
Thanks for Trying

Not giving much resistance to Rick's prompt to lay down next to Jason she swings her legs up onto the bed and lays her head down on the pillow next to Jason's. Keeping her fingers locked with his she drew his emotions out with what he would give but she new he had to give more.

I know, I love you to Jason. Its just part of the process, its ok.

As Jason lets his emotions go Katie gives a gasp as her grips onto Jason's hand even tighter. It took everything she had not to scream out in pain. It would only make it worse so she did her best to keep the scream in but her whimpers escaped anyways.

Just letting the emotions filter through her mind Katie understood what had happened and everything else around her seemed to fade. Everyone in the room, it was her and Jason, his emotions and his throughs, what he saw, and how he felt it was all given to her so she to now new what was going on.

Letting her own grip go soft a little Katie relaxed a little as the emotions started to slow. Forcing her eyes open she felt so tired, and drained but she forced a smile anyways. Her voice was soft as she leaned her head close to his.

"Don't be sorry. I'm ok, just tired. Are you...going to be ok?"

Hearing Justin's voice Dalton's head shoots up. Feeling a little irritation grow there was something in Justin's eyes that stops Dalton. It was almost a look of defeat, a glint that had gone out. There was a pang in Dalton's heart as the soft spot was being hit.

Just continuing to look at him Dalton listins hearing the words he said. Hearing that Scott didn't want to see Justin anymore and or himself Dalton's shoulders seemed to sink a little bit. He had known about Hope and he had choose not to tell Scott out of her own wish and now...now Scott new and maybe he was worse off.

As Justin continues to talk for once he was actually thankful for his words. He felt in a way defeated that his friend was now pulling away, and he couldn't do anything but blame himself. Seeing Justin start to leave Dalton stands up from his desk and moves around it. Maybe it was at the moment he himself felt weak that his friend was angry at him, or maybe it was the look in Justin's eye that made him see he did care.


Taking a few steps twords him Dalton lets out a long sigh before holding his hand out quickly in a gesture to shake it.

"..this doesn't mean I like you, but...thanks for trying to help Scott. You've done a lot of good for him."

Giving a laugh at Ariel's mention to being lazy Trey just shakes his head a little bit. He didn't mind driving he just had wondered how close things where together and just trying to get his bearings.

"Driving for the lazy it is than. I think I can handle that."

Once the food was ready Trey grabs what he can along with making sure there was a set of chop stix as well. Following Ariel out of the chines restraint he followed her to her car. it wasn't the best of car but it was wheels non the less and that was more than he could say for himself.

Getting in and keeping the conversation light it didn't take much time to get to the park and Trey was following Ariel once again till coming to a picnic table and getting comfortable. Getting his chop stix out and opening his meal Trey gives a small smile as he hears Ariel's question. Just letting it linger for a long moment as he took a bit of his food he closes his eyes enjoying how good this really had tasted. Done chewing he opens his eyes again and looks across the table at Ariel.

"It's not so bad once I am out and about. Still not sure about how long I'll be here. I guess for a guy how has a hit over his head there is no timing till they are ready to stop. I have a feeling I'll be around for quite a while though. Doesn't seem like its to bad of a town just...a lot slower than what I am use to."

Thinking for a moment it was easy to see Thirteen was thinking about Jeff and trying to remember who he was. A smile spreads across her faces as her memorie takes hold and she gives a small nod agreeing with Ryder as he spoke.

"Oh yes I remember Jeff, Katie's dad. I think Ryder is right and Katie wouldn't mind at all. Having the whole family together would be a nice thing."

Just letting Ryder and Trent go back and forth for a few moments Thirteen didn't mind. Keeping her smile and looking at her dad she couldn't help but just be happy he was here, on his own he had come to see her. Really it did make her feel good.

As the conversation comes back to her Thirteen's smile grows even more hearing her father was interesting in knowing, really knowing how she was.

"I've been doing pretty good. I have a job now part time working at Mom and Pop's. Carson is really nice to work for and it is nice to get out of the house a little."

Taking in a deep breath Thirteen is quiet for a moment thinking about everything else that was pretty new.

"Ryder was teaching me how to drive too. I think I did ok, other than hitting the curb when I tried to park. Oh I got to go to the pet store as well as look at the puppy's they were cute. How about you? How about you? Anything new going on?"

Giving a grin Dan enters into the bunk house even more and closes the door behind him. The smile on his face just seems to grow even more as he sinks down on the bed. Jade made him feel so good, he just loved being close to her for that reason.

"I'll be your pillow all day as long as that meant I could be close to you."

Placing a kiss on the top of her head and scooting down on the bed Dan wraps his arm around Jade and pulls her close to him. Though it might be a long time still till they married, just knowing that ring was on her finger and that one day they would it put butterflys in his stomach. That someone could love him again, it was a great feeling.

"So what movie are we watching? A chick flick?"

Giving a chuckle and following Sparky into the other room Faith couldn't help the smile on her lips. She enjoyed being there for Sparky and doing things for him. After all the help he had given her it was the last she could do.

"Your very welcome my Love. Is everything going to be ok now?"

Faith couldn't help but worry. Rosetta and BJ hadn't come down for dinner, and after hearing Mike road off she couldn't help but worry. Faith had only been here a short while but this place, and these people already it felt like home to her and what happened to them mattered.

Getting the kiss from Mick Rosetta gives a smile and leans into him a little bit resting her head on his chest. She'd missed him all day, and had worried about him as well. It was normal for her to worry when something wasn't right.

"Your in luck I just brewed a fresh pot of coffee so that will keep me up with you a little longer."

Pouring a cup for herself and than one for Mick as well Rosetta brings them over to the table along with a bowl of hot soup and sets them down. Taking her place beside Mick she sits for a moment running her finger of the rim of her glass. Turning her head a little and looking at Mick she just studys him for a long moment.

The look in Mick's eye was one Rosetta had grown to know well. He was tired, and still beating himself up for this whole thing when really he had nothing to do with it. Reaching out Rosetta puts her hand over top of Mick's her warm fingers meeting his. Running the tips of her fingers over his.

"You can't blame yourself Mick. The air is filled with what if, but even if those could be answered and things could be different it doesn't mean that would be. We just have to deal with the now, and let everything else be in God's hands."

Letting her fingers move up his arm Rosetta finally puts her arm over his shoulders. Pulling herself a little closer to him and just letting her own warmth transfer to his cold skin.

"I love you Mick, and we are in this together. Your not alone never forget that...ok?"

Tough stuff

Seeing his daughter in trouble, Jeff is instantly concerned. "Katie... are you okay?" His hand goes to her shoulder instinctively. Feeling panicked, he tries to remain calm, not understanding why his hand starts to shake with nervousness. When Katie mentions Jason though, he suddenly realizes what's happening and he nods. "Don't worry about lunch. Let's go." He'd offer to drive, but she's already pulling out again, so he just keeps a close eye on her, wondering what was really going on. He knew all about Katie and Jason's connection, but there were still so many unanswered questions that it just made him worry all the more. Seeing her suffer... it didn't seem fair. He didn't care about postponing lunch or any silly inconvenience - it was seeing his daughter in pain that was the worst for him.

Her apology after the phone call makes him roll his eyes. "There's nothing to be sorry about. It's not your fault."

Back at TJY, Jeff does his best to help Katie inside and to the infirmary. There was a strange tension in the air... or maybe it was just his own emotions that were being unintentionally toyed with. He couldn't tell. Reaching the infirmary, he stands back just to watch, not wanting to get in the way, and confused about what had happened.

Jason's eyes had fallen shut and he was now shaking, desperately trying to put a lid on all of these rampant emotions. Suddenly realizing Katie was there, his hand reaches for hers and unknowingly puts it in a death grip. A simple touch broke a hole through the wall and like a breath of fresh air, he could feel her... he could hear her.

Katie... I'm trying... trying so hard. It just won't stop.

Rick is right there and coaxes Katie to lie on the bed where she could remain with Jason and not collapse. "Take it easy," he prompts gently. "We weren't sure how he'd take the news of..." He glances back over his shoulder at Jeff. "Would you mind closing the door?"

"Oh... sure." Jeff goes to leave as well, but Rick stops him.

"No, no... you can stay. Please, actually."

Confused but compliant, Jeff shuts the door and comes closer, setting his hand back on Katie's shoulder again and giving it a little squeeze, though he knew it wouldn't help any.

Rick nods and goes on. "We've discovered that Jason has a twin brother. The news was a shock and Jason's emotions took over."

Jason shakes and seems to be completely out of it, but he responds in a strained voice. "Stupid emotions... I ought not... not care."

"You're still human," Rick reminds. Checking Jason's eyes with a pen light, he tries to keep him conscious. "Jase, you have to let go. Katie's here now... you have to do it or we're going to have to severe your connection before you guys get hurt."

Jason grits his teeth. "I don't want to hurt-"

"Do it," Rick orders sternly. He knew that though painful, it was still the best option for everyone in the room.

Eyes still closed as he curls on his side, Jason's grip on Katie's hand doesn't loosen. He knew Rick was right. The only way was for him to let go and let Katie absorb everything so that no one was harmed.
This is gonna hurt. I love you, Katie.

Cringing as the pain rages through him, he finally lets it go, allowing all of the strong emotions to race towards Katie - the only source for relief. All of the pain, anger, hurt, confusion and more swirls around in a venomous whirlpool - his poison, her life. Along with the emotions are the images and sounds from the shock itself - the meeting in Reese's office, who was involved and why it was so upsetting. Jason gave freely, knowing that Katie would now know exactly what was going on and would know that it was Trey.

Jeff is still behind Katie and Rick paces nervously, wishing, as always, that he had a better solution for these two. He glances to Misty and nods to the syringe. "I don't think we'll need the rest of that." The tension in the room was lessening and they could tell that the worst was behind them now.

