike than in a car and everything seemed to look differently to her too.

Coming to the highway Katie new she better hang on a little bit better. As the bike starts to go faster and the lights wiz by she was happy she was right as her grip tightens a little more. She wasn't scared though she had gone fast with Jason before and for some reason she just new Hunter was in control.

   "I think you picked the highway for one reason...you just wanted me to hold you tighter."

Though Hunter couldn't see her a grin formed on Katie's face anyways. There was a joking tone in her voice though so he would know she was. Continuing to watch as everything moved past every quicker Katie couldn't help the feeling of being free. It was almost like being on a horse. You were open, able to move and just...be.

   "I've always enjoyed being on the back of a bike. There is just something about it thats nice, comforting almost."

Sliding down off the horse Ashlee stumbles a little but doesn't fall down. It would get easier with each time she did it for the she was sure. She just had to get use to it and no one got it one the first try for sure. Once getting her footing again and having Eric hold out the rains to her Ashlee beams as she takes them smiling.

   "Wow, thanks."

Walking with the horse and Eric back into the barn Ashlee sets to work with him unsaddling the horses, rubbing them down, and brushing them. Every moment was like a moment of bliss for Ashlee and she loved having Eric helping her.

Once finished she leans in and gives Moonbeam a kiss on the nose and a gentil pat on the neck before turning. She didn't want this to end but she new that though it was her birthday she still had school work and should probley work on that a little before dinner.

   "Thanks again Eric. I should probley head to my bunk and get ready for tonight and work a little bit on my school work. See you tonight?"

Walking outside with Zach Beth takes in a deep breath of the air. It really was a nice day out today and Beth couldn't imagine staying locked inside. She didn't have anything to do tonight that she new of, other than a little cleaning.

   "Sure we can figure something else out to do...I dont think I have anything going on tonight."

Turning to Zach she gives a smile Beth really was having a nice time spending the day with him. It was nice to get out and do something different. Spending time was different from spending time with Justin. Not a bad thing just different, and it was kind of nice to have different personality in the mix.

   "But this time you pick what we do, I picked the last time."

Grace gives a laugh as she stands looking down at Jared her eyes giving a little sparkle. There was something in his eyes that told her he was stubborn, hard headed and wouldn't stop till he got what he wanted. She was happy to see that and his personality was a good match, she liked it.

   "Remember as long as you keep it clean you can...if not than I revoke that right."

Giving a smile she didn't think she really would have anything to worry about. Something told her it would be in good fun and no harm would be done. It could be because he had no memorie of his past or maybe she just trusting.

   "Alright, if you don't have any other questions...I'll see you tomorrow bright and early."

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