
Precious Cargo

A start over. There was hope in that statement. Even so, Jared just wanted to know... he just wanted to know who he really was. 

Grace's question bring his concentration back around again and he scoffs. "You kidding? The sooner the better in my book." He pauses. "Not that I have a book. But if I did, I'm sure that's what it would say." He manages a new little grin. "Besides, I wouldn't want to have to wait several days to flirt with you again since I have permission now." 

Zach grins and reaches over to scratch Thimble's head. "Well in that case, I'll keep you informed about her." 

Showing Beth the rest of the shelter didn't take long. He explained all he did - mostly helping with cleaning cages, feeding and exercising, and he gave Beth contact information in case she did want to come volunteer sometime too. By the time they were finished, it was still early afternoon yet, and it felt too nice of a day to waste. 

Meandering out to the parking lot in the sunshine, Zach puts his hands in his pockets and glances to the side at Beth. "So... you got plans for the rest of the day? Or you wanna go do something?" 

Eric laughs and nods at Ashlee. "You sure are." He wondered for a moment who was having more fun - her or him. 

Though Eric wanted to just let Ashlee ride the rest of the day, he knew they couldn't. But he does let her stay in the saddle as long as he can. 

Finally pulling to a stop in front of the gate, he looks over at Ashlee, grinning. "Well, cowgirl... I think we better dismount for the day. I think we both got things we need to do before we head into town."

Dismounting Static, he walks around to Moonbeam to hold her steady so Ashlee can slide off. Once she was off, he hands her the reins. "Job's not over 'til we get unsaddled. I'll help, but you can do the honors." 

Though most of his face was hidden in his helmet, Hunter's eyes twinkle and his cheek rise, proving he was smiling at Katie's remark. "I think I'd like to see that." 

He hands her the helmet and thumbs to the bike. "She's all warmed up." 

Mounting the motorcycle again, he makes sure Katie gets settled behind him with her feet where they needed to be before he starts up the engine. "By the way, the helmets have mic's in them." He grins, knowing Katie could hear him. "So don't scream - you'll make me deaf." 

Pulling away from the curb, he keeps the speed down for now. "I don't know what kind of bike your boyfriend's got, but you might wanna hang on." He'd be careful, but he knew this was different than other motorcycles, especially for a passenger. If they were gonna have any fun at all, he'd have to feel her hang onto him first - otherwise he'd be afraid of losing her off the back. 

Driving through town, Hunter stays within the speed limit this time. Once they hit the highway though, he gradually takes advantage of the sparse traffic. Leaning low, he keeps his eyes on the road, remaining alert to Katie's movements to make sure she was still on tight. Satisfied she was, he tops the speed limit, watching the lights and signs whiz by. He kicks it into a higher gear but not quite as much as he would if he were alone - not when he had precious cargo sitting behind him. 

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