Though over in a matter of minutes, it felt like hours and Jason's heart races, sweat running down his face. His grip on Katie's hand loosens though, his free hand reaching up to run through her hair. "I'm sorry," he whispers weakly. "You okay?"

Justin heads down the hall at TJY, figuring he probably should have called first but... if he had, he might have lost his nerve. This visit was necessary... it was something he had to do whether he liked it or not.

Reaching Dalton's office, he pauses and takes a deep breath before knocking. Once hearing Dalton's voice, he enters slowly, but only a few feet, not wanting to invade the giant's space. "Dalton." He nods his greeting. "I'm sorry to just drop in like this, but I won't keep you."

Taking a deep breath, he cuts right to the chase. "Look, um... I just wanted to let you know that I'll finally be out of your hair. I have... been asked to no longer be Scott's counselor." His gaze holds frustration, a bit of sorrow, and some disappointment. "After he found out about Hope, he was pretty upset with me for not telling him sooner and... he told me not to come back, so... that's that." He pauses, wanting even less to say the rest, but he knew he needed to. "I'm... also here to let you know that at the moment, Scott is quite upset with you and Sapphire as well, for the same reason."

Searching Dalton's eyes, Justin tries to make it easier, even though he knows well enough that it won't do much good. "He's asked that you don't return. However... I'm confident that he'll come around. He'll need a shoulder when Hope is gone and whether he'd ever admit it or not, you and his sister are the stability he's often relied on." He stops for another moment, not wanting anyone to be upset with Scott. "I take full responsibility for all of this. I'm sure I could have handled things differently so that I would have been the only one he'd blame. So I'm sorry that he's reacted this way to you now too. It should have just been me."

Justin bites the inside of his lower lip, really not knowing what else he could say. "I'm sure you're thrilled that I won't be back around here anymore," he muses wryly. "I guess the last thing I want to say is I would advise waiting a while then maybe calling up to Brookshire to Doctor Hawks. He'll be able to tell you if Scott wants any company at that point."

A final pause gives Justin time to search Dalton's eyes one last time. "If I've offended or wronged you in any way, you have my apologies - I wish I could have done more for both you and Scott. You've been a good friend to him... and I know that you'll continue to be. He's lucky to have someone like you around."

Ariel orders the orange chicken with fried rice, then smiles gratefully when Trey pays for the meal. "You didn't have to, but thank you."

Letting her eyes settle on his as he speaks, she shakes her head. "The park is pretty close - we might be able to walk if we took a couple shortcuts, but carrying all our food would be a hassle." She grins. "Call me lazy."

Their food is ready in only a few minutes, so Ariel leads the way out to her older red car. Driving to the park takes about five minutes with stop lights and traffic, but once they arrive, the park is pretty empty. Parking in the gravel lot, Ariel grins and gets out to come around and help Trey with the food, again taking the lead as she shows him to a picnic table under a nice shady tree. "This looks good."

Getting settled and saying a quick prayer of thanks, she unwraps her plastic fork to begin eating. "So... you've been here a few more days now," she comments. "Still unsure how long you'll stay?"

"Uh..." Trent was just a little overwhelmed, and unsure how to respond to Thirteen's enthusiasm. "I... well, Jeff is with me... you remember him? He came to see Katie so... so that would be two of us."

"We've got room for you both," Ryder offers. "I'm sure Katie wouldn't mind her dad sticking around too." He cocks his head in a silent prompt. Trent had come this far - would he follow through with a genuine effort?

Trent looks down then glances back to Thirteen. As his shoulders slouch a little, he starts to relax and he finally nods. "Okay... it'll save money for a hotel and... I'll get to try some of this cooking of yours."

Ryder grins. "She does a right good job."

"I hear you're doing some cooking yourself."

"Yeah, they're trying to turn me into an Italian cook. Guess it doesn't bother me too much."

"What is it with you Australians anyway? First Carson, then you..."

Ryder smirks. "Just one of those weird coincidences of life. I may not mind cooking and I'll admit I have fun in the kitchen sometimes but I could never take it on full-time. Not like Carson does."

Trent grins a little. "Then I guess it's a good thing you've got Jas... Thirteen around, huh?"

"I suppose it is." Ryder tosses Thirteen a wink and a smile.

A bit of an awkward pause follows, and Trent leans his elbows on his knees, fidgeting his fingers nervously. "So..." He glances to his daughter again. "How have you been?"

Hearing the knock at her door, Jade glances to her clock. She figured everyone had parted for the night after supper was over, so most likely it was only one person. A grin forms.

Sliding off her bed and padding in her bare feet to the door, she opens it and looks up at Dan. His comment makes her giggle and she bites her lip coyly. "She's doing very well - much better now that her husband-to-be came calling."

Opening up the door wider, she ushers him inside before shutting out the chilly night air. Turning around, she stands on her tiptoes to give Dan a lingering kiss on the lips, ending with a bright smile. "I was hoping you would come spend some time with me."

Going back to the bed, she slides on top and pats next to her as the movie she was watching on television still played. "I'll give you another kiss if I can use you as a pillow," she bribes.

Though weary, Faith's greeting brings a smile to Sparky's lips, forming little wrinkles under his eyes. Returning her kiss, his eyes are a little brighter now, seeing that she'd stayed up waiting for him.

"Mmm, that sounds great." He nods in response to the offer of something to eat and drink. He really was quite hungry.

Taking Faith's hands, he wraps her palms in and around his, feeling her warmth against his icy cold skin. "You're nice and warm," he teases. "You might just have to sit on my lap to warm me up."

Heading to the table, within a few minutes, Sparky's finally letting the hot soup slide down his throat. On a night like tonight, it hit the spot. Looking to his side at Faith, he smiles again. "Thank you."

Mick's uneven footsteps are tired as he limps up the porch steps and enters the house, closing the door quietly behind him. He knew BJ was probably in bed by now, and felt badly that he hadn't been there to say goodnight to the boy, but he'd make up for it in the morning. Seeing the light on in the kitchen and smelling the coffee and dinner, Mick knew that Rosetta was still up and gratefulness didn't cover half of what he felt.

Slipping off his boots, he winces as his knee twists and he leans on the wall for support, sighing wearily. Hanging up his jacket and hat, he runs a hand through his matted hair and finally makes it to the kitchen. Standing in the doorway for a moment, he cocks his head and just looks at Rosetta in the warm light, remembering why he came home every night.

Still favoring his sore leg, he bypasses his chair to go to Rosetta first, leaning down to give her lips a tender kiss. "Thanks for waiting up," he mentions quietly. "I could use the company for a while."

Going to his normal seat and easing down a bit gingerly, he rests his elbows on the table and sets his forehead on his folded hands, his head bowed. He was tired, inside and out and though determined to do something about the current situation, a part of him was still broken and blaming himself for it all. He was so hungry and cold, but it was going to take a few minutes to gather his thoughts before he could eat. Maybe he needed comfort and just wasn't sure how to ask.


Whats going on?

Giving another smile and pulling on Jason's own happy feelings she was returning the love to him. She was so thankful he was so understanding, and that they had figured there special ability out. It made her feel good, special that they could share there emotions like no one else.

Thanks J, this means a lot. I'll catch up with you a little later. Need anything just call.

Turning back to her dad and giving a nod Katie was excited she would get to spend some time with her dad for lunch. It would be a great break in the busy day she needed.

"Ok we will see how Trent feels about it later than. I'd love for you guys to stay at the house."

Letting go of Jeff's hand and going around the cubical again she grabs her jacket and keys shutting off her monitor. Her work could wait for a little while and when she got back she could buckle down.

Heading out Katie laughs at the small back and forth with Jeff, Jason and Gunner. Get those three all together and they could be a ball of a time for anyone who new them. Finally trying to pull Jeff away though so the boys could get some work done she laughs and toss a wave over her shoulder heading to the elevator with Jeff.

"Ok Dad, we've got a half hour maybe even a little bit longer to have some catch up. Anything special you want to eat or you want to go? I'll drive where ever."

Sitting down with her dad on the couch and having Ryder join them Thirteen couldn't help but be happy. Hearing that everyone was ok, and so was Trent his awkwardness just seemed to pass her by as she didn't even pay any mind to it.

"I'm happy your here. And a little help would be nice. It might take a little stress off Ryder."

Thirteen looks to him and gives a smile. Though he didn't really say it she could tell he was bent out of shape for not being able to do the things he normally did for her. She didn't mind at all but she new it bothered him.

"Do you any place to stay? I am sure Katie wont mind if you stay here. It would be really nice. Ryder has taught me how to cool, and I work at Mom and Pop's with Carson and he lets me cook sometimes too. So I know how to make a few things."

Thirteen couldn't help but be excited. She wanted to cook for her dad and show him everything she had learned in the last few months. It was exciting to her, and she loved every moment.

Still sitting quietly in one of the chairs Misty gives a small smile to Jason as he enters the office. She didn't want there to be much tension but she new no matter what or how friendly they made this there still would be. It was just something they could not help right now.

Jason was a close friend to her and seeing the look of confusion on his face killed her. She new it would only get harder as they told him what this was about. Misty only hoped since Katie was not here, her close friendship with Jason could come into play if he got upset.

Looking to Reese Misty shakes her head a little. She had no way to help really, Reese words were just as good as hers would be right now as they tried to give the blow to Jason slowly and not full in your face.

Glancing back to Rick again Misty just continues to listen before looking to Jason once more. She was trying to read him, and his emotion levels. It took her a lot more concentration than it would take Katie because of there connection but Misty new she had to.

