
First, Second, and Third

Continuing to walk with Ariel Trey was happy they would still be on for lunch. He needed a reason to get out of TJY and if Ariel was that reason well than so be it. Not to mention he did like hanging out with her for the two times he had before. She made good conversation when guys didn't think he was attacking her.

"I like Chinese and if you say its good than I might as well try it out. Its the only way to figure out what I think is good or not right? Meeting there at noon sounds good too."

Giving Ariel's hand a little squeeze a grin slips across his lips. On one hand it felt kind of strange holding her hand and not thinking anything more of it but at the same time there was a peace that was around her that Trey kind of liked a little.

Holding her smile a little longer than she normally did Beth continues to watch Justin as he thinks about her question. Hearing him say he had a date with his girlfriend her shoulders drop a little bit. She didn't want anything more than the dinner to be out of friendship and the strange feelings she had when she was around Justin she was able to keep away. She was taking steps, little steps and wanting anything more than a friendship right now was WAY to big of a step. Yet sensing he didn't want to even come over as friends hurt a little. But continuing to try and smile she nods.

"Oh yes, girlfriend always should come first."

Thinking of maybe something else to say as well Beth looks up again and gives a small smile. He did still want to come over and be friends with her. That made her feel good. He was the only friend she had.

"Tomorrow would work perfect. It would give me time to try making some home made sauce. It's my mom recipe I know you will like it."

Sitting across from Rick Misty was almost as dumb founded again as she had been the night she'd figured this all out. Still even now looking at everything all over again it was hard to believe it was true. That Trey and Jason were brothers let alone twins.

"I...I have no answers to any of those questions you just asked."

Looking up at him she shakes her head a little. She new what they had to do, and what needed to be done, and who needed to be told but what order and how to go about it she had no idea at all. She was at a loss almost as much as Rick was himself.

"Maybe we...should let Reese know first? Maybe he will know a better way to handle this. I would assume no one else would know or even made a connection. I new there was something about Trey that seemed failure, but I just passed it off now only seeing how much like Jason he is."

Standing Misty passes for a moment as she tried to collect her own thoughts. Moving in some way or another always seemed to help her, but today...it just didn't seem to help at all.

"I think this is a very sensitive situation and if we handle it wrong it could blow up. So yes I think Reese should be the next one to know."

Moving around the shop Chuck can't help the smile that was still spread across his face. Things felt good right now, he felt good right now. Maybe in a little while if Susanne didn't meet him for lunch that would change but something told him he just might.

Looking up as his niece enters he trys to straighten off the smile on his face as he looks down at some of the books. He'd tease him to no end if she saw him grinning like and idiot.

"Ana, do you mind watching the shop for me around one while I go out to lunch?"

Taking her jacket off and walking behind the counter Anastaisa hands it up on one of the hooks along with her purse. Pushing a peace of her hair behind her ear she looks at her Uncle. Something was different, and his face...it looked like he was trying to hide something.

"First Good Morning to you as well, Second do I really have a choose, and third does this mean your date went well last night?"

Still trying to hold the smile off Chuck can't and the grin slips on his lips as he continues to look down at his books. If there was one thing he couldn't do even if he tryed it was keep something from his niece. She was such an important part in his life to leave her out would just feel wrong.

"Sorry Good Morning, You do but than if I don't show up for lunch a woman will think I don't care, and its hard to tell. I'll let you know after lunch."

Giggling a little Anastasia comes over to her uncle and gives him an elbow. She'd tease him later for sure but right now she was just happy for him to do that. If anyone deserved to be happy it for sure was him.

"Yes I will, and I'm happy for you Uncle Chuck. Just because of strangers ok?"

Looking to his niece he gives a laugh as he puts an arm around her and pulls her into a hug with a kiss to the top of the head.

"I'm the one who tells you that you know."

Sitting at he desk and totally lost in though the voice from the other side of her cubicle makes Katie jump but recovering and knowing who's voice it belonged to Katie's head snaps to him. Seeing for sure it was her dad and not just imagining it from missing her family so much Katie jumps up from her chair sending it flipping over to the floor and not caring.


Coming around to the other side of the cubicle Katie doesn't care who is looking and throws her arms around his neck in a big hug just holding on for a long moment. She had been missing her family for sure the last few week so seeing her dad here now, it was so great she couldn't help the few tears of joy that escaped her eyes.

"Oh dad....I've missed you so much. Yes I will spend time with you! Are you only sticking around for a little bit or do you have time I can do stuff with you?"

Very proud of Dylan for opening up to Misty Rosetta stayed quiet as she just listened again and watching Mick and Dylan both reading them. For both of them to be nervous and calm at the same time she was proud they kept there cool.

Once the conversation was done and Mick had left Rosetta had caught the look in his eye. She new what it meant, and her heart did go out to him as a little pray was on her mind that God would give him peace.

Hearing Dylan's question Rosetta slips off the desk and goes over to her step son. Placing each hand on his shoulder so he would turn to look at her. Giving a small shake of her head.

"No Dylan, you haven't done anything wrong and your dad is not disappointed in you. If anything he is disappointed in himself and thinks this is his fault. It's nothing for you to worry about though and everything will be ok now. You did a great job and Mick and I are both proud of you."

Giving a little smile and taking a few steps back Rosetta just studys Dylan for a long moment and its brings another smile to her face. He looked so much like Mick when he was younger it brought back good memories.

"Why don't you go get the rest of your work done, and maybe tonight we can all have dinner as a family."

Once Dylan was gone Rosetta lets out a long sigh and heads back around to her desk sitting down. Today was a new step for Dylan but at the same time she couldn't help but worry a little about Mick too.

Taking her phone and dialing Sparky's cell he kept on him for work she waits till hearing his voice on the other end.

"Sparky, I know you busy but I need you to do a favor for me."

Rosetta trusted Mick with all her hear but sometimes, anger, frustration and the want to hurt those who have hurt the people closest to use could kick in and block everything else out. For that she just wanted to make sure her husband was safe.

"I want you to watch Mick and make sure he's ok. I'll explain more to you later, just right now...make sure he's not going to do anything stupid for me, please?"

Rosetta would go herself, not to long ago she would of jumped at going. But things where a little different now and she had a family she had to take care of. BJ, Dylan, Jade...they were her family and she looked after them. Her place was here unless she really needed to go. If Sparky wouldnt than she would ask Becky to watch BJ and she would go.

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