
Surprise Visitor

"Okay." Justin grins as he nods, relaxing even if he'd just done what he'd planned not to. "Sounds good to me."

Sighing a little, he thinks for a moment. "I probably won't be here tomorrow. Looks like Scott's decision about me was permanent. So unless that changes, I suppose I could be using the two hours' worth of gas money for something else."

His cell phone rings, interrupting them and he rolls his eyes. "I meant to shut that off." Taking it form his pocket, he glances at the number. It was his mother. "And it looks like I'll have some errands to run after this," he comments, amused, though he lets it go to his voice mail. Glancing to Beth again, he studies her for a moment, wondering what was behind that stare of hers. There was a lot to decipher but there was finally a glimmer of light. "What time you want me at your place tomorrow night?"

"...then if you put that over there..." Jason leans over Gunner's shoulder, pointing at the computer screen as he helps him sort through some case information. "Yeah, like that."

"Got it." Gunner studies the the screen, glad for Jason's help on this one.

Jason nods. "That should do it, I-" Dropping off his sentence and standing up straight with a little jump, his eyes widen as if he'd just received a static shock. "What the..." Poking his head out of the cubicle and staring down the walkway, he sees Katie and who appeared to be... Jeff? He smirks.

A little warning?
He was amused, but definitely hadn't been prepared for the sudden blip in their emotions caused by Katie's reaction. He still wasn't completely used to feeling her sudden jolts as their connection evolved and grew stronger.
I don't mean to interrupt, but you realize you just about gave me a heart attack.

Gunner whacks his arm. "Jase, I'm talking to you - what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Jason turns back to the computer.

"Uh-huh." Gunner eyes him suspiciously. "One of these days you two are gonna get yourself in trouble for carrying on when you're supposed to be working."

Jason laughs and shoves Gunner's chair back in front of the computer. "You're too smart for your own good."

Such an enthusiastic welcome makes Jeff laugh and he pulls Katie into a tight bear hug. "Mmm, it's good to see you, kiddo." Pulling her away at arm's length, he still smiles as he nods. "Yeah, I'll probably be here for a few days. Someone else was coming up this way so... I decided to hop a ride." He tosses her a wink. "Not sure where we're staying yet - that all depends. But, yes, I'm hoping to stick around for a bit this week."

He glances at his watch. "It's a little early, but if you want to or can take lunch now, I'm game. Give us some time to catch up and I can explain better why I'm here...?"

Ryder pulls on his jeans and loses his balance, banging into the wall. Putting his foot down too hard, pain shoots through his leg and he bites his tongue from swearing. He could have stayed in his sweats, he could have taken it slower, he could have even asked for help - but he was sick and tired of not being able to get around like he wanted to.

Huffing a sigh, he finally is able to at least button his jeans and throw on a clean t-shirt. Grabbing his crutches, he hobbles down the hallway to the stairs and groans. He'd spent most nights on the couch downstairs lately, so Thirteen could help him out and since Katie didn't mind. But last night he'd opted to get back up to his own space at the cost of going up and down the stairs.

Looking at his crutches then back at the stairs, he grimaces. Taking both crutches in one hand and not using them, he leans on the railing and hobbles his way downstairs, ignoring the pain it caused. Reaching the bottom, he returns the crutches to both arms and heads to the living room. He'd slept later than planned and it took him forever to shower and dress so he hadn't even seen Thirteen yet. Finding her on the couch, he comes up behind her to stare over her shoulder. He knew he'd been a bear lately but it was just so hard for him to be laid up. "Morning, sunshine." Maybe he could make it up to her by doing something special today. "Do you-" His words are cut off by the sound of the doorbell. Odd. "I'll get it since I'm up," he offers, leaving the conversation unfinished. He'd rather move around a little more before settling down with his foot up... again.

Reaching the door, he opens it and his eyes widen in surprise.

Trent stands awkwardly on the porch, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "Hi, Ryder." He musters up a smile. "Hope It's not a bad time, I..." He swallows hard. "Um..."

Ryder nods knowingly. "Good to see you, too. I hope this is a friendly visit."

"Yeah." Trent answers quickly, not wanting Ryder to think he was there to start trouble or to reject anybody. "Yeah, it is."

"Good. You're gonna make somebody's day." Turning, Ryder calls over his shoulder. "Thirteen... someone here to see you."

Rick takes a deep breath and nods, agreeing with Misty. "I feel badly for all of them if no one knew, but I feel badly for the rest of us if Jason doesn't take this well." He quirks an eyebrow at the thought of being blown to smithereens. "Come on... let's go to Reese now before this has time to fester or leak for that matter."

Within minutes, Reese has allowed both Rick and Misty into his office behind closed the closed door. Being presented with the DNA workup, his face is wrought with shock. "This is impossible."

"That's what we thought too but..." Rick shakes his head. "Misty's gone over it and double-checked and... there's no way around it. Jason and Trey are twins."

Reese tries to wrap his brain around that conclusion, but it's difficult. "Why... did you check in the first place?"

Rick shrugs lamely. "I stumbled across some similarities by accident, then after I thought about it and drew a few of my own conclusions... I thought it was worth the time to at least run the tests - it wouldn't hurt anything, and it was supposed to clear my mind. Unfortunately... now it's a mess."