Seeing Jason start to get upset Misty moves forward in her chair a little. She would be there if her friend needed her but at the moment she didn't need to react, but she readied herself knowing it was coming. Hearing Rick's direction Misty leaves the office and moves quickly to the infirmary not bothering to say anything to anyone along the way going right to the cabinet and getting a needle ready.

As Rick enters and asks for the dose Misty has it in no time. Giving the shot to Jason and than laying her own hand on his arm Misty just wanted him to know she was there. Looking up at Rick she gives a nod. She'd call Katie and let her know what was going on and to come back so she didn't worry to much.

Getting to the restraint her dad had picked out Katie parks the car. Starting to get out she suddenly lets out a cry and she doubles over and her head rest on the steering wheel the pain that surged through was like the one she had felt before. No of Jason being cut off, but of his own emotions going haywire like there was something horribly wrong.

Remembering her dad was in the car Katie did her best to maintain control and not let her own emotion go haywire causing her dad any panic as he was probably doing all ready.

J...whats happening....whats going on? Are...are you ok?

Trying to grasp onto Jason's emotions its like she can't his own were pushing back so strong. Lifting her head and squinting her eyes a little the pain seemed to subside a tiny bit enough for her to drive.

Looking to her dad she could see the bit of worry on his face, her own look was one that apologized.

"Somethings wrong with Jason, I have to go back to work. We can grab lunch once I know everything is ok?"

Starting the car and taking is slow Katie heads back to work. Her phone going off makes her jump and she pulls it out. Seeing it was Misty her heart races knowing now something was wrong. Putting it on speaker phone she talks while she drives.

"Misty whats going on? Something is wrong with Jason!"

"Kate, he's ok he is here at TJY."

"I felt his emotions spike as I doubled over in pain. They are faint now...but I can still feel it."

"We had to give him a little bit of the antidote. He had a shock to his system on something we told him and he didn't take it well."

"What was it?"

"Can you come back to TJY, we can tell you more here."

"I'm already on my way."

"We figured you were but wanted to make sure. See you when you get back here."

Hanging up the phone Katie gives a little gasp as she continues to drive consternating on a few things at once made her head hurt even more. What could they have told Jason to upset him.

"I'm really sorry about this dad."

Finally making it back to TJY and parking the car Katie waits a few moments before getting out of the car. Her head was spinning from emotions, from pain, from trying to drive and trying to keep her emotional response away from her dad so his worry didn't increase.

Getting out finally and slowly making her way downstairs and across the floor Katie heads for the infirmary. Opening the door and entering she says nothing as she goes over to Jason. It felt like she would pass out herself but she had to touch him, know he was ok, she had to be there. Feeling his skin on her hand she leans her head down so her for head was resting on his.

"I'm here J...it's ok...I'm here."

Not moving her words were low but clean as she tried to stay with it. She felt so tired herself and drained but she had to stay away for J...she had to know what was going on.

"Whats going on? What happened?"

Having Ariel link arms with him to Trey by surprise a little bit but he didn't let it show to much. Crooking his arm up and bringing his hand to lay over her hand he gives a grin as they enter the Chinese place. He felt proud of have a pretty girl on his arm and he held his head just a little higher.

"I think that sounds like a good idea. I spend to much time inside as it is, so being out in the nice weather is a better idea than you could imagine."

Looking up at the list of everything that was on there he found something that sounded good and almost like what Margret there cook at home made. He's always loved her food, and the way she cooked. It was never one thing but a mixture of cultures.

"I think I'll have the Broccilie and pepper steak, and can I get lo main instead of rice."

Giving his order and than waiting for Ariel to give her own Trey gets some drinks for them as well before opening his wallet and paying for the meal. He's asked her out to lunch so he was going to pay for it as well. It was only right to do it that way.

"So is the park far from here?"

Not knowing really where anything was from them Trey felt kind of lost as they waited for there food. He had a rough idea on how to get back to TJY but anything more than that and really he just want sure.

Hearing Dylan's reply Dan gives a little laugh and a wave to Dylan as he heads out of the barn again. Some day Dan would get him to trust the horses, and see they would be only as nervous as he was. Giving a shake of his head Dan continues to work.

Finishing up his work and putting all the horses back where they belonged Dan exited the barn and looked around for a moment. Seeing the light on in Jade's bunk Dan new she was still awake. Giving a smile and heading that way it doesn't take long as he knocks on the door and opens it once Jade answers.

"And hows the future Miss. Palmer doing tonight?"

Hearing the knock on the door and letting Sparky in Rosetta couldn't help the slightly worried look on her face. She believed Mick had a good head on his shoulders now and wouldn't do anything stupid but she worried anyways that he would be ok.

"Thank you Sparky, It means a lot that you went out there for me."

Giving a smile to Sparky and a nod of head she was very thankful for him and his willing heart to go when she had asked without any questions.d Sparky had always been loyal and she was so happy for that.

Once he was gone and Rosetta new Mick would be in shortly she goes to the coffee pot and bews a nice hot pot for him along with warming up some dinner and setting it on the table with him. Sitting down Rosetta waits for Mick to come back to the house. She'd go out and meet him but with BJ in the house sleeping she didn't want to go far.

Sitting in the kitchen with two cups of warm coco Faith was reading a book. She new Sparky had been out with Mick. After asking Rosetta if she new where Sparky was she didn't feel worried and he would find his way back.

So she waited with some food in the microwave so when he did come back she could give him something warm to eat. Hearing the door open and looking up a smile forms on Faith's lips. Putting the book down and slowly standing Faith slowly makes her way over to where Sparky was standing. The tiny ring on the finger glittering in the light of the room.

"Well look what the cat dragged in. I though for sure you were lost. I kept some coco and soup warmed up for you."

Leaning up gently Faith leans into Sparky to gives him a light kiss before pulling away her eyes twinkling as she looked into his eyes. Her love reflecting in them showing how much she did care and love him.

Extraordinary Shock

Jason keeps his eyes on Gunner's screen, determined not to give away the fact that he was conversing with Katie. Gunner was quite good, however, at being able to read both Jason and Katie when they were communicating.

Dinner sounds fantastic - go enjoy your dad for lunch.

Jason wraps his statement in the same emotions he would have if he were giving Katie a hug and a kiss - just an invisible touch of love that only they knew about.

I'm swamped here today so we'll hook up somehow when the day is over.

Jeff grins and shrugs, giving Katie's hand a squeeze. "Okay... I don't mind staying at the house if you don't." He quirks an eyebrow. "'Cept you don't know who I'm with. Maybe I brought some crazed neighbor or something."

Still smiling, he chuckles, unable to keep a straight face with her. "Naw, it's just Trent. He came to see Thirteen. If it goes well, I'm sure he'll be glad to stay there too, but I don't want to pressure him if he's uncomfortable. We can tackle that tonight though."

Heading out with Katie a few minutes later, they pass by Gunner's cubicle where Jeff and Jason exchange a quick hello and handshake.

"Take care of her," Jason warns teasingly.

"I could say the same thing to you," Jeff retorts, his eyes twinkling with humor.

"I suppose you do have first rights."

"You better believe it."

Jason grins and tosses Katie a wink. "Go have fun. I'll see you later."

A yank on his sleeve forces him to spin back around to the work at hand and Gunner leans back to give a little wave of his own.

"Tata. Good to see you, Jeff. Katie, get out of here before the boss keeps you here, and before you distract Hotshot any more than you already have."

Jason gives him a thump on the head and smirks, returning to the computer screen.

Jeff laughs and slings an arm around Katie's shoulder. "I think we better leave before I cause any more commotion."

Thirteen's enthusiastic greeting catches Trent off guard just a little and his hug is an awkward one, though he does return the gesture. Being pulled into the house and towards the living room though, he throws a glance over his shoulder to Ryder, his eyes slightly wide as if asking for help.

Ryder just grins though - Trent was on his own for this one. He shakes his head and shuts the door then hobbles into the living room at a slower pace.

Trent sits down on the edge of the couch, seeming for a moment to be not even sure how to answer Thirteen. "Um... fine and... good... I think." A little smile finally breaks through as he feels just a tad silly. He really did feel quite awkward.

"I... just, um... thought I would visit." He nods. "To... see if I could help out since Ryder was laid up and... and to see you."

Ryder eases down in a chair and holds in his smile. It must have taken an awful lot just for Trent to get himself over here and he was glad to see it. Thirteen needed that contact with her father and finally she would be able to gain some of it.

Reese nods, still pondering as he picks up the phone. "Jason..." He shakes his head at the silent response, then remembers the task he'd given Jason while sending Con to be with Destiny today instead. He dials Gunner's desk phone this time. "Gunner, is Hotshot still with you?"

Gunner quirks an eyebrow and looks up at Jason. "Yeah, he's here."

"Good. Jason?"

"Yeah?" Jason responds.

"Would you and Katie come to my office, please?

"I can, but Katie's been at lunch for about half an hour."

"Oh..." Reese looks at Rick and Misty. He really didn't want to wait. He hoped Jason would be fine, but if not, at least Katie wasn't far. "Alright, well then would you please come?"

"Can I finish this up with Gunner first?"

"No, I'd like to talk to you now."

Jason gets an odd feeling at Reese's tone, and knows better than to argue. "Alright. Coming." Leaving Gunner where he's at, Jason heads to Reese's office, surprised to find Rick and Misty there as well. There was a strange tension in the air that he didn't like. Automatically turning off any audio connection so as not to bother Katie, he looks around the office with question. "Was it something I did?"

Reese smiles a little and shakes his head. "No, you're fine. Grab an extra chair."

Taking a third seat, Jason does as he's told, still uneasy about whatever this was. Rick's face gave away nothing, and neither did Misty's, though he gives her an curious look.

"Jason..." Reese looks at the papers on his desk, pausing, then shaking his head. He didn't know how to say it. "Are you aware of your siblings?"

