

Giving another smile at Justin Beth thinks for a moment, the ringing of the cell phone giving her a little extra time to think about the best time for dinner. She didn't have to work tomorrow so that would not be a problem but if she was going to make some sauce by hand it would take all day.

"Hows does five sounds? If you want to bring a movie with you, you can."

Holding her smile still Beth though five was when most normal people did eat so it sounded good to her. Asking Justin to bring a movie kind of made it not seem like a date at lease to hear and the last thing she wanted to do was give Justin any wrong idea.

Turning her head for a moment to where she could feel Jason's emotions coming from Katie gives a smile and lets some warm emotions go his way. Seeing her dad had gotten her so excited she didn't even think about the shock she probably gave to Jason.

Sorry Babe, I didn't even think about it. Everything ok, Dad just surprised me. You don't mind if I do lunch with him today do you? I know we were gonna go out and all. Maybe we all can do dinner?

Turning back to look at her Dad Katie's smile was still so big her eyes twinkling in the light of the room. She loved that he has surprised her, and the warmth that filled her just felt so nice.

"Like I am going to let you guys pay to stay somewhere. Why don't you stay with Ryder, Thirteen, and myself. I have an extra room still downstairs with a bed in it along with a roll out cot. Its a win win for all of us really. That is if you guys would be ok with that."

Katie lets her hands slide down to Jeff's hands as she lets her fingers lock with his. She was waiting to make sure Jason was ok with her going to dinner. She didn't think he would mind but she wanted to make sure.

"I missed you so much, thank you for the surprise it was really really nice."

Looking up at Ryder as she hears his voice Thirteen couldn't help but smile. She'd been giving his space, but trying to help him as much as she could at the same time. She felt bad he still wasn't at his best and she hated seeing him in pain though it did make her feel good being able to take care of him for once and not the other way around.

"Hey Babe. I was wondering when I'd see you. You should have called I would of..."

Being cut off by the door bell Thirteen sits up a little straighter on the couch. It was unusual for people to knock on the door specially this time of the day. Just waiting Thirteen trys to listen but can't hear anything but Ryder talking. His tone sounded calm, so everything must be ok.

Turning back to look at the TV again Thirteen starts up the move once more but stops as she hears Ryder call to her. There was someone at the door? For her? Who would be coming to see her?

Standing slowly Thirteen comes into the other room cautiously. She new Ryder would never let anyone hurt her but still she was a little leery. Coming into the other room and looking twords the door. Seeing Trent standing there Thirteen was a bit surprised but soon the surprise turns into a large smile on her face as she comes over to the door and brings her arms around his neck and gives him a hug.

"Dad...it's good to see you. I didn't even know you were going to be in the area."

Letting go and bringing her hand down to his Thirteen locks her fingers with his and tugs a little bit to bring him inside. Bringing him to the living room Thirteen sits down on the couch with her eyes just twinkling.

"So, how have you been? How is everyone?"

Following Rick into Reese office Misty was happy they got to talk to him now before this could sit on everyone minds even longer. It was already bothering Misty a lot not being able to tell anyone.

Getting into the office and sitting down in one of the chairs. Just listing to Rick explain everything to Reese she was happy he was doing that because she had a hard enough time trying to explain it to Rick. But putting in a little here and there she did get a few thoughts in.

Once the conversation comes to a close Misty gives a nod of her head. She agreed that if anyone found out about this she would want it to be from there mouths.

"Yes, I'll stay but I also suggest if we are going to tell Jason we might want to keep Katie close just in case we need her."

Pulling up to the Chinese place and seeing Ariel waiting outside Trey gives a smile. Looking to Pete he was thankful his friend said he would drive him because he wasn't busy. It hadn't even been as hard as he though to convince him either.

"Thank for driving me man. You don't have to worry about picking me back up. I'll find a way home."

Giving his friend a nod he opens the door and gets out. Walking around the the car and sticking his hands in his pockets walking over to Ariel. His jeans a little on the baggy side, and his button up shirt nicely tucked in.

"Hey, Sorry I'm late. I had to make sure no one was around to try and knock my lights out."

Trey can't help the smile that slipped across his lip his eyes dancing with mischief. He was only joking around the hole ordeal last night was almost forgotten but he couldn't let Ariel off thats easy.

"How are you doing today?"

Hearing Dylan's voice Dan looks up from his work and gives a smile to his young friend. Dylan had been doing rather good here, and had been opening up little but little even if it was just to himself and Sapphire it was a start.

"Hey there Dylan."

Seeing his friend had something more to say Dan starts brushing the horse again but keeps his attchen to Dylan again. Hearing he had told his dad about everything Dan smiles a little and stops his work again giving a nod to Dylan.

"I am proud of you Dylan and your welcome. Thats what friends are for right? If you ever need anything all you have to do is ask. Want to help be finish brushing Commit?"

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