"Dang right." Reese looks at both of them. "Back when Austin first found Jason when he rescued him from that deranged abductor, Alex, the story of Cindy and her situation was brought to TJY's attention. Austin wanted Jason here, but TJY needed full backgrounds on the family and Cindy was even brought in for a screening - I was the one to screen her. It always stuck in my mind because she was so innocent and so grateful for everything Austin had done and that her son had been found. She told about how she'd gotten pregnant in high school, left home, then had Jason alone at the hospital." He pauses, his tone remaining serious. "I remember as clear as day how she told me it was a difficult birth and how they had to put her out and perform an emergency c-section." He searches Misty and Rick's eyes. "When she woke up, Jason was by her side. End of story."

Rick gives Misty a sidelong glance. "Which means... there was time unaccounted for... which means... it is possible."

Reese grits his teeth. "I know Cindy and I know that not only would she not want to lie, but even if she did, she wouldn't be good enough to hide it if she'd had a second son. I don't care if she'd had to give him up or she was ashamed of who knows what - she wouldn't have lied."

"Which means... she doesn't know about Trey."

"Which means this is an incredibly sensitive situation." Reese purses his lips in thought. "I don't know much about Trey. As far as I know, he has no connection to the Agency now - though this is beginning to look like another Agency abduction/adoption racket scheme. I think he's been involved in stuff not so great, with his folks in drug dealing, but overall, I don't believe he's a threat. Pete doesn't think so either. He thinks Trey's just a bit misguided is all. How Trey would react to finding out he had a brother is anyone's guess. I imagine this will be very upsetting to Cindy. Derek? From his reaction to meeting Jason, I'm convinced even he doesn't know about this. My guess is that he'll be shocked but be okay. And Jason..." He shrugs. "I think he'll be bothered more for his mother's sake than his own, but it's gonna be tough."

Rick fiddles with some papers in his hand as he sits next to Misty. "Why do I feel like we should tell Jason first?"

"I don't know, but I have the same feeling. Maybe because then he can be the one to tell Cindy if he wants - at least that would give him the option if he feels that would be best."

"And Trey?"

"We'll have to take this one person at a time."

Rick glances to Misty again uneasily then back to Reese. "Who... should tell Jason?"

Reese thinks for several long moments before nodding. "We should. Right now."

"Don't you think we should-"

"If we wait, there is risk of a leak and we can't let that happen - not before the family knows." Reese looks to Misty. "Would you stay also?"

Ariel was a little early, but she liked it that way. Sitting on the bench outside of Tou Han's, she watches the passerbys, not really focused on much. Last night had been fun... She had hung out with Trey a while longer at the party, then had confirmed plans to meet here for lunch today. He seemed nice... Ariel did find herself liking him a little more after the second party. He maybe wasn't what she'd been looking for but... at the very least, it seemed he could use a friend, and that she could definitely do. Anything else, she'd just have to wait and see. She had a faith in God... she didn't think Trey did. But he seemed the type that might just be searching for purpose, so maybe this was an opportunity for her to show him the Way. She wasn't willing to just walk away. Everybody needed a friend, and she'd been lacking in that department lately herself.

Keeping an eye on the street, she waits, unsure if Trey would be coming in Pete's car, if Pete would bring him, or if he would be walking.

Sparky pauses his work in the hayloft as his phone rings. Checking the number, he always answered if it was Rosetta, Mick or Faith. Seeing it was the office, he's quick to respond. Hearing Rosetta's request, Sparky was a bit concerned. Ever since Mick's last episode, Sparky and Rosetta had grown pretty close as brother and sister-in-law, but even so, having her ask him to watch out for Mick wasn't something that happened every day. But as such, Sparky knew to take it seriously. He wanted to know what it was about, but he holds off his questions for now, knowing she would explain to him sooner or later.

"You got it. I saw him a few minutes ago here in the barn so I'll check on him."

Ending the call, he stops what he's doing for now and heads down the ladder to see Mick saddling up the antsy gelding. Approaching with caution, he lays a hand on Remington's neck to try and settle him down. "Hey, Mick... heading out?"

Mick doesn't look up as he tightens the saddle's girth. "Mm-hmm."

"Care for any company? Cinder needs a good workout - mind if I tag along?"
Mick pauses his work and throws a look at his brother that was stone cold. Cold enough that it makes Sparky physically retreat several inches. "Um... or not."

Mick drops his gaze again and adjusts the stirrups. "If you want to come, that's fine. But I'm not on a pleasure ride."

Sparky could see that Mick was not going to wait for him so he immediately heads to the mare's stall. "Right behind you," he calls over his shoulder.

Five minutes later, Mick was trotting Remington away from the barn and towards the lane. And two minutes after, Sparky was heading out on the gray mare.

Dylan ambles into the barn through the back, planning to head back to the stalls that needed to be cleaned. Different day, same routine.

Partway there though, he spots Dan with one of the horses in the aisle. So changing his route, he approaches slowly, but keeps his distance. "Hey, Dan." He watches both his friend and the horse warily. "I, um..." He glances over his shoulder, thinking he'd heard someone, but wanting this to be a relatively private conversation. Finding they were still alone, he looks back to Dan again. "I just wanted you to know that I... finally told my dad about everything. So... thanks for... not spreading it around until I was ready."

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