Jason frowns, not understanding. "Well... if you mean Derek's kids, yeah. I got a half brother and sister. Why? What's wrong?"

Reese purses his lips, glancing to Misty as if hoping by some miracle she might telepathically give him something intelligent to say. "We have... found some evidence that... suggests..." He pauses again.

Jason sighs. "Spit it out, Reese. What's the problem? Is somebody dead or what?"

"No, no... they're quite alive. The thing is, that we didn't know they existed until now."

Jason sits back, still confused. "Who's 'we' and who are you talking about?"

"'We' as in Rick, Misty and I. They're actually the ones that made the discovery through multiple blood and DNA tests."

"And... you discovered I'm an alien?" Jason holds up his hands. "If I'm supposed to be catching a hint here, I'm not. What does my family have to do with anything and whose blood were you testing?"

Rick exchanges a glance with Misty then finally intervenes. "Yours and Trey Conwell's."

Jason frowns. "I... don't follow. Trey - that guy from Mexico that we're keeping from the mob?"

"Enemy drug dealers of his parents," Rick corrects. "And yes, that Trey. I discovered some interesting markers in his blood so I had it tested and compared."

"Compared with..." Jason fishes for the answer. "...mine?"


He swallows hard and a chill runs down his spine. This was just getting a little creepy. "And... he has an anomaly in his blood too?"

"Actually no, he's quite normal. He apparently didn't inherit that certain strand that you did that enables you to have, shall we say, certain skills."

"Wait..." Jason leans forward a little. "He didn't, but I did. You make it sound like we had the same origin."


Jason's pulse picks up as he stares at all three pairs of eyes. What was going through his mind was completely absurd, he knew it. But what else were they getting at? "Would someone please tell me what's going on before I come up with the wrong conclusion?"

Reese clears his throat. "Jase, why don't you have a look at these?" He hands over the test results.

Jason takes them and looks at the columns but really doesn't understand what he's looking at. "I don't... this is all Greek to me."

Rick stands and goes to him, looking over his shoulder to point out things on the page. "See this here... that indicates patterns and the breakdown of your DNA."

"That's me?"

"Right. And over here, this is the DNA from the other blood - Trey's blood."

"So they're very similar. So what?" Jason looks up at Rick, not liking the solemn stare he receives. A short laugh comes out. "You're not telling me that Trey and I are related, are you? Some cocky drug dealer's son from Mexico?"

"Actually..." Rick hesitates.

Jason feels the chill again. When he speaks, his voice has suddenly grown very quiet, almost whispered. "You can't expect me to believe that I have a full-blooded brother. It's impossible."

Reese again looks to both Rick and Misty. "Twin... brother... actually."

"That's absurd." Jason stands up, his tone now irritated as he tosses the papers back onto Reese's desk. "Just the fact that you would imply my mother's been lying to me all these years is an insult."

"We're not implying that at all," Reese counters quickly. "We believe it was an Agency adoption scam. While you were left to be taken care of by your mother, Trey was given up for adoption."

Jason's anger starts to backbuild and he closes his fist. "And what? My mother was clueless that she gave birth to twins? Are you nuts?"

"She was out," Rick explains. "You know the story."

"So you really are telling me that out of the blue, you've discovered I have a twin brother and it's Trey."


Jason didn't know whether to laugh or throw up, but it seemed all sensations collide inside of him. This wasn't just some simple information that he could process and get over quickly. This was a life-changing discovery and one that he was pretty sure he disliked. "And my mother has no idea."

"That's what we have concluded," Reese answers. "We doubt anyone knows except the Agency."

"Why?" Jason stubbornly tries to discredit their theories. "Why would the Agency do that? There's no point."

"Is there ever, with them? They've done more random things than this, Jason. You know that with Derek and Austin both, you had a connection to the Agency before you were even born. And I'm sorry, but these DNA test results are as close to conclusive as you'll ever get."

Jason had a brother. A twin brother. A full-blooded twin brother. A brother that even his mother knew nothing about. A brother that was here now, right here at TJY. The emotions that poured into his veins were confusing and muddled. He was angry and didn't even know why. He was confused. Frustrated. Sad without understanding why. Irritated that he couldn't instead feel apathy. He was worried about his mother, concerned what all of this meant, and nervous about seeing Trey now. For anyone else, it would have simply been summed up as shock. For Jason, it was a debilitating onslaught of powerful emotions.

His knees buckle and he reaches out to the desk to lean on, closing his eyes and fighting this unfamiliar mixture.

Rick takes hold of him to steady him and glances at Misty. "Go to the infirmary," he instructs. "Prep the antidote just in case we need it. I'll be right there."

Jason takes in a deep breath and tries to relax, but it isn't easy. He could control his reaction to his emotions just like anybody - he didn't have to scream and yell if he was angry. But he couldn't control what the rampant emotions did to his body. Shutting his eyes tighter, he feels the searing pain in his skull and starts to sink towards Rick. Opening his palm, things on Reese's desk start to rattle.

Rick quickly takes his hand and closes it into a fist again, holding it shut. "Come on, Jase... come with me... please."

"I'm fine," Jason argues. "Just give me a minute." Why couldn't he just be normal? He couldn't even try to work through any of this new information yet because he had to worry about not breaking anything or hurting anyone. Unfortunately, that only added frustration and fuel to the fire. "Oh, dang..."



"She'll be fine. Please, Jason... come with me."

Jason finally moves, a wave of dizziness causing him to stumble. "Why can't I just faint like a normal person?"

Rick allows himself to chuckle as he helps his young friend to the infirmary. "Because you're too big for us to have to carry?"

The humor helps a little, but Jason has a hard time containing everything as they pass by other people and desks. So afraid he would hurt something, his hands are tightly clenched, his body straining against the stress. "I think I'm gonna be sick..."

"It's okay, we're right here. Just hang-"

Too late. Jason doubles over in the hall as his body convulses.

Rick quickens his pace, having to force Jason the rest of the way to the infirmary. "Misty, get that antidote," he orders. "Make it a quarter dose - enough to take off the edge but not harm Katie."

"Katie," Jason mumbles as he rolls onto the bed. He thought maybe she was trying to talk to him, but the swirling emotions were creating a dense wall. Pain surges through his body like a fire, and his eyes start to roll back in his head.

"No, Jason, stick with us," Rick prompts sternly. "You're okay." He helps prep Jason's arm for Misty to administer the shot. "Well, now we know what a shock does," he concludes only loud enough for her to hear. "Good thing they don't come too often."

Jason manages to stay conscious and partly alert but unable to respond to anything very well. He feels the prick to his arm and a strange sort of fuzzy sensation spread through his veins. "Terrific," he mumbles. "Now there's embarrassment thrown in the mix."

Rick grins and pats his shoulder. "Be glad you didn't faint."

"Nah... puking in the hall is as far as I go." Jason waves his hand but as he does, the light above them sparks and pops as it burns out.

"Whoa, easy." Rick forces him down again. "Just lie here steady." He looks to Misty again. "If Katie isn't disabled herself, I know she's coming, but call her anyway, will you?"

Seeing Trey, Ariel grins and stands up, waiting for him to approach. His comment makes her laugh and she shakes her head. "Nah... I haven't screamed loud enough for anyone to want to rescue me."

Coming alongside him, she hooks her arm into his and heads to the restaurant door. "I'm doing fine, thanks. Hungry, but without work I got to sleep late so I feel less dead today than most days."

Grinning, she opens the door and steps in and off to one side to look over the menu above the counter. "If you want, we can order and I can drive us down to the park to eat since it's nice out today."

Dylan gives Dan a dry look at the invitation to help groom the horse. "You kidding?" He shakes his head. "The only reason I'm in this barn is because I have to be. I wouldn't complain if the world was void of these ornery beasts." Giving a short wave, he turns to get back to work. "I'll talk to ya later."

When he rounds the corner though, he throws one last glance over his shoulder at Comet before focusing on returning to the stall that needs to be cleaned...

The sun was hiding below the horizon. A glow was spread over the ranch as people began to disperse after the evening meal. All would seem normal, if it were not for those who were still absent, creating an odd atmosphere. Dylan had accepted his usual routine, feeling even more out of place, not understanding where his dad had gone, or where he even fit now. Not wanting to bother Rosetta, he ate alone and spent the evening alone like normal, going to his bunkhouse for the night where the television kept him company.

...Sparky rides slowly up to the barn and dismounts wearily. It looked like chores were finished, and he was glad. He couldn't handle all-day rides like he used to. Walking tiredly into the barn, he leads Cinder, who also seems worn out from the day. He crossties her in the aisle and untacks and rubs her down while she stands willingly, enjoying the extra little pampering he gave her before returning her to her stall.

Once he's finished, Sparky puts everything away and heads outside again. His stomach ached, reminding him that he hadn't eaten all day. There were those who were probably worried as well... out on the trail, his cell phone didn't get any service, so Faith and Rosetta were most likely worried at this point. Though he wanted to go find Faith immediately, he knows he needs to go to Rosetta first, so he aims for the main house.

Reaching the porch, he knocks and waits for Rosetta to come. Offering her a tired sort of smile, he nods. "Hi."
Coming inside, he remains on his feet, knowing he won't stay long, and he glances around to make sure that BJ is out of earshot for now. "I've been riding all day. Mick's still out there, but as far as I know, he's not gonna do anything stupid. He told me what happened and he blames himself. He thinks it was the Agency with another jab to him and our families - just another game for the lab rats. So I guess he figures if he wouldn't have started a family in the first place it wouldn't happened, or if he would have been there to protect his kids, it could have been prevented."

Sparky sighs, tired inside and out. "I spent a little time with him, but mostly kept my distance while he ran Remington through the mill. He's been riding hard just to let off his steam so he doesn't go blow somebody's head off. I finally had to leave him be - he's still on the trail but I think he's on his way back. He just needed to clear his head I think."

It wasn't too unusual... Mick had always preferred to go spend time alone and work off his stress rather than involve those around him. He often chose the route of working through what was going on inside of him instead of just sitting and talking about it first.

Sparky shifts his weight a little, trying to give Rosetta an encouraging look. "He'll be ok. If he's not back in a while, let me know and I can go back out, but-" Movement through the window catches his eye and he squints to see in the dark. "Never mind. There he is. I'm gonna go grab something to eat and let you handle him." He offers her a last smile and a little pat on the shoulder. He knew it was hard for her when Mick would go off alone like that, but he also knew she was strong and they would be fine.

Once he's left, he heads to the dining hall where there are only a few lights on still. Trudging up the porch steps, he felt sore and stiff, his fingers cold from having not worn gloves, not knowing he'd be out until after dark when the cold settled in. Slipping inside, he glances around, letting his eyes adjust and figuring out who was still up.

Mick slides his saddle off Remington's back and sets it on the floor for the time being. Remington's head hangs, worn out from such a long, hard ride - completely opposite behavior of what the fiery gelding usually had. Mick had pushed him, riding much harder and much farther than Sparky had with Cinder.

Finding a clean towel, Mick rubs down Remington, taking his time. He himself was totally exhausted, emotionally and physically. But his head felt clearer now, he'd needed the stress relief, and now he had a plan in mind.

Returning his saddle and bridle to the tackroom, he limps, his knee having taken a beating today. Getting back to Remington, he continues to rub him down and offer him a little bit of water, making sure that he was completely cooled down and relaxed before going to his stall where hay and grain were waiting.



Giving another smile at Justin Beth thinks for a moment, the ringing of the cell phone giving her a little extra time to think about the best time for dinner. She didn't have to work tomorrow so that would not be a problem but if she was going to make some sauce by hand it would take all day.

"Hows does five sounds? If you want to bring a movie with you, you can."

Holding her smile still Beth though five was when most normal people did eat so it sounded good to her. Asking Justin to bring a movie kind of made it not seem like a date at lease to hear and the last thing she wanted to do was give Justin any wrong idea.

Turning her head for a moment to where she could feel Jason's emotions coming from Katie gives a smile and lets some warm emotions go his way. Seeing her dad had gotten her so excited she didn't even think about the shock she probably gave to Jason.

Sorry Babe, I didn't even think about it. Everything ok, Dad just surprised me. You don't mind if I do lunch with him today do you? I know we were gonna go out and all. Maybe we all can do dinner?

Turning back to look at her Dad Katie's smile was still so big her eyes twinkling in the light of the room. She loved that he has surprised her, and the warmth that filled her just felt so nice.

"Like I am going to let you guys pay to stay somewhere. Why don't you stay with Ryder, Thirteen, and myself. I have an extra room still downstairs with a bed in it along with a roll out cot. Its a win win for all of us really. That is if you guys would be ok with that."

Katie lets her hands slide down to Jeff's hands as she lets her fingers lock with his. She was waiting to make sure Jason was ok with her going to dinner. She didn't think he would mind but she wanted to make sure.

"I missed you so much, thank you for the surprise it was really really nice."

Looking up at Ryder as she hears his voice Thirteen couldn't help but smile. She'd been giving his space, but trying to help him as much as she could at the same time. She felt bad he still wasn't at his best and she hated seeing him in pain though it did make her feel good being able to take care of him for once and not the other way around.

"Hey Babe. I was wondering when I'd see you. You should have called I would of..."

Being cut off by the door bell Thirteen sits up a little straighter on the couch. It was unusual for people to knock on the door specially this time of the day. Just waiting Thirteen trys to listen but can't hear anything but Ryder talking. His tone sounded calm, so everything must be ok.

Turning back to look at the TV again Thirteen starts up the move once more but stops as she hears Ryder call to her. There was someone at the door? For her? Who would be coming to see her?

Standing slowly Thirteen comes into the other room cautiously. She new Ryder would never let anyone hurt her but still she was a little leery. Coming into the other room and looking twords the door. Seeing Trent standing there Thirteen was a bit surprised but soon the surprise turns into a large smile on her face as she comes over to the door and brings her arms around his neck and gives him a hug.

"Dad...it's good to see you. I didn't even know you were going to be in the area."

Letting go and bringing her hand down to his Thirteen locks her fingers with his and tugs a little bit to bring him inside. Bringing him to the living room Thirteen sits down on the couch with her eyes just twinkling.

"So, how have you been? How is everyone?"

Following Rick into Reese office Misty was happy they got to talk to him now before this could sit on everyone minds even longer. It was already bothering Misty a lot not being able to tell anyone.

Getting into the office and sitting down in one of the chairs. Just listing to Rick explain everything to Reese she was happy he was doing that because she had a hard enough time trying to explain it to Rick. But putting in a little here and there she did get a few thoughts in.

Once the conversation comes to a close Misty gives a nod of her head. She agreed that if anyone found out about this she would want it to be from there mouths.

"Yes, I'll stay but I also suggest if we are going to tell Jason we might want to keep Katie close just in case we need her."

Pulling up to the Chinese place and seeing Ariel waiting outside Trey gives a smile. Looking to Pete he was thankful his friend said he would drive him because he wasn't busy. It hadn't even been as hard as he though to convince him either.

"Thank for driving me man. You don't have to worry about picking me back up. I'll find a way home."

Giving his friend a nod he opens the door and gets out. Walking around the the car and sticking his hands in his pockets walking over to Ariel. His jeans a little on the baggy side, and his button up shirt nicely tucked in.

"Hey, Sorry I'm late. I had to make sure no one was around to try and knock my lights out."

Trey can't help the smile that slipped across his lip his eyes dancing with mischief. He was only joking around the hole ordeal last night was almost forgotten but he couldn't let Ariel off thats easy.

"How are you doing today?"

Hearing Dylan's voice Dan looks up from his work and gives a smile to his young friend. Dylan had been doing rather good here, and had been opening up little but little even if it was just to himself and Sapphire it was a start.

"Hey there Dylan."

Seeing his friend had something more to say Dan starts brushing the horse again but keeps his attchen to Dylan again. Hearing he had told his dad about everything Dan smiles a little and stops his work again giving a nod to Dylan.

"I am proud of you Dylan and your welcome. Thats what friends are for right? If you ever need anything all you have to do is ask. Want to help be finish brushing Commit?"

Surprise Visitor

"Okay." Justin grins as he nods, relaxing even if he'd just done what he'd planned not to. "Sounds good to me."

Sighing a little, he thinks for a moment. "I probably won't be here tomorrow. Looks like Scott's decision about me was permanent. So unless that changes, I suppose I could be using the two hours' worth of gas money for something else."

His cell phone rings, interrupting them and he rolls his eyes. "I meant to shut that off." Taking it form his pocket, he glances at the number. It was his mother. "And it looks like I'll have some errands to run after this," he comments, amused, though he lets it go to his voice mail. Glancing to Beth again, he studies her for a moment, wondering what was behind that stare of hers. There was a lot to decipher but there was finally a glimmer of light. "What time you want me at your place tomorrow night?"

"...then if you put that over there..." Jason leans over Gunner's shoulder, pointing at the computer screen as he helps him sort through some case information. "Yeah, like that."

"Got it." Gunner studies the the screen, glad for Jason's help on this one.

Jason nods. "That should do it, I-" Dropping off his sentence and standing up straight with a little jump, his eyes widen as if he'd just received a static shock. "What the..." Poking his head out of the cubicle and staring down the walkway, he sees Katie and who appeared to be... Jeff? He smirks.

A little warning?
He was amused, but definitely hadn't been prepared for the sudden blip in their emotions caused by Katie's reaction. He still wasn't completely used to feeling her sudden jolts as their connection evolved and grew stronger.
I don't mean to interrupt, but you realize you just about gave me a heart attack.

Gunner whacks his arm. "Jase, I'm talking to you - what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Jason turns back to the computer.

"Uh-huh." Gunner eyes him suspiciously. "One of these days you two are gonna get yourself in trouble for carrying on when you're supposed to be working."

Jason laughs and shoves Gunner's chair back in front of the computer. "You're too smart for your own good."

Such an enthusiastic welcome makes Jeff laugh and he pulls Katie into a tight bear hug. "Mmm, it's good to see you, kiddo." Pulling her away at arm's length, he still smiles as he nods. "Yeah, I'll probably be here for a few days. Someone else was coming up this way so... I decided to hop a ride." He tosses her a wink. "Not sure where we're staying yet - that all depends. But, yes, I'm hoping to stick around for a bit this week."

He glances at his watch. "It's a little early, but if you want to or can take lunch now, I'm game. Give us some time to catch up and I can explain better why I'm here...?"

Ryder pulls on his jeans and loses his balance, banging into the wall. Putting his foot down too hard, pain shoots through his leg and he bites his tongue from swearing. He could have stayed in his sweats, he could have taken it slower, he could have even asked for help - but he was sick and tired of not being able to get around like he wanted to.

Huffing a sigh, he finally is able to at least button his jeans and throw on a clean t-shirt. Grabbing his crutches, he hobbles down the hallway to the stairs and groans. He'd spent most nights on the couch downstairs lately, so Thirteen could help him out and since Katie didn't mind. But last night he'd opted to get back up to his own space at the cost of going up and down the stairs.

Looking at his crutches then back at the stairs, he grimaces. Taking both crutches in one hand and not using them, he leans on the railing and hobbles his way downstairs, ignoring the pain it caused. Reaching the bottom, he returns the crutches to both arms and heads to the living room. He'd slept later than planned and it took him forever to shower and dress so he hadn't even seen Thirteen yet. Finding her on the couch, he comes up behind her to stare over her shoulder. He knew he'd been a bear lately but it was just so hard for him to be laid up. "Morning, sunshine." Maybe he could make it up to her by doing something special today. "Do you-" His words are cut off by the sound of the doorbell. Odd. "I'll get it since I'm up," he offers, leaving the conversation unfinished. He'd rather move around a little more before settling down with his foot up... again.

Reaching the door, he opens it and his eyes widen in surprise.

Trent stands awkwardly on the porch, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "Hi, Ryder." He musters up a smile. "Hope It's not a bad time, I..." He swallows hard. "Um..."

Ryder nods knowingly. "Good to see you, too. I hope this is a friendly visit."

"Yeah." Trent answers quickly, not wanting Ryder to think he was there to start trouble or to reject anybody. "Yeah, it is."

"Good. You're gonna make somebody's day." Turning, Ryder calls over his shoulder. "Thirteen... someone here to see you."

Rick takes a deep breath and nods, agreeing with Misty. "I feel badly for all of them if no one knew, but I feel badly for the rest of us if Jason doesn't take this well." He quirks an eyebrow at the thought of being blown to smithereens. "Come on... let's go to Reese now before this has time to fester or leak for that matter."

Within minutes, Reese has allowed both Rick and Misty into his office behind closed the closed door. Being presented with the DNA workup, his face is wrought with shock. "This is impossible."

"That's what we thought too but..." Rick shakes his head. "Misty's gone over it and double-checked and... there's no way around it. Jason and Trey are twins."

Reese tries to wrap his brain around that conclusion, but it's difficult. "Why... did you check in the first place?"

Rick shrugs lamely. "I stumbled across some similarities by accident, then after I thought about it and drew a few of my own conclusions... I thought it was worth the time to at least run the tests - it wouldn't hurt anything, and it was supposed to clear my mind. Unfortunately... now it's a mess."

"Dang right." Reese looks at both of them. "Back when Austin first found Jason when he rescued him from that deranged abductor, Alex, the story of Cindy and her situation was brought to TJY's attention. Austin wanted Jason here, but TJY needed full backgrounds on the family and Cindy was even brought in for a screening - I was the one to screen her. It always stuck in my mind because she was so innocent and so grateful for everything Austin had done and that her son had been found. She told about how she'd gotten pregnant in high school, left home, then had Jason alone at the hospital." He pauses, his tone remaining serious. "I remember as clear as day how she told me it was a difficult birth and how they had to put her out and perform an emergency c-section." He searches Misty and Rick's eyes. "When she woke up, Jason was by her side. End of story."

Rick gives Misty a sidelong glance. "Which means... there was time unaccounted for... which means... it is possible."

Reese grits his teeth. "I know Cindy and I know that not only would she not want to lie, but even if she did, she wouldn't be good enough to hide it if she'd had a second son. I don't care if she'd had to give him up or she was ashamed of who knows what - she wouldn't have lied."

"Which means... she doesn't know about Trey."

"Which means this is an incredibly sensitive situation." Reese purses his lips in thought. "I don't know much about Trey. As far as I know, he has no connection to the Agency now - though this is beginning to look like another Agency abduction/adoption racket scheme. I think he's been involved in stuff not so great, with his folks in drug dealing, but overall, I don't believe he's a threat. Pete doesn't think so either. He thinks Trey's just a bit misguided is all. How Trey would react to finding out he had a brother is anyone's guess. I imagine this will be very upsetting to Cindy. Derek? From his reaction to meeting Jason, I'm convinced even he doesn't know about this. My guess is that he'll be shocked but be okay. And Jason..." He shrugs. "I think he'll be bothered more for his mother's sake than his own, but it's gonna be tough."

Rick fiddles with some papers in his hand as he sits next to Misty. "Why do I feel like we should tell Jason first?"

"I don't know, but I have the same feeling. Maybe because then he can be the one to tell Cindy if he wants - at least that would give him the option if he feels that would be best."

"And Trey?"

"We'll have to take this one person at a time."

Rick glances to Misty again uneasily then back to Reese. "Who... should tell Jason?"

Reese thinks for several long moments before nodding. "We should. Right now."

"Don't you think we should-"

"If we wait, there is risk of a leak and we can't let that happen - not before the family knows." Reese looks to Misty. "Would you stay also?"

Ariel was a little early, but she liked it that way. Sitting on the bench outside of Tou Han's, she watches the passerbys, not really focused on much. Last night had been fun... She had hung out with Trey a while longer at the party, then had confirmed plans to meet here for lunch today. He seemed nice... Ariel did find herself liking him a little more after the second party. He maybe wasn't what she'd been looking for but... at the very least, it seemed he could use a friend, and that she could definitely do. Anything else, she'd just have to wait and see. She had a faith in God... she didn't think Trey did. But he seemed the type that might just be searching for purpose, so maybe this was an opportunity for her to show him the Way. She wasn't willing to just walk away. Everybody needed a friend, and she'd been lacking in that department lately herself.

Keeping an eye on the street, she waits, unsure if Trey would be coming in Pete's car, if Pete would bring him, or if he would be walking.

Sparky pauses his work in the hayloft as his phone rings. Checking the number, he always answered if it was Rosetta, Mick or Faith. Seeing it was the office, he's quick to respond. Hearing Rosetta's request, Sparky was a bit concerned. Ever since Mick's last episode, Sparky and Rosetta had grown pretty close as brother and sister-in-law, but even so, having her ask him to watch out for Mick wasn't something that happened every day. But as such, Sparky knew to take it seriously. He wanted to know what it was about, but he holds off his questions for now, knowing she would explain to him sooner or later.

"You got it. I saw him a few minutes ago here in the barn so I'll check on him."

Ending the call, he stops what he's doing for now and heads down the ladder to see Mick saddling up the antsy gelding. Approaching with caution, he lays a hand on Remington's neck to try and settle him down. "Hey, Mick... heading out?"

Mick doesn't look up as he tightens the saddle's girth. "Mm-hmm."

"Care for any company? Cinder needs a good workout - mind if I tag along?"
Mick pauses his work and throws a look at his brother that was stone cold. Cold enough that it makes Sparky physically retreat several inches. "Um... or not."

Mick drops his gaze again and adjusts the stirrups. "If you want to come, that's fine. But I'm not on a pleasure ride."

Sparky could see that Mick was not going to wait for him so he immediately heads to the mare's stall. "Right behind you," he calls over his shoulder.

Five minutes later, Mick was trotting Remington away from the barn and towards the lane. And two minutes after, Sparky was heading out on the gray mare.

Dylan ambles into the barn through the back, planning to head back to the stalls that needed to be cleaned. Different day, same routine.

Partway there though, he spots Dan with one of the horses in the aisle. So changing his route, he approaches slowly, but keeps his distance. "Hey, Dan." He watches both his friend and the horse warily. "I, um..." He glances over his shoulder, thinking he'd heard someone, but wanting this to be a relatively private conversation. Finding they were still alone, he looks back to Dan again. "I just wanted you to know that I... finally told my dad about everything. So... thanks for... not spreading it around until I was ready."

First, Second, and Third

Continuing to walk with Ariel Trey was happy they would still be on for lunch. He needed a reason to get out of TJY and if Ariel was that reason well than so be it. Not to mention he did like hanging out with her for the two times he had before. She made good conversation when guys didn't think he was attacking her.

"I like Chinese and if you say its good than I might as well try it out. Its the only way to figure out what I think is good or not right? Meeting there at noon sounds good too."

Giving Ariel's hand a little squeeze a grin slips across his lips. On one hand it felt kind of strange holding her hand and not thinking anything more of it but at the same time there was a peace that was around her that Trey kind of liked a little.

Holding her smile a little longer than she normally did Beth continues to watch Justin as he thinks about her question. Hearing him say he had a date with his girlfriend her shoulders drop a little bit. She didn't want anything more than the dinner to be out of friendship and the strange feelings she had when she was around Justin she was able to keep away. She was taking steps, little steps and wanting anything more than a friendship right now was WAY to big of a step. Yet sensing he didn't want to even come over as friends hurt a little. But continuing to try and smile she nods.

"Oh yes, girlfriend always should come first."

Thinking of maybe something else to say as well Beth looks up again and gives a small smile. He did still want to come over and be friends with her. That made her feel good. He was the only friend she had.

"Tomorrow would work perfect. It would give me time to try making some home made sauce. It's my mom recipe I know you will like it."

Sitting across from Rick Misty was almost as dumb founded again as she had been the night she'd figured this all out. Still even now looking at everything all over again it was hard to believe it was true. That Trey and Jason were brothers let alone twins.

"I...I have no answers to any of those questions you just asked."

Looking up at him she shakes her head a little. She new what they had to do, and what needed to be done, and who needed to be told but what order and how to go about it she had no idea at all. She was at a loss almost as much as Rick was himself.

"Maybe we...should let Reese know first? Maybe he will know a better way to handle this. I would assume no one else would know or even made a connection. I new there was something about Trey that seemed failure, but I just passed it off now only seeing how much like Jason he is."

Standing Misty passes for a moment as she tried to collect her own thoughts. Moving in some way or another always seemed to help her, but today...it just didn't seem to help at all.

"I think this is a very sensitive situation and if we handle it wrong it could blow up. So yes I think Reese should be the next one to know."

Moving around the shop Chuck can't help the smile that was still spread across his face. Things felt good right now, he felt good right now. Maybe in a little while if Susanne didn't meet him for lunch that would change but something told him he just might.

Looking up as his niece enters he trys to straighten off the smile on his face as he looks down at some of the books. He'd tease him to no end if she saw him grinning like and idiot.

"Ana, do you mind watching the shop for me around one while I go out to lunch?"

Taking her jacket off and walking behind the counter Anastaisa hands it up on one of the hooks along with her purse. Pushing a peace of her hair behind her ear she looks at her Uncle. Something was different, and his face...it looked like he was trying to hide something.

"First Good Morning to you as well, Second do I really have a choose, and third does this mean your date went well last night?"

Still trying to hold the smile off Chuck can't and the grin slips on his lips as he continues to look down at his books. If there was one thing he couldn't do even if he tryed it was keep something from his niece. She was such an important part in his life to leave her out would just feel wrong.

"Sorry Good Morning, You do but than if I don't show up for lunch a woman will think I don't care, and its hard to tell. I'll let you know after lunch."

Giggling a little Anastasia comes over to her uncle and gives him an elbow. She'd tease him later for sure but right now she was just happy for him to do that. If anyone deserved to be happy it for sure was him.

"Yes I will, and I'm happy for you Uncle Chuck. Just because of strangers ok?"

Looking to his niece he gives a laugh as he puts an arm around her and pulls her into a hug with a kiss to the top of the head.

"I'm the one who tells you that you know."

Sitting at he desk and totally lost in though the voice from the other side of her cubicle makes Katie jump but recovering and knowing who's voice it belonged to Katie's head snaps to him. Seeing for sure it was her dad and not just imagining it from missing her family so much Katie jumps up from her chair sending it flipping over to the floor and not caring.


Coming around to the other side of the cubicle Katie doesn't care who is looking and throws her arms around his neck in a big hug just holding on for a long moment. She had been missing her family for sure the last few week so seeing her dad here now, it was so great she couldn't help the few tears of joy that escaped her eyes.

"Oh dad....I've missed you so much. Yes I will spend time with you! Are you only sticking around for a little bit or do you have time I can do stuff with you?"

Very proud of Dylan for opening up to Misty Rosetta stayed quiet as she just listened again and watching Mick and Dylan both reading them. For both of them to be nervous and calm at the same time she was proud they kept there cool.

Once the conversation was done and Mick had left Rosetta had caught the look in his eye. She new what it meant, and her heart did go out to him as a little pray was on her mind that God would give him peace.

Hearing Dylan's question Rosetta slips off the desk and goes over to her step son. Placing each hand on his shoulder so he would turn to look at her. Giving a small shake of her head.

"No Dylan, you haven't done anything wrong and your dad is not disappointed in you. If anything he is disappointed in himself and thinks this is his fault. It's nothing for you to worry about though and everything will be ok now. You did a great job and Mick and I are both proud of you."

Giving a little smile and taking a few steps back Rosetta just studys Dylan for a long moment and its brings another smile to her face. He looked so much like Mick when he was younger it brought back good memories.

"Why don't you go get the rest of your work done, and maybe tonight we can all have dinner as a family."

Once Dylan was gone Rosetta lets out a long sigh and heads back around to her desk sitting down. Today was a new step for Dylan but at the same time she couldn't help but worry a little about Mick too.

Taking her phone and dialing Sparky's cell he kept on him for work she waits till hearing his voice on the other end.

"Sparky, I know you busy but I need you to do a favor for me."

Rosetta trusted Mick with all her hear but sometimes, anger, frustration and the want to hurt those who have hurt the people closest to use could kick in and block everything else out. For that she just wanted to make sure her husband was safe.

"I want you to watch Mick and make sure he's ok. I'll explain more to you later, just right now...make sure he's not going to do anything stupid for me, please?"

Rosetta would go herself, not to long ago she would of jumped at going. But things where a little different now and she had a family she had to take care of. BJ, Dylan, Jade...they were her family and she looked after them. Her place was here unless she really needed to go. If Sparky wouldnt than she would ask Becky to watch BJ and she would go.


The Unexpected

"Of course we're still on for lunch tomorrow." Ariel grins. She didn't know if Trey could kick Tom and Pete's butts or not, but she didn't want to find out. Swinging his hand a little, she looks out at the water as they walk through the sand. "How about... Tou Han's? It's a little Chinese place - a hole in the wall but great food. We can meet there at noon if you want."

Taking note that Beth seemed happier today and looked better, Justin was pleased. Someone else might not notice, but he did see a change, and it was for the better. He was proud of her for her steps forward and knew that if she just kept going, in no time, she'd be on her own two feet again with no reason to hold herself back anymore.

Smiling as she sits down, he quirks an eyebrow at her invitation. He'd thought perhaps they might grab coffee or something again but... to go over to her house again? Apparently she felt the need to mention just friendship but...

Justin feels that odd little twist in his gut again that he hates. Was it really proper for him to go over to her place now? To be alone with her? He knew good and well it would be innocent but how did that look, now that he was officially dating Rebecca? She'd understand, but why even risk that conflict? He'd been raised to take things like this seriously and to not get into positions where there could be doubt - it just wasn't worth any conflicts that could arise, innocent or not. Above reproach - that's what his father had always said. Surely there was a solution here somewhere though.

Glancing down, he tries to think fast before looking up to Beth again and smiling. "You know I have an awfully hard time resisting your cherry pie." That much was the truth - even he couldn't deny that he liked her cooking. He still needed to say no, though. Maybe they could meet somewhere public. The park, perhaps? Or the coffee shop? She could always share the dessert if she wanted to, since it made her feel good. There had to be clear lines drawn between them... he was helping her out, but that's where it had to stop. He was her friend, but there were just ways they shouldn't interact.

"I... have a date with my girlfriend tonight," he explains apologetically. It was the nicest way he could think of to inform her that he did have a girlfriend, and she was smart enough to figure out the rest. His one mistake though, was looking into those eyes... those eyes that knew just how to tug on his heartstrings. He'd finally formed some kind of relationship with Beth and now he was already pulling away. What if it backfired? What if she was hurt and would think he didn't care? He didn't want to do that to her... and those soft, asking, innocent eyes... "But... I'm free tomorrow night," he ends lamely, already kicking himself on the inside.

"Ohhh... crap." That's the only word that came to mind as Rick sinks down in the desk chair inside the infirmary. Staring at the paperwork from Misty, his eyes were wide and he shakes his head slowly. Glancing up at her, it takes him several moments to even speak. "I know you told me all this on the phone but... seeing it now, it's... it can't be right."

But he knew it was. He knew the data wasn't a lie. Studying it for a few more moments, he shakes his head. "I don't even know where to start with this. Who do I tell first? Reese? Jason? What about Cindy? Does she even know, or is she the best actress I've ever seen? And what about Derek? And then Trey? I just..."

Putting a hand to his head, he stops, feeling completely baffled. "Misty, what do we do?"

Seeing the man come with flowers, Susanne's eyebrows rise. This was unusual, to say the least. Ready to point him to whoever he was trying to find, she was dumbfounded when he said the bouquet was for her. "Are... are you sure?" She blinks and accepts the flowers, wondering where on earth they'd come from. "Um... thank you," she responds lamely.

Sinking back in her chair as she's left alone again, she takes a deep breath of the flowers' sweet scent before finding the little card. Were these from one of her friends? A sales gimmick? A mistake? Flipping open the card and seeing the words, her heart stops. Immediately, she can hear Frank Sinatra in her mind, and she melts just a little. Then reading Chuck's own words, she stops, blinks, rereads, then rereads again. Surely not. Surely this was some horrid joke.

Tears spring into her eyes and she smells of the flowers again. She'd never received flowers from anyone before - ever. And she'd made such a fool out of herself yesterday. To think that after all that, Chuck had done this for her... Even though she fought it, the warmth of feeling special seeps into her veins. She still couldn't believe that he cared that much but it felt so good... maybe pretending for a little while longer wasn't so bad.

Sniffing and wiping her eyes, she smiles and goes to find a vase.

A slender shadow creeps across the TJY floor in front of the visitor who walks slowly, glancing around at all of the cubicles. Knowing his way though, he turns at the right corners to make it to Katie's spot. Coming up alongside the cubicle wall, he leans on it with a warm smile and just watches Katie for a few moments. He stuck out just a little bit in his blue jeans, cowboy boots and denim jacket - but not enough to draw too much attention. His eyes were tired - signs of a weary body, but he still held a spark of life.

"You probably have a hot lunch date with your boyfriend, but what do you say about dumping him for an hour or two to spend time with your old man?" Jeff's grin spreads, knowing that there had been no warning for him showing up here today.

Looking left down the hallway, then right and seeing no one, Alec picks the lock on the apartment door and quietly lets himself in. He'd only been in here once before, and it looked pretty much the same now. Glancing around, he notes the sketches pinned to the wall in the corner of the living room, along with a stack of more sketches on the little kitchen table. He had to admit that everything seemed rather tidy - apparently Gage hadn't lost his habit of keeping everything straight and balanced. How he'd retained that in the Agency, Alec didn't know, but then, Gage always was a bit of an odd duck.

Wandering over to one of the stacks of paper, he sifts through it casually until finding sketch Gage had done of Sapphire. Even Alec was impressed. For someone without any background in art, the drawing was very, very good. It didn't take a genius to see that it was Sapphire, and Gage's self-taught skill drew in anyone, through the eyes of the sketch.

Alec sets it the page aside and continues to sift, finding a charcoal sketch of what looked like an alleyway with a little boy and a puppy. It was a crude representation, but one could easily identify the reason of the drawing - even though the boy and dog were dirty and raggedy, they were happy, content in their own world, even if they had nothing but each other. Alec wondered if somewhere Gage felt like that little boy. He sets that sketch aside too. Eventually, he lands on a sketch of a rosebud. Gage had used regular pencils and apparently one red colored pencil, depicting the most delicate details of the petal, while maintaining the crudity of the handmade picture. It was a picture worthy of a frame, Alec thought, but Gage probably didn't have any extra money to take care of his artwork.

Gathering the three drawings, Alec makes sure the stack is put back nice and neatly before leaving. Locking the door behind him, he rolls up the papers as he walks, securing them with a rubber band. Misty's words echo in his mind. "Deep down, I know you're not a bad guy..." Maybe today he could prove that statement right for once.

Getting outside to his motorcycle, he tucks in his work shirt and zips up his jacket before donning his helmet. First day on the job and he was ready for some new scenery. At the very least, driving around town should cure him of his boredom and he already knew what he'd be doing over his lunch break. He hadn't wanted to turn down Ryan but he'd sweet talked her into dinner instead...

...Alec stops at the bottom of the wide stairway and looks up to the glass front of the building. It was a bigger place than he'd thought with more people milling around than he'd imagined. It had taken him longer to get here than planned so he was running a little short on time, but with the company pickup and his next destination in hand, he'd get back on schedule in no time - that is, if this went well.

He'd changed out of his courier uniform and was now in nice jeans, his nicest collared shirt and his hair was combed neatly. His motorcycle boots were cleaner than normal and his shave that morning had left him looking more clean-cut than normal. With his sleeves rolled up casually to his elbows, he takes a deep breath and ascends the stairs, the little roll of papers in his hand.

Getting inside, he finds the reception desk and flashes the secretary a smile. "Don't tell me they put the woman in charge right out here to greet people."

The young woman blushes and grins, shaking her head. "I'm afraid not. She keeps busy in her own office away from the bustle."

"Ah, I see." Alec leans on the counter, knowing just the right kind of smile to use. "I suppose I'm a bit of bustle, but I sure could use a meeting with her."

The secretary quirks an eyebrow. "Do you have an appointment?"

Alec chuckles. "Would I be flirting with you if I did?"

"I..." The woman blinks, not even sure how to respond to that one.

"Mm-mm." Alec bites his lower lip. "You know I would be. You're too attractive for any guy not to notice." He tosses her a wink. "I bet you're just as nice as you are pretty, too."

"Um..." The secretary clears her throat and flips through a notebook. "Professor Norton has a class in twenty minutes, but she's free until then. "Should I call her office for you?"

"Sure, but first..."
Not ten minutes later, Alec was knocking on an office door on the second floor. A female voice answers. "Come in."

He obeys slowly, politely, catching sight of the middle-aged, slender woman behind her desk. The office was nice - nicer than most offices Alec had been in. There were paintings on the walls and carpet on the floor that muffled his steps as he approached the desk. Leaning over it, he extends his hand. "Professor... my name is Alec Banks. Pleasure to meet you."

She smiles and returns the gesture but seems less than enthusiastic. "How can I help you, Mr. Banks?"

Alec takes a seat in an extra chair, maintaining his smooth charm. "I have a proposition for you."


"Yes, I believe you have an opening for a janitor here at the school."

Norton settles back in her chair, puzzled but curious. "I don't know where you heard that. I'm sorry, but if you're looking for a job, then-"

"Actually, it's not for me." Alec leans forward. "I have a friend, you see, who would be thrilled to work in a place like this."

"Look, Mr. Banks, I'm sorry, but we're not hiring. And even if we were, don't you think we'd rather have you friend come for an interview instead of sending you?"

"He didn't send me - I came on his behalf on my own."

"We're not hiring at this time, I'm sorry."

"You're telling me that you couldn't use an extra janitor? After the last one quit two weeks ago?"

Norton's eyes narrow. "You've done your homework."

"It doesn't take much."

"You realize that you've gone around all the structure we have in place as far as hiring goes."

"Yes, Ma'am."


"Isn't always better to go straight to the top?"

Norton sighs. "Your efforts are commendable, I'll give you that. But we're considering funneling our funds in a direction different than that of a new janitor."

"I... think we could work something out."


"How does minimum wage sound to you?"

Norton almost scoffs. "No one would take a full time janitor position for minimum wage."

"My friend would."


"Because no one else will give him a chance. We all make mistakes, Professor. Some just have bigger consequences than others."

"Are you telling me that your friend has a record?"


"I'm sorry, but-"

"Hear me out." Alec holds up a hand. "Minimum wage and two classes a week."

"Excuse me?"

"You're an artist yourself, aren't you?"

The professor is slightly exasperated with talking in circles, but she nods. "The paintings in this office are my own."

"You must be very passionate about your work... Not only do you express your own art but you teach others to do the same."

"What is your point, Mr. Banks?"

Alec doesn't once let his eyes drop from hers. "What if you were to help an artist... a real artist with raw ability that just needs a bit of polish?"

"That's what this school is for. I don't understand where you're going with this."

Alec takes the small roll of pages and takes off the rubber band, spreading them on her desk. "Take a look at these."

Unable to help but be interested, she does and runs her fingers over the sketches. "I'm impressed. These are very good. But I'm afraid I still don't understand."

"My friend did these," Alec explains. "He has no schooling whatsoever. Granted, he's been in some trouble, but he's trying to turn his life around and no one will give him a chance. He can't even get a decent job. But you give him a job for whatever you can afford, throw in a few classes and you will have introduced the world to an artist who just needs to be seen. And when he flourishes at your hand, then is seen, your school will have claim to credit."

Norton studies Alec's eyes as the corners of her mouth start to twitch. A chuckle starts out quietly until she laughs outright, her eyes dancing. "How long did it take you to come up with this scheme?"

Alec grins and leans his elbows on her desk. "About half an hour."

"So you're asking me to give your friend a job and free classes so that when he becomes famous, our art school will gain popularity, is that it?"

Alec shrugs. "It's worth a shot, isn't it?"

"Mr. Banks, I have you know that I have never, in all my years here, heard such a preposterous suggestion." Her eyes twinkle. "But there's something I like about you - maybe it's because you actually had the nerve to walk in here with this kind of offer." She sighs and shakes her head. "You realize that the phrase "starving artist" is generally true, don't you?"

Alec nods, but holds his grin. "So if my friend doesn't become famous, then what are you out? A little bit of class time? Less money that you'd pay to another janitor eventually anyway? It's a win-win situation. Even you have to admit that."

Norton shakes her head again. "You really have guts, you know that?" Picking up a notepad and pen, she jots down a date and time. "I never give job interviews - never. However... if this friend of yours is serious about your scheme, have him come in and I'll talk to him personally. If I think he will adequately fill the janitorial position, I will offer him minimum wage and one art class a week. Is that fair?"

Alec's grin becomes a full smile. "Sounds fair to me."

Mick cocks his head, now even more curious as to what was going on. Dylan wanted to talk to him? That was new. He certainly wasn't going to say no. Though he was just a little leery, hearing it had something to do with school. Dylan hadn't played Rosetta, had he? She was too smart for that though.

Folding his arms and standing comfortably, he nods. "Alright... shoot."

Dylan swallows hard and looks to Rosetta for a moment. Then glancing at the chair and back to his father, he opts to remain standing. Maybe it was his flight instincts, but no matter, his dad was standing, so he would too. His fingers one one hand fiddle with the seam of his jeans pocket. "Um... I was just... just telling Rosetta why I'd rather do school here at... at the ranch."

Telling his dad just seemed a whole lot harder and Dylan's eyes fall to the floor. He'd been brave with Rosetta, but facing Mick was a whole other ball game. Mick was the alpha dog and Dylan was a pup begging for leniency.

"It has to do with what happened to me before," he finally starts to explain. "See, I had these friends and.."

Once more, the story comes out, retold the same as it had been told to Rosetta. Dylan knows that Rosetta knows all the details, so he doesn't leave any out, even the things that make his face turn red in front of his dad. His eyes remain glued to the floor though, his feet shifting uncomfortably. But while his sights are downcast, he misses the change in Mick's own eyes. He doesn't see the disbelief turn to belief, the judgment turn to compassion or the surprise turn to horror at the things being said. Mick never once looks away from his son, taking in every word and listening carefully, controlling his own emotions.

"So that's... that's it." Dylan shrugs and finally dares to glance at his dad, but only after looking at Rosetta again to make sure he'd done okay.

Mick swallows hard, his arms still folded. But his stance was no longer one of irritation nor his tone commanding. "I believe you, Dylan. We'll make arrangements to home school you for this year at least."

Dylan couldn't have been more relieved - or shocked, for that matter and he couldn't help it that his eyes widen. "Really?"


Mick's voice is so quiet that it almost scares Dylan. "That.... that easy?" Dylan looks at Rosetta again to make sure he wasn't missing something.

"Yeah." Mick nods slowly. "I appreciate you telling me about all this, Dylan. Thank you." He thinks for a moment then proceeds with question. "You said you had no idea who was paying those guys, huh?"

"Not a clue." Dylan shakes his head. "Figured it was just somebody out for some kicks or something, but couldn't ever prove anything."

"Mm-hmm. Okay. Well, thank you. We'll work out the school details later and make sure we get it done right." He searches his son's eyes for a moment before glancing to his wife. Only she would be able to recognize agony in his gaze. "I gotta get back to the barn." His original purpose for coming was completely bypassed as he turns and leaves, his pace quicker than one would expect.

As the door falls shut, Dylan just stares at it. "I... think he believed me but... did I do something wrong?" He wasn't worried, just confused at his dad's odd reaction, but maybe he was the only one that thought it was odd. "Do you think he's really disappointed in me or... or something?"

It couldn't have been more opposite of that. Mick's determined walk takes him to the barn, but only after a two-minute stop to the house where he loses his breakfast. Still queezy, it's more than physical discomfort on his face as he saddles up Remington. Anybody who walked by would notice that he wasn't seeing anyone or anything around him, and even his horse stamps his hooves impatiently, sensing his master's